This week has been about old friends and new friends. In both cases, catching up has been the theme. Of course with old friends, you assume that this would be part of reconnecting. A fun surprise is when you meet someone new, and you have that same sense of knowing each other from before… and that you are now getting caught up on each other’s life.

My friend Mary, who is visiting from L.A., has been an important part of my life for 30 years. She is the type of friend who when we get together, it can be annoying for others who are around us, because we have so many shared, seemingly random experiences that bring out the foolishness in us… And no one else gets the vague reference or WHY it is so hilarious! (quoting lines from “The Princess Bride”???).

At the same time, this is one of those relationships that continue to grow and mature together. We certainly have fond memories from years ago, however, we are still creating new ones too. We bring each other up-to-date, and then begin to play in the present.

Then there are new friends like Carolyn Ford and her partner Ron, who just brought the Ancient Crystal Skull “Einstein” to Storm Wisdom for the first time. We have talked on the phone, had a couple of brief group encounters… And then, in this first visit, both have the sensation that we have known each others for years. People use the expression “kindred spirits” a lot to describe this sensation of meeting someone anew, and yet already knowing them at the Soul level.

Two different types of catching up… The same kind of ease and fun! I hope you are surrounded by friends both old and new… And that you are eternally “catching up”!