Just Because

I saw a cartoon recently that said “I could really use a glass of wine.., and a million dollars!” I can SO relate! I suppose most of us can. However there is something different for me these days. Not different from others, but different from how it use to be for me. In the past, if I had a fantasy of coming into a lot of money, my thoughts revolved around how I would change my life. How I would do things in a different way. These days I LOVE what I am doing.., and if I had more money, I would do more of what I am already doing. That is a really cool insight for someone who was always chasing the dime toward the unknown next! It is an ideal way to know I am on the right track! I am also aware that this longing for more is its own form of resistance. That somehow viewing the future with hopes for more than what already is, sends a message to the Universe that I am dancing with a barrier that feels more real, than my ability to open up and receive. Receiving is harder for most of us than we realize. We were raised with the beliefs that you have to earn, prove or be deserving of those things you desire. There are many things wrong with the energies associated with these beliefs, but none more problematic than that they are perpetual! Think about it for a moment. Once you begin the process of “proving” yourself; when does it stop? The same is true for earning...

A Comfortable Pair of Slippers!

We’re in the middle of a month of back-to-back house guests. Family and friends who are taking advantage of the beautiful weather here in Arizona, before we ascend into 3 months of triple digit temperatures! What I notice the most about hosting our guests, is how content I am to do very little! I am okay with conversation, sitting outside in the shade, eating good food, watching television and taking naps! Oh yes… NAPS! Pure joy these days! Our first guests were quite a bit younger than me. They googled things to do, explored, took off on mini adventures. I began to wonder about the ‘me’ who used to do the same thing. The me who wanted to see what the city offered, explored the sites and experienced the local attractions! Where did that version of me go? Am I simply old and boring now? Was I missing out on something? The answer is a resounding NO! I love the ease of life. I love being in my own space. I cherish our routines. So, to someone else it may appear boring. To me it feels satisfying! I guess this is a slight build off of my last post about feeling blessed and having an amazing life. I am not searching for anything to make it right, or better, or enough. It is already those things. I remember a time when I was searching for happiness outside of myself. When I thought how I dressed, what I drove, where I traveled to, or some ‘thing’ I purchased was going to complete me. I don’t regret any of those things, they...

In This Together

For the past few days, I’ve noticed my approach to life is a bit of a cliche! It seems when someone asks me ‘how things are going?’, my first response is ‘amazing’, ‘wonderful’, ‘couldn’t be better’, or something along those lines. Then my thoughts start spinning and I begin to examine that statement and want to make sure I am speaking the truth! Is there anything that ISN’T wonderful? Am I dealing with anything that someone would consider ‘less than amazing’? For a long time, I thought I was being thorough. Weighing the pros and cons. Keeping myself honest. However today.., it feels like it is simpler than that! I am a Libra! Hello!! Balance much? Just what I have always wanted (NOT!).., to be a stereotype! But I guess the good news is that when we recognize that we have a tendency or proclivity towards something, we can begin to change it! My life IS amazing! And it IS cause for celebration. There is no need to look around to find anything that might feel limiting, challenging or taxing. Those things can actually co-exist with ‘wonderful’! There is no need to find something to balance ‘awesome’! I know there must be some other Libra out there who know what I mean by this… But how about the other signs of the zodiac? Do you have a natural tendency that influences how you look at life? Does it ever feel ‘cosmic’ to you? The funny part about this for me is realizing that I have been holding this as a strength! Something that I developed. Critical or analytical thinking....

Casey & Brian – No Stress!

My niece Casey and Brian her new husband are visiting this week.  A getaway vacation and honeymoon all rolled into one!  And although she has been here once, it is Brian’s first visit.  Their lives are so different than mine, which a lot of that has to do with the age difference.  But there is also raising a blended family with three boys all around 4 to 5 years old! That is something that I cannot even begin to imagine. We’re having a lot of fun and interesting conversations.  But the one that really stands out for me is about stress! Casey mentioned that she gets headaches a lot.  She’s not sure why.., but they occur almost daily.  Brian say it was probably stress.  However, from Casey’s perspective her life is low stress. I am inclined to agree with Brian! What is interesting is how we all minimize the stress in our own lives, even though it appears to be so easy to see it other people’s lives.  Raising kids has to be stressful and they don’t even have to be in the same room or house with you!  Oh and BTW.., it doesn’t go away when they turn 18!  Every parent I know still worries about their children, regardless of how old their kids are.  The parents may hold back their opinions, insights or guidance (unless asked for!).., but that doesn’t mean they don’t have them. Then besides raising kids, we have partners or spouses, parents, siblings, relatives and friends who most of us are invested in or worry about.  Jobs, money, health, and relationships.  Yet, because these are...

Divinely Different!

One morning this week, as I was enjoying my morning coffee outside, I realized I was contemplating a large tree that holds court in the back corner of our yard.  As I thought about it, I realized that it wasn’t even here when we moved in 13 years ago! Instead, in its place, there was a beautiful, gigantic ocotillo!  It was the biggest ocotillo I have ever seen, about 20ft tall and thick!  It would have taken 10 people with arms spread wide to surround this beautiful desert plant!  And when it was in bloom, with its intense orange tops it looked like the whole thing was on fire! It was gorgeous!  After we had lived here for about a year, I noticed a small branch with a few leaves on it, sticking out of the ocotillo at eye level.  Because of the thickness of the ocotillo, I couldn’t see where it was coming from… So I asked our landscape guy about it.  He said a small tree had taken root in the center of the gigantic plant. I asked him if he could take it out?   He indicated that they would have to destroy such a big piece of the ocotillo to get it out, that the ocotillo would never look the same.  Apparently, if you cut away part of one of these plants, it doesn’t grow back the same as it was before. I decided to let nature take its course.  The desert can be harsh on plants. I assumed that the tree, which is deciduous, would probably never survive.  I imagined that the ocotillo was so...

My Greatest Teachers

It’s hard to believe we are only a couple of weeks away from celebrating our sixth anniversary!  It is sneaking up on me!  I am not sure where time has gone!  Like any milestone, this one has me feeling reflective, with a dose of wonder! One of the amazing things about working at a place like Storm Wisdom, is that it stretches you.  It helps you to look deeper within.  It allows you to confront limitations, fears and out-dated beliefs.  At the same time, access to inner guidance, intuitive knowing and updated preferences are enhanced.  You can’t spend time here and not know yourself better. This is true for many of the people who frequent this place on a regular basis too.  They are changed by the experience of having a place to lean in.  Lean in when they are searching for clarity.  Lean in when they have something new to share.  Perhaps a new awareness, skill or technique to live more from the heart.  A place where who they are and what they are creating can be imagined and explored. It is also a place to build community, friendships, support networks and allies.  This are some of the attributes of Storm Wisdom that I am grateful for today. When I think about how and where we started, I think of how clueless I was about what I was getting myself into… AND, how I had idealized this idea of creating a Spiritual Oasis or Center for Intentional Living, even when I had no idea what I was doing!  I think they call that ‘ego’! I would imagine that...

Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

Have you ever felt like you were a fish hooked and fighting for your life? It sounds dramatic, but when you are caught up in the struggle and drama of someone else’s narrative and you are fighting for your own perspective; that is how it feels! This is not my normal way of operating or even the kind of situation I have a lot of experience with… Yet, right now, I have several of them going on all at the same time! So I know it is cosmic or an important opportunity for something new to emerge. Right now, ALL of the situations I am thinking of have to do with money. Investments going south. Situations changing without any input from me or some of the other people involved. Someone else working hard to have things their way, at my expense. It kinda sucks! When we first encounter these disruptions in our world, they feel isolated. Each one is approached, evaluated and addressed as if it is unique. At least that is how it is for me. I become aware that something is happening, I feel threatened, I start to resist and look at how to keep things the way they were before I got hooked. But the more I resist, the deeper the hook goes! Now I am in a fight for my life. Or at least, that is how it feels while I am trying to tug my way to freedom. Then another (similar) situation is added to the mix and it feels overwhelming. My logical mind attempts to figure it out. I spend a lot of...

In the Flow

I have always had mixed feeling about the “Law of Attraction” and the messages that are promoted by movies like “The Secret” and books that are based on this concept. On one hand, I completely relate to the idea that we attract the same sort of people, situations and experiences that are aligned with what we project through our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs. If we think the world is against us and life is an uphill battle… we always find ourselves at the bottom of a perceived mountain. On the other, if we see the world as a friendly place to live, with opportunities all around us; we experience the synchronicity of happy people and new adventures. At the same time, I feel like it is important to move in the direction of whatever it is that you want to create. So if you are going to visualize making more money, than you have to do more than just sit and imagine it. You also have to start taking steps in that direction. This is how the Universe aligns and creates the multiple opportunities that will allow money to flow towards us. It hones in on our own movement or intentions. NOW.., I have another new insight. Mind you, I am not saying this is an original thought that has never been expressed before. It is that all of a sudden ‘I’ get it. Instead of using my personal intentions and magic to create, actualize and manifest more money, business, friends, health, travel or adventure; it’s more productive for me to start creating, actualizing and becoming the ‘me’...

The Ripple Effect

By the time you read this Gisela, Victoria and Stephanie will have completed the second 3-day weekend in the ‘Artistry of Channeling’ workshop series.  They will have shared this amazing experience with me!  And I am thrilled for what this means for all of us! We have all been part of the Storm Wisdom family for almost 6 years.  We have shared experiences along the way.  From personal events in each of our lives, to celebrations or events.  Yet for the most part, we have come together with unique backgrounds, interests and areas of focus.  Each one of them.., and this includes Millie, are trained in multiple modalities or traditions.  Each one of them has taken their unique experience and crafted a unique offering motivated by their passions and interests.  And they share and collaborate with each other (and me!). But this is new!  To me it feels like we are taking our connection to a whole new level.  Simply because we have been immersed in this life altering program with one another.  We have shared the same experiences, heard the same messages and insights, been part of a process that asks us to look deep inside, and then find our personal connection to the energetic field, universal mind, morphogenic field, what ever you want to call it.., and give it voice. I can only imagine how this will shift the conversations we are having with one another.  And as we share our stories and processes with Millie, to bring her along for the ride.., she too will be shifted and changed.  There is a depth that we will...

Not Ashamed to Say It!

It’s funny, I have been resisting writing today, which is not normal for me. I love my Sunday morning ritual of coffee and processing the experiences of the previous week. But this past week I have been focusing on shifting and shedding the energies of SHAME! So how interesting to notice that I don’t even want to share my experience with you. Because somehow, if I was really evolved, there would be no shame in my life! Shame implies something bad, something wrong, something about me. I feel shame for having shame! Guess that means I am looking in the right place!! When I first started looking at shame as an area of focus, my first thought was “I’m not someone who walks around feeling shame.., why would I look here?” But when I slow it down and just sit with it, I realize shame is insidious. It doesn’t just manifest as glaring and obvious. Sometimes it is a whisper that comes from a place deep inside of us that no longer is part of our conscious thoughts. Quiet, yet crippling. For me, it manifests a lot whenever I feel like someone might perceive me in a way that isn’t “nice”. As someone who spent a great deal of my adult life trying to be all things to all people, the weight of performing for the sake of others, eventually became to overwhelming. I had to let that crap go! And yet, as much as I know I have come a long way in being authentic and true to myself, I am still confronted with situations where I get...

Amor De Baile

Last night, all of us from Storm Wisdom went to “Amor De Baile” a music and dance celebration that was produced by Yumi La Rosa. If you have been to previous anniversary celebrations here at Storm Wisdom, you have probably experienced and enjoyed Yumi’s beautiful Flamenco. It is breathtaking! As I watched last night’s performances, I couldn’t help but marvel at the passion, dedication and mastery of these musicians and dancers. From the very young (4 years old and adorable) to those in the Sage years of their lives, they were beautiful and inspiring. In the second half of the show, the masters of music and dance mesmerized the audience. There was a guitar solo by Misael Barraza Diaz, that transported us to another world, with layers of music and harmony so subtle and succinct, that I had to keep reminding myself that there was only one instrument being played. And the dancers, including Yumi La Rosa, Jose Antonio Fernandez ‘Tachu’, Adriana Hohl and Martin Gaxiola were stunning. Such precision, blended with such passion. Their footwork appeared to be an impossible feat. I was watching and listening and still don’t know how they did it! Beauty, elegance, masculinity, femininity, intensity and joy were showcased perfectly. I continue to replay each piece in my mind, inspired by their commitment to their art. It really made me think about passion. There are so many thing in our lives that we enjoy, embrace, experiment with or simply do that bring us pleasure or satisfaction. But when there is passion, it is taken to a new level! Passion when defined as “a strong or...

BE the Change

Doesn’t it feel as if life is more complex these days? At least compared to how it use to feel. I am not talking about our personal day-to-day activities or circumstances, but the global world we live in. Everywhere you look it seems we are at odds with one another. Many groups of people feel as if they are under attack, and regardless of which side you take, someone feels threatened! If you support marriage equality you feel under attack by right-wing Christians; who feel like their beliefs are being threatened. If your position is gun-rights, you feel under attack by those who want legislation to restrict purchases. And those wanting the controls and limitations feel threatened and unsafe based on the incidents of gun violence around them. There are hundreds of these scenarios. Pick a topic and you will find the for and against. Even something as simple as music. I was watching a video online the other day of a couple of guys singing a mash-up of two songs at the same time. I thought it was well done, so I shared it. Then I went to write a comment on their post saying “thanks”, only do discover a whole thread of comments expressing likes and dislikes. Awful things were said, and complete strangers, whose only connection was a song on the Internet were insulting and demeaning one another. I have to admit I was a bit stunned. How is this something that we would trash or belittle? Why would we insult someone for singing a song?  Regardless of how well or how poorly it is done; it...

Something to Celebrate.

Life is feeling rich and full right now!  I am participating in “The Artistry of Channeling” series being lead by Annie Bossingham and Samuel one of the collective energies she channels.  I have been looking forward to this for months and I am thrilled it is finally here. This is the same program I participated in a year ago.  So in someways I was curious about how it would be the second time around.  Last year when I signed up I wasn’t attached one way or the other to the idea of vocal channeling.  I knew the class would be expansive and fun (based on what I knew about Annie), however, I guess I thought that even if I had the experience of being able to connect with and vocally channel an entity, I wasn’t sure it was something I would continue doing; just because it didn’t appear to be something that would hold my interest. Well… It has been so much fun and such an amazing personal learning experience, that it is one of my favorite ways to navigate my spiritual journey. BUT… I also wondered… “What will it be like participating in a workshop that teaches you about channeling; when you are already doing that?”   Well the answer is, it is a completely different experience.  Mainly because “I” am completely different than I was a year ago!  So, even though I am hearing many of the same concepts and ideas and most of the materials are the same; I hear it in a new way.  It affects me in a different way.  It feels like a brand...

Beliefs – Making Alterations!

This has been another week of interesting conversations. It seems as if they have covered the whole spectrum. Yet what stands out the most for me, is what we each choose to believe. Clients and friends have talked to me about ETs, Angels, Chem-trails, crop circles, government mind control, wars created by religion, and just about anything you could imagine. I myself have been talking a bit about channeling. These are all topics that we can get passionate about IF we have strong beliefs about them. And it is this idea of beliefs that has been the thread that connects these conversations for me. Many times when someone becomes dogmatic about a topic, it is a turn-off for me. I love to hear their perspective and understand what influences them. However, when they try to convince me that I should believe the same things as they do.., then it becomes tiresome. Most of the situations I found myself in this week were NOT that. They were simply sharing their own insights and what they believe. What if you are part alien? What if the government is using television as mind-control? What if there are chemicals being sprayed in the air to shift our climate or alter our DNA? What if someone is trying to place a curse on you? If we believe something, then it affects our lives.  If I believe the deck is stacked against me. It is. If I believe I am susceptible to a disease. I am.  If I believe the government is hiding secrets about Area 51 and aleins.., then it’s true; for me. My point...

Forget How

I find myself day-dreaming, envisioning and imagining something new. It’s as if it has already started to materialize. I can’t stop thinking about it. What may have started out as a simple idea or ‘what if’ – all of a sudden keeps invading my thoughts. It is becoming more real, yet there is nothing actually happening in the physical. Still, I am moving in the direction of this new thing! Does this happen to you? Do you find yourself being energetically pulled into your next new future? Here is the thing that I have to remind myself; this may be part of my future… I just don’t know how, when or where it will happen. I need to let this unfold. AND what I think it is or will be is just a concept. The truth is it could look very different than what I am currently imagining. I know this, because I have had this experience before. Many times! Many people know my story of deciding to create Storm Wisdom. I was looking at a space with and for Fito; as he wanted to start his own Real Estate/Property Management company. (Which he did called “Wise Choice Properties”!!!) As we looked through the window to view this space, I heard “It’s for You”. After a short internal dialog in my head.., I turned to my husband and said “I think I am quitting my job and starting my own business”. What most people don’t know is that for six months, I envisioned, imagined and planned to open this new business in the location where I got this strong...

Forget How

I find myself day-dreaming, envisioning and imagining something new. It’s as if it has already started to materialize. I can’t stop thinking about it. What may have started out as a simple idea or ‘what if’ – all of a sudden keeps invading my thoughts. It is becoming more real, yet there is nothing actually happening in the physical. Still, I am moving in the direction of this new thing! Does this happen to you? Do you find yourself being energetically pulled into your next new future? Here is the thing that I have to remind myself; this may be part of my future… I just don’t know how, when or where it will happen. I need to let this unfold. AND what I think it is or will be is just a concept. The truth is it could look very different than what I am currently imagining. I know this, because I have had this experience before. Many times! Many people know my story of deciding to create Storm Wisdom. I was looking at a space with and for Fito; as he wanted to start his own Real Estate/Property Management company. (Which he did called “Wise Choice Properties”!!!) As we looked through the window to view this space, I heard “It’s for You”. After a short internal dialog in my head.., I turned to my husband and said “I think I am quitting my job and starting my own business”. What most people don’t know is that for six months, I envisioned, imagined and planned to open this new business in the location where I got this strong...

Rock Booty

There is an interesting phenomenon that happens every year at this time. For anyone who loves crystals, stones and minerals, this is an amazing time to be in Arizona! The Rock Shows in Quartzite start the beginning of the year and run though most of January. Mesa Community College has a weekend rock show mid-month that is always fun. And finally, the Tucson Gem and Mineral show runs through the first two weeks in February. This final show is the largest in the world and boasts over 18,000 vendors all over the city! There is no way you could see the whole thing, even if you went every day! For Rock Hounds it is the ultimate adventure! I love going to the Gem Show. In fact, if you are reading this on Monday morning, picture me wandering around among the tents, hotel rooms and tables filled with specimens from around the world! If you have the slightest interest in crystals… GO! It is an amazing and fun experience. Don’t worry about having a plan or where to start… Driving down I-10, when you hit Tucson, you will see plenty of signs or banners on both sides of the freeway. Stop anywhere, enjoy what you find and then pick up one of the many guides. You’ll never see it all anyway… so just enjoy what you find! You will be able to get AMAZING deals! Which brings me to the second part of this newsletter. EVERY year since we opened, folks come in to the store to share with me their stories of great deals, ridiculously low prices and one-of-a-kind...

Rock Booty

There is an interesting phenomenon that happens every year at this time. For anyone who loves crystals, stones and minerals, this is an amazing time to be in Arizona! The Rock Shows in Quartzite start the beginning of the year and run though most of January. Mesa Community College has a weekend rock show mid-month that is always fun. And finally, the Tucson Gem and Mineral show runs through the first two weeks in February. This final show is the largest in the world and boasts over 18,000 vendors all over the city! There is no way you could see the whole thing, even if you went every day! For Rock Hounds it is the ultimate adventure! I love going to the Gem Show. In fact, if you are reading this on Monday morning, picture me wandering around among the tents, hotel rooms and tables filled with specimens from around the world! If you have the slightest interest in crystals… GO! It is an amazing and fun experience. Don’t worry about having a plan or where to start… Driving down I-10, when you hit Tucson, you will see plenty of signs or banners on both sides of the freeway. Stop anywhere, enjoy what you find and then pick up one of the many guides. You’ll never see it all anyway… so just enjoy what you find! You will be able to get AMAZING deals! Which brings me to the second part of this newsletter. EVERY year since we opened, folks come in to the store to share with me their stories of great deals, ridiculously low prices and one-of-a-kind...

Almost – A Potent Teacher

Last night, Fito and I had dinner with another couple at their home.  And almost immediately, we were talking about our plans for retirement.  At one point I told one of our hosts that lately it seems like all of the conversations I am having, have to do with retirement or health!  An obvious indicator that I am getting older! Sometimes I wonder how this could have happened so fast!  It seems like just yesterday I was immortal!  Or at least I walked around feeling as if this life would never end.  And of course to top it all off, there is this whole twisted concept of life experience.  You know.., “I wish I knew then, what I know now!” It seems as if Life is playing tricks on me! And yet there is beauty to this aging process.  It feels like I am just beginning to get a sense of it. Maybe it is how the drive or demand for things to look and feel a certain way begins to diminish.  The willingness to accept things as they are versus how we think they should be.  It is as if we begin to see how life responds to and for us, based on our thoughts and feelings. When I was younger the world revolved around me, because my ego demanded it.  Every situation, challenge or reward was assessed based on whether or not it was aligned with, supported or screwed with my personal plans!  My reaction or response was based on how attached I was to either getting or losing that ‘thing’.  And of course, it felt like...

Almost – A Potent Teacher

Last night, Fito and I had dinner with another couple at their home.  And almost immediately, we were talking about our plans for retirement.  At one point I told one of our hosts that lately it seems like all of the conversations I am having, have to do with retirement or health!  An obvious indicator that I am getting older! Sometimes I wonder how this could have happened so fast!  It seems like just yesterday I was immortal!  Or at least I walked around feeling as if this life would never end.  And of course to top it all off, there is this whole twisted concept of life experience.  You know.., “I wish I knew then, what I know now!” It seems as if Life is playing tricks on me! And yet there is beauty to this aging process.  It feels like I am just beginning to get a sense of it. Maybe it is how the drive or demand for things to look and feel a certain way begins to diminish.  The willingness to accept things as they are versus how we think they should be.  It is as if we begin to see how life responds to and for us, based on our thoughts and feelings. When I was younger the world revolved around me, because my ego demanded it.  Every situation, challenge or reward was assessed based on whether or not it was aligned with, supported or screwed with my personal plans!  My reaction or response was based on how attached I was to either getting or losing that ‘thing’.  And of course, it felt like...

The Conundrum of the Dos and Don’ts

Have you ever noticed how sometimes the do’s and don’ts of life seem to be in conflict with one another? It is one of the traps I find myself in quite frequently. I go back and forth internally about how to balance or accommodate both. Here is my example. We all have situations that come up that upset us. Maybe they make us mad or we feel offended. Perhaps we feel shamed or dissed (dismissed or disrespected). Regardless these situations trigger an emotional response for us. So then we are confronted with the conflicting do’s and don’ts. For many of us we are taught that we are suppose to turn the other cheek. Or, maybe in our pursuit of personal and spiritual growth we are told that we create our own reality and it is all a reflection… So we should look for and find the Love and Light in these situations. What is the lesson? The idea being that we are suppose to be positive and take the high road. Spiritual people are always kind and loving.., these situations shouldn’t bother us, because we are more evolved than that. At the same time, we are also taught that unexpressed emotions and repetitive thoughts that are unresolved cause stress and are stored in the physical body. Over time, the pattern of storing these unexpressed emotions or thought patterns become denser and create blockages with the systems of the body. They are the cause of many of our ailments and/or illnesses.., or at least they make us more susceptible to disease. So, this inquiring mind wants to know: If we...

The Conundrum of the Dos and Don'ts

Have you ever noticed how sometimes the do’s and don’ts of life seem to be in conflict with one another? It is one of the traps I find myself in quite frequently. I go back and forth internally about how to balance or accommodate both. Here is my example. We all have situations that come up that upset us. Maybe they make us mad or we feel offended. Perhaps we feel shamed or dissed (dismissed or disrespected). Regardless these situations trigger an emotional response for us. So then we are confronted with the conflicting do’s and don’ts. For many of us we are taught that we are suppose to turn the other cheek. Or, maybe in our pursuit of personal and spiritual growth we are told that we create our own reality and it is all a reflection… So we should look for and find the Love and Light in these situations. What is the lesson? The idea being that we are suppose to be positive and take the high road. Spiritual people are always kind and loving.., these situations shouldn’t bother us, because we are more evolved than that. At the same time, we are also taught that unexpressed emotions and repetitive thoughts that are unresolved cause stress and are stored in the physical body. Over time, the pattern of storing these unexpressed emotions or thought patterns become denser and create blockages with the systems of the body. They are the cause of many of our ailments and/or illnesses.., or at least they make us more susceptible to disease. So, this inquiring mind wants to know: If we...

Soul’s Purpose

I read a quote recently that said “We don’t create what we want, we create what we believe” (author unknown).  Which I immediately thought seems right to me.  But then, I started thinking about how creating and actualizing seems to work for me. First of all, let me just say and own upfront, that like you, I have thousands of random thoughts per day.  Many of them come and go so quickly, that I am barely aware they hit my mind’s radar-screen.  But then there are others that ‘stand out’. I begin to get ideas or thoughts of something I want to create.  Then I wonder where that thought came from.  I begin to analyze this idea and try to figure it out.  Is this really something I want to create or is it simply one of MANY ideas that will never get any traction.   I mean we have to prioritize these things right?  If we tried to create everything that our minds conjure up, we would never sleep and it would require multiple lifetimes. But for now, I have this bright idea.  I begin to imagine what it would look like.  I start to question and doubt it.  A mental ‘pros and cons’ process begins.  I likely decide it is something I should focus on later.., maybe never. But then after a few days, another version of the same idea, desire or concept presents itself.  Maybe it is a slightly refined concept or an answer to one of the perplexing issues that had me put this brilliant idea on the back burner.  Either way, I find myself...

Soul's Purpose

I read a quote recently that said “We don’t create what we want, we create what we believe” (author unknown).  Which I immediately thought seems right to me.  But then, I started thinking about how creating and actualizing seems to work for me. First of all, let me just say and own upfront, that like you, I have thousands of random thoughts per day.  Many of them come and go so quickly, that I am barely aware they hit my mind’s radar-screen.  But then there are others that ‘stand out’. I begin to get ideas or thoughts of something I want to create.  Then I wonder where that thought came from.  I begin to analyze this idea and try to figure it out.  Is this really something I want to create or is it simply one of MANY ideas that will never get any traction.   I mean we have to prioritize these things right?  If we tried to create everything that our minds conjure up, we would never sleep and it would require multiple lifetimes. But for now, I have this bright idea.  I begin to imagine what it would look like.  I start to question and doubt it.  A mental ‘pros and cons’ process begins.  I likely decide it is something I should focus on later.., maybe never. But then after a few days, another version of the same idea, desire or concept presents itself.  Maybe it is a slightly refined concept or an answer to one of the perplexing issues that had me put this brilliant idea on the back burner.  Either way, I find myself...

Matter is formed by what we make matter.

We are all magicians whose greatest skill is creating our own lives. Most of the time it seems as if we are being moved along through time and the circumstances of our lives inevitably. We begin to believe we are simply responding to what shows up. In reality we are the ones who are making it all up! We decide what happens; who participates; where our journey will lead us and how it turns out. It is a moment-by-moment creation. We create each new moment based on where we place our focus and intention. We influence the circumstances of our journey by what or who we give weight or attention. We are writing our script and story-boarding the screenplay. We determine the type of feature film our entire life will represent. We are magicians in motion; constantly creating. We are so absorbed in what we are creating, we get lost and begin to feel as if we are simply “one” of the characters we created. The people, locations, circumstances and situations feel so real, it appears they have the control! We are so masterful, we forget it is our creation. Add to this billions of others on this planet, who are also creating their own reality; many who want us to have a featured role in their creations. And suddenly you realize – there’s a LOT of magic happening all around us! One of the things I have been aware of these past few months is how things change when I shift my focus. There have been situations, that in the past, seemed heavy or arduous. I was giving...

Matter is formed by what we make matter.

We are all magicians whose greatest skill is creating our own lives. Most of the time it seems as if we are being moved along through time and the circumstances of our lives inevitably. We begin to believe we are simply responding to what shows up. In reality we are the ones who are making it all up! We decide what happens; who participates; where our journey will lead us and how it turns out. It is a moment-by-moment creation. We create each new moment based on where we place our focus and intention. We influence the circumstances of our journey by what or who we give weight or attention. We are writing our script and story-boarding the screenplay. We determine the type of feature film our entire life will represent. We are magicians in motion; constantly creating. We are so absorbed in what we are creating, we get lost and begin to feel as if we are simply “one” of the characters we created. The people, locations, circumstances and situations feel so real, it appears they have the control! We are so masterful, we forget it is our creation. Add to this billions of others on this planet, who are also creating their own reality; many who want us to have a featured role in their creations. And suddenly you realize – there’s a LOT of magic happening all around us! One of the things I have been aware of these past few months is how things change when I shift my focus. There have been situations, that in the past, seemed heavy or arduous. I was giving...

Soda Lessons

Diet soda taught me a lesson this week! Actually, Diet Pepsi! You see, for years I drank a TON of Diet Pepsi. It was common for me to consume six cans of diet soda each day. Plus a refillable fountain drink at lunchtime. I drank a lot of soda! After years of this, I began to hear about all the trouble this causes for our bodies. Weight gain and the long term affects of Aspartame. Not to mention the expense! I decided I wanted/needed to give it up! So I did. The first time for a few weeks. The next time a few days. Eventually I gave it up for several months. Yet each time, it seemed I would end up going back to it. Each time I started drinking Diet Pepsi again, I felt like I had failed. Drinking soda again meant I didn’t have willpower, I was not good at making a commitment, I was weak. I was bad. These are the messages I would tell myself. Flash forward and now it has been several years for me. It is not something I crave or even think about. The last time I was somewhere and it was the only option to drink, I tried it.., and for the life of me, couldn’t figure out how I ever drank it in the first place. This week I was reminded of this old behavior… But even more important, I remembered how harsh I was on myself when I didn’t achieve my goal of stopping the behavior. Yet, once I did stop, I never acknowledged the success! Why would I...

Soda Lessons

Diet soda taught me a lesson this week! Actually, Diet Pepsi! You see, for years I drank a TON of Diet Pepsi. It was common for me to consume six cans of diet soda each day. Plus a refillable fountain drink at lunchtime. I drank a lot of soda! After years of this, I began to hear about all the trouble this causes for our bodies. Weight gain and the long term affects of Aspartame. Not to mention the expense! I decided I wanted/needed to give it up! So I did. The first time for a few weeks. The next time a few days. Eventually I gave it up for several months. Yet each time, it seemed I would end up going back to it. Each time I started drinking Diet Pepsi again, I felt like I had failed. Drinking soda again meant I didn’t have willpower, I was not good at making a commitment, I was weak. I was bad. These are the messages I would tell myself. Flash forward and now it has been several years for me. It is not something I crave or even think about. The last time I was somewhere and it was the only option to drink, I tried it.., and for the life of me, couldn’t figure out how I ever drank it in the first place. This week I was reminded of this old behavior… But even more important, I remembered how harsh I was on myself when I didn’t achieve my goal of stopping the behavior. Yet, once I did stop, I never acknowledged the success! Why would I...

Right on Queue

Over the past few months I have written on more than one occasion about letting go of the need to ‘pursue’ enlightenment, awareness, awakening, expansion, higher consciousness or whatever else one might call the goal of personal or spiritual growth. This of course is also prefaced by the distinction that I am talking about the pursuit of something (or anything!) that will fix me, make me complete or somehow comes from an energetic place of “less than”. You see, many of us are hungry to connect with the more spiritual aspects of our lives. Which at least for me, means connecting with our Highest-self; our own internal compass and guidance. It means ensuring that we rely and trust this internal knowing more than anything that is external to us! Spirituality is about sensing, feeling and knowing our connection to everything around us. To All-That-Is. For me, what I started to realize is that I became addicted to the pursuit. When I first started participating in retreats, workshops, classes and experiences that were designed to connect us with this deeper relationship with Self, I was so moved and enlivened, that all I could think of was wanting more! Being someone who loves to learn, this pursuit was intoxicating. Not only was I learning about tools, practices, techniques and methods for connecting with my intuition and the ability to sense and experience the energies of people, places and things. I was uncovering old and usually limiting beliefs that no longer felt right for me. I began to identify emotional blocks that had been securely anchored; that now wanted to be released....

Right on Queue

Over the past few months I have written on more than one occasion about letting go of the need to ‘pursue’ enlightenment, awareness, awakening, expansion, higher consciousness or whatever else one might call the goal of personal or spiritual growth. This of course is also prefaced by the distinction that I am talking about the pursuit of something (or anything!) that will fix me, make me complete or somehow comes from an energetic place of “less than”. You see, many of us are hungry to connect with the more spiritual aspects of our lives. Which at least for me, means connecting with our Highest-self; our own internal compass and guidance. It means ensuring that we rely and trust this internal knowing more than anything that is external to us! Spirituality is about sensing, feeling and knowing our connection to everything around us. To All-That-Is. For me, what I started to realize is that I became addicted to the pursuit. When I first started participating in retreats, workshops, classes and experiences that were designed to connect us with this deeper relationship with Self, I was so moved and enlivened, that all I could think of was wanting more! Being someone who loves to learn, this pursuit was intoxicating. Not only was I learning about tools, practices, techniques and methods for connecting with my intuition and the ability to sense and experience the energies of people, places and things. I was uncovering old and usually limiting beliefs that no longer felt right for me. I began to identify emotional blocks that had been securely anchored; that now wanted to be released....

Where the Real Change Happens

I get a lot of feedback on my weekly blog/newsletter… Most of the time it is positive and encouraging. This past week, I received the following e-mail: “Hello, In case no one has told you your e-mails and letters use to be so uplifting. Sorry to say I just don’t even read them anymore! They are just a downer! Not this one it’s been the last few months! Hope things get better for YOU!” It took me a little bit by surprise, because, I was not aware that my weekly musings had taken a downward turn in terms of tone or content. So I sat with it for a couple of days trying to absorb any truth that was there and to let anything go that didn’t feel like it was mine to own. It got me thinking about the past few months and what might, in some subtle or undetectable way, be influencing the way I communicate my experience(s). I have been feeling blessed and amazed by my life, most of the time. Yet, there is also some confusion, discomfort and even awkwardness that is occurring! You see, in the past (50 years!) I have looked to the circumstances of my life to figure out what was or needed to change, shift or was simply “going to hell in a hand basket”! I can’t tell you how many times I moved or changed jobs; started or stopped a relationship; lost weight, gained weight or began to focus on health or let myself go. When I sensed the need for change or it felt like I was in transition;...

Where the Real Change Happens

I get a lot of feedback on my weekly blog/newsletter… Most of the time it is positive and encouraging. This past week, I received the following e-mail: “Hello, In case no one has told you your e-mails and letters use to be so uplifting. Sorry to say I just don’t even read them anymore! They are just a downer! Not this one it’s been the last few months! Hope things get better for YOU!” It took me a little bit by surprise, because, I was not aware that my weekly musings had taken a downward turn in terms of tone or content. So I sat with it for a couple of days trying to absorb any truth that was there and to let anything go that didn’t feel like it was mine to own. It got me thinking about the past few months and what might, in some subtle or undetectable way, be influencing the way I communicate my experience(s). I have been feeling blessed and amazed by my life, most of the time. Yet, there is also some confusion, discomfort and even awkwardness that is occurring! You see, in the past (50 years!) I have looked to the circumstances of my life to figure out what was or needed to change, shift or was simply “going to hell in a hand basket”! I can’t tell you how many times I moved or changed jobs; started or stopped a relationship; lost weight, gained weight or began to focus on health or let myself go. When I sensed the need for change or it felt like I was in transition;...

Just a Thought

The world is going crazy! It is our job to stay balanced and centered! I have been avoiding the news as much as possible; at least as it pertains to what is being delivered by corporate media. Actually it should not be allowed, to be called “News”.., as so much of it is actually just opinions or a distortion some group wants us to believe.., or they think will ‘sell’. Even still, it is hard to miss all the insanity that is shaking our world. Abuse of power; domination over the poor or weak; Greed; separation and isolation; instigating fights and battles, rioting, lying, terrorism and more. It can be a lot to experience and absorb. Which is exactly my point. We are not suppose to absorb this at all. It exists, it is real. But we don’t have to engage with and absorb it in our lives! Instead, let’s look for the alternative. What is happening that inspires you? Where are you witnessing love, support and encouragement? Where is there beauty and connection? What do you want more of? What makes you laugh? When are you most likely to get lost is a state of wonder? For every negative, violent, greedy, selfish, hateful or harmful act or situation; there are dozens of examples of peace, beauty, love, joy and silliness! Yet if we buy into all the hurtful negative crap… Life begins to look bleak. Our roadmap to a more enlightened and illuminated future feels soiled and fragile.., it becomes hard to read. We are either in a defensive posture; trying to protect ourselves and our loved ones...

Just a Thought

The world is going crazy! It is our job to stay balanced and centered! I have been avoiding the news as much as possible; at least as it pertains to what is being delivered by corporate media. Actually it should not be allowed, to be called “News”.., as so much of it is actually just opinions or a distortion some group wants us to believe.., or they think will ‘sell’. Even still, it is hard to miss all the insanity that is shaking our world. Abuse of power; domination over the poor or weak; Greed; separation and isolation; instigating fights and battles, rioting, lying, terrorism and more. It can be a lot to experience and absorb. Which is exactly my point. We are not suppose to absorb this at all. It exists, it is real. But we don’t have to engage with and absorb it in our lives! Instead, let’s look for the alternative. What is happening that inspires you? Where are you witnessing love, support and encouragement? Where is there beauty and connection? What do you want more of? What makes you laugh? When are you most likely to get lost is a state of wonder? For every negative, violent, greedy, selfish, hateful or harmful act or situation; there are dozens of examples of peace, beauty, love, joy and silliness! Yet if we buy into all the hurtful negative crap… Life begins to look bleak. Our roadmap to a more enlightened and illuminated future feels soiled and fragile.., it becomes hard to read. We are either in a defensive posture; trying to protect ourselves and our loved ones...

Be Here Now

It seems like for many years I was searching. Searching for clues. Searching for direction. Searching for knowledge. I became use to the energy of pursuit. Exploring, revealing, gathering, and integrating information on the purpose of life. Why are we here? What are we creating? How do we make the most of what we have in front of us? What inspires and motivates us? What is the essence of our relationship to All-That-Is? And suddenly the searching stopped. I remember making a conscious decision about 2 years ago to stop looking for “something to complete me”. Something that would make me “whole” or “better”. I realized that I had collected enough information and insights to be who and how I want to be in this lifetime. Now it is simply a matter of choosing to “BE”. That sounds easy doesn’t it? Simply be who you want to BE. But we are human. We have thoughts and feelings. We have beliefs and values.., biases and preferences. We are complex and we are complicated. So a “simple” solution is not always easy for us! It goes against our nature. We value complicated and complex. So much so that simple and obvious are easy to overlook! Instead of trusting what we already know, sense or intuit, we continue to look outside of ourselves for answers. Even after a long and often arduous search for something new to explain, define or solve a problem or situation, points us back to what we already knew.., we still continue to search. It seems to me that part of my fascination with and propensity for searching...

Be Here Now

It seems like for many years I was searching. Searching for clues. Searching for direction. Searching for knowledge. I became use to the energy of pursuit. Exploring, revealing, gathering, and integrating information on the purpose of life. Why are we here? What are we creating? How do we make the most of what we have in front of us? What inspires and motivates us? What is the essence of our relationship to All-That-Is? And suddenly the searching stopped. I remember making a conscious decision about 2 years ago to stop looking for “something to complete me”. Something that would make me “whole” or “better”. I realized that I had collected enough information and insights to be who and how I want to be in this lifetime. Now it is simply a matter of choosing to “BE”. That sounds easy doesn’t it? Simply be who you want to BE. But we are human. We have thoughts and feelings. We have beliefs and values.., biases and preferences. We are complex and we are complicated. So a “simple” solution is not always easy for us! It goes against our nature. We value complicated and complex. So much so that simple and obvious are easy to overlook! Instead of trusting what we already know, sense or intuit, we continue to look outside of ourselves for answers. Even after a long and often arduous search for something new to explain, define or solve a problem or situation, points us back to what we already knew.., we still continue to search. It seems to me that part of my fascination with and propensity for searching...

Reflections on Our Time Away

Our vacation in Mexico is almost over! It has been a wonderful and magical week of connecting with family and friends, lots of great food, and going with the flow! By the time you read this, we will be home. As always, even though there is nothing like a great getaway.., there is also nothing like returning to your own home! Life is good. Darn good! I have been taken (once again!) by the spirit of generosity and welcoming that is such a part of the Hispanic culture. If I didn’t know better, I would swear that each person I encounter, whether for the first time or the umpteenth time wants to feed me! In fact, usually within the first few minutes of arriving at their home. Then, I swear, they just want to be with you.., near you. For the most part (at least with me!) there is little direct communication, because I still do not speak Spanish. Yet they are anxious to interact and to know. Luckily, if I listen closely (to the ones who are not talking a-mile-a-minute!), I usually know the topics of conversation; at least in general terms. However Fito is an amazing intermediary! He does the translation, even when he knows there is little chance of me getting what they are saying, as there is often no corresponding word in English. Things here happen in their own time. At home we call it ‘Mexican-Standard-Time’ or MST for short. While in Mexico, you can take Phoenix MST and add +++. OMG! If you want to mess with a control freak, simply layout the plan...

Reflections on Our Time Away

Our vacation in Mexico is almost over! It has been a wonderful and magical week of connecting with family and friends, lots of great food, and going with the flow! By the time you read this, we will be home. As always, even though there is nothing like a great getaway.., there is also nothing like returning to your own home! Life is good. Darn good! I have been taken (once again!) by the spirit of generosity and welcoming that is such a part of the Hispanic culture. If I didn’t know better, I would swear that each person I encounter, whether for the first time or the umpteenth time wants to feed me! In fact, usually within the first few minutes of arriving at their home. Then, I swear, they just want to be with you.., near you. For the most part (at least with me!) there is little direct communication, because I still do not speak Spanish. Yet they are anxious to interact and to know. Luckily, if I listen closely (to the ones who are not talking a-mile-a-minute!), I usually know the topics of conversation; at least in general terms. However Fito is an amazing intermediary! He does the translation, even when he knows there is little chance of me getting what they are saying, as there is often no corresponding word in English. Things here happen in their own time. At home we call it ‘Mexican-Standard-Time’ or MST for short. While in Mexico, you can take Phoenix MST and add +++. OMG! If you want to mess with a control freak, simply layout the plan...

Is it Soup Yet?

I remember a visit to my grandmothers house when I was about 11 years old. My sister who was a couple of years older had her first boyfriend, and he was visiting with us. My mother introduced him to my grandmother, and then everyone rushed out of the kitchen to go play, except me. I stayed there lingering for a few minutes longer.., probably trying to figure out how to sneak one of her molasses cookies. My grandmother looked at my mother horrified and said “She can’t marry that boy, his family is Italian and Catholic.” I of course could not imagine how she would know this.., or even what it meant. I had not really heard of Catholic. Or if I had, I couldn’t remember what it meant. But even more than that, I remember saying “Are they getting married”? I couldn’t imagine that two 8th graders would be getting married. Where would they live? Would they have to leave school and go to work? Of course, my mothers was a little stunned and maybe amused by the reaction. She calmed my grandmother down by reminding her that they were years away from crossing that bridge. But this is how it use to be. Catholics married Catholics, Jewish married Jewish, Japanese married Japanese, Blacks married Blacks and WASP married WASP. There were not only cultural, racial and ethnic traditions and expectations around this; there had been laws! It was probably only five years before this that the Supreme Court overruled existing laws that prohibited interracial marriages. (Not that I was aware of this at the time… heck, I...

Is it Soup Yet?

I remember a visit to my grandmothers house when I was about 11 years old. My sister who was a couple of years older had her first boyfriend, and he was visiting with us. My mother introduced him to my grandmother, and then everyone rushed out of the kitchen to go play, except me. I stayed there lingering for a few minutes longer.., probably trying to figure out how to sneak one of her molasses cookies. My grandmother looked at my mother horrified and said “She can’t marry that boy, his family is Italian and Catholic.” I of course could not imagine how she would know this.., or even what it meant. I had not really heard of Catholic. Or if I had, I couldn’t remember what it meant. But even more than that, I remember saying “Are they getting married”? I couldn’t imagine that two 8th graders would be getting married. Where would they live? Would they have to leave school and go to work? Of course, my mothers was a little stunned and maybe amused by the reaction. She calmed my grandmother down by reminding her that they were years away from crossing that bridge. But this is how it use to be. Catholics married Catholics, Jewish married Jewish, Japanese married Japanese, Blacks married Blacks and WASP married WASP. There were not only cultural, racial and ethnic traditions and expectations around this; there had been laws! It was probably only five years before this that the Supreme Court overruled existing laws that prohibited interracial marriages. (Not that I was aware of this at the time… heck, I...

No Labels!

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple came out this past week. Being someone in the public eye, this meant he wrote a press release for this announcement. Like many well-known people who “come out”.., he was already out to his family and friends. This means his public coming out was for the rest of us. On the one hand I love this because it sends the message that you can be authentic AND successful, to the people who struggle with esteem around their sexual identity. Especially young people who are scanning the horizon looking for role models and inspiration to inform their own self-acceptance process. At the same time, this announcement creates a label for Mr. Cook. It puts a banner on him that will be used to identify and describe him to the world going forward. It is as if we need these adjectives or labels to sort out which category someone belongs in. And of course depending on each of our own perspectives, we determine if the new label is positive or negative. Millions of people now have a ‘positive’ view of Mr. Cook and what he represents to them. Personally, I fall in this camp… As I loved his statement about his being gay being one of his “greatest gifts”. At the same time, millions of others see this as ‘negative’, because it means he is now associated with something that for them is unnatural, wrong or bad. And let’s not forget the majority of people to whom this will be a completely neutral experience. They won’t give it a second thought. His announcement does not create...

No Labels!

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple came out this past week. Being someone in the public eye, this meant he wrote a press release for this announcement. Like many well-known people who “come out”.., he was already out to his family and friends. This means his public coming out was for the rest of us. On the one hand I love this because it sends the message that you can be authentic AND successful, to the people who struggle with esteem around their sexual identity. Especially young people who are scanning the horizon looking for role models and inspiration to inform their own self-acceptance process. At the same time, this announcement creates a label for Mr. Cook. It puts a banner on him that will be used to identify and describe him to the world going forward. It is as if we need these adjectives or labels to sort out which category someone belongs in. And of course depending on each of our own perspectives, we determine if the new label is positive or negative. Millions of people now have a ‘positive’ view of Mr. Cook and what he represents to them. Personally, I fall in this camp… As I loved his statement about his being gay being one of his “greatest gifts”. At the same time, millions of others see this as ‘negative’, because it means he is now associated with something that for them is unnatural, wrong or bad. And let’s not forget the majority of people to whom this will be a completely neutral experience. They won’t give it a second thought. His announcement does not create...

Be Impeccable With Your Words

Sometimes I wonder how I get myself into these situations! I think I know exactly where I’m going and how something will turn out; only to realize I’m not even close! I am in a state of shock (upset, or…). Or at the minimum, feel like a deer in the headlights. I suppose it is one more of those lessons about ‘control’. Note to self: “Oh yeah, that’s right.., control is an illusion!” Recently when this comes up, I have noticed that I have worked out an agreement in my mind. I have an expectation that when ‘Y’ happens, then someone else will do ‘X’. Except that ‘X’ never occurs. The other person is not following my plan or agreement. Of course, I never told the other person what my plan was. They never knew we had a silent agreement. Believe it or not, they are operating by their own plan AND it has nothing to do with mine. And suddenly I realize.., I have been making assumptions! So what do I do with my disappointment, anger or shock? Can I still be angry with someone, when they didn’t know I expected them to behave a certain way or that they would do a particular thing? Suddenly I am painfully aware that there has been no actual communication involved. Any dialog is in my head. I am negotiating, planning or strategizing with myself. I am an island! Damn! Now I have to regroup and start over. I have to ask for what I need. I have to negotiate or finesse. I have to accept that what I imagined and...

Be Impeccable With Your Words

Sometimes I wonder how I get myself into these situations! I think I know exactly where I’m going and how something will turn out; only to realize I’m not even close! I am in a state of shock (upset, or…). Or at the minimum, feel like a deer in the headlights. I suppose it is one more of those lessons about ‘control’. Note to self: “Oh yeah, that’s right.., control is an illusion!” Recently when this comes up, I have noticed that I have worked out an agreement in my mind. I have an expectation that when ‘Y’ happens, then someone else will do ‘X’. Except that ‘X’ never occurs. The other person is not following my plan or agreement. Of course, I never told the other person what my plan was. They never knew we had a silent agreement. Believe it or not, they are operating by their own plan AND it has nothing to do with mine. And suddenly I realize.., I have been making assumptions! So what do I do with my disappointment, anger or shock? Can I still be angry with someone, when they didn’t know I expected them to behave a certain way or that they would do a particular thing? Suddenly I am painfully aware that there has been no actual communication involved. Any dialog is in my head. I am negotiating, planning or strategizing with myself. I am an island! Damn! Now I have to regroup and start over. I have to ask for what I need. I have to negotiate or finesse. I have to accept that what I imagined and...

Don’t Tame Your Strange

It is not unusual for me to be in a state of contemplation. I find myself wondering about the world around us and how we will ever shift and change the course of destructive patterns that appear to be leading us to our own demise. I realize that much of what has lead us here to this critical point in time, is not new. In fact we have been destroying the environment for over 150 years in the name of progress. We have been hurting and killing each other for even longer… Thousands of years of conquest, pillaging and devastation. Usually in the name of God. We have given away our power and authority to slick and fear-based marketing. We have access to so much knowledge and information, and yet we only pay attention to what is projected at us though the various forms of media. What someone else thinks we should look like, wear, drive, aspire to, or desire. For the most part, we have become lemmings; drowning in our own polluted waters. These times of contemplation are heavy. The situation seems dire. At times I think “What’s the point?” Yet there are other times I feel hopeful. During these times of seeing possibilities or ‘light at the end of the tunnel’; I realize it is because I have disconnected from our consensus reality. I am in a state that many would call “magical thinking”. Where we are more informed by the energetic information and signs that are all around us; than by what is physically right in front of us. I feel as if I am part...

Don't Tame Your Strange

It is not unusual for me to be in a state of contemplation. I find myself wondering about the world around us and how we will ever shift and change the course of destructive patterns that appear to be leading us to our own demise. I realize that much of what has lead us here to this critical point in time, is not new. In fact we have been destroying the environment for over 150 years in the name of progress. We have been hurting and killing each other for even longer… Thousands of years of conquest, pillaging and devastation. Usually in the name of God. We have given away our power and authority to slick and fear-based marketing. We have access to so much knowledge and information, and yet we only pay attention to what is projected at us though the various forms of media. What someone else thinks we should look like, wear, drive, aspire to, or desire. For the most part, we have become lemmings; drowning in our own polluted waters. These times of contemplation are heavy. The situation seems dire. At times I think “What’s the point?” Yet there are other times I feel hopeful. During these times of seeing possibilities or ‘light at the end of the tunnel’; I realize it is because I have disconnected from our consensus reality. I am in a state that many would call “magical thinking”. Where we are more informed by the energetic information and signs that are all around us; than by what is physically right in front of us. I feel as if I am part...

Lessons from a Course in Marketing

One of the benefits of participating in a marketing program for socially-conscious entrepreneurs is that it has me slow down and really think about what I am trying to create; why, how, where and with who. Many of us have ideas or concepts of what we are creating in our heads. We even have a sense of how our heart feels. But there is an amazing power in writing these thoughts and feelings down on paper. (Okay.., in my case typing them out digitally!) I have had this awareness that things were shifting and changing rapidly on the planet for about the last 10 years. I realize that this is not really a long time for those who have been attuned to the planet and her people for decades. However, it seems to me, that many of us began to sense that something was up and we began to hear the call to something new. A new way of Being. Mind you, this does not mean I understood what this awareness meant, or where it would lead. It simply was a sense that something was different. The people, places and things that use to seem important, started to feel more malleable. What use to feel important, suddenly became okay, but didn’t offer the motivation or passion they had before. I was sensing the energetic shift around me, and the shift was changing me. It affected how I interacted with my day to day world. In the early stages of becoming more aware of the shifting energies, it felt personal. It felt as if it was happening to me. I...

Lessons from a Course in Marketing

One of the benefits of participating in a marketing program for socially-conscious entrepreneurs is that it has me slow down and really think about what I am trying to create; why, how, where and with who. Many of us have ideas or concepts of what we are creating in our heads. We even have a sense of how our heart feels. But there is an amazing power in writing these thoughts and feelings down on paper. (Okay.., in my case typing them out digitally!) I have had this awareness that things were shifting and changing rapidly on the planet for about the last 10 years. I realize that this is not really a long time for those who have been attuned to the planet and her people for decades. However, it seems to me, that many of us began to sense that something was up and we began to hear the call to something new. A new way of Being. Mind you, this does not mean I understood what this awareness meant, or where it would lead. It simply was a sense that something was different. The people, places and things that use to seem important, started to feel more malleable. What use to feel important, suddenly became okay, but didn’t offer the motivation or passion they had before. I was sensing the energetic shift around me, and the shift was changing me. It affected how I interacted with my day to day world. In the early stages of becoming more aware of the shifting energies, it felt personal. It felt as if it was happening to me. I...

Perspective Upgrade

I just started a 12 week program for Social Entrepreneurs. It is for small business owners and sole-preneurs who want their marketing to be aligned with their conscious intentions and done with the same integrity as the products or services they offer. I am thrilled to be part of this program with approximately 450 entrepreneurs and change-makers from all over the world. AND.., this is no easy-breezy program! We are just in our second week, and I am wondering how I will keep up! It is content heavy and there are lots of things to complete. Not quick things, because each one requires that you contemplate and put into words your dreams, desires, ideas and challenges. This is a program that works you! The way it is structured uses a private Facebook group, where the majority of participants are posting updates, status, questions, concerns and accomplishments. So it is interactive and a bit overwhelming. Think about several hundred new friends all actively communicating with one another from every timezone around the world! I feel this amazing connectedness to them already and yet, you can’t possibly see everything that is being shared. What I am noticing the most right now, in this early stage is how much ‘perspective’ plays in our day-to-day lives. I have always felt like I had a clear vision for what I wanted to create with Storm Wisdom. At the same time, I have also felt challenged by how to communicate that. How to let others know and how to develop the marketing around that! From my days in the corporate world, I knew I would...

Perspective Upgrade

I just started a 12 week program for Social Entrepreneurs. It is for small business owners and sole-preneurs who want their marketing to be aligned with their conscious intentions and done with the same integrity as the products or services they offer. I am thrilled to be part of this program with approximately 450 entrepreneurs and change-makers from all over the world. AND.., this is no easy-breezy program! We are just in our second week, and I am wondering how I will keep up! It is content heavy and there are lots of things to complete. Not quick things, because each one requires that you contemplate and put into words your dreams, desires, ideas and challenges. This is a program that works you! The way it is structured uses a private Facebook group, where the majority of participants are posting updates, status, questions, concerns and accomplishments. So it is interactive and a bit overwhelming. Think about several hundred new friends all actively communicating with one another from every timezone around the world! I feel this amazing connectedness to them already and yet, you can’t possibly see everything that is being shared. What I am noticing the most right now, in this early stage is how much ‘perspective’ plays in our day-to-day lives. I have always felt like I had a clear vision for what I wanted to create with Storm Wisdom. At the same time, I have also felt challenged by how to communicate that. How to let others know and how to develop the marketing around that! From my days in the corporate world, I knew I would...


Something new is emerging. This chrysalis phase is getting closer to completion. I don’t have fully developed wings yet. However, I know that soon I will be able to fly! I understand why Dr. Joyce Mills uses butterflies as a metaphor for her teachings and even her beautiful card deck ‘Butterfly Wisdom’. It is so fitting for these times of transformation that we all go through. Unlike caterpillars who go through this metamorphosis once, most humans go through this many times in a single life time. Each time the experience of finding new wings feels different than the last. Simply because we are not the same organism that went through the previous experience. We have evolved. By no means am I imagining that this is the final metamorphism! In fact I am sure there are several more. And yet this one feels significant! This one for me, seems like it is happening at a time that will allow the sage within me to emerge. This current transformation is aligned with the 6th Face of the Soul, called the ‘Double’, from the teaching of Lazaris (‘7 Faces of the Soul‘). And the timing of this latest transformation feels as if it is here to usher me into this new phase of life. What I notice about this latest experience of transformation or change is that I have been aware that this is what has been going on! This does not mean it isn’t at times challenging. I have felt the familiar energies of impatience and anxiety. “How long will this last” and “What will it look, feel, or be like...


Something new is emerging. This chrysalis phase is getting closer to completion. I don’t have fully developed wings yet. However, I know that soon I will be able to fly! I understand why Dr. Joyce Mills uses butterflies as a metaphor for her teachings and even her beautiful card deck ‘Butterfly Wisdom’. It is so fitting for these times of transformation that we all go through. Unlike caterpillars who go through this metamorphosis once, most humans go through this many times in a single life time. Each time the experience of finding new wings feels different than the last. Simply because we are not the same organism that went through the previous experience. We have evolved. By no means am I imagining that this is the final metamorphism! In fact I am sure there are several more. And yet this one feels significant! This one for me, seems like it is happening at a time that will allow the sage within me to emerge. This current transformation is aligned with the 6th Face of the Soul, called the ‘Double’, from the teaching of Lazaris (‘7 Faces of the Soul‘). And the timing of this latest transformation feels as if it is here to usher me into this new phase of life. What I notice about this latest experience of transformation or change is that I have been aware that this is what has been going on! This does not mean it isn’t at times challenging. I have felt the familiar energies of impatience and anxiety. “How long will this last” and “What will it look, feel, or be like...

Control What?

Every year, for the past 26 years, I have had an Astrology session for my birthday. It is a great time to slow down the crazy-making in my mind and get connected with the natural energies and cycles of life. Having a conversation with someone who works with the tools and has the intuitive insights to help me see these cycles has been a huge part of my personal process, and dare I say growth. When I step back from the circumstances of my life and look at it through this perspective; I am reminded that there is always an ebb and flow to life. There are ups.., there are downs. Some last an hour, some last a day or two, and some are with us for months! As you probably know from following my blog, the past few months have been a little disorienting for me. Sometimes it feels like a time of contemplation. Other times, it feels like I have lost my motivation or inspiration. Sometimes I am content, then there are the days where I am impatient and antsy. During this weeks session, Jolinda, who has been my astrologer since the year I turned 30, reminded me of something that somehow I seemed to have forgotten! We are not here to learn how to control the circumstances of our lives.., we are here to learn how to respond to them! I don’t know about you, but I really needed to hear this right now! On the one hand, it is so obvious and apparent. There are situations that come up these days that no longer affect...

Control What?

Every year, for the past 26 years, I have had an Astrology session for my birthday. It is a great time to slow down the crazy-making in my mind and get connected with the natural energies and cycles of life. Having a conversation with someone who works with the tools and has the intuitive insights to help me see these cycles has been a huge part of my personal process, and dare I say growth. When I step back from the circumstances of my life and look at it through this perspective; I am reminded that there is always an ebb and flow to life. There are ups.., there are downs. Some last an hour, some last a day or two, and some are with us for months! As you probably know from following my blog, the past few months have been a little disorienting for me. Sometimes it feels like a time of contemplation. Other times, it feels like I have lost my motivation or inspiration. Sometimes I am content, then there are the days where I am impatient and antsy. During this weeks session, Jolinda, who has been my astrologer since the year I turned 30, reminded me of something that somehow I seemed to have forgotten! We are not here to learn how to control the circumstances of our lives.., we are here to learn how to respond to them! I don’t know about you, but I really needed to hear this right now! On the one hand, it is so obvious and apparent. There are situations that come up these days that no longer affect...

Personal Authority

I have been contemplating personal authority this week. It seems to me that a major part of becoming more self-aware, includes taking back authority for our own lives. It is not uncommon to discuss the need to feel a sense of responsibility for what we create in our lives. Yet, there is little direct conversation about our authority. Or maybe there is, and I am just not exposed to it. Here are my thoughts on this. When we are young, we are dependent upon our parents. We are not equipped to make choices for ourselves. We lack the experience to navigate the world around us, and so they instruct, guide, discipline and teach us what we need to know to be safe. Siblings, babysitters, other parents also play a role. Teachers, religious and spiritual leaders, schools and churches.., even social groups and sport teams begin to shape and inform us. As we get older and more independent, we seek counsel from doctors, lawyers, accountants, technologists, therapists, and many others in specialized fields. We start to engaged in politics, current and social events. Media plays a huge role in our lives, from advertisements, programs, reality televisions, pop-up promotions, social media and the news. We rely on ALL of these to help us navigate this thing called life. Some of it feels right. Some makes us uncomfortable. Some, is simply part of the noise. AND, on top of that we are all unique. So no two people have the exact same experiences, influences and circumstances. Even twin siblings who appear to be exposed to exactly the same thing. We may be...

Personal Authority

I have been contemplating personal authority this week. It seems to me that a major part of becoming more self-aware, includes taking back authority for our own lives. It is not uncommon to discuss the need to feel a sense of responsibility for what we create in our lives. Yet, there is little direct conversation about our authority. Or maybe there is, and I am just not exposed to it. Here are my thoughts on this. When we are young, we are dependent upon our parents. We are not equipped to make choices for ourselves. We lack the experience to navigate the world around us, and so they instruct, guide, discipline and teach us what we need to know to be safe. Siblings, babysitters, other parents also play a role. Teachers, religious and spiritual leaders, schools and churches.., even social groups and sport teams begin to shape and inform us. As we get older and more independent, we seek counsel from doctors, lawyers, accountants, technologists, therapists, and many others in specialized fields. We start to engaged in politics, current and social events. Media plays a huge role in our lives, from advertisements, programs, reality televisions, pop-up promotions, social media and the news. We rely on ALL of these to help us navigate this thing called life. Some of it feels right. Some makes us uncomfortable. Some, is simply part of the noise. AND, on top of that we are all unique. So no two people have the exact same experiences, influences and circumstances. Even twin siblings who appear to be exposed to exactly the same thing. We may be...

The Pit Crew

Who stole my summer?  I can’t believe we are in the month of September already!  I don’t remember feeling like this year was flying by.., until I realize fall is almost here!  Darn, it sure sneaks up on you! You can feel the change in the air!  A few more weeks of these hot days, and suddenly it gives way to cooler evenings, morning coffee on the patio and the pool becomes a water feature in the backyard that you get to enjoy looking at, but swimming becomes a distant memory. I am actually ready for some change.  You see, I have been in an odd state for most of the summer.  Everything in my external world is fine, but man, internally it seems like constant change; awareness, absorbing, morphing, readjusting, releasing and then starting over.  I think I am close to figuring out what is going on inside my head, then boom… Back to square one. I was talking with someone who offers intuitive insights and guidance, and they indicated that I would probably be feeling this way for another 6 – 8 weeks. Then perhaps I could begin to see what is beyond the horizon for me.   Even as they were saying this to me, I was thinking… “The way things are going.., I could be a completely different person in 6 weeks!” Sometimes when we have engrained behaviors or established coping mechanisms… It takes time to make adjustments or to integrate whatever is new. I am the type of man that in the past has needed to have something I was working towards.  I thrive with...

The Pit Crew

Who stole my summer?  I can’t believe we are in the month of September already!  I don’t remember feeling like this year was flying by.., until I realize fall is almost here!  Darn, it sure sneaks up on you! You can feel the change in the air!  A few more weeks of these hot days, and suddenly it gives way to cooler evenings, morning coffee on the patio and the pool becomes a water feature in the backyard that you get to enjoy looking at, but swimming becomes a distant memory. I am actually ready for some change.  You see, I have been in an odd state for most of the summer.  Everything in my external world is fine, but man, internally it seems like constant change; awareness, absorbing, morphing, readjusting, releasing and then starting over.  I think I am close to figuring out what is going on inside my head, then boom… Back to square one. I was talking with someone who offers intuitive insights and guidance, and they indicated that I would probably be feeling this way for another 6 – 8 weeks. Then perhaps I could begin to see what is beyond the horizon for me.   Even as they were saying this to me, I was thinking… “The way things are going.., I could be a completely different person in 6 weeks!” Sometimes when we have engrained behaviors or established coping mechanisms… It takes time to make adjustments or to integrate whatever is new. I am the type of man that in the past has needed to have something I was working towards.  I thrive with...

Act As If

I dream of the day when we have integrated all that is possible from the energetic shifts of our time. I believe in the beauty and possibility of mankind to find peace through connection and sharing; versus holding ourselves separate and feeling the need to protect what we have as if those things define us. I know it is possible to shift our relationship with the land, water, air, plants, and animals so that we are once again connected and living in a symbiotic and sustainable way. I trust that we have the skills, talent and natural abilities to allow each other to be unique and authentic in our own way and that through this celebration of our diverse nature, we feel our connection to one another and to All-That-Is. Yet, I just can’t imagine what it will look like.., and as a result, I am unsure how we will get there! It seems to me, that the shift I am talking about would have to be so dramatic that EVERYTHING would have to change. So much so, that a complete collapse of the house-of-cards we are currently creating would be required. “Complete collapse” sounds scary! And so it is easier to keep contributing to the status quo, because the alternatives seem so distant and fantasy like. We would have to treat each other with respect. We would need to honor the planet and all her creatures. It would mean setting down our egos and aggression. Greed and fear could not be the driving force and the desire for power over others and the hoarding and exploitation of resources...

Act As If

I dream of the day when we have integrated all that is possible from the energetic shifts of our time. I believe in the beauty and possibility of mankind to find peace through connection and sharing; versus holding ourselves separate and feeling the need to protect what we have as if those things define us. I know it is possible to shift our relationship with the land, water, air, plants, and animals so that we are once again connected and living in a symbiotic and sustainable way. I trust that we have the skills, talent and natural abilities to allow each other to be unique and authentic in our own way and that through this celebration of our diverse nature, we feel our connection to one another and to All-That-Is. Yet, I just can’t imagine what it will look like.., and as a result, I am unsure how we will get there! It seems to me, that the shift I am talking about would have to be so dramatic that EVERYTHING would have to change. So much so, that a complete collapse of the house-of-cards we are currently creating would be required. “Complete collapse” sounds scary! And so it is easier to keep contributing to the status quo, because the alternatives seem so distant and fantasy like. We would have to treat each other with respect. We would need to honor the planet and all her creatures. It would mean setting down our egos and aggression. Greed and fear could not be the driving force and the desire for power over others and the hoarding and exploitation of resources...

The Gift of Community

Community is on my mind. This past Friday, Phil Blank was leading our weekly meditation, playing the didgeridoo. It is always an amazing experience, but there was something special about this evening. There were over a dozen of us there for this meditation experience, many who I knew, a few who were new to me. Yet the predominant feeling was we were all connected. The didgeridoo, being an ancient instrument with a very primal sound, sends waves of vibrational energies across and throughout your body. Sometimes you feel it pulsing along your thighs or legs. Another time, arms or shoulders. It moves around. Yet regardless of where you are sensing and experiencing these sensations, you know you are being bathed in healing sounds. Phil usually brings the groups focus to the breath. As he says, “not only is it part of our life force, it is also something we continuously share”. And that was the feeling coming out of this meditation.., we were all sharing in the same experience. More than just this one meditation.., we were sharing our journeys. On this Friday evening, we all aligned, and came together in this space, at the same time. In the aftermath of the meditation, the sense of this sharing or being part of community was palpable! There was commonality, yet for many of us, we only knew a bit of the story of those who were gathered. It was not about where we work, how many kids we have, or any struggles or accomplishments we were experiencing. We simply showed up and allowed ourselves to unite energetically. To be a...

The Gift of Community

Community is on my mind. This past Friday, Phil Blank was leading our weekly meditation, playing the didgeridoo. It is always an amazing experience, but there was something special about this evening. There were over a dozen of us there for this meditation experience, many who I knew, a few who were new to me. Yet the predominant feeling was we were all connected. The didgeridoo, being an ancient instrument with a very primal sound, sends waves of vibrational energies across and throughout your body. Sometimes you feel it pulsing along your thighs or legs. Another time, arms or shoulders. It moves around. Yet regardless of where you are sensing and experiencing these sensations, you know you are being bathed in healing sounds. Phil usually brings the groups focus to the breath. As he says, “not only is it part of our life force, it is also something we continuously share”. And that was the feeling coming out of this meditation.., we were all sharing in the same experience. More than just this one meditation.., we were sharing our journeys. On this Friday evening, we all aligned, and came together in this space, at the same time. In the aftermath of the meditation, the sense of this sharing or being part of community was palpable! There was commonality, yet for many of us, we only knew a bit of the story of those who were gathered. It was not about where we work, how many kids we have, or any struggles or accomplishments we were experiencing. We simply showed up and allowed ourselves to unite energetically. To be a...

Blame Game

Blame and money. Money and blame. This has been my song this week and most of the time, it seems I have it on loudspeaker! Here is how it keeps revealing itself. I open a piece of mail and find that someone or some company is demanding money. I realize saying ‘a lot of money’ is relative. If you have lots of zeros in your account balance, it feels different than if you have a few. However in the context of this conversations… Most of these demands are for more zeros than I have in my account AND there are several smaller ones that add up to more discomfort. My initial reaction to each one of these is that the debt is not mine. I feel duped, mislead, lied to, and innocent. Which leads to anger, fear and feeling powerless. So I search for leverage and instead find blame. They did this to me! They are bad, they are taking advantage. They, they, they. It activates so many constricting emotions that I feel almost paralyzed. I certainly don’t feel empowered. So I use blame to direct anger and fury at THEM! I am slow to see the pattern of what is unfolding before me. Each situation is about money. Each time my reaction is to blames others, as if I have no culpability. There is an entitlement to my anger and someone (else) needs to pay! By the third or fourth time I find myself cussing someone out and feeling indignant, with my blood about to boil; I realize the Universe is sending me a message. That these situations,...

Blame Game

Blame and money. Money and blame. This has been my song this week and most of the time, it seems I have it on loudspeaker! Here is how it keeps revealing itself. I open a piece of mail and find that someone or some company is demanding money. I realize saying ‘a lot of money’ is relative. If you have lots of zeros in your account balance, it feels different than if you have a few. However in the context of this conversations… Most of these demands are for more zeros than I have in my account AND there are several smaller ones that add up to more discomfort. My initial reaction to each one of these is that the debt is not mine. I feel duped, mislead, lied to, and innocent. Which leads to anger, fear and feeling powerless. So I search for leverage and instead find blame. They did this to me! They are bad, they are taking advantage. They, they, they. It activates so many constricting emotions that I feel almost paralyzed. I certainly don’t feel empowered. So I use blame to direct anger and fury at THEM! I am slow to see the pattern of what is unfolding before me. Each situation is about money. Each time my reaction is to blames others, as if I have no culpability. There is an entitlement to my anger and someone (else) needs to pay! By the third or fourth time I find myself cussing someone out and feeling indignant, with my blood about to boil; I realize the Universe is sending me a message. That these situations,...

The Fortunate Observer

I am writing on the deck of Bishop’s Lodge outside of Santa Fe. The lodge is nestled in a beautiful valley, surrounded by a national forest. It is rustic and charming. Much of this resort is old adobe, and like much of Santa Fe, there are many pieces of art (mostly sculpture) that grace the grounds. I’m here assisting Gail Larsen with her ‘Transformational Speaking’ retreat. And when I mean assisting, I mean prepping and putting out the food, washing the dishes, making coffee and ensuring that Gail and the folks who are here doing this penetrating work, have the supplies or whatever they may need. It is not what you would call glamorous. However, it is a rich experience! I did this same intensive (and intimate) program in January of this year. That is when I concocted the plan to come be a part of this adventure, as an assistant. First of all to stay connected with Gail; but also to keep her work alive for me. I imagined what it would be like to be here for these four days. Some of what I imagined is coming true. Some of it easier than I imagined… Some of it more perplexing. One benefit I could not imagine is the role of being an observer. I am in the space and witnessing what is unfolding, but for the most part, it is not my role to participate. I operate the video camera and show the participants how to view their recordings. The dialog/coaching that is happening is between Gail and the participants. Of course, these are people who are...

The Fortunate Observer

I am writing on the deck of Bishop’s Lodge outside of Santa Fe. The lodge is nestled in a beautiful valley, surrounded by a national forest. It is rustic and charming. Much of this resort is old adobe, and like much of Santa Fe, there are many pieces of art (mostly sculpture) that grace the grounds. I’m here assisting Gail Larsen with her ‘Transformational Speaking’ retreat. And when I mean assisting, I mean prepping and putting out the food, washing the dishes, making coffee and ensuring that Gail and the folks who are here doing this penetrating work, have the supplies or whatever they may need. It is not what you would call glamorous. However, it is a rich experience! I did this same intensive (and intimate) program in January of this year. That is when I concocted the plan to come be a part of this adventure, as an assistant. First of all to stay connected with Gail; but also to keep her work alive for me. I imagined what it would be like to be here for these four days. Some of what I imagined is coming true. Some of it easier than I imagined… Some of it more perplexing. One benefit I could not imagine is the role of being an observer. I am in the space and witnessing what is unfolding, but for the most part, it is not my role to participate. I operate the video camera and show the participants how to view their recordings. The dialog/coaching that is happening is between Gail and the participants. Of course, these are people who are...

Silence as a Powerful Response

It’s time to write about something that can’t be explained. Time to acknowledge our reconnection to SELF even when words seem too limited. Time to celebrate the potency of silence. We are living in a time that is fertile for a giant shift in human and individual evolution. In the movies, this is portrayed as gaining super powers or mutations that affect us physically. Mutations that makes us stronger, faster, resistant to pain or death. And although these aspects may in some ways be a part of the shift, the way they are being portrayed is to limiting. Instead this evolution will be imbedded within our essence. It will shift how we think and feel. It is our thoughts and emotions that distinguish us from the rest of the Animal Kingdom. It is our ability to be self-aware and to choose that make our thoughts and feelings so powerful and important. Our free will. When we harness the incredible resources that reside within our human minds and the emotional responses that our thoughts create, we will know our significance and our super powers.., our Highest Self. You see, this is what we gave up. This is what we let go of, when we chose to live in this illusion that we experience as the physical world. We allowed ourselves to become separate from our Highest Self, which is the part of us that knows we are always connected to All-That-Is, to God, to the Universe. Of course the Highest Self never loses the connection to us; even when we refused to experience or acknowledge them. That connection is and...

Silence as a Powerful Response

It’s time to write about something that can’t be explained. Time to acknowledge our reconnection to SELF even when words seem too limited. Time to celebrate the potency of silence. We are living in a time that is fertile for a giant shift in human and individual evolution. In the movies, this is portrayed as gaining super powers or mutations that affect us physically. Mutations that makes us stronger, faster, resistant to pain or death. And although these aspects may in some ways be a part of the shift, the way they are being portrayed is to limiting. Instead this evolution will be imbedded within our essence. It will shift how we think and feel. It is our thoughts and emotions that distinguish us from the rest of the Animal Kingdom. It is our ability to be self-aware and to choose that make our thoughts and feelings so powerful and important. Our free will. When we harness the incredible resources that reside within our human minds and the emotional responses that our thoughts create, we will know our significance and our super powers.., our Highest Self. You see, this is what we gave up. This is what we let go of, when we chose to live in this illusion that we experience as the physical world. We allowed ourselves to become separate from our Highest Self, which is the part of us that knows we are always connected to All-That-Is, to God, to the Universe. Of course the Highest Self never loses the connection to us; even when we refused to experience or acknowledge them. That connection is and...

Thank God it’s August

OMG! I can’t believe how intense the last two weeks of July were! I couldn’t even write about it last week because of being in the grips of fear and truthfully.., a bit of shock! Storm Wisdom had it’s worst two weeks of sales EVER! When I say ever… I mean even compared to the first two weeks we were open and hardly anyone even knew we existed. We were busier then! It was scary. Of course when a cycle begins, you are not necessarily aware that something new has started. So one day where you have less than $20 in sales, you can shrug it off and assume it is some weird anomaly. After a week of questionable activity.., “shrugging it off” is a lot harder (at least for me!) You begin to question everything. As you know, you can’t run a brick and mortar business with no sales. No sales means no payroll, no rent, no utilities, etc… You get the picture! AND… Something similar was happening at home! It felt like our livelihood was being threatened! Yuck… I don’t even like thinking about it. And amongst all this, there was a definite pattern of bad communications. Not what was being communicated during this time, but old conversations, agreements or understandings were falling apart. What seemed clear six months ago was now a muddled mess. Once again for both Fito and me. It was a dark time. And of course, if you consider yourself a spiritual magician and student of life, then you have to look at these blocks, challenges, ebbs or whatever, to determine what the...

Thank God it's August

OMG! I can’t believe how intense the last two weeks of July were! I couldn’t even write about it last week because of being in the grips of fear and truthfully.., a bit of shock! Storm Wisdom had it’s worst two weeks of sales EVER! When I say ever… I mean even compared to the first two weeks we were open and hardly anyone even knew we existed. We were busier then! It was scary. Of course when a cycle begins, you are not necessarily aware that something new has started. So one day where you have less than $20 in sales, you can shrug it off and assume it is some weird anomaly. After a week of questionable activity.., “shrugging it off” is a lot harder (at least for me!) You begin to question everything. As you know, you can’t run a brick and mortar business with no sales. No sales means no payroll, no rent, no utilities, etc… You get the picture! AND… Something similar was happening at home! It felt like our livelihood was being threatened! Yuck… I don’t even like thinking about it. And amongst all this, there was a definite pattern of bad communications. Not what was being communicated during this time, but old conversations, agreements or understandings were falling apart. What seemed clear six months ago was now a muddled mess. Once again for both Fito and me. It was a dark time. And of course, if you consider yourself a spiritual magician and student of life, then you have to look at these blocks, challenges, ebbs or whatever, to determine what the...

Chance in a Storm

Last night, we stood outside watching the Lightening and electrical shower that was all around us. It was intense, powerful and mysterious in it’s unison with the wind and eventual rain. It was a small example of the magnificence of Nature. A reminder that we are visitors on this planet and not the ones in charge! It is impossible for me to experience thunder and lightening, without thinking of our dog ‘Chance’, who died just over a year ago. He was playful, obsessed with a ball, and a very sweet Welch Corgi. He was more interested in you throwing him the ball (endlessly), than he ever was getting patted or cuddled. His brother Archie is the one who wants all the attention. Except… During a thunder storm. . . . . . . It seemed that Chance would always know when a storm was approaching, even before the sky revealed its intentions. He would disappear into the master bedroom closet where there are no windows or doors to the outside. He would stay hidden until the first crack of lightening or roar of thunder. Then he would be next to me wanting to come up into the chair with me, so that he could bury his head in the arm of the sofa, wedged between it and me. I would have to pick him up to get him into this position, because his little legs were shaking so. And this is where he would stay until the storm had passed. And mind you, neither of them, Chance or Archie normally get up on the furniture. It was also during...

Chance in a Storm

Last night, we stood outside watching the Lightening and electrical shower that was all around us. It was intense, powerful and mysterious in it’s unison with the wind and eventual rain. It was a small example of the magnificence of Nature. A reminder that we are visitors on this planet and not the ones in charge! It is impossible for me to experience thunder and lightening, without thinking of our dog ‘Chance’, who died just over a year ago. He was playful, obsessed with a ball, and a very sweet Welch Corgi. He was more interested in you throwing him the ball (endlessly), than he ever was getting patted or cuddled. His brother Archie is the one who wants all the attention. Except… During a thunder storm. . . . . . . It seemed that Chance would always know when a storm was approaching, even before the sky revealed its intentions. He would disappear into the master bedroom closet where there are no windows or doors to the outside. He would stay hidden until the first crack of lightening or roar of thunder. Then he would be next to me wanting to come up into the chair with me, so that he could bury his head in the arm of the sofa, wedged between it and me. I would have to pick him up to get him into this position, because his little legs were shaking so. And this is where he would stay until the storm had passed. And mind you, neither of them, Chance or Archie normally get up on the furniture. It was also during...

Now Observe This!

They say that one of the ways to become more self-aware is to develop the skill of being the Observer of your own life. To witness yourself in action and instead of being attached to the actual event or experience you are having; allow yourself to be an impartial onlooker. Let’s say someone has just made a dangerous move in traffic, right in front of you. Not only are you surprised, you are likely angry and frightened by this close call. If you are in normal operating mode, you may react with intensity. You swear, send gestures, maybe scream at the driver of the car long gone. In ‘Observer’ mode, you are still surprised. You may even feel the anger. However, instead of going into full anger, you witness it. You contemplate the incident and begin to put things in perspective and context. Instead of screaming at the driver or going into road-rage, you calm yourself. Your anger never takes over. . . . . Learning to be an Observer of your life, is not something you do just for the heightened emotional situations. It is helpful during the mundane and ordinary times as well. As a matter of fact, the more you become a witness to your thoughts and emotions, the more it becomes a natural way of Being. This does not mean you don’t have thoughts and emotions, it simply means you are aware of them, and as a result, you influence them, they don’t control you. Observing your own reactions, behaviors and thoughts or emotions changes them. It changes you. Much like scientists have discovered; witnessing...

Now Observe This!

They say that one of the ways to become more self-aware is to develop the skill of being the Observer of your own life. To witness yourself in action and instead of being attached to the actual event or experience you are having; allow yourself to be an impartial onlooker. Let’s say someone has just made a dangerous move in traffic, right in front of you. Not only are you surprised, you are likely angry and frightened by this close call. If you are in normal operating mode, you may react with intensity. You swear, send gestures, maybe scream at the driver of the car long gone. In ‘Observer’ mode, you are still surprised. You may even feel the anger. However, instead of going into full anger, you witness it. You contemplate the incident and begin to put things in perspective and context. Instead of screaming at the driver or going into road-rage, you calm yourself. Your anger never takes over. . . . . Learning to be an Observer of your life, is not something you do just for the heightened emotional situations. It is helpful during the mundane and ordinary times as well. As a matter of fact, the more you become a witness to your thoughts and emotions, the more it becomes a natural way of Being. This does not mean you don’t have thoughts and emotions, it simply means you are aware of them, and as a result, you influence them, they don’t control you. Observing your own reactions, behaviors and thoughts or emotions changes them. It changes you. Much like scientists have discovered; witnessing...

80/20 Rule

Do you ever catch yourself doing something, where you know better; but somehow everything you know and hold dear, kinda flys out the window? That is how I have been feeling since last weeks newsletter on collaboration and competition! Everything I said about collaboration and non-competition being a vision and value is true. The ideas and philosophies still make sense and resonate. What doesn’t make sense, or at least what has been on my mind this week, is the idea of getting hooked and snagged by the 20%! This is something we all know and most of us try to remember when navigating our daily lives. Focus on the 80% that is working and going right. NOT the 20% that isn’t. This was so obvious for me, once I stopped focusing on the situations and or relationships that “weren’t” working. I began noticing everything that WAS working! All of the relationships where there is amazing collaboration. The situations where resources, information and services are shared. Where mutual referrals and recommendations are a natural part of doing business. So after my few days of upset, I was showered with appreciation and gratitude for all of what is being created, in the spirit of this community! So what makes us take these detours into areas where we already know better? Why get focused on what is not working, when there are so many examples of what is? I think I have an idea! I was talking with a friend who was having a lot of ‘do overs’ in her mind. Replaying conversations, meetings or situations in her mind. Many of them...

80/20 Rule

Do you ever catch yourself doing something, where you know better; but somehow everything you know and hold dear, kinda flys out the window? That is how I have been feeling since last weeks newsletter on collaboration and competition! Everything I said about collaboration and non-competition being a vision and value is true. The ideas and philosophies still make sense and resonate. What doesn’t make sense, or at least what has been on my mind this week, is the idea of getting hooked and snagged by the 20%! This is something we all know and most of us try to remember when navigating our daily lives. Focus on the 80% that is working and going right. NOT the 20% that isn’t. This was so obvious for me, once I stopped focusing on the situations and or relationships that “weren’t” working. I began noticing everything that WAS working! All of the relationships where there is amazing collaboration. The situations where resources, information and services are shared. Where mutual referrals and recommendations are a natural part of doing business. So after my few days of upset, I was showered with appreciation and gratitude for all of what is being created, in the spirit of this community! So what makes us take these detours into areas where we already know better? Why get focused on what is not working, when there are so many examples of what is? I think I have an idea! I was talking with a friend who was having a lot of ‘do overs’ in her mind. Replaying conversations, meetings or situations in her mind. Many of them...

Collaboration Without Competition: Keeping the Ego Out!

Ever since I opened Storm Wisdom, one of our visions and values has been collaboration and cooperation with other heart-centered businesses and practitioners. For us this means that we avoid the energies of competition and isolation, especially when it is based on fear, scarcity or lack. Early on, when a client or friend would mention another business or practice that offered similar products or services, I would go to these locations and introduce myself. I would see what they carried or what they offered. I would ask them what they wanted to be known for… their specialty so to speak. This way, when a client walks in (or calls for that matter) and we don’t have what they are looking for, we can refer them to someone who does. We have a resource book that we use and frequently share addresses and phone numbers for other local businesses or practitioners. We even keep other business’s cards on hand so that they can be shared with someone in need. For us, this makes good business sense. And, if Spiritually based businesses don’t model this way of operating.., who will? So what happens when this vision or value is not shared, even with those who are a regular part of your referral base? I can tell you for me it hurts, I get disappointed and maybe a little angry. Then my wounded ego begins to distort what is happening and I move into being entitled, martyred and a little victim-y. Then I have to catch myself and bring my thoughts and focus back to what we are trying to create. If...

Collaboration Without Competition: Keeping the Ego Out!

Ever since I opened Storm Wisdom, one of our visions and values has been collaboration and cooperation with other heart-centered businesses and practitioners. For us this means that we avoid the energies of competition and isolation, especially when it is based on fear, scarcity or lack. Early on, when a client or friend would mention another business or practice that offered similar products or services, I would go to these locations and introduce myself. I would see what they carried or what they offered. I would ask them what they wanted to be known for… their specialty so to speak. This way, when a client walks in (or calls for that matter) and we don’t have what they are looking for, we can refer them to someone who does. We have a resource book that we use and frequently share addresses and phone numbers for other local businesses or practitioners. We even keep other business’s cards on hand so that they can be shared with someone in need. For us, this makes good business sense. And, if Spiritually based businesses don’t model this way of operating.., who will? So what happens when this vision or value is not shared, even with those who are a regular part of your referral base? I can tell you for me it hurts, I get disappointed and maybe a little angry. Then my wounded ego begins to distort what is happening and I move into being entitled, martyred and a little victim-y. Then I have to catch myself and bring my thoughts and focus back to what we are trying to create. If...

The Right Track

Are you feeling like you are in a constant state of transformation and change, yet can’t quite figure out how, what, why and where it is all leading? If so.., we might be on the same track. There are times when I feel it so intensely, that it am sure my whole world is being turned upside down (and then shaken!). However, when I look around, it is not the circumstances in my physical world that are changing. Same home, same career/business, same friends, same goals, same husband. It just doesn’t feel like the same ‘me’.., interacting with it all. So what is actually changing? Why does it feel like life is in a constant state of chaos and change? Where does this all lead? I realize that I have been looking for what is new. Perhaps the real way for me to measure this is; what is happening to the old!?! You see, much of what I am really aware of  is that the old ways of operating don’t work for me anymore. The thoughts I have are very different than they were before. My emotional reactions to well known situations are no longer predictable. There is a shift in my attitude and beliefs. I am changing the raw materials that I work with. As a result, it seems there is a state of flux in everything that surrounds me. The circumstances, situations, people, places and things are not changing. How I relate to them is! When I slow this down, I am aware that this is a good thing! Yet, it is unsettling just the same. Not...

The Right Track

Are you feeling like you are in a constant state of transformation and change, yet can’t quite figure out how, what, why and where it is all leading? If so.., we might be on the same track. There are times when I feel it so intensely, that it am sure my whole world is being turned upside down (and then shaken!). However, when I look around, it is not the circumstances in my physical world that are changing. Same home, same career/business, same friends, same goals, same husband. It just doesn’t feel like the same ‘me’.., interacting with it all. So what is actually changing? Why does it feel like life is in a constant state of chaos and change? Where does this all lead? I realize that I have been looking for what is new. Perhaps the real way for me to measure this is; what is happening to the old!?! You see, much of what I am really aware of  is that the old ways of operating don’t work for me anymore. The thoughts I have are very different than they were before. My emotional reactions to well known situations are no longer predictable. There is a shift in my attitude and beliefs. I am changing the raw materials that I work with. As a result, it seems there is a state of flux in everything that surrounds me. The circumstances, situations, people, places and things are not changing. How I relate to them is! When I slow this down, I am aware that this is a good thing! Yet, it is unsettling just the same. Not...


Chaos always precedes change. It is natural, it is inevitable. As we move through change, we have to let go of something familiar and begin integrating or assimilating something new. It is during this transition that chaos is most intense. For many of us, we are resisting the release of what was known and comfortable or we are rushing to get to the new finish-line; in the hope of finding a new point of balance and creating a new ‘status quo’. That sense of what was normal before we were surrounded by chaos! What happens when the amount of change in our lives becomes rapid and unavoidable? Many of us end up feeling like our life is in a constant state of turmoil! It is challenging to feel settled. Oftentimes we are waiting for the next disruption, simply because we have become accustom to the constant pace of change. Chaos becomes a personal challenge. We are frequently mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted from being in the constant motion and movement of change. This is especially true for those who are becoming more self-aware. For those who are evaluating what works and doesn’t work in their life. Perhaps there is a realization that old behaviors, patterns or habits are preventing them from reaching a goal, creating a relationship, feeling healthy or generally creating discomfort for them. Sometimes it is exposure to a concept, idea or belief that has them contemplating what is true for them in their current situation. Or finally deciding to live their dreams based on what motivates and inspires them, versus always choosing something that will make...


Chaos always precedes change. It is natural, it is inevitable. As we move through change, we have to let go of something familiar and begin integrating or assimilating something new. It is during this transition that chaos is most intense. For many of us, we are resisting the release of what was known and comfortable or we are rushing to get to the new finish-line; in the hope of finding a new point of balance and creating a new ‘status quo’. That sense of what was normal before we were surrounded by chaos! What happens when the amount of change in our lives becomes rapid and unavoidable? Many of us end up feeling like our life is in a constant state of turmoil! It is challenging to feel settled. Oftentimes we are waiting for the next disruption, simply because we have become accustom to the constant pace of change. Chaos becomes a personal challenge. We are frequently mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted from being in the constant motion and movement of change. This is especially true for those who are becoming more self-aware. For those who are evaluating what works and doesn’t work in their life. Perhaps there is a realization that old behaviors, patterns or habits are preventing them from reaching a goal, creating a relationship, feeling healthy or generally creating discomfort for them. Sometimes it is exposure to a concept, idea or belief that has them contemplating what is true for them in their current situation. Or finally deciding to live their dreams based on what motivates and inspires them, versus always choosing something that will make...

Know Your Impact

There is something going of inside of me that wants to be known. I can sense it, feel it, and sometimes, almost see it! Sometimes it feels like a new discovery is about to emerge. Other times it seems as if an old friend wants to be revealed or remembered. Perhaps it is a combination; the synergy of old and new coming together to create a different, blended experience of who I am and what is going on around me. Let me start by saying that Gisela has been in Germany for the past two weeks. This means I have covered the front service counter at Storm Wisdom 4 or 5 days. It was kind of fun and kind of cool. Mainly because I got to remember what it was like to balance a cash drawer, reconcile daily reports, add inventory to the system, schedule appointments or events; and of course, assist friends and clients who visited on those days. It was nice. However, by the third or fourth day, I was also aware that it is not my role. It is something I can do and even something I can do well. However, my time for holding the energies of that role has past. Others have claimed it and that feels right. This awareness has me then think about Storm Wisdom in general. One thing that I was keenly aware of, is how different it is energetically today than it was a year ago, two years ago, and especially five years ago. In the beginning it was me. Trying to figure out how to complete a transaction or...

Know Your Impact

There is something going of inside of me that wants to be known. I can sense it, feel it, and sometimes, almost see it! Sometimes it feels like a new discovery is about to emerge. Other times it seems as if an old friend wants to be revealed or remembered. Perhaps it is a combination; the synergy of old and new coming together to create a different, blended experience of who I am and what is going on around me. Let me start by saying that Gisela has been in Germany for the past two weeks. This means I have covered the front service counter at Storm Wisdom 4 or 5 days. It was kind of fun and kind of cool. Mainly because I got to remember what it was like to balance a cash drawer, reconcile daily reports, add inventory to the system, schedule appointments or events; and of course, assist friends and clients who visited on those days. It was nice. However, by the third or fourth day, I was also aware that it is not my role. It is something I can do and even something I can do well. However, my time for holding the energies of that role has past. Others have claimed it and that feels right. This awareness has me then think about Storm Wisdom in general. One thing that I was keenly aware of, is how different it is energetically today than it was a year ago, two years ago, and especially five years ago. In the beginning it was me. Trying to figure out how to complete a transaction or...

Rules Get in the Way

You know, I think I figured out why I don’t read a lot of spiritually based books! They seem to be filled with RULES! Things you “must” do; things you should “never” do; things that are “only possible if”… Rules! I am reading a good book that is very thought provoking in many ways. In some cases, I love the concepts that are presented. In others, their view or perspective just doesn’t resonate. Almost always it is in an area where they have laid down the rules and have stated emphatically some requirement, or series of dos and don’ts. In this particular book about evolving consciousness and becoming more aware; they are talking about what happens after we die, and also the journey to enlightenment. They discuss past lives, dimensions, levels of consciousness, and many other topics that are interesting. However, they write about them as if they have the one true perspective. I realize that for me this feels arrogant and very limiting. Say for example their perspective is that we live multiple life-times, but they also say you “should never” focus on exploring those lifetimes, because it is a distraction and will prevent you from doing your real spiritual work in this lifetime. Well first of all, what if I didn’t believe in multiple lifetimes? What if I do, and by exploring these lifetimes I come to know and understand more about the choices, patterns, habits and behaviors that are playing out in this lifetime? It’s just an example, but these rules do nothing to support our personal and unique journeys. None of us, even if we...

Rules Get in the Way

You know, I think I figured out why I don’t read a lot of spiritually based books! They seem to be filled with RULES! Things you “must” do; things you should “never” do; things that are “only possible if”… Rules! I am reading a good book that is very thought provoking in many ways. In some cases, I love the concepts that are presented. In others, their view or perspective just doesn’t resonate. Almost always it is in an area where they have laid down the rules and have stated emphatically some requirement, or series of dos and don’ts. In this particular book about evolving consciousness and becoming more aware; they are talking about what happens after we die, and also the journey to enlightenment. They discuss past lives, dimensions, levels of consciousness, and many other topics that are interesting. However, they write about them as if they have the one true perspective. I realize that for me this feels arrogant and very limiting. Say for example their perspective is that we live multiple life-times, but they also say you “should never” focus on exploring those lifetimes, because it is a distraction and will prevent you from doing your real spiritual work in this lifetime. Well first of all, what if I didn’t believe in multiple lifetimes? What if I do, and by exploring these lifetimes I come to know and understand more about the choices, patterns, habits and behaviors that are playing out in this lifetime? It’s just an example, but these rules do nothing to support our personal and unique journeys. None of us, even if we...

See You Where The Paths Intersect

Consciousness, evolving, awakening, transcending, ascension, transforming, expansion, becoming more aware.  These are all terms that are associated with our spiritual journey.  Some are catch phrases for particular groups, while others are used more consistently and interchangeably.  But why, for what reasons are any of us spending anytime on these at all? Thomas Gray said “Ignorance is Bliss”.  These days that expression is used to justify apathy towards circumstances, subjects or events that surround us.  However, it can also be used as a way to stunt our own personal evolution.  If we don’t take the time to look under the covers to see what is going on; then we don’t have to do anything about it.   But there is a catch! Consciousness is always learning more about itself.  It is the very nature of All-That-Is.  When and where there is comprehension, there is a natural curiosity that desires to know more.  We humans have a tendency to think that we ARE Consciousness.  This has been part of our folly.  The mineral kingdom, plant kingdom and animal kingdom lead the way, and are still part of the more that we are becoming.  As a matter of fact, remembering that we are in a symbiotic relationship with them is an important part of our current ‘awakening’.   But we must look beyond the planet to understand the vastness of Consciousness. The entire Universe is constantly in a state of learning.  We are part of something so vast that it impossible to fathom, and we (Humans) are not at the center of it.  We know that it shifts and changes constantly.  It...

See You Where The Paths Intersect

Consciousness, evolving, awakening, transcending, ascension, transforming, expansion, becoming more aware.  These are all terms that are associated with our spiritual journey.  Some are catch phrases for particular groups, while others are used more consistently and interchangeably.  But why, for what reasons are any of us spending anytime on these at all? Thomas Gray said “Ignorance is Bliss”.  These days that expression is used to justify apathy towards circumstances, subjects or events that surround us.  However, it can also be used as a way to stunt our own personal evolution.  If we don’t take the time to look under the covers to see what is going on; then we don’t have to do anything about it.   But there is a catch! Consciousness is always learning more about itself.  It is the very nature of All-That-Is.  When and where there is comprehension, there is a natural curiosity that desires to know more.  We humans have a tendency to think that we ARE Consciousness.  This has been part of our folly.  The mineral kingdom, plant kingdom and animal kingdom lead the way, and are still part of the more that we are becoming.  As a matter of fact, remembering that we are in a symbiotic relationship with them is an important part of our current ‘awakening’.   But we must look beyond the planet to understand the vastness of Consciousness. The entire Universe is constantly in a state of learning.  We are part of something so vast that it impossible to fathom, and we (Humans) are not at the center of it.  We know that it shifts and changes constantly.  It...

It’s Your Choice

I read an article this week that stirred up a lot of thoughts and emotions. In many ways I am sure it was intended to be a positive article. However, the way it hit me was that it promoted the idea that we are victims of our lives. That we must live with the hand we are dealt. At first I couldn’t understand why this article even held my interest. I am sure it was intended to be informative, thought provoking and to assist others in looking at an aspect of their life. That is all good, right? However, for me it carried the energy of resignation. Resigning yourself to the idea that life will be a particular way, because you have a certain trait, gift, passion or way of being. I realize that way of thinking is at odds with the message I promote everyday. Intentional Living. If we live intentional lives, then that implies we are taking responsibility for what we experience each day and in each situation. When we like something, we create more of it. If something feels out of alignment with our values, interests or direction, we let it go. If we see something needs to change, change it. This doesn’t mean we are trying to move beyond being human! We will all experience emotions, including fear, anger, disappointment and sorrow. We will have ugly thoughts and crazy ideas. We will be judgmental, critical, envious and petty. Precisely because we are human. It is in our nature! It is how we respond and react to these thoughts and emotions that defines us. In fact,...

It's Your Choice

I read an article this week that stirred up a lot of thoughts and emotions. In many ways I am sure it was intended to be a positive article. However, the way it hit me was that it promoted the idea that we are victims of our lives. That we must live with the hand we are dealt. At first I couldn’t understand why this article even held my interest. I am sure it was intended to be informative, thought provoking and to assist others in looking at an aspect of their life. That is all good, right? However, for me it carried the energy of resignation. Resigning yourself to the idea that life will be a particular way, because you have a certain trait, gift, passion or way of being. I realize that way of thinking is at odds with the message I promote everyday. Intentional Living. If we live intentional lives, then that implies we are taking responsibility for what we experience each day and in each situation. When we like something, we create more of it. If something feels out of alignment with our values, interests or direction, we let it go. If we see something needs to change, change it. This doesn’t mean we are trying to move beyond being human! We will all experience emotions, including fear, anger, disappointment and sorrow. We will have ugly thoughts and crazy ideas. We will be judgmental, critical, envious and petty. Precisely because we are human. It is in our nature! It is how we respond and react to these thoughts and emotions that defines us. In fact,...

Channeling BOB

I really shouldn’t feel like I needed this vacation so much; especially considering how much spaciousness there is in my schedule these days.  But I did!  It was great to get away… And especially to go back to see family and friends in Maine.I left there when I was 19.  So a lot has changed.  More so for me than Maine.  Oftentimes when I visit there it feels a bit like a time warp, or time has stood still.  The only difference is that we all keep getting older.  The older ones mellowing out.  The younger ones finding their way through rebel-hood!I am on a plane home now… trying to recall what might be waiting for me when I return.  Projects, plans, chores and to-dos.  Of course this weekly newsletter is the first on the list.  So, with an hour on the runway, while they change a tire on the nose of the plane; I get to do this a day ahead of schedule, and open up my first morning at home for playing the rest of the catch up game.Last week, I mentioned that I had an announcement and that it had to do with having Fun!  This past week has been fun.  However the kind of fun I am talking about has more to do with my own personal evolution and journey.  You know, the kind of fun that catches you by surprise, when you think you’ve seen it all. And for me, this is a doozie!I recently became a Vocal Channel!For many who read this, you will know exactly what I mean by channeling.  For those...

A Teaser – More Fun to Come!

Well Fito and I are off on vacation! By the time you are reading this we will be with family in Maine, eating at least one lobster roll per-day! It is a rough life, but someone has to do it! I am really happy to have this break, not because I need time off, but because it brings the past few months to a close. Last week I wrote about change being in the air again. It is so present that I can almost taste it… That is how strong the sense is. In many ways, it feels like how I spend my days going forward is about to change and I need to settle into this new way of being. You see, as much as l love being at Storm Wisdom; more and more, I am less involved with the day-to-day running of the business. I am so fortunate to have the talented and skilled Gisela and Millie who have taken on most of that responsibility. They are very good at what they do AND they love what they do! What more could you ask for! Then there is me! I still love working from my office that is located in the center, I am just not on the floor very much. And if I learned anything from the 13 week program for small business owners last year, it is that I need to keep my eyes on the future. So now my focus will shift to networking, marketing, strategies and creating awareness of what an amazing place we have created here! That all sounds well and good,...

Can You Feel it in the Air

My, oh my! The times they are a changing.., again! Can you feel it in the air? I know I do! Right now it feels as if it has to do with my business turning 5 years old. An important milestone, that I wasn’t anticipating the impact of. But each of us has our own unique journey and the milestones that have us look toward the future and know that somehow our lives will be different. I have a sense of anticipation. A new awareness of the patience to allow the shift to unfold rather than to have to influence and control it. Isn’t that a major shift all by itself; the willingness to set down control. There are new things emerging; old ones slipping away. There is an ease and flow that feels accessible. Not something to work towards or try to imagine. Maybe all of those intentions, practices, prayers and meditations have done their work. How fun to be aware that something you have been trying to create is already here. Can you feel it in the air? No surprise that as I write this there is a beautiful breeze blowing outside. The doors are open and the house is full with the sounds of the wind chimes singing their song! A confirmation of our ever shifting and moving lives. We are not stagnant, we are constantly in a state of growth, even those of us whose physical bodies are naturally in decline. We are becoming more of ourselves with each passing moment. Sometimes it is hard to stop telling old stories. They feel comforting; we know...

Celebrating in Style

I can’t even pretend to be thinking about anything except our 5th Anniversary Celebration! It was SO FUN! We were in celebration mode all day! People stopping in to share well wishes, hugs, love and support! Conversations, laughter, congratulations and well-wishes everywhere! There is a lot that goes in to pulling off a party for 200+ people! And I am surrounded by wonderfully supportive people who were constantly volunteering to assist with any possible detail! My friends visiting from California who helped decorate the entertainment area and stage. Millie setting up and tending the bar along with help from her daughter Morgan. Stephanie and David decorating the Oasis room, Victoria and Paige dressing the outside tables, Fito and family setting up (and taking down the food tents). My sister Cheri and her friend Lisa that were visiting from Maine, for collecting tickets, handing out gifts and and assisting with the grab-bags. Any so many more who stepped in, when and wherever they saw a need. AND the Amazing Gisela who was the first to arrive and the last to leave. She runs the show everyday… But for events like these, she is selfless, dedicated and turns in to a German Wonder Woman! I am not even sure how she does it as she is non-stop! Amazing! We had the same caterer as the last two years, Alma, who does amazing authentic Mexican food. Brady who owns and hosted the photo booth, from Phoenix Photo Booths, made the night special with fun accessories and a positive spirit. I can’t wait to see all the copies! Paige who manned the guest...

Tuning In

One of my favorite things about life these days is the awareness and experience of Magic that is all around us! To give you an idea what I mean, I am talking about coincidences that happen so frequently they can’t be ignored. The synchronicity of people and events that are aligned with whatever you are working on. When something seems to materializing out of thin air just when you need it! Projects and tasks begin to flow and have a sense of ease or effortlessness. This is Magic! One thing that has intrigued me lately is the concept that as we work with and develop our intuition, it increases or expands our awareness of so many other fun things! By paying attention to your intuitive senses, another whole world is revealed that operates just below the surface of our normal awareness. By simply paying attention to our own internal guidance, all of a sudden the world around us conspires with and reacts to our openness. I suppose that could be viewed as a cause and effect… But it feels more mysterious than that. Cause and effect seem to limiting. Instead, and I am just thinking out loud here… It is that we are tuning into a frequency or resonance that is always there, but for the most part we are oblivious to it! We can’t see or notice it (very often), because it doesn’t follow the familiar rules of order that we are use to working/living by. Let’s call the normal world we live in the mundane. There are few surprises, things are predictable, and there is a system...

Real Emotions

News flash!  Being “strong” is not defined by the ability to suppress our emotions and appear as if everything is perfect, when our world is falling apart!   There is no “right way” to handle the complex situations that confront us on a regular basis.  It doesn’t matter what the ad on television promises, there are situations that will be difficult and challenging to handle. We are human and we will experience emotions.  There are emotions that are uplifting and expansive, some that are neutral, and some that are heavy and constricting.  The game of life is not about seeing how many of the latter we can avoid.  It is about developing the emotional fluency to dance with ANY emotion that we encounter along the way!  And BTW… We will encounter them all throughout the course of our lifetime. Somehow we seem to have reached a time in our evolution where the emotions such as sadness, disappointment, fear, anger, loneliness, despair, humiliation and rage are to be avoided at all costs.  That somehow if we are “hanging out” with any of these emotions, there is something wrong and we need to fix them (fix ourselves) as soon as possible.  Put a smile on your face… think positive thoughts! However, this can end up being emotional and spiritual blackmail!  You see, it is one thing to have the fluency and awareness to lift yourself from a constricting emotion.  It is quite another to try and pretend it doesn’t exist or matter!  When we try to cover it up or hide these emotions, it is easy to start judging them (and ourselves)...

The Years Ahead

Aging, wellness, health, immobilization, joint pain, hormones, exercise, diet, doctors, hospitals, care, living and dying; how did these sneak up on me and become regular conversation topics? How is it that I spend more time talking about these kinds of issues and less about music, vacation destinations, hot new restaurants, cute guys at the gym or even workplace gossip!?! I remember when my biggest area of focus was who would be joining us for our standing Sunday afternoon “Church”; which consisted of Mexican food and margaritas in Old Town San Diego! (my friends and I  called it church, because we did it faithfully!) Now the most consistent thing I do is take a nap everyday! Don’t get me wrong… I have never been happier. Yet there is this irony to life that the older and usually wiser you get, the less stamina, energy or strength you have to use with that knowledge! I can’t even begin to tell you how many things that I have done in the past, that even now as I reflect on them… I can’t imagine ever doing again. I was talking to a friend yesterday who said she never really learned to dance. My response was that from the age of 21 to 30 I went out dancing 5 nights a week! Up until my late forties… I was still out dancing a couple of nights a week! (Thank goodness… Because that is how Fito and I met!). Well I haven’t seen a dance floor in several years now. Not because I don’t enjoy dancing, but because it is hard on the joints… And...

Becoming Current

Well it has officially started! Last weekend I cleaned my home office to get rid of the clutter. I have known for awhile that there was some shedding and shredding that needed to occur. But boy, was I resisting it! Most of what needed to be attacked was paperwork, bills and documents. I use to be so organized about all of that. Yet now, I can’t find any interest in it. As a matter of fact, I got rid of years of saved utility bills. Who cared what my electric or phone bill was 8 years ago!?! I’ve now started on a couple of other areas… And I think I have projects that could last me a few months. However… There is a metaphoric, as well as energetic purpose to all of this. Letting go of the past. Releasing what no longer serves. Shedding old energies that bind me to a time gone by! No doubt that is why I came across a dozen photo albums. Photos of family, friends, places and events that are long past. Reminders that at one time.., we were younger, thinner, more hair and prone to bad fashion choices! And they were fun times. So I realize that not everything has to “go”. There are memories and keepsakes that are meaningful and cherished. It is knowing where that line is that is important. Our past is part of who we have and will become. Yet it is meant to be the backdrop of our lives. The scenery that we look back at when we want to remember the path we have traveled so far....

Holy Fool – The Road Less Traveled

On Tuesday I will be participating in Gail Larsen’s “Holy Fools” online launch (see additional information in the banner below). Which is about breaking free and following your inner guidance to become an agent of change. It warms my heart that Gail would include me in her band of amazing Holy Fools! But, what is a Holy Fool? In a blog from last year, Gail wrote: “Comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell talked about the archetype of the Holy Fool. The Fool is the most dangerous person on earth, Campbell explained, the most threatening to all hierarchical institutions. He has no concern for naysayers, and no one has power over him (or her). She is not limited, not stoppable, nor controllable. She knows what she has to do and is doing it, no matter what.” Wow. So then I wonder how energetically I fit into this archetypical model!?! And I realize… It is “following your inner guidance” that has me aligned with the Holy Fool. Not only that, but on a daily basis, I encounter others who are traveling a similar road. I have conversations with clients, friends and family who describe this heart-felt knowing that something is shifting or changing in their lives. Perhaps they know they are being guided to leave a job and strike out on their own. Maybe they can see pieces and parts of their lives that they have to let go of, shed, or clear away. Some feel invited to BE; to lessen the doing. The funny thing about this strong inner guidance is that it doesn’t come with a operators manual, guidebook or rules...

Bonding Agent

When you read this newsletter, my road-trip will be coming to an end. Visiting with friends and the first half of a workshop will be over. However right now.. I am in the middle of this experience. Already it is becoming clear why this was the ideal time for this journey and some of what it has to offer. I am spending time with people who have been a major part of my spiritual journey. Some of them like my friends in LA, probably don’t relate to our friendship as being part of my awakening. However it is clear to me. Some of the others.., well: they know! They are teachers, leaders and coaches that have been committed to helping me to remember and connect with my inner guidance; and this is what they do for many! They live their Life’s Purpose. I am enjoying the time that I have with them, and savoring what they have contributed to helping me see a new way of being. It is a time of reflection. A time for meandering down memory lane in a way that brings concrete awareness to all that has changed. Including how much time has elapsed during our journey. We are not the youngsters we once were, even if inside, it feels like our younger selves are still running the show! There is a beauty in slowing down and taking this all in. There is an ease that we walk around in, which was hidden during the days of impatient desires and the younger versions of ourselves. There is a spaciousness that is comfortable and knowing at...


Have you ever noticed how clear the view is when you are on top of the world? I have been feeling blessed, joyful, happy, excited, content, ready and expansive for a while now! These actually are always there, it’s just that sometimes in the past I have intersperse them with worry, fear, doubt or some other constricting emotions. So even though all these great expansive emotions are almost always present; whenever they are laced with heavier ones, they don’t have the same resonance or feeling! This brings me to what has been going on for me lately. You see, when I am feeling this good, someone else using language or expressions that are constricting or isolating.., really stands out! So I find myself offering new words, phrases or perspective that bring this to their attention. First of all as a reminder to them that words matter. And also, because it is painful enough that it hurts. What I am talking about is someone’s negative self-talk. When they put themselves down. For some it appears to be a habit. Just something they have always done. So, they are so use to it, it feels comfortable to them. Until you play those words back to them. “I hate the way I look”, “I am terrible at that”, “I wish I were half as smart as they are”, “Nothing ever goes my way”. We start saying these things to ourselves and all of a sudden they become self fulfilling prophesies. We begin to feel them. We begin to believe them. I have one friend who is amazing. She teaches people all over...

Western Barn Dance

Last night we had an Open House to share our recent remodel of the center. It was a blast and so fun to see and celebrate with so many friends. It was also a great reminder of how somethings shift and change, while others stay the same. What a pleasure to see people who have been a part of Storm Wisdom since the beginning. And then, to notice the number of new friends who have just connected with us recently! It was a beautiful mix! It occurred to me that this is how life is too! There is this natural ebb and flow of people in our lives, that is constantly in motion. Some situations, like our family or maybe workplace environments seem constant. Whether they are supportive or not, for many of us, they represent the status-quo. They don’t change that often. Others shift and change, many times without us even being aware of it! As an example, when people ask how Fito and I met; I tell them country/western dancing! We did that a couple of nights a week, when we first met. However, now I have a pair of boots in my closet that have a inch of dust on them and haven’t seen a dance floor in several years! This means that many of the folks we use to see on a regular basis, are faded memories. At the same time, new interests and people come into our lives! God knows opening a business or starting a new job will do that for you! Starting or ending a relationship, a significant loss or even a...


It is hard to believe that it has only been a week since we finished the small remodel of the retail space at Storm Wisdom. We added about 200sq ft by removing two private room. However the shift energetically seems much greater. It feels really good. (Check out the invitation to our “Open House” next Saturday below! Come see the changes for yourself!) I realize this is not the first time I have felt this sensation of my dream becoming more aligned with my intentions. About a year and a half after we opened, we moved our customer service counter to the center of the space. It made a huge shift energetically. It too felt right and what I had always imagined or intended. This has got me thinking about whether this is actually true… Or, is the concept of this business shifting and changing on its own? Maybe I simply experience a change and then correlate it with an earlier dream or intention that has long ago been fulfilled!?! The truth is that there is no way for me to have imagined where we would be right now… Because there was so very little I knew about this business 5 years ago. So many things that I imagined have never come to fruition… And things that now are commonplace or fully integrated into this business, weren’t even on my radar screen! Isn’t this true in all of our lives? We can be so malleable; easily integrating new people, places and things. Going with the flow; expansion and contraction. At the same time, we can be so resistant to...

The Pulse of Subtle Energies

I would love to write some deep and reflective thoughts about my week… But I am just to excited to think of anything but all the improvements that are taking place at Storm Wisdom! The remodel is done, the fixtures have been moved into their new spots (Thanks Beth K. For the insights and ideas!), and by the time you read this, we will have it stocked, displayed and ready for you to check it out! Well actually many people have seen it in transition because we were open during the remodel! I mentioned on Facebook that we told people who were there during the sawing, hammering, drilling, and moving that it was “FREE vibrational/sound healing”!!! But to be honest, there have definitely been some new awarenesses! Patiences is an energetic state that I have to work at… especially when I am excited! Surprise is much more creative than disappointment. And, when your activities are aligned with how you are feeling, everything is easier! To this last point, the word that fits how I am feeling this year is expansive (or expanding)! I could really feel it starting last November.., as we were approaching the new year. I have also heard this from a number of clients and friends who come into the center. So this remodel, opening up and reuse of the space is a form or expansion that is aligned with the expansive energies that are all around us. It feels so right. It is a reminder of staying with the flow! Sometimes it is easy to see or imagine something happening, yet challenging to actually make...


Part of my belief and the core message I feel like I am here to deliver, is that the world and human consciousness is shifting.  It is evolving.  The easiest way for me to think of this and describe it is that feminine energies are coming into balance with masculine energies. What this means for those of us who have been around for awhile, is that the old ways of navigating our lives no longer work the same way or are as effective as they use to be.  We can’t just rely on doing, driving, thinking, pushing and competing.  We need to incorporate being, sensing, feeling, opening, creating, allowing and receiving. We need to find the balance between these amazing energies.  Which brings me to another point.  These are not two separate energies!  They are one in the same and exist as a part of the same continuum.  A continuum that has been heavily imbalanced toward valuing the masculine end of this spectrum over the feminine; doing over being; movement over rest. (Don’t even get me started on how this distorts the beauty of masculine energies!) So.., as much as I believe our continuing evolution to be true; sometimes I forget that this applies to how I navigate my small world too! Here is what’s up.  Things have been going amazingly well recently.  I am on the move, I can see and imagine the expansion that is in front of me.  I am taking all the steps necessary to make some significant changes.  Things are going GREAT!   And then – CRASH!  When I say crash, I mean that in...

Time Well Spent

We live in such a complex time in the evolution of human consciousness. Never have we had access to so much information and knowledge. And, never have we seemed more committed to ignoring what we know, sense and feel. For most people who read my weekly ramblings, I have to assume that we are similar. We are developing and expanding our spiritual nature. We are committed to connecting to and hearing our own internal guidance. We are doing what we can to honor our truth and to stay the course for what feels authentic and real. Yet we live in a time when we are bombarded with negative, violent, manipulative and distorted images and messages! How do we stay the course, while being overwhelmed with the exact opposite of what we are trying to create in our lives? I must admit that when I look at my life, I feel blessed. There is very little I would want to change. Not only is life comfortable… It is fulfilling and fun. Yet, when I look around at what is happening in the world and on our planet, it is hard not to wonder if we will even survive as a species! We are on a collision course with disaster… And, we appear to be doing little about it. Or is that true? You see, one of the things I have been thinking about a lot lately is… Are we actually becoming the change we want to see in the world, without even being aware of it? Think about this for a moment. If you dig beneath the surface of what...

Transformational Speaking

Last weekend I spent 4 days in Santa Fe at a workshop intensive called “Transformational Speaking” with Gail Larsen. This intensive was not about techniques, instead it was about helping you connect with your personal message or as Gail calls it (from her Shaman background) “Original Medicine”. To give you a sense of why this is called an intensive or immersion, she limits these workshops to only 6 participants. It was at times intense, often spacious and always Soulful. I went unsure of why I even signed-up. I have been teaching classes regularly for the past five years. I write weekly… as you know from reading these posts… and it is not like I am imagining being on a large stage in front of people. However, something drew me there. A few months back, a dear friend Keri was visiting here in Phoenix. She was telling me about an experience her and a couple of our mutual friends shared. When she said Gail’s name… I knew I would be going and participating in this program. Come to find out, opening to, following and trusting my intuition is actually a big part of MY Original Medicine! Hearing the guidance, and subtle messages that are always there, is one of the most important skills I can and have developed in the last 20 years! And, without knowing it before this past weekend, also a critical component of helping to transition to a new way of Being on and for the planet. Not only is it important to me… I think it is imperative for the map-makers, way-finders and explorers of today....

Trust Your Intuitive Processes by Victoria Barna

Have you felt the energy shift this month? What are you noticing that’s different for you? For me, I’ve noticed that the themes “Trust” and “Acceptance” keep popping up for me and my clients. It’s not surprising when I think about the Universal energy shifting into the vibration of the number “7”—an energy that invites us to “Trust” our intuitive processes and seek inner truth. In other words, all of the answers that we seek are available to us! The invitation is to “Trust” and “Accept” all of who we are including the inner guidance we receive from deep within our heart space/soul. In the hectic pace of day to day living this may seem foreign and unattainable. I don’t know about you, for me, there have been times that I wanted to “hear” with my human ears. Through the years this has lessened. What I have learned is that when I seek answers from an outside source, I find that I receive a confirmation of what I have heard from the whispers within my heart space/soul. I’ve been ok with this. It helped me learn to “Trust” what I received in a tangible way. I “Accept” that this has been my process. How about you? How fun and what a relief it is to release all self-judgment and just flow with where I am right now! WooHoo! After all, the journey is the destination, isn’t it? Why do I listen to the whispers from my heart space/soul? Through the years I’ve learned that the heart is far more powerful and neutral than the brain. Although they work together...

Modern Mystics

This past week I attended Victoria Barna and Gisela Arenas’ workshop called “New Year… New Beginnings”. One of their main areas of focus was to look at each participants “Numerology”. Life Path number, Challenge number, Personal Year number. That sort of thing. Then a couple of days later I had my semi-annual Astrology session with Jolinda Marshall (who has been my astrologer for over 25 years!). It never ceases to amaze me how these systems of study can be so accurate. They provide clarity and confirmation on the cycles of our lives and provide insights on the ups and downs. In both cases and even in Human Design (another system of study), the information that is shared is not so much predictive or specific to any single individual, as they are about energetic alignment or in some cases.., non-alignment. For an example, This is good time to make financial decisions, not a good time to make major relationship choices, etc. I find that when I tap into these ancient arts, I am pulled out of the details of my life and begin to recognize and appreciate the phases and cycles of life. Something that we all experience. I have been connected to Astrology for so long that I even seem to know when something is off in my chart. Perhaps I am seeing or experiencing things from a perspective that is not normal for me. Sometimes when it lasts more than a few days, I will call Jolinda to find out what is up and how long that particular “transit” is going to be around. In the numerology portion...

Technology and the Altruistic New World

These are amazing times that we live in. There are so many wonderful things that are happening and being revealed. And, we live in a time when many of the original systems, organizations and structures that were design to support and assist us are distorted and actually being used against us. Government, corporations, religions, medical/pharmaceutical industries… These at one time were altruistic in nature and were measured based upon their ability to support the communities and people they served. The opposite of altruistic is egotistical… And that is what the majority of these institutions have become. They cater to only a few or small percentage. Specifically those individuals who have been endorsed and selected for leadership roles. Greed, the hunger for power and an intense focus on creating a protected class of elite has distorted much of what was once an important part of the infrastructures that was designed to support all of us. Let’s face it “We have lost our balance”. Before you go imagining that this is all doom and gloom, I am here to say it is not! Instead, I believe we must go through this time to find our own authority. This is a powerful time for the individual to find their own voice and to connect with what resonates from within. This is a time for us to be more connected to one another. Time to build relationships, organizations and communities that honor the common good and individuality. AND, Technology is here to help! The ability for us to connect with one another across the globe in a matter of seconds or minutes is...

Keep it Simple

I looked up the word simple today. Easy to understand, deal with or use; not complex or compounded; not complicated; not elaborate or adorned. Actually for such a common word, there were quite a few definitions. However they all speak to “simple” being the stripped down essence of something… be it chemistry, botany, math, grammar, plants or people. I should explain that the reason I am looking up the word simple in the first place, is because that is the word that comes up when I think about the future. Simple is the word that comes up when I think about how to navigate, plan and approach the day to day activities of my life. Literally, there may be many things vying for my attention, however if I see them in their simplest form; each different thing, when not compounded with the others, is pretty straight forward. Simple is also a big part of what our spiritual journeys are all about! It hasn’t always felt this way for me. For the longest time, I felt I was searching for something. If I found the right equation or the magic formula, I might shift or change my experience and all of a sudden I would arrive at some nirvana or enlightened state. I would be evolved and know exactly how to create and have the life of my dreams. Well, I have the life of my dreams. So how did I get here if I haven’t yet found that perfect equation or magic formula? Then it dawns on me… Simplicity lead me here. I just have a tendency to make...

Dancing Along the Continuum

There is nothing like a new year to get me thinking about making changes and shifts in my life. It is a momentous occasion. One that is recognized around the world as a time of transformation; even if for some it is just a numerical shift. These days, we seem to be going through so many shifts and changes all the time. I even wrote in an earlier post about how changes that use to take months are taking days, etc. It makes you wonder, if we are going through constant shifts and changes all the time, is the transition to a new year still a big deal? As I contemplate this, there are two things that standout. First, this is the one time each year when so many people around the world are focused on creating change. And second, Imagine with all those intentions being set, how much extra support our own intentions have during the crossing of the threshold into the new year! Powerful stuff! So what are the changes you are intending for yourself in the new year? What are you creating, releasing, setting down or moving? Are any of these new? How many are repeats? How many of the changes you want to make are things you’ve tried before, yet somehow they have not quite come to fruition? I only ask because personally.., I have a stack of those!! 🙂 I bring up this stack of old resolutions that are still hanging around and unfulfilled, because maybe there is a slightly new way to approach them. If you are anything like me, these have become...

Soul Star & Earth Star

I love this time of year, as we prepare to move from one year to the next. There is something about the anticipation of the New Year and all the possibilities it brings, that awakens the dreamer inside. This makes the next few weeks is an ideal time to work with the energy centers that are located just outside your physical body. There is one above your head, which some call the “Soul Star”, because it connects you to your Soul’s purpose. It is where we connect with all “Possibilities” for this lifetime. Any possible futures we want to create are seeded through this energy center. Think of it as the magician’s hat. Anything you can imagine (and beyond), can be pulled from this hat and become part of what you are creating. Imagine this energy center (or chakra), being about 6″ to 8″ above your head. It is always there, and it is what connects you (and your Higher Self) to Soul, which is where we are one with All-That-Is, the Divine, God or the Universe. We never lose this connection, even when sometimes it feels hard to access. The other energy center is located about 6″ to 8″ below your feet. It is what is sometimes referred to as the “Earth Star” energy center. This is the energy center that brings the possibilities you are attracting through your Soul Star into the realm of “Probability”. The Earth Star energy center takes the energetic information of “possibility” you are aligned with, and begins to ground that frequency into your physical world. It helps it to find the greatest...

Lessons from a Car

This week Fito sold his car and is in the process of buying a new one. New to him at least. In many ways this is just the nature of the beast when you deal with cars. They come and go. You drive them, repair them, and eventually you replace them. He is now in the process of deciding what is next and jumping into the haggling process, which of course he doesn’t mind, because he’s a real estate broker. He does it all the time. While all of this is happening, I am going through my own process. New realizations and awareness of all that has transpired in my life since 2002. You see, that is the year I bought the car that Fito just sold and the same year I brought Utility Saving Expert insurance. Back then I had just moved back to Phoenix from a few years in San Francisco. I was celebrating my 20th year with the company I worked for, and was financially comfortable. 2002 was also the year that Lexus first introduced there hardtop convertible sports car! It was a car lovers dream. As soon as I drove it, I knew it was mine and it was a car I was going to “keep for the rest of my life”. Boys and their toys. Who knows when and how these things happen, but eventually, my toy, became Fito’s car for everyday commuting. It wasn’t so much a decision as just a natural evolution. It made sense for what we were doing at the time. No regrets there, it made sense. And Fito will...

So Passé

How do we change the world? How does one person make a difference? How do we shift the energy of “stalemate” that seems so pervasive around us? I guess the first question should have been “do we think the world needs changing?”. When I stop and ponder these questions, I realize that “duality” is on loudspeaker! Duality meaning that our most common way of viewing the events around us is to see them as good or bad, right or wrong, black or white, light or dark, left or right. It seems that no matter where I look, there is a line drawn in the sand, and we are expected to make a decision. Which side of this line are you standing on? Once we decide which side of the line, issue, or topic we are on; we are equipped with battle gear! We are given the weapons (usually words) to defend ourselves. Sound bites that can deflect the majority of what is projected at us and that can also be hurled at the other side! We are ready, willing and able. As long as we are on “our side”. I am battle-weary. I am exhausted from constantly defending and protecting my position, my side of the line.., my half of duality! Even when we are not doing this out loud, our thoughts are oftentimes doing this dance. Choosing sides, staking a position. Even when the position is to stay “outside” the fray. Choosing not to participate is making a choice. So how do we shift this stalemate? I need to say right here and now: I don’t know the...

The Gift of ME-time

Do you ever have times of apathy? Times when it feels like you are surrounded by opportunity, potential or work to be done; yet it is hard to get motivated or inspired by any of it? Tell me you do! Apathy loves company… Or at least I do when I am feeling apathetic! I am quite aware of the cycles of life; the ebb and flow. At the same time, it can catch me by surprise. Each high or low can feel like it comes from nowhere, and usually disappears or shifts in much the same way. This is true even when the only thing that is going on, is looking at the projects that are awaiting my attention, with a sense that none of them seem compelling. Even though they are MY projects! It is easy to start giving yourself a hard time about being in a state of apathy, especially when it is not the way you normally experience the world. However, this just adds water to the fire. (You know.., it makes the fire you are trying to kindle and stoke feel all soggy!) Then I remember, this is where the concepts of Intentional Living and Spiritual Awareness actually support me during these times. Sometimes doing nothing is “going with the flow”. I forget that I spent most of my life doing, doing, doing. Sometimes I just need to BE. When I start to look at these times as a natural form of downtime, instead of judging myself for not accomplishing enough or perhaps not having enough clarity or decisiveness; I become more compassionate, patient and...

The Authentic You and Me

Words are so important.  They are one of the most powerful ways that we share our energy and our frequency with others.  When we are excited and filled with creative thoughts we share that excitement with the words we choose to describe our experience.  When we are sad, grieving, hurt or down, we also express this through the words we choose. Of course there are more than words happening.  Our emotions are seeping into our energetic field and finding their own way of being seen and known.  Our body expresses itself physically, aligning with our thoughts and feelings, adding primal and instinctive expression.  Yet the words we choose to define our experiences are our signature. The words we use determine how much of what is going on for us we are willing to share.  Words are how we determine the level of vulnerability and exposure we will offer.  They are also the main way we attempt to protect and shield ourselves from judgment, disappointment, expectations and wild hope or desire.  They are the primary tool we use to “control” the situations and people in our lives. Words are powerful. As much as our words affect and influence others, the biggest impact they have is on us!  The person choosing and writing or saying (aloud or to themselves) these words or sometimes (and just as importantly), the words that want to be expressed that never are, affect the owner.  We are the most affected by the words we share (or hold in!). You see, once something is formed into words, it has been added to the morphogenic field.  It is...

Let the River Do the Work

I graduated from my 13 week program for small business owners this past week. What an amazing program it was… And all sponsored by the City of Phoenix. This program was such a huge gift in so many ways. It was just what I was looking for. And of course, as with many things in life, it has also been a complete surprise. I often say that no one learns or grows more at Storm Wisdom than I do! We all create the situations, relationships and circumstances of our lives to bring us the awareness and experience we are searching for. In this case, as much as what I have learned will help the business of Storm Wisdom; the personal growth it offers me, is even greater. I am smiling to myself, because as I write this, I realize it may seem like I am saying “I have already mastered the lessons offered through this program”. That is NOT what I am saying! In fact, in many ways, it is just the opposite! I have gone from not knowing what I don’t know, to knowing what I don’t know! And what I don’t know is a LOT! From unconscious incompetent to conscious incompetent! 🙂 This is a good thing! Because now that I am aware that there are things for me to become competent in or with, in order to continue to evolve and create my dreams. It feels like there are pieces of a map that have been revealed that will influence the direction(s) I take. This is how life works! In the past I might have punished...

Accelerated Transformation

Something is changing, and if you slow down and give yourself some quiet time, you will notice it. We’re changing. Not only that, but the speed at which we are changing is increasing. So a change, shift or transformation that use to take several years is happening in a matter of months. What use to take months is taking days. And many transitions are occurring in an instant. The reason this is on my mind is because if we are not aware that this is what is happening, it is easy to feel out of step with ourselves. We are creatures of habit in many ways, so it is easy to operate on autopilot. We do, say, or think something because it is what we have always done, only to feel off, or disappointed. It no longer feels right, however we are not sure why. We look to external situations or circumstances to see what is different. Yet, that is not where the change is. It is within! All of this internal change can feel like chaos and uncomfortable if we don’t embrace it. Or worse, if you are like me, you can spend a lot of time trying to control it. Trying to keep things the same. We can try to do that, but the reality is we are all rapidly shifting and changing at the same time. So unless you isolate yourself and minimize your exposure to others and the world; you’re fighting a loosing battle. It is time to face it, our lives are changing at an accelerated pace and unless we move into flow with...

Meditation Lessons

I should never be surprised when I learn something new about myself~because it seems to happen a LOT! Yet, every once in a awhile, something reveals itself and I am stunned! Here is what I have recently learned. I have resistance, a bunch of stories and some limiting beliefs about meditation! Meditation of all things!! The reason I find this so surprising is I have been meditating on and off for about 10 years. I was introduced to it through guided visualizations. And since I am very visual with an active imagination, I have experienced some amazing and powerful visual meditations! I also have used meditations to connect with and as the stimulus for writing about crystals. Leading crystal class participants in meditation is a standard part of every crystal class (which have been going on monthly for over 4 years!). So I am no stranger to meditation! We have been hosting Friday Night meditations for the past 3 1/2 years too. It is something where we rotate and shift the meditation leads. Many of them are sound meditations. Didgeridoo, Crystal Bowls, Angel Harp, and even occasionally gongs. These sound meditations are some of my favorites. So, durning the last couple of weeks, while participating in the Friday evening meditation, (didgeridoo and angel harp). I had this overwhelming sense of gratitude for the magic and intimacy of these experiences. I felt so blessed to be there and completely opened too and let myself get lost in the gift of these two sound meditations! And right behind my joy of being in the experience was an awareness that I had...

Letting Go – A State of Being

There is a theme that keeps recurring over and over in my thoughts. It is the theme of simplicity. The idea that the easiest way, to whatever it is we are trying to create, shift, or release is by keeping it simple. In my world, keeping it simple is not as easy as “I think”. Therein lies my challenge. You see, I actually like complex. I like things that need to be figured out. I am good at seeing the quickest route from point a to point b… and even, how to maximize the outcome and minimize the resistance. But that is because I “think” my way through the process… And then feel a sense of accomplishment for being able to figure it out! I also love to learn. So I take a class; or start a new project; or realize I have uncovered an interest in something that has caught my attention. Now it is time to figure it all out. Put on my thinking cap. Master something new. While exploring and attempting to understand my spiritual journey, I have been exposed to many concepts and ideas. And the ones that I have resisted the most are the simple ones~the basics. It is as if my mind tells me “it can’t be this simple”. “Stay in the moment”, “breathe”, “you are not your story”, “let go”… These are a few examples of concepts and teaching that we continually hear… yet, I always think that there has to be more. When we are feeling stressed and anxious… if you close your eyes, and begin to pay attention to your...

Natural Resistance

One morning this past week as I was having my coffee, this random thought crossed my mind.  “Your first reaction is to resist.”  This was followed by a couple of quick scenarios that have come up recently and my initial thought or reaction to them.  And I have to say this random thought seemed correct. Then I started to wonder is this a good or bad thing?  Something else I had to sit with for a moment as I reviewed these past conversations and situations.  I began to realize that as with many things in life… It can be a blessing and a curse! I think this natural resistance is what made me ideal in the corporate world, especially when it came to evaluating and selecting a direction for a project, operational design or guiding someone’s career path.  You see this resistance includes an awareness of possible challenges and areas of risk.  By understanding the challenges and risks that come with a particular path or choice, you can plan contingencies for the challenges and ways to mitigate the risks. Yet, I could also see how if I always use it as my default response, others could see that as being negative or a pessimist.  I don’t think of myself as either of those two things, and still can see how there is an element of both to having this initial resistance to new concepts or ideas. On the other hand, to not acknowledge the challenges that come with a situation or being able to assess the risk, you increase the potential for being caught off guard or unprepared when...

In Our Own Skin

There is magic in the air in Phoenix! It is Fall, time for the harvest, time to reap the benefits of all we’ve sown. A time to reflect of our journey of growth and evolution. Time to open the doors and windows! There is magic in the air! In Phoenix, I’m not so sure that gardening is the best metaphor for our summer experience! Let’s face it sometimes it is hotter than hell, and the last thing any of us are thinking of is being in dirt, pulling weeds and tending soil! However, there is a natural cycle of life that we all can relate to. Each year we create the experiences that lead us to deeper levels of personal understanding and self-awareness. We prepare, nurture, coax, resist, insist and more. We envision the outcomes, imagine the rewards or perhaps, fear the results. Yet we are creating who we are becoming. And that is the beauty of this time of year! Besides the incredible weather, it feels like there is an invitation in the air! An invitation to reflect on and embrace the growth we’ve had this past year. To reflect on the movement and growth. To celebrate the beauty and bounty of what we are creating. Time to shed the warm cocoon of summer and expand into the colorful days of autumn! When I reflect on this past year, I realize that much of what has shifted for me is how I choose to react or respond to situations. Maybe that is what being 55 is all about for me. I can think of a number of situations...

Out With the Old

I am someone who likes facts and definition. For folks like me, we are constantly absorbing information from multiple sources and incorporating it into our database of logic! Of course we all have different experiences and are exposed to different sources of information, so we build and create our own filters. So even siblings who are seemingly exposed to similar situations, people and environments, will still see things through different lenses. They may be exposed to much of the same information, yet they can easily see the same situation in very different ways. Some of the information we get exposed to feels concrete and unchallengeable. As an example; On a very simple level, there are four apples, and two kids. Each one takes an apple simultaneously. They each have one, and there are two left. This is factual. However, did they both have the same experience? Are they both content? Logic would tell us that they had the same or at least very similar experiences. But what do we know about their emotional state, previous experiences, last time they ate and how much they consumed, how much they like apples… The list goes on. And these are just some of the possible influencing factors that could make their experience (or the filters they use!) different from one another. Now what happens when you add resonance and intuition to the mix? You see, I believe many of us are being influenced by our intuition and the resonance of people, places and things, much more than we ever have before. It is a natural part of our human evolution AND we...

Right, Juicy, and Fun

This week I will celebrate 55 years of exploring the Universe in physical form! I have always held a special place in my heart for the transitional years that end in a 5 or 0! So five years ago, when both of them came together (50); my entire life turned upside down and inside out! Five years ago I left the corporate world behind and began the new adventure of being an entrepreneur. Not, just any kind of entrepreneur, one whose business is all about exploring and embracing our Spiritual Nature. And of course, we create in our physical reality, exactly what “we” need. So, as much as this business is about helping others to live their lives more fully and with intention; no one benefits or learns more about that than I do! Sometimes it feels like the reason I started this business was to create my own personal playground for learning! And what a playground it has been!!! So now that double 5s (or 55) are here, I am contemplating “what is next”. Mind you, I don’t think this just applies to those who are turning a particular age… This just happens to be my catalyst. However, since I believe in living with intention… Here is my intention around this milestone celebration. I am done practicing, and ready to start playing full time with all that I have learned so far! You see for me, I start to embrace a new concept, idea or way of thinking. It feels right and I maintain my focus…, for a little while. Then old patterns or habits come back, and...

Getting Married

Seven years ago this weekend Fito and I had a beautiful ceremony to celebrate our commitment to each other. It was intimate, honoring and heart-felt. It was, and always will be, the most important day of my life! And this Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 6:30pm, on our 7th Anniversary, we will be getting (legally) married! We are doing this in California, as our home state still does not offer or recognize marriage equality. And yet, in this moment, it seems inevitable that someday soon, Arizona will! There are so many things that could be said about the politics of marriage equality.  But that is not what this is about. This newsletter is about Love. I have had a full and blessed life. I have been able to do and create so many amazing experiences. And if you think I have been fortunate… You should see what Fito has been able to do and create for himself! Yet, when you find the Love of your Life… ALL of this is easier and more joyful. The loving relationship that two people create is it’s own entity. You both remain independent and whole, while you then give equally of yourselves to create this third aspect… the relationship. The relationship gets fed through intimacy. The more we reveal of ourselves to one another, the more the relationship grows. Those aspects of ourselves that we thought we would be able to hide, find their way into the light. We are seen, known and loved for who we are in entirety. And we discover that some of our perceived flaws are actually beautiful and they...

Just Say No

This week I created a Crystal Grid to assist me with “Harmonic Frequency Alignment”. That sounds like a very sophisticated, scientific process or device; but it is not! It was setting an intention that the people, situations, or things that are not energetically aligned with my sense of harmony or flow, be released! You see, it feels like there are so many amazing and magical things happening all around me, all the time. There is joy, laughter, fun, challenges, opportunities and new possibilities that are opening and being revealed. Life is amazing! Then, in the middle of all this – there are things that crop up, that feel old and messy. They feel out of alignment with everything else going on around them! The pessimist who can only see what is wrong in their life. The employee who thinks you’re out to get them or take advantage of them. Being bombarded by stories, marketing or ideology, that says the past is haunting us or the future is bleak. None of this resonates! And yet, it is still here! Theses people and situations still show up and vie for my attention! AND I give it to them! Not intentionally, but I realize I have diverted my focus away from the natural flow and current of life, to try and understand, comprehend or change these energies that are no longer aligned! They don’t fit anymore… But I keep trying them on! What is in this for me? Why do I continue to turn from ease…and then try to push a bolder uphill? Maybe I still think I can change them! (A...

Illusion Masters

Can we talk about banking and money!?! It’s always a good place to start, because.., of all the illusions that we have co-created on this planet… Money is the biggest and most complex! We have made this particular illusion so pervasive… That we forget that it isn’t even real! It doesn’t exist, it’s all made up! And we give more money to the people who we’ve put in charge of “making it seem real”, than we do most other kinds of real business. Banks and Financial Institutions make a lot of money by keeping track of who, how and where people are maintaining their illusion! They are “illusion-managers! I have had the same illusion-mangers for MANY years… It’s been so long that I never even thought of using a different one when I opened my business! My illusion-manager has been good at helping me understand where my illusion is most of the time! At least until recently! Then a couple of things happened in a row… And all of a sudden I thought… Maybe my illusion-manger is not as good as they use to be. Maybe a different illusion-manager would be better! We all know how much time and effort it takes to move your illusion from one place to another! We have set up automated tricks that happen, without even having to think about them any more! People we send illusions too… companies that send illusions to us! We even carry illusion cards in our wallets that allow us to get, give and move illusions around without ever talking to anyone! They make us feel like we are...

What We Resist

Sometimes I am amazed at how long it takes for me to absorb or learn a lesson! I think of myself as a intelligent guy. So, what’s the deal with being so slow to comprehend a concept? Here’s what I am talking about: What we resists, persists. I have heard this for years and felt like “I got it”. Don’t hold onto negative thoughts, replace them with positive. Look for the good in a situation.., find the lesson. If something feels difficult, let it go, find the flow. Lots of versions of the whole resist/persist thing! However, lately I have been seeing how this permeates our culture and how I buy in to it… Almost every time! We have created a culture that pits us against one another. We cherish taking sides or holding onto a position. We have crafted an environment where fear drives our behavior. Where we respond by protecting our position, our side. The best examples can be found in news and politics. Take anyone of the major issues – war/peace, abortion/choice, marriage equality/traditional marriage, immigration reform/border protection, GMO/natural seeds or food, finance reform/deregulation, republican/democrat, gun control/freedom to bear arms and the list goes on. These have been turned into all or nothing positions or sides, that we have to choose and then defend. And in each of these situations… There are groups making a ton of money, by using fear to keep us stirred up. To keep us invested and on a given side. AND, I buy into it every time! OR… I did. Not long ago… I stopped reading the news. I stopped watching...

Adventure (Part 2)

I’m back from my solo retreat in Pine, AZ! It was perfect, and completely different than what I was expecting! I realize in looking back or in hindsight, that I have a tendency to make these events into a destination. This is instead or recognizing that they are actually a part of the journey! I imagined that when I “checked-out” of my life for a week…, that I would come back a changed man. The truth is that is too much pressure to put on to any event, person or situation. While I was there, life slowed down. Nature has a way of showing us how crazy we make everything. Rushing from appointment to task, to activity and beyond. Most of us live crazy, hectic lives! I know I do! Each day new things were revealed. Perhaps the truth is that many of the things being revealed, weren’t new… They were things that were already part of my awareness, yet I had not taken the time to connect with them. To process them. Each day felt unique unto itself. What was present and occupying my thoughts one day, were gone the next. Many times what was revealed, created a review of areas or aspects of my life. I saw things that I wanted to change, things I wanted to release and others that I wanted to step into more fully. I found that I like myself and who I am! I also saw a few things that I would like to change. I recognized that there are ways that I am not very loving to myself. I also found...

Solo Retreat: Day 1

Today is my first day at Spirit Sky… A solo retreat for 6 days.  The cabin is located in Pine AZ… About 20 miles beyond Payson.  I have never been in this area before.  It is quite beautiful.  It is a much higher elevation than Phoenix (approximately 5500ft), which means it is cooler here.  Today when I left Phoenix at about 11:30am, it was already about 90 degrees.  The temperature when I arrived here at the cabin, was about 74. It is not what I expected, and it is still perfect.  Somehow I had imagined being in a location where no one was around for miles… Isolated on a hilltop.  The truth is… It is 4 acres on a hilltop that has a home being built about 50 yards away, and one roofline just over the crest of the hill… And a cabin/home that is not quite visible below. I think I imagined in my mind that the isolation would intensify the experience.  It would offer a level of freedom that would allow me to tap into some primitive or untapped energies.  A vision quest of sort… Out on the land, surviving in the elements and by my resourcefulness.  AND… the truth is, that is not what I am doing.  I am spending a week, in a comfortable cabin, with amazing views, surrounded by nature (I saw my first deer coming up the drive… And my first elk shortly after dinner, right out side the cabin!) I come with very little.  I kept trying to sneak in projects… And you have no idea how much I wanted to bring...

Solo Retreat: Day 2

I slept well enough last night.  The bed is probably a bit soft for my liking.  A little before 6am I got up for a bit and went outside to enjoy the cool morning.  Very peaceful at that time.  Still, it felt like I could still sleep some more.  The next time I awoke, there were two elk wandering the property.  Not as close as I would like… But still a beautiful morning sight. There are benches all around the property.  The one that I am most drawn to is across the drive on the knoll.  It is placed inside a cluster of small alligator junipers.  So it is in the shade most of the time.  Today, the breeze is beautiful.  Fresh air, cool breeze and just the sounds of nature to keep me company. On the one hand it is peaceful.  On the other, I wonder what I will be doing for my time here?  Moving from bench to chair, to rock to bench?  It is odd not having something to do.  Some place to go, something to prepare for, something to get done. I guess in some way, this is similar to a day off at home.  Except at home, I have things to read.  News on my iPad…or games.  Music to listen to. Laundry to get done.  There are distractions.  And… Sometimes it is similar.  I am simply existing. This morning I laid out a crystal grid for the day.  This one was focused on Authenticity.  Mind, body, spirit, Love, joy, clarity, compassion, strength, vitality, ease, grace and spirituality.  It will be up until tomorrow morning…...

Solo Retreat: Day 3

This mornings grid is for “Fun”.  The components are confident, stimulating, guided, flowing, foundational, natural, abundant, prosperous, mind, body, spirit. Initially when I awoke, I was feeling as though maybe I was sinking in or settling into this solo retreat thing.  However, as the day wears on, I think instead maybe it is my mind, or more accurately my ego, playing a game with me. I find myself having thoughts about how I have already got what I needed from this experience… And perhaps it would be okay to go online… Maybe download a book.  At one point I was thinking about exploring Pine. It took a bit for me to notice what was going on and to realize that this is uncomfortable.  I am not sure what do do with myself, if I don’t have something to do.  I can even find resistance to the mundane or chores… Folding my clothes, making the bed, that sort of thing.  It is as if there is a voice inside my head saying… You can’t make me! It is interesting to catch this… As I think this is something that happens all the time.  Our egos are resourceful… And they have different tapes or recordings they can pull out when the current message begins to lose its affect, keeping us in line or, from the egos perspective, safe. For the last two days I have been very aware of (because my ego has been talking to me about) my weight, energy level and health.  Today… (The message from my ego is that) Everything is fine and I don’t have to stick...

Solo Retreat: Day 4

My crystal grid this morning is for Harmony.  The components these crystals represent are Harmony, entrainment, flow, spectrum, balance, steady, ease, elegance, negotiation, uplifting and resonance. Today my retreat is starting out as a bit of a surprise.  Even though I have tried to remain open for what this experience would bring… I realize I did have a few expectations or assumptions. I thought by giving myself this time, I would sink deeper into myself and start to see or recognize patterns, triggers, behaviors and such.  You know, the ones that make life complicated or seem to get in the way of me having things the way I think they should be!  Boy, is that a mouthful! However, my experience is just the opposite.  I find it hard to focus on anything… It just doesn’t seem that interesting!  My mind wanders… However, it doesn’t go to what is wrong… Instead, my eyes are drawn to beauty.  There are much more than elk here!  Now, don’t get me wrong… I don’t think this is a bad thing.  It just seems like maybe I spend to much time worrying about the wrong things… Actually anything! Even as I write these words, I realize I spend a lot of time trying to control outcomes!  Here there is nothing for me to control.  If I want to sit by the stream, I do.  If I want to lay down, I do.  If I feel like making some notes on my iPad.., guess what?  I do. Now mind you I still have a few days here and plenty more could be revealed.  However… Nothing...

Solo Retreat: Day 5

Crystal grid for today is “Releasing Anger”.  The crystals represent the following… Discovery, comprehending, contemplation, expression, learning, savor, own, release, breathe, allow, adjust. I went to sleep last night knowing that there was something brewing.  Something that wanted to reveal itself, that had gone unnoticed.  This morning, I think I know what that is and it the reason I chose the particular grid for today. This may be a bit had to convey properly, because I don’t want to leave you with the wrong impression.  So let me start by saying up front… I love being gay and I love the Spiritual Being that I am. Yet last night, I was aware that I was angry about both! The other thing that I realized as I sat with this, is that when I trace the anger back or try to find who I am angry with… It is God.  Which of course makes me aware that in this instance… I am thinking of God in the Christian sense.  Old bearded white guy sitting on a throne somewhere. So this is my first clue that this anger is being held by my adolescent-self.  And he doesn’t think God played fair!  Life would be so much easier if I didn’t have to deal with being gay, or connecting to my spiritual journey in a unique way!  If I could just look and be like the majority… If I could conform… If I fit in… Life would be easier! I think one of the things that reminded me of this was yesterday I was doing a video blog.  I heard myself say,...

Solo Retreat: Day 6

I am going home later today.  The last crystal grid here at Spirit Skies is “Contentment”.  The crystals in this grid represent Contentment, breathing, relaxation, joyful, peace, stability, belonging, communication, decisive, and beauty. It is interesting to be thinking about leaving.  There are parts of me that are ready and can’t wait to be back at home with Fito, my amazing husband, our dog Archie and to just sleep in my own bed!  There is so much I appreciate about my life… Perhaps even more as a result of stepping away from it. There is also a part of me that is in fear that I won’t be able to hold on to the piece and tranquility I have found this past week.  That some of the clarity and resolve that was found so easily here in nature…, will be lost in the day-to-day grind that is our lives. Just sitting with this today makes me aware that once again, my mind wanted to make this retreat a destination, and not simply part of the journey.  I can see how I had invested a lot of energy into thinking that this retreat would “change” everything that felt out of alignment.  That my problems would be solved and I would have clarity of direction. The truth is… We all probably need to give ourselves a week, once a year to de-stress!  We need to find a way to slow down, check out and let our minds clear.  This is not a destination… This is PART of the journey.  The gift of time to ourselves is priceless. I leave here more...

Count Your Blessings

Another year under the belt..! How fun to gather and celebrate four years of being a part of and a gathering place for this spiritual community! I am always amazed at how celebrating a milestone, be it birthday, anniversary, birth, death, or any other significant life event, creates a deeper awareness of the journey we’ve been on. I hadn’t spent much time recently, thinking about our 3rd Anniversary celebration… Until setting up and experiencing the 4th! For the past couple of days, it has been front and center in my thoughts. Maybe some of it is comparisons. How the food, drinks, decorations and entertainment were set-up. Who was participating.., who was not. Yet, the bigger awareness is what a different place I am in emotionally, mentally and even physically. I had very clear memories of how stressful it was going into our third year. It was not unusual to be wondering (in fear), if we would even survive as a business. Would it become profitable before my personal resources were drained. Worry, fret, worry, fret. This year… That has energetically moved on. It is not the sort of thing that I burn brain cells on. How fun to come to this realization. How thrilling to realize that it is simply an old story. It’s perfectly in its place, as a story from the past… One that doesn’t need to be relived or kept alive. A memory. This reflecting on the past also supports looking to and imagining an even more amazing optimal future! If everything can shift so dramatically in a few short months… What else is possible?? Something...


There is change afoot. It is time to celebrate and time to reflect. We are preparing to celebrate the 4th Anniversary of becoming “a center for intentional living”… the birth of Storm Wisdom. So, it is easy to focus on how different it feels now, than when we first opened our doors or any of the annual celebrations we have hosted since. It is a magical time for us… yet there is also a bit of melancholy too. You see, when I was inspired to create Storm Wisdom, I was woefully unconnected with the spiritual community in the Phoenix area. I had been doing a lot of my own spiritual growth work through seminars and retreats offered by “Lucid Living”. However, most of these were held in California, Mexico or Canada. (BTW… Lucid Living has an all new membership website, offering their amazing teachings and materials at www.LucidLiving.net). Which meant I had a strong community of support. Just not here in Phoenix. However, as I would tell people about my dream of what I wanted to create, they would tell me about places in the valley, where they thought someone was doing something similar. “Angel’s Serenity”, “Lightworker’s Gifts”, “Rainbows from Heaven”, and “A Peace of the Universe”, were all places that people pointed me towards. The first time I went to “A Peace of the Universe”. They were closed! It was a Monday. As I stood outside the door of this well-hidden space, I thought to myself… “I don’t know how long they have been open, but they will NEVER survive in this location! I had driven around the...

Changing the Past

Process, process, process! It seems that everyday there is a new awareness for me in my ever evolving journey toward enlightenment! More these days, than ever before, the lessons, language, messages and insights are starting to come together in a way that might make sense. IF… I pay attention or at least stay open to all that is unfolding. This week, I have been witnessing old behaviors and coping mechanisms. They reveal how they have hindered my personal desires for shifts and change… with the realization that they have been with me for a LONG time. These are the ways that I thought I was coping or even growing in the context of some situations. In reality… Not so much! Let me describe a couple that have come up this week. The first is replaying or rerunning a situation or conversation over and over in my mind! Most of the time, when I catch myself doing this, I am aware that it has been going on for awhile. By the time I catch what I am doing… I am emotionally on edge. I feel tense or angry, frustrated, martyred, or.., (any number of other feelings)! This week, I found myself reliving an e-mail I received 6 or 7 years ago! In the e-mail a manager from another area in the company, basically said some things that felt disrespectful. And my boss who was copied on it.., responded in a way that felt like my options for retaliation were limited. So here I am, years later still crafting the response that would make me feel superior. The response that would...

Birds of a Feather

As I sit here contemplating where to begin, my mind is drawn to the past. In times like these, when I sense or feel change coming my way.., one of the things I am aware of, from my past, is impatience! I guess I always considered myself a “change manager”. Mostly because the changes that I was aware of were external (moves, relationships starting or ending, new jobs, mergers, etc.). So, my goal was to get in front of the situation and attempt to control the outcome or impact of the change. My impatience came from being able to see the vision of what I thought would be the best outcome for me AND doing everything I could to ensure it happened my way! And yes… I know how arrogant and self-serving that sounds. It is also true. However, if like me, you believed that these changes were inevitable.., then why not maximize the return on your investment of time, money, love, boredom, location, or <fill-in-the-blank>! It was always a very calculated process. A game if you will, and I was impatient to see if I was going to get my way… if I was going to win! Fast forward to this time in my life… What happens when the changes that I feel coming are internal ones? What do you do, when there is no vision of what is to be… When the change is not a job or relationship or move? What happens when the change is “how you live, breathe and walk around in your own skin”? It is hard to be impatient for a change...

Blocks That Matter

Earlier this week, I was working with a crystal (Picasso Jasper), in preparation for a workshop. The properties of this particular crystal were stimulating creativity, dissolving blockages to our creativity, and helping to move beyond excuses! What has really stuck in my mind was the awareness… That we only create blockages for the things we really care about or that “matter” to us! Isn’t that profound? On one level I know this so well. On another, it makes it so clear that each day the things we spend our time and energy on, are the things that we manifest! You see we all have ideas, dreams, desires, hopes, visions, images, and thoughts for our possible futures. However it is the ones we continually revisit or where we invest our thoughts and emotions, that we are creating. If you have a thought.., (You see a cute puppy, and you think… Wouldn’t it be fun to be surrounded by puppies all the time!?!) and then the thought is gone. You may have planted a seed, however that does not mean anything will ever grow from this. However, if you have such a strong connection to animals and can’t see or imagine yourself doing anything other than caring for and being surrounded by them… That is a different scenario altogether! Then you begin to see animal related opportunities all around you. Your behavior around them has other people take notice. Caring for and interacting with them becomes a part of your conversations. Others who are drawn to animals take notice and start to share their own stories and connections with people and...


Over the past couple of months, and then again this week, I have read articles about two varying sides of a debate. The subject is people who define themselves as “spiritual, but not religious”, or SBNR for short!. To simplify it… It goes something like this: People who are religious, believe that people who claim to be spiritual, but who don’t belong to a particular religion, lack the fortitude and discipline it requires to follow the tenants, expectations and guidelines of religion. As a result they lack the guidance and structure to have a strong moral fiber… and as a result, can be easily thrown off course and succumb to earthly temptations! They end up doing bad things because they don’t have the structure of religious teachings behind them. On the other side of this debate about SBNR people are the atheists who believe that people develop their moral fabric through family, community and education. They believe the decisions made between right and wrong or good and evil are part of each individuals character. They have a notion that the person who describes themselves as SNBR, is an atheist who is afraid of social disapproval or is someone who wants the “theoretical benefits of faith, including hope of eternal life, without the obligations of actually practicing a religion”. There was even a recent study out of England that theorized that “People who have a spiritual understanding of life in the absence of a religious framework are vulnerable to mental disorder.” ( Michael King, a professor at University College London). WOW! Once again, I find myself in the middle of...

It’s All About the Reframe

Oh my goodness… What an interesting and introspective week! It has been all about “the reframe”! You see, sometimes we (okay “I”) get caught up in the circumstances of our life. We start linking events, promises, people, situations, desires, challenges and all kinds of stuff together and we start sending messages to ourselves and building a story. Sometimes it is a great story and it is perfectly aligned with what we want to create in our life (at least for awhile). Other times… Not so much! The problem is once we start telling ourselves these stories… They become real. We know they are real because we have already assembled all the evidence and proof! If you’re anything like me, then you also have this keen ability to associate this new story to old ones you have told in the past… And suddenly you not only have a current perspective.., you also have confirmed, you have a pattern! Maybe these pattern are a good thing, when they have a positive impact. Something like… “Things always work out perfectly when I put my mind to it” or “Wow, it is easy for me to attract exactly what I need!”. What happens when the message we are giving ourselves, doesn’t feel positive? “See… It is hard to stay focused, I never create what I want.” Or “this has always been a weak area for me, there is nothing I can do to change it,”. Or one of my favorites… “Everything I have done was wasted… I am back to square one!”. When we are telling ourselves these stories, it can be challenging...

Emotional Additives

There are certain areas of our life that many of us spend a great deal of time and energy focusing on! Some of these we ace, and some allude us. From what I have experienced and witnessed, it seems that each of us has strengths and weaknesses in all of these areas. BUT, there is usually one that is our greatest challenge. The one that we seem to visit over and over, hoping to eventually shift or change this area of focus to a strength, that once and for all, we will prevail! Or, if not a strength… At least not a constant pain in the butt! This is where I am at this week. Once again, visiting an old nemesis.., with grand ideas on how to conquer, eliminate, minimize or banish this on-going adversary. To finally claim VICTORY! Only… I am finding it hard to muster the enthusiasm for another battle, when it seems I have been down this road so many times before! I have been down this road so often it bores me to tears! I’m so bored with the stories of this journey, that I can’t even muster enough emotion to be enraged about it! One of my dear friends pointed out that I always approach my area of challenge with my mind. I apply logic, reason, analysis, and plan exactly how I am going to deal with my latest attempt to master this evasive goal. She also pointed out, that this is why I am able to do so well at shifting my experience with this area of focus… at least for a little...


Every year when the Tucson Gem Show rolls into town… Life changes for just a few weeks. There is something about this unique gathering of people and crystals from all over the world that can not be easily duplicated! Vendors in tents, hotel rooms, warehouses and dirt parking lots. Each one, carving a unique life, out of the mineral kingdom. As a rock hound, I can honestly say there is nothing like it. At the same time, I realize that it is a microcosm or hologram of many other social, cultural, workplace, community and family systems that are part of our everyday existence. There is a full range of participants, pecking order, leaders, followers, inner-circle and those operating on the fringe! When I look at it this way… I look at how I fit in… and more importantly, how much the need to “fit-in” changes as time goes by!   Isn’t this true for our day-to-day lives as well? Certainly as I get older, I find that fitting in to situations, groups or communities is much less important to me, than it was in the past. There have been many times when I tried (and sometimes succeeded) to assimilate or fit into particular groups or dynamics that I perceived to be desirable! I had decided these groups were better, or more popular, influential, had status or hipness or something that I thought was important. Conforming to what I thought their requirements were.   Today… It feels like any of these situations or groups are fine… I just don’t feel compelled to change something about myself in order to fit...

Run Wild

Several people sent me supportive notes, based on my musings about being bored. The general theme was enjoy it… these are the times that represent our periods of rest. I get that, and I believe it. This week has been about inspiration! I have all of these new ideas floating around. My imagination is being tugged at! It is being asked to come out and play! And at the same time, there are so many new ideas or thoughts, it is almost a question of where to begin! Perhaps this is how dreaming, envisioning, and visualizing seed the future. Not as concrete, defined steps and plans… but the essence of possibility. As we dance and play with these possible futures, we are subconsciously applying color, depth, texture and dimension to our dreams. The Universe begins to conspire with us and we begin to align the resources, support and circumstance we need to construct these dreams. Many times we are not even aware we are crafting our future! There in lies the challenge! At least for me, I often try to take these possibilities and attempt to figure them out, using my mind. I move to intellect and knowledge with the idea of bringing these dreams into the physical world. And usually this move from imagination to “figuring out”, happens way to quickly. Inspiration and imagination need time to simmer and steep. This process of simmering allows them to grow and expand! It helps to move possibilities into the realm of probability. Which of course is frightening to the ego/mind! We start to send ourselves messages about how challenging this...

Just Bored

A few weeks ago, I wrote about what an amazing month we had in December. For a business like ours, that means there were lots of sales because there were a lot of folks visiting the center. The last few weeks, has been like going through withdrawal! Where is everyone? I notice I find myself easily bored; which in the past I have interpreted as a “bad” thing. However, I have been paying attention to energetically what all of this means to/for me. It makes me more aware of the natural cycle of things. We all go through these ups and downs. We have times when we are busy and everything is rushed. We also experience times when we can catch our breath, and things seem to come to us with a sense of, “in their own time”. We are operating at break-neck speed, only to slow down for the impending curve, or for a needed pit-stop. These are the cycles of our lives. They mirror the cycles of nature. So, by paying attention to this natural cycle, I get to experience my own relationship to the slow-down that is part of this particular ebb. Personally, I realize there is an aspect of me that is used to activating fear, whenever things slow down. As if, now that it is slow it will always be slow. Think of it this way… Rose-colored glasses on up days, gray-colored glasses on down days. It doesn’t mater which of these two lenses you are wearing… When they are on, the whole world is filtered through them! So what happens if you don’t...

Flowing with Ease

Today is the last day of a seven day colonic cleanse! During this week, it has been a detox & fiber drink or supplements every hour and a half. No food. Then colon hydrotherapy once a day! And nothing was as I expected! I assumed that no food meant hunger. I also assumed that I would feel weaker. I guess that means I was prepared to struggle. It just didn’t happen! Now mind you, there were four of us doing this cleanse and one of us only made it three days. So, I am not saying that the everyone has the same experience. So it makes you wonder, what makes the difference? The analytical mind would look at all the factors, gender, weight, fitness level, age, occupation, education, location, family structure, etc. And from this create projected outcomes. However in this case… all logic or analytical pre-assessment would have failed! So what is the difference? I think it is Energetics! Maybe I should say our personal Energetics. We are influenced by our physical health, emotional fluency, mental dexterity and our spiritual connection. For some of us, when we find the balance between these energy centers…  “We are connected to our personal power, our personal flow”! Isn’t that what our spiritual journeys are all about? Finding this balance… In the here and now! It seems to me that if they are out of alignment, we don’t operate at our best. If we are in pain, physically or emotionally we are constricted or limited in our abilities. When we are mentally stressed or overloaded, overwhelmed… we are distracted or unclear. When...

Higher Guidance

I had an interesting conversation yesterday, that continues to stick with me. It was with someone I had just met for the first time. It focused around a question that is actually quite common for me, at least since being at Storm Wisdom. Her question was “how to trust her internal guidance or be able to distinguish higher guidance from her own thoughts?” I should probably clarify to anyone who asks these kinds of questions, that my belief is that our spiritual journey is ALWAYS about connecting with our own personal guidance. Instead of looking outside of ourselves for answers, for those on a spiritual quest, we are learning to connect with the subtle messages that are most aligned with our personal and unique SELF. At the same time, for the majority of us, our ability to connect with, hear and trust this internal guidance is complicated by our own life experiences, education, beliefs, judgements, worries, attitude and/or values. There are many tools, skills, techniques, modalities and methods for connecting with our true selves.., and the options for connecting to this higher guidance, are also very diverse. We don’t necessarily see, feel or experience this in the same manner as others. So, especially when we are first starting out, it is easy to feel alone or overwhelmed. As if there is so much to comprehend and incorporate. However, this overwhelm is actually one of the ways that our minds keep us in limbo. We over-think what all of this means, and make it complicated. The truth is it is simple. By bringing our attention to the present moment, allowing...

Details and Specifics

Fito and I are back from our New Years get-away, seeing family and friends in Mexico! We had a great time and are looking forward to going back, when we can spend more time! Of course with the amount of food we ate… If I am going to be there longer, next time I will be wearing pants with an adjustable waist! I have to admit, I am still writing 2012 on most documents and 2013 seems a bit foreign! One of the immediate tasks at hand when I returned was trying to close up the year-end books and settling the accounting for last year. I am thrilled to say we had an amazing year.., and in particular, an amazing month of December! Each year since we opened our doors, we have seen double-digit growth (14 – 17%). 2012 is more likely to be just over 20%!!! Isn’t that exciting (in a break-down all the fun your having into a statistical sort of way!). I am sharing this with you because I realized something else this week. While working with a business mentor earlier in the year, she had me do a one-page business plan. It sounds easy right? One page. However it took about 6 weeks, because there were all these exercises to do, to narrow down and focus. Well… Almost all of the goals I had on my plan were reached! And even though I have half-heartedly paid attention to them… It really speaks to me of the power of intention! I feel like I am pretty good with setting intentions. However I am surrounded by people...

Infinite Possibilities – by Victoria Barna

Happy Holidays! Here it is the eve of a New Year and Charles has taken a few days off. He asked me to contribute to Storm Wisdom’s Newsletter this week and will be back in time for next week’s issue. I’m sure he will have lots to share with you. Where to begin? 2012 has carried the powerful vibration of change, transformation and freedom which has given each one of us the opportunity to see how we respond to these often frantic yet exciting energies. In addition to holiday preparation and celebrations we’ve passed 12/12/12 and 12/21/12; powerful vibrational frequencies and portals. Has your life felt more chaotic and out of control; or flowed like the river around obstacles; or a little of both this year? Are you ready for something new? What does the vibrational energy of 2013 bring? It carries a more peaceful, loving, balanced, and harmonious vibration. It is a vibration that supports birth and rebirth. In other words, what have you “let go” of in 2012 and what are you ready to create or re-create in 2013? This is a time that fully supports listening to and opening your heart more. Trust the answers you find deep within; the whispers from your heart. It’s time to awaken, discover, and create your heart’s desire. Are you beginning to feel the shift? I am and many of my clients are too. There is a general feeling of optimism—something great is just around the corner and waiting to arrive! I feel like anything is possible and life is full of infinite possibilities right now. Amazing isn’t it when...

The Numerology of December 2012

This has been an amazing month for numerological date combinations! (12/01/2012, 12/12/12, 12/21/12). There of course have been tons of predictions of doom and gloom surrounding these dates, based on faulty interpretations of one of the Mayan calendars. And, there have been plenty of speculation about these dates ushering in a new world order, view or advancement. Actually, Dr Carl Calleman’s research and interpretation of the Mayan calendar… Is much more aligned with the concept of a new age of awareness and awakening… Because to him, the Mayan calendar that has been the focus of so much attention, was not about time per say. It was about the evolution of consciousness. I heard Dr Calleman speak a few years ago, right here in Phoenix. What stood out for me at the time, was how he described that the shift we were, are and will experience, based on his study of the calendar of consciousness, was that feminine energies were coming into balance with masculine energies. Personally, I had been sensing the same thing. So, in many ways, I considered his lecture a form of confirmation for what I was already feeling! But how do these numerology significant events, tie into the energetic shifts we are experiencing? Do they play a role in moving us forward to a new world that is more loving and peaceful than we have known? These are things I have been thinking about AND trying to feel my way through. Here are my thoughts: I believe these dates are important to view as a threshold. If we are to truly move from a world that...

Magic Time

Take a deep breath, hold it for a moment, then let it out. Focus on your breathing for a minute or two, allowing each breath to go deeper into your belly. Allow each breath to leave your body completely. By bringing your attention to your breathing, you bring yourself into the moment. Allow all the other thoughts and emotions to slip away or take a back seat to your breathing. A simple exercise. A common way to begin a meditation. A quick way to de-stress. Like so many of the skills and techniques that are available to us; this one is simple. You don’t need a special place, equipment, sound, people, event, etc., just choosing at any time to reconnect with yourself. It is so easy – we sometimes forget it works! Now imagine that you choose to add a special place to this practice of focused breathing. Your favorite chair, in front of a collection of meaningful keepsakes that remind you of your personal adventures or areas of study and knowledge. Perhaps you choose a room or space that is filled with colors that are soothing, stimulating or fun. Add sounds or music that encourage you to let go of daily obligations, tasks, or duties. Each one of these adds a new level of dimension to the gift of stillness that you are giving yourself. By choosing the environment, objects, sounds, art, color and furniture that support you, while you connect with yourself~you activate and engage your imagination. You bring your focus to your internal world! You are also engaging the power of intention! The practice of intentionally...

Going Off-Road

I’ve traveled a well-worn path for most of my life, yet ended up in a place that I could have never imagined! All along this journey, that lead me to where I am today, I felt sure that the choices I made, would ensure a particular outcome. Perhaps in some way they have… However, not in the ways that I had envisioned. Instead, the crossroads I had passed through most of my life, became too compelling. I veered off course. Surprise! Once I found myself choosing an alternate direction, I realized, I still have company! I meet a lot of travelers who are navigating new terrain and many others who find themselves standing at the crossroads, contemplating which way to go! It goes something like this… You look back at the path you’ve been on and see where the choices you made, things you studied, tests you’ve taken (passed and failed), and people you’ve encountered, have lead you towards your inevitable future. The map you have been following, promises a particular destination or outcome. For a long time… It felt right. It felt destined! But… Things change. You change. Now you are at a crossroad. An intersection, where the sign-posts ahead are aligned with the trusty map you’ve been following. Your mind says “stay on track, destiny straight ahead”! However, you are distracted by the lure of what is possible when you look to the left (or even the right). It doesn’t make sense.., everything you have been working your way towards is in front of you.., and the map of your future promises a predictable arrival at your...

The Joys of Synchronicity

It has been an amazing week of connecting with friends and building community. It has been one of those times where I really notice how connected we are to one another. This past week we hosted “Bashar” in Phoenix, for the second time. Each time he comes, our dear friend Kirby also comes, as he is the one who connected us with Bashar in the first place. Then, our good friends Michael and Laurelle, who own “Peace Place” (and several other crystal and healing centers) in Sedona, joined us for the Bashar event and then introduced us to their friend Don, a miner from Arkansas…, who also has known Kirby for years! So, as you can see, these connections keep revealing themselves. It makes me think about the synchronicities that are such a part of our lives. The chance encounters or the door that open at just the right time. Maybe you are thinking of something that you want to learn more about, and suddenly someone hands you an article or flyer that is on that subject. There are many ways to see and experience synchronicity! While listening to Bashar yesterday, he reminded us that these unusual events are not just moments of wonder. They are part of our way of knowing, we are on the right track. These magical moments are like sign posts that pop-up to let us know we are following our highest level of excitement! He also reminded us that the more aware we are of these kinds of signs… the more we will experience them! Our connection to people and community are oftentimes synchronistic...

One Bite at a Time

The meaning of “Life” keeps changing… and in many ways, as it gets simpler, it becomes more complex! How is that for starting a conversation? All of us are personally contemplating some version of “why am I here…” or “what is my purpose”. While we are trying to lock into what feels right for us, everyone around us is doing the same thing! We interact and share our thoughts and observations… And this creates more information to include in our personal search for our truth. Then, if you are anything like me, in the stillness before you start your day, or in the fleeting moments before you descend into sleep, you get a sense of how close you are to knowing your answer! When we are young, we move through life grabbing at the bounty that life offers us. We choose experiences, just because we can. Youth has this amazing ability to experience a lifetime as being forever… It is one of the joys of being young. What we don’t realize at the time is all of our explorations and experimentations are seeding our attitudes and beliefs about who we are and what we have come here to do. Then, something happens. We gather and collect experiences for years, until we have completely covered ourselves in possibility. We are so covered in fact, that many of us don’t know ourselves anymore at all! Mainly because we have also developed the skills and traits of being a chameleon! We can fit in almost anywhere… And our ability to blend in to any group or situation, oftentimes has us compartmentalize our...

A Council of Seven

Last week I had a couple of visitors at Storm Wisdom, who had a unique offer/request. I have known them for awhile, as they are one of the vendors we buy Selenite from. As a matter of fact, the large piece that is in the back near our Crystal Healing room, which is there for folks to stand on when they want to clear their energy field, is from them. They had been in the Phoenix area doing ceremonial work with a medicine wheel. A major part of this medicine wheel work was focused on healing the planet. This couple (from Crystalline Phoenix) brought with them a large piece of “Coral Selenite”, which the group worked with during some of the ceremonies. As the weekend came to a close, they were trying to decide what was next for this 200lbs piece of Coral Selenite… And several of the participants got insights or intuitive hits… That this amazing crystal wanted to be at Storm Wisdom! So there they were, offering to leave this unique piece, at our Center! And although, I was feeling like it was a generous offer… I also was wondering “where would I put a 200lbs crystal (that is not for sale) in the center?” After talking with them for a bit, I asked them to show it to me… As that would help me to know if it was going to work or not. Well… As soon as I touched it my hands began to vibrate. It felt like my cells and DNA were being rearranged in my hands and it was clear it was going...

Mind Games

Here is a news flash… I have a propensity to over-think! I am comfortable having 20 or 30 different thoughts occupying my mind in any given moment. And because I have had marginal success navigating many situations, while being internally distracted by random thoughts~I have developed, as part of my identity.., that I am a thinker! Trust me, it goes way beyond thinker! Organizer, dissector, analyzer, sorter, weigh-er, measure-er! The list goes on! These are all “good” things most of the time. This way of navigating life has served me AND I am pretty sure it is not going to change anytime soon, because, it is part of who I am, so I like it. It is comfortable! However… (isn’t there always a “however”!?!) this doesn’t mean I don’t want to make a few adjustments! The other night in the monthly “Magic of Crystals” workshop, we were playing with Kambaba Stone. The discussion lead to how easy it is for most of us to connect with our Higher Selfs when we are in nature. There is something about hiking a trail, or being in or near the ocean, river or lake, resting under a tree or wherever your favorite spot happens to be~that brings us into contact with the messages from our heart. And for me, it is these messages from the heart, that our Souls… our Higher Self use to communicates to us (or at least one of the ways they use!). Our discussion, as it frequently does, lead to conversations about the shifting energies on the planet. About Oneness versus duality. And in the middle of this...

Acceptance – by Victoria Barna

This has been an interesting and busy week for me. There have been moments filled with pure joy and there have been moments where I’ve asked myself, “What’s up with that?” How has your week been? It’s a pleasure to sit here quietly this morning and bring my awareness into my heart. I take a few deep breaths and allow my thoughts to become quiet. I look back on last week and I find myself searching for patterns or themes that have appeared for me, clients, class participants and others. What I notice is a common theme that has come up for many of us. I love how we mirror to one another what’s going on in our lives in each and every moment. Many of my interactions in a variety of settings this past week have been experiences where judgments have been made about oneself or others. When I peel back the layers of this multi-layered onion I’ve discovered that many of us, including me, sometimes have difficulty accepting ourselves and each other. Acceptance is a big deal. Wanting to be accepted by others is important. Accepting where we are and who we are in each moment can feel challenging. Accepting others where they are in each moment can feel more challenging. Accepting and trusting our own intuitive guidance often feels impossible. How do I navigate these sometimes murky waters? Moving from judgment to acceptance, for me, has been an evolving journey. How about you? Here are five tips that I use as reminders. Feel free to use the ones that resonate with you and “let go” of...

Know Yourself Better

When what you write about, is what has been going on for the previous week~what happens when you’ve been sick as a dog!?! The truth of it is, there has been amazing learning in this week too! Let me be clear: Pain and illness IS NOT my idea of the best way to evolve your consciousness or expand your awareness. However, if you are going through something physical in the body… Let it inform you! I can’t tell you how many times I silently whispered to myself… “Don’t resist the pain, follow it, be with it”. When your dealing with a stomach virus… You get to follow it many places. I would love to say that I learned a lot from this process or it really changed the outcome of the amount of pain… But that would be crap! It did keep me present and I also discovered where I had some weaknesses in my Spiritual armor! On the night of my birthday, we had a gathering of friends here… Most who never saw me because I was in bed, bloated, moaning and wishing that I could either throw up or expell something from my body… As it had been over 48 hours and I needed the relief! Fortunately, several angels/medical professionals (Katka, Courtni and Greg – Thank You!!) were there to check me out and start pointing me in the direction of healing. The first few days I did not sleep because of pain… The next couple were due to having to go to the bathroom every 45 minutes… Even though I hadn’t eaten! Flash forward to the...

Dancing with Life

Usually when I sit down to write my weekly newsletter, there has been a theme or series of experiences that dictates the subject. I am aware of what I will write about ahead of time. This writing is how I process, release, deepen or expand on the events that are vying for my attention. Today however, I am a blank! What I realize is that this has been a time of stillness. A time for contemplation. I guess I have had a few conversations with people about the odd feeling of “waiting” that has been so present. I sometimes feel like this is a time to be still, as something new is coming towards me! This is ssssoooooo different from how I have experienced this in the past. In the past, I was always in pursuit of the new or next thing. Once I had a sense that something was shifting or changing, I immediately started trying to figure it out. I would decide what I thought the change or shift was… And then I would strategically maneuver things in my life to attempt to influence and control the outcome. Because of course… I knew best what would be “right” for me! Oh the arrogance of the ego! Today… I still don’t know or understand what is coming my way. I can make stuff up.., but the truth is I am clueless. So instead of “getting out in front of it” and trying to manipulate or force it to be a certain way~I am simply letting it be revealed! Staying present, and dare I say, when I feel the...

Turn Up the Light

It seems like one of the most predictable things that is happening these days is how quickly time is passing by! The acceleration is palpable, along with awareness of all the shifts and changes that are happening in our day-to-day lives. For me, this has also triggered a number of thoughts about how to deal with “negative” energy! It seems the more we connect with our intuitive senses and rely on our awareness of the energies of a person, place, group or thing… The more we become aware of the shadow side of ourselves and others. Occasionally, we walk in to a place, and we can’t get comfortable, or even more specifically, we can’t wait to get out of the space, because it feels dark or heavy, or perhaps just plain funky. As a result, it is easy to start paying attention to what we call negative energies. We work to clear theses energies, release them, or perhaps, resist them taking over! Either way, it seems that we are spending more time managing the negative energies that surround us! I think it is time to stop turning our power over to negative (dark, shadow, or whatever description you want to use!) energies. Negative Energy; It truly is the other side of a coin… There will always be negative energies… There will always be dark, constricting emotions, thoughts, people, places and things. However, when we focus on them, fight them, or try to manage them… We actually create MORE negative energies! Remember, thoughts become our reality, what we resist, persists.., etc. Instead, let’s think of ways to infuse more positivity...

Working On My Day Off

I must admit, part of me that was groaning this morning. It is Sunday, usually my day off and I LOVE my days off! However, it seems that everyone who works with me is off this week! That means I am working on my day off (and the day I write my Newsletter!)! Today is our monthly Marketplace… so the entire place is filled with artists, vendors, practitioners and more! So it is kind of hard not to get caught up in the energy of people connecting with each other, sharing their gifts and talents and of course the support! It is a beautiful reminder of why I created this business in the first place! My first thoughts when I was inspired to create a small business was about creating a space for learning, connecting with like-minded people and a place for community to gather! Well today, I get to experience the vision of this happening right before my eyes! These are rapidly changing times. For those who are drawn to a more holistic way of living—integrating mind, body and spirit, it really helps to be surrounded by supportive friends who understand what you’re going through. It is a lot more fun too Add to that a small infusion of gratitude for being surrounded by so many cool people and a Mystical Marketplace to make my day fly by! So while this day started out with slouched shoulders… I can happily report that it has been invigorating! I hope you are surrounded by kindred spirits and your day is filled with gratitude and...

Untying the Knots

What is the significance of getting knots in your stomach? How does it help and how does it serve you? In several different books I have read that these kind of experiences are our unresolved emotional situations from childhood, looking to be reframed, released or integrated into our current adult life circumstances. On one level, I completely “get it”! On another… It seems like when something is happening in our lives that triggers this kind of physical, visceral reaction in our bodies… It can be a little hard to “detach” from the offending event, to bring to the surface anything that might be unresolved! Like I want to add MORE, to an already intense discomfort! BUT… This is exactly what I did this week. I got new information about a situation in my life that I am dealing with. In order for it to turn out the way I want it to, I have to justify, defend and negotiate around other things I have set-up or created… without compromising them. My stomach was a net of knots! However, I stopped in the middle of my fretting… And decided to look at what old triggers were in this for me. What were the other circumstances in my life where I had the same sensations or physical constrictions. What was there for me to learn from this? It was hard, because I had to take the focus on the current situation, which my mind really wanted to play with… And sit with the discomfort. You know what??? I know this discomfort well. I have this physical experience of knots in the...

We Are Family

This week has been crazy at home. Our niece is turning 15 and was having her Quinceanera to acknowledge the milestone. If you are not familiar with this sort of event… I suppose it is like a “Sweet 16” celebration. It is a big deal! Dresses, flowers, dance hall, music, ceremonies, and much more. Like a wedding, many family and friends from Phoenix, San Diego, Tucson, Nogales, and various hometowns in Mexico were here for the event. That is where it becomes interesting! I am reminded pretty regularly, that my husband’s culture is very different than mine. I would say that at least a few times a month, I witness something that for the life of me, wonder how the decision/choice was made! The most consistent of these is a complete lack of awareness of time! At our house we call it MST (aka: Mexican Standard Time!). Yet, for Fito… He takes it all in-stride! I want to jump in and fix, control, manipulate, change, destroy, alter, put my foot down, etc, etc… Understand? I want it to be different… I want it to align with MY way of doing things! I guess I am writing this, because, like any situation, there are two sides to every coin! I have also witnessed amazing, resilient love, care and compassion. I see family dynamics that allow for the characters that we all are, to shine through. I have seen examples of sharing, support and co-creation that simply blow me away. There is laughter and silliness at every function or gathering. Everyone is enjoying one another, except when they are not. They...

Threshold of Change

Wow, talk about shedding the old ways of doing things! It feels to me as if everything is up for grabs these days! I know I am doing things to intentionally make some changes… but, the amount of “stuff” that is falling away, seems unrelated. Yet at the same time, when I step back from it, it seems like they are all dominos. Falling in unison! As time passes and I stay focused on what I am creating in my life, it is hard to miss all the amazing results. At the same time… with every awareness of what is new… There is also an awareness of the old. It is odd to be in a situation and know you are making a new choice. I find my self thinking… “in the past, I would have done <fill-in-the-blank>”. It’s a little odd! (At least for me!). I am doing something different…. It feels right… And I am aware that it is not what I would have done before…. WHAT? AND, There is another part of this. I am becoming more aware of what triggers or hooks me! I can see patterns and the architecture of situations, events, or experiences that are emotionally charged for me. Now this doesn’t mean I am not having the emotional reaction… It simply means… I am aware that I am about to boil over, get into a fighting stance or, some other emotional projection. While it is happening! I believe we are in the midst of a dramatic energetic shift here on planet Earth. I believe we are awakening to our true nature.. Our...

Trust as a Lubricant

It seems that one of the themes that has been coming up lately is “trusting what you know”. Personally I have had several of these experiences… and I am really working to get on board with this concept. For several months, I have been feeling like everything was really lining up, and falling into place. I had this sense that several of the key goals I had been working towards were close to being achieved. All I can really say about this… Is that I had a sense, or feeling or knowing that I was on track. THEN… I started to look for proof that this knowing or sense was correct! I wanted validation. I wanted confirmation from a source outside of myself. So I started to gather “data” (in my case, reports, paperwork, charts… etc…). However, the proof or confirmation was not lining up! It did not match what I was feeling in my heart. So… Per usual, I gave the situation over to my mind! And while I have a sharp mind… It has a built in “worry” mode that gets activated quite easily! Some might call it a trigger switch… For me it, oftentimes seems like I use worry or fear as the lubricant for the many gears that are turning in my mind. As if by applying a glob of worry, it will allow the cogs and wheels to turn faster and smoother. Then I will magically get to the confirmation, proof or answers I need. We’ll in this recent case, it took a long time (a couple of months) to find the physical proof...

Trying to Find the Present

Have you ever have one of those days when every thought running through your head is a mind-trip? The concepts and ideas are so philosophical that you realize that if you were to try and follow any of them, you might go down the rabbit hole and never find your way back? Okay… I’m there! I am simultaneously dancing with the future and the past.., while trying to figure out how to stay in the moment. I believe that the exploration and development of our spiritual SELF, is for the most part, about learning to live in the moment. To be present. As simple as this sounds, we have these very human tendencies to look to the past for answers, justification, proof, confirmation, etc., or plan, fret, conspire, anticipate or worry about the future! There is true self-mastery for those who have created present-moment living for themselves. I find that as simple as it is… It is one of my greatest challenges! This week one of the juxtapositions I am encountering is that many of the practices, techniques, classes, workshops, books or whatever we are using to connect and live more from this elusive NOW moment… Seem to force the past and future into your awareness! WTH? So here I am following a new routine that supports more present moment living… That simultaneously has me loosing sleep, thinking about random experiences from yesterday to my early childhood! I am not even sure how these memories are connected to one another or if they are!! Then when I pull myself back to the present, I slip easily past it and...

Great Gulps!

Something happened for me when we celebrated Storm Wisdom’s 3 year anniversary. It is as if I was realizing for the first time, I had “actually” created something. This triggered an internal review process, to figure out if I had created what I wanted.., if it was what I had dreamed of.., and were we on course, moving toward our most optimum future? So, I began an external process (with the help of a passionate Mentor) to look at the business of Storm Wisdom. Now… I find myself in conversations about the new objectives, planning and documentation that seem right for where we are and where we are going. The steps to take this business to the next level… And I realize half-way through these conversations, that it energetically sounds like I am complaining! That is not my intention. YET, there is a huge “gulp” in my throat… I’m aware that some of what I am up to feels brand new for me, and I have little experience with it. Then it hits me… these gulps informs us, that we are doing important work. We are stepping outside the box. It is when we acknowledge the gulp and keep moving forward, that we stretch, learn and grow. Now in my case, if I stay with the mind-chatter of all that has to be done, I can create it as overwhelming. OR… I can choose to recognize that most gulps I have ever experienced, were a huge opportunity for growth. Yes, I may make mistakes, I might not get it right the first time, etc. However, I will learn, I...

Lifting the Curtain

Every once in awhile, I hear myself saying “It feels so close, it is like it is on the other side of a curtain”. And, by the way, I am trying to figure out where the opening is so I can get to the elusive other side! So now I am here again, feeling like significant change and growth is only a curtain away! However, this time I am much more aware that I am the one creating the change AND the barrier (read curtain) to reaching it! Our purpose, passions, interests and desires drive us onward. While at the same time fear, resistance, apathy, procrastination, and confusion can easily keep us standing still.., treading water so to speak. Sometimes it seems as if I lack the experience to do ANYTHING new in my life! These thoughts come from the small voice inside my head. This voice keeps me locked in place, using any and all limited thinking or beliefs. Fear of the unknown, resistance to changing what is comfortable, or stagnant with indecision! I know these thoughts so well. Yet there is this other voice. This other calling, that comes from a different part of our anatomy… Be it the Heart or the Soul, it comes from deep within us and it has a persistence that maybe delayed or denied for a short time, but, that draws us forward. Perhaps as a dream or vision of how something in our life could be. This voice knows who we are and who we are becoming. It is our calling, it is our purpose. We know it is there on...

Middle of the Unknown

Here I go, jumping into a dialog about something and I don’t even know where it is going! Yet, it seems like the perfect time to talk about old energy versus new energy! You see, I have had a couple of experiences recently where I felt like the lecture, conversation, book/article or class was good, but at the same time irrelevant. Almost as if I would have appreciated it five or ten years ago. So, no harm-no foul, but also hard to imagine giving it much credence or the desire to deepen or expand. I’ve heard myself say: “It was fine, it just felt like old energy.” Even as I write this, words like boredom or apathy come to mind. At the same time, when we experience the same thing, multiple times within a short period of time, it is probably a good idea to pay attention. As a lesson, cannot be far away. So… What is this lesson? As soon as we try to define what our lessons are, our minds take over and distort the process. Most of us are only truly aware of our lessons when we can look at them in the rear view mirror… or hindsight, as they say! It seems to me that there are people, books, programs or concepts that stand the test of time. There are others that have a finite place in our evolution, and are simply stepping stones to the next portion of our journey. Yet even as I write this I think of some of the religions that seemed to haven had time on their side, but whose...

Haul Water, Chop Wood

This has been one of those weeks where it seems that everything on my to-do list is a mundane task! Where is the excitement, where is the fun? Data-entry, paperwork, balancing budgets, clearing inventory and making adjustments… my eyes are tired and my lower back aches from sitting in front of a computer screen for most of the week. And then I remember that all of these mundane tasks are part of a foundation that supports the many aspects of a business and life that I love! I get to socialize, connect with and support people everyday, because there is a physical location, with all kinds of cool events, products and services available… that people want and they “show up”! For all of us, especially the small business owner or independent service provider, we do what we do because we love it AND there are mundane or time consuming tasks that go along with having and living our purpose.   Guess what? There are riches in “them thar’ hills”! I found that as I allowed my resistance to fall to doing (what I decided were), those menial tasks, I started to see more of what “could be”. Perhaps it was a deeper understanding of how things looked, or what impact one thing had on another. In one case it was the awareness of how much has really transpired since opening our doors. There were many ah-ha moments generated by allowing myself to be present with these mundane tasks. Intimacy. I created a new level of intimacy with my own business and with my life (which sometimes are inseparable). Which...

Autopilot Overload

These days I find that I have a hunger or desire for things to be practical and simple. I find this is true in all areas of my life. So, with my thoughts swirling around this concept, I have to ask myself~Why? One thing that comes to mind right away is that it feels like everything is shifting and changing so rapidly…, I don’t have the time or energy to explore things that are complicated or that require a huge time commitment. Relationships or tasks that require major maintenance or upkeep are put off. Events or jobs that require redo after redo or that don’t come together with ease, are put on the back burner (to probably never be looked at again). Not because they are large or complex, but because they don’t flow… or there is no ease to them. The other thing that I notice is that this desire for simplicity is not all good! Trust me, parts of it I think are perfectly aligned with where my life is currently. On the other hand, it feels like many times, this idea of simple and practical (or ease and flow), is really the search for immediate gratification or least amount of effort. Are you getting the lazy quality that is implied? This is a mixed bag of thoughts and emotions!! The reality is, there’s a reason for staying focused on what flows, what is simple or what is practical. It helps us to know we are on course. Yet, when we stop checking-in and discerning what is right for us in any given moment, it is easy...

Permission Slips

Most weeks when I sit down to write this newsletter, I am already aware of the themes that have been going on around me. I have an idea of what I want to explore. However, something unusual happened this week that has kind of shifted my experience. So it feels like the themes that I might have explored prior to attending the Bashar event yesterday, are simply part of an old reality, that no longer matter. So why write about them!?! Instead… let me say that I have heard or known of Bashar for sometime now~several years. There are things about Bashar that don’t resonate for me… Or has he would say, I have not given myself the “permission slip” to believe. (ET, spaceships, contact, etc…) While I don’t doubt the existence or probability of these phenomenons~they are not areas of exploration that draw focus or hold my attention. BUT… The information, processes and techniques Bashar shared are some of the most potent and powerful I have ever heard. Including the idea that how we truly shift and create our most optimum future is by keeping it simple! Our world, while complex is not complicated It has never been more clear, that as we choose in each moment, we are crafting, creating and shifting our future and what we will manifest. Not by some complicated series of steps, circumstances or proving… But by staying present to what is right and aligned with/for us. When we are willing to strip away the attitudes, beliefs and limitations (that we have picked-up along the way…) that no longer fit with who we...

Trusting What I Know

It seems to me that one of the joys of life is being a student of life. Approaching a new situation, relationship or opportunity with an open mind and seeing what can be learned. To see how, whatever is encountered, fits in with what is already known or has been experienced or gleaned from the past. Updating the database of life, simply by staying open to what is presented. At the same time, we must learn to trust what we know and respond or act based on the lessons we have already completed. I have found myself looking for solutions or answers to new questions, without checking in to see if I already know or have a solution from previous experiences. It is as if I am starting from scratch and don’t trust what is already inside of me. The funny thing is, that this usually applies to the situations that affect me personally. If I am in conversation with someone else and they have asked for guidance or insight, my mind and imagination quickly assembles similar situations, metaphors, and highlights from previous lessons learned. My intuition kicks in and emotions start to fill in the blanks with plus or minuses! All of life’s experiences are right at hand, and I am engaged, offering possible perspectives, options and clarity. Now… If I am the one who is encountering or confronting a challenge that feels new… Instead trusting what I already know, I have a tendency to go looking for a new solution! This is not a bad thing necessarily. Except when I refuse to look at simple solutions that...

Intuitive Senses, Your Navigation Tools

We are coming to the halfway point of this magical year of 2012 (I know… How crazy fast is that!) and more than ever it feels like this is the time to start really focusing on our intuitive senses and allow them to influence and guide our lives. I don’t buy into any of the doom-and-gloom predictions that are sensationalized in the media and in some belief systems. Yet, I do believe our consciousness (awareness) is expanding and shifting. I am confident we have been moving towards this shift for the past 20 years or so… And will probably take another 20 to be able to look back in hind sight and see how critical and important this transitional time has been. With that in mind… the easiest way for me to think about what is really shifting and changing, is to think of it in terms of energies. Specifically masculine and feminine energies. I believe what is shifting in our consciousness is the awareness that without balancing the driving, doing, conquering, dominating and winning energies of the distorted masculine, with spacious, cooperative, sharing, reflective and “being” energies of the feminine, we risk greater wars, annihilation of our natural resources, separation from each other and the Divine. Your intuitive senses are your portal and access points to the feminine energies that are trying to find internal balance with the masculine energies of your five physical senses. It does not matter if you are man or woman, because this is the energetic shift on the planet, your physical body is trying to find it’s own unique balance with these energies...

Thank You!

Gratitude, Amazement, Wonder, Pride, Awe, Joy, Inspired, Humbled… These are the feelings and thoughts I am soaking in after our magical day of celebration! I have never felt more supported or honored than I do this morning. What a day… What a party. There is something about Storm Wisdom turning three years old that was already triggering an(other) internal shift for me. An awareness that many visions and dreams have already manifested before my very eyes. Yet also being aware that I’ve been holding my breath, fingers-crossed, and praying that the dream I am investing most of my time and energy into… is sustainable, thriving, growing… AND doing what I set out to do… Creating community, where we learn and grow with each other through conversations, sharing and experiencing each other. Yesterday that was evident in powerful and palpable ways. It is an amazing feeling to be loved, witnessed, and celebrated so thoroughly that you feel like a sponge, that is satiated with so much water, that it is almost impossible to hold your form. I love being that sponge. There are many of you reading this that were not able to be physically present… Please know I felt you here too! That is one of the many cool things about being an Energy-centric business!!! You get to feel people sending you amazing vibes from any distance! For the hundreds of people that joined us yesterday… I am so glad you were here to help anchor in the tangible memories that keep playing over and over in my mind! You made my day perfect in every way. How glorious...

Simplicity is Knocking

Simplify has been the theme of my life for the past couple of weeks. Wanna know something…? It’s contagious! I don’t feel like I went searching for simplicity~it just approached me and whispered my name. To give you an example, I will talk about my home office. For many years it was organized and efficient (even in it’s complexity). But for the past few years, it has been a dead-zone in my home. Both Fito and I make piles of “stuff” and pretend we know where everything is. Even the chaise lounge became a foundation for odd piles that didn’t quite match the stacks that were on the desk. And the stacks on the desk were starting to collapse into each other anyway. As a result of needing to gather a bunch of documents and information… I finally jumped in and tackled the mess. 6 full garbage bags of shredded crap, two days of sorting, filing and tossing… I have my office back. And, I also have a new awareness. Like so many people, my life has shifted dramatically over the past five years. I use to make good money, I had investments, I had “plans”. All of that has changed. What hadn’t changed was my acceptance of these shifts. A lot of what was shredded was bank statements from old accounts that are no longer used or needed. Properties, investments, dreams and visions that have moved on or whose life force energies died years ago. I have been holding on to a way of life or living that no longer matches the circumstances of my life! Mind you…...

A Gift from Teenagers

This has been a fun week… and a week of reflection. My sister Mary Jane and her daughters Jayme and Victoria have been here visiting from Maine. We had a great opportunity to get caught up and create some new memories. I also love seeing my own life anew, by seeing it through the eyes of someone who is experiencing it for the first time (or in a long while). However the real reflection for me was experiencing the beauty of youth and all of the challenges that go with it. It is interesting to see the choices that set up our attitudes and beliefs and how firmly they become ingrained in our journey. Yet as 17 and 15 year old girls/young women… They are so immeshed in learning, navigating, claiming and becoming who they are, that the opportunity to slow it down and understand the long term implications of their words and actions, appears almost impossible. They want to rush to adulthood as if once they get there, none of life’s current challenges will be there. They are beautiful, and yet use words to describe themselves that have the potential to haunt and pressure them for years~until they finally set them down. They set limitations for themselves that right now protect them from standing out, that allow them to “fit-in” or even worse, to be invisible. AND they are funny, smart, creative, and resourceful. They have a strong sense of what works for them and what doesn’t. They are finding their voice and their identities as they accelerate up the on-ramp to the highway of life. I found...

Riding the Waves

Why am I always surprised by the ebb and flow of life? It has always been this way (and it always will)… yet, it can catch me off guard. It seems like each one of us has a pace, speed or level of flow that we are most comfortable with, and as a result, look for the people, places and things where we will experience this the most consistently. So what happens when you like to boogie-board or body-surf and there are 10′ swells? Or perhaps you search out the big waves for the pure adrenaline of catching and riding the edge of the white-caps… only to find yourself with a pristine calm. Some of us like to relax, others are active, and then there are those among us who want to be on the go! These are all valid options (with everything in between), and regardless of which of these options we prefer, the other also will be part of our experience. Nature is created and designed this way! It is not a mistake, and there is no flaw. The ebb and flow of life is good. So why does it surprise me? I am soundly a middle-of-the-road kinda guy! I like things to be moving, but I don’t want to much chaos. I also don’t want it to be too slow, for fear of boredom. Even as I acknowledge this, I realize there is a part of me trying to control the flow of events, circumstances, money, relationships, work, and okay – EVERYTHING in my life. Once again, it is time to remind myself that everything happens...

Tears of Joy

This has been a week of personal celebration and joy. The interesting part of this is how it ties into the musings of a few weeks ago about… The Past. I don’t want to bore you with a long story of all that has been going on… But, let me say this; when I started this business, I had a dream and a vision… I just didn’t have any experience! One thing that I learned pretty quickly, is that I should have had a professional negotiate the terms of our lease. That is the past I have been confronting. Throughout the “re-negotiation” process, I have been all over the map, from stressed out and hopeless… to turning it over to the Universe and assuming that “what will be, will be” and trusting that everything happens for a reason. I really have been feeling like for several months, as if I had succeeded in attaining this karmic-balance state… And that I would be fine with whatever the results were. Bullshit! I have been scared, nervous, hopeful, anxious, fearful, confident, scared, nervous, hopeful… (you get the picture). Well we have come to resolution… And the results are as good as I could have hoped, envisioned or prayed for. And it wasn’t until the moment of realization and success that I could allow myself to take a deep breath. All of the energy it took to appear (notice performance here!) as if I was handling this all so well… Finally collapsed. The breath that been that had been held in as if it was some sort of life-saving reserve, was released with...

Woo-Woo Goes Mainstream

This week I am noticing an interesting trend. Now mind you, this has probably been going on for a long time, it is just me noticing it, that is new. Woo-woo is going mainstream! For a long time, alternative perspectives, unique gifts, extra-sensory perceptions were considered either way out there or to woo-woo for the average Joe/Josie on the street. Not so much any more. Now, it is not uncommon for someone to walk into a room with a handful of people and to be able to sense (and know) what the “mood” is in the room. I talk to people regularly who indicate that they are now aware that the depression or anger they feel is “not theirs”. They are experiencing the emotions of co-workers, family members or even clients. Another common shift is people recognizing that if they visualize and set intentions for what they want to create in their life… They actually do. The responsibility for crafting and creating a more spiritual journey has become personal. You see it in the media and entertainment as well. Shows that feature someone with intuitive abilities that are portrayed as an everyday person, with a normal life, whose abilities are not suspect.  AND more important… Many enlightened people are now moving into positions within corporations, non-profits, and even politics. They are mainstreaming the language and opening dialogs where it is okay to slow down the rapid fire activity of the mind, and blend it with the introspection of the heart. To listen to the internal voice of intuition and guidance. Now this is something to celebrate! How about you…...

Am I an Atheist?

Bare with me as I sort through an internal inquiry that I find myself going through lately. I wonder if I am an Atheist. Here is the source of my inquiry… In many of the conversations I have with people, especially those who follow religious teachings, they speak of God as larger, yet more powerful being… One whose image we are created in. God is personified – specifically as a human being (two arms, two legs, walking upright). In many of these conversations, there is an implied city, place, or gated community where when we finally meet or reconnect with God, we will live for eternity. Neither of these (personified or final destination) feels right for me. In much of what I read, see, or hear, there are rules and/or requirements that God has relayed to us that we should follow, otherwise we will not measure up to the threshold requirement that allows us access to be by his (always male) side. It is implied that without his clear guidance about what is right or wrong, we would not have the clear authority or ability to know or understand the difference between good and evil. I am also challenged by that notion. My goal is to keep these musings short, so I won’t continue listing all the things that don’t fit or resonate for me. AND, I want to be clear that I love that each of us gets to choose the belief system that DOES works for us. However, If I can’t relate to God in the ways mentioned above… And an Atheist is someone who does not...

Off the Deep End

I believe that the biggest shift in the natural evolution of consciousness, is feminine energies coming into BALANCE with masculine energies. For centuries, masculine energies were necessary and important for our awakening and evolution. As a species we needed to understand how to protect ourselves, survive and even thrive in a world where even the four basic elements (air, water, fire & earth) held sway over our very existence. So, we honored and valued masculine energies such as action, building, aggression, competition, hunting, thinking and doing. We honored them for so long that we distorted them. Feminine energies have always been present too~creating, allowing, gathering, nurturing, feeling and being. They just have not been perceived as being AS valuable in the scheme of evolving. As a result, feminine energies have also been distorted… By being minimalized or under valued. I don’t mean to imply that they have not both been important in our evolving journey… It just seems to me they have been out of balance. AND just as importantly, gender has played a role. We all have within us, both of these critical energies. However, men generally, typically, or on-average have put their focus on doing, winning and conquering. Out-smarting the next guy. While women have usually been the ones who nurtured, inspired, empathized, supported and allowed. And I know better than anyone… That these are stereotypes and DO NOT apply to all men and women.However… My whole reason for writing about this, is because right now it feels like women are under attack in this country. And it is personally hard for me to watch. As I...

The Past As An Ally

The past is active and trying to assist us with the present, helping us to shift the future. I am sure this is happening all the time, however right now there seems to be heightened activity for many of us. I have had a number of conversations with friends and clients about the number of people or circumstances from their past, that are now reappearing. The same is true for me. It is one thing when it happens once in awhile… But 3 or 4 times back-to-back and it is time to pay attention. One that stands out for me was an online request from a manager who use to work for me back in 1994/1995. He was asking for a referral for a job that he is pursuing. My very first thought was…”Wells Fargo does not give referrals” (because that was their policy when I worked there). There was an energy connected with this reaction. All of a sudden, I felt very rigid, very proper, professional… and to be truthful, a little self-righteous. I understand why a company has these policies, this is not about them being wrong. This is about how I energetically enforced some of their policies. It is one of the ways I maintained the illusion of control! This was an invitation from the past, to catch up with and bring myself current. It allows me to recognize and set down an old set of operating beliefs, that I was not even aware were still active. I get to choose, where I am today, what feels right for me now. I believe, these visits from...

Looking Toward A Positive Future

Sometimes I wonder how the life I am living and the one that is projected through television, radio and print media can coexist simultaneously. Everyday I am surrounded by loving, caring people who, like me, are moving towards and trying to create a world that is more loving and caring too. Yet much of what we see and hear is so hate-filled, violent, scary, isolating or filled with scarcity. Not from each other, but from the media. One theme that seems to be coming up a lot, is the idea that we have to get all this negative crap out, so that we can see that is just that… Crap! Only then can we let it go. However for me, sometimes it seems so daunting. Really? I have to wade though this much crap to find peace and happiness? Then it dawns on me~it is all a state of mind. I don’t actually need to “deal” with anything that is not aligned with a brighter future. I simply have to recognize it for what it is, and then live my beautiful life… I realize I must do this without becoming complacent or weary. It is clear that each step that is taken with intention… moves me towards a more bountiful, inclusive, positive future. Along the way, all of the messages, indicators or signs of doom, dread or isolation are opportunities to shift and align the energies around me to become positive and life affirming. Last night we had friends over for drinks. The topic of living in Arizona, came up. It is always fascinating to me that I live...

Catching Up

This week has been about old friends and new friends. In both cases, catching up has been the theme. Of course with old friends, you assume that this would be part of reconnecting. A fun surprise is when you meet someone new, and you have that same sense of knowing each other from before… and that you are now getting caught up on each other’s life. My friend Mary, who is visiting from L.A., has been an important part of my life for 30 years. She is the type of friend who when we get together, it can be annoying for others who are around us, because we have so many shared, seemingly random experiences that bring out the foolishness in us… And no one else gets the vague reference or WHY it is so hilarious! (quoting lines from “The Princess Bride”???). At the same time, this is one of those relationships that continue to grow and mature together. We certainly have fond memories from years ago, however, we are still creating new ones too. We bring each other up-to-date, and then begin to play in the present. Then there are new friends like Carolyn Ford and her partner Ron, who just brought the Ancient Crystal Skull “Einstein” to Storm Wisdom for the first time. We have talked on the phone, had a couple of brief group encounters… And then, in this first visit, both have the sensation that we have known each others for years. People use the expression “kindred spirits” a lot to describe this sensation of meeting someone anew, and yet already knowing them at the...


Wow… Who knew how easy it would be, to be thrown off balance. I feel like I have lost touch with everything, that a few weeks ago was a pressing priority. Now I am having a hard time remembering what those things were or if they even existed! Not to make light of this in any way, but my mother, Ruthie, ended up in the hospital for a few days. Things did not look or sound good. As a result, there was the scramble that ensues trying to coordinate things with family, friends, work, doctors, etc. The “what-if” scenarios started stacking on top of each other, and stuff that before, didn’t exist… all of a sudden were the only things that mattered. Mom is fine and she is home now. I, on the other hand, am trying to remember what it is I am suppose to do, now that the sense of crisis is over. I know these things change us~but how? Is it really that I could have forgotten what I am suppose to do next… Or is it that those things that I was giving so much importance to before… Never were!?! All I know is the last few days feel disorienting… I feel off balance. Perhaps it is suppose to be this way. Perhaps every once in a while we need to be reminded “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (and it is all small stuff)” (title of Richard Carlson’s book). I am really good with the occasional cleaning house, making changes or switching focus. Maybe I need to start planning these events more… Cause when the...

In Good Company

I love this time of the year, because it is Gem Show time in Arizona. It starts at the beginning of January in Quartzsite… Then by February the biggest Gem and Mineral show in the world takes place in Tucson! For a diehard Rock Hound… This is pure fun! 18,000 vendor all over the city… With everything from tiny fragments of ore to gigantic specimens of museum quality gems and minerals. There are fossils, Tibetan bowls, geodes, weavings, art sculptures, jewelry, crystal skulls and much, much more! What I have noticed for myself this year, is that what I am drawn to and what I am searching for, has more to do with the clients of Storm Wisdom and less about what I am personally searching for. One reason of course that I have a huge personal collection (like any rock hound) of crystals and stones. But the other reason is, after three years of doing this as a business… The voice of clients are in my head! I see the things they are drawn to, and hear about the things they are searching for… And probably even more sense the things they will be drawn to! I use to approach the journey to connecting with crystals in much the same way my own personal journey unfolded. None of the early pieces I collected were done for spiritual, metaphysical or energetic purposes. I was drawn to them for their beauty and aesthetics. It was only by surrounding myself with them that I began to experience them as tools and allies to help me connect with my personal journey. I...

Finding Center

If everything happens for a reason, and part of our journey is learning to love people exactly where they are~then this week I am feeling inexperienced and challenged! There are a lot of AMAZING things happening AND at the same time, a couple of things have knocked me off center. For the most part the people or things that feel threatening are not actually happening yet. Instead I am projecting or possibly anticipating problems arising. I know better… I am really trying to shift my perspective. Yet I find that my fear about them runs deep. I feel the part of me that wants to run and hide, pretend that they don’t exist. Even as I type these words, I recognize that I am giving my power away to a possible future that may never arise. I am sure I will figure out how to put this all into a prospective that supports a more optimal future, but in the mean time I wonder how and why!! You see, what is up for me right now, is feeling susceptible to being judged or ridiculed for my personal beliefs and values. It is the feeling of being surrounded by people who only see one path for all of us to travel! And, for someone like me, who walks a unique path (and loves it!) it feels very limiting. It also triggers old memories of “needing” to defend or justify myself, my position or my perspective. These are all old energies that feel like they have been long buried, now being uncovered for another look! In many ways, we all confront...

All Bets Are Off

Ever since I decided to create Storm Wisdom, I have been paying attention to three things that appear to be part of my personal journey–resonance, discernment and choice. These are interconnected in many ways. What has me a bit confused in the moment is how the situations, circumstances and even people that trigger my awareness of them, seems to have changed! I recognize that I have been particularly guarded about what happens at Storm Wisdom and even who or what we are associated with. Like trying to guide your child toward behaviors or friends who you think are aligned with their best interest! That doesn’t mean I comprehend all the different workshops, modalities, services or training that happen here… It means I try to pay attention to the resonance of what is proposed or of the person presenting their idea, service or even product. I then discern whether it is timely, aligned, or a fit. Then make a choice yea or ney. Now… This all is up in the air again… What used to feel questionable, may not seem so far-fetched. What used to be a “no”, has shifted to “maybe” and some “yeses” have too! The strange partis I realize I got comfortable with the “yes” and “no” of the past few years. They became comfortable and felt like clear boundaries for me. So what has changed (besides the energy on the planet!)? Why now? Is it that everything is the opposite or am I being challenged to keep an open mind! Perhaps this is how I get to feel and experience “duality” slipping away. The need to...

Subtle Energies & 2012

For the past several years I have been speaking and teaching about “subtle energy” and the expanding role it plays in our lives. Developing a relationship with these energies, that are all around us, are one of the reasons that I continue to encourage working with crystals as tools for transformation. So, why then, should I be surprised that the transition to 2012 seems to have ushered in a whole new level of awareness of these subtle energies!?! Let me explain my perspective around this. Most of us are aware that we have energetic bodies that surround our physical body. (Etheric Bodies, Energy Bodies, Auras, etc). The system that I relate to and that I use to teach about crystals includes four Energy Bodies – Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and the not so subtle Physical. These are all part of the field of energies that surrounds each one of us. they each play a role in assisting us in navigating our day-to-day lives. They hold the map of our journey and what we have allowed to matter. It is the combination of the journey and the weight (feelings and thoughts) we give our experiences along the way that make each one of us unique. In the past we have relied heavily on our 5 physical senses to navigate the terrain of our journey. We value what we can see, hear, touch, smell and taste. These familiar senses are the tools that we use to determine what will get our attention… What we will pursue or what we will resist or avoid. We use them to decide what matters to us. In...

Checking-In with SELF

I am on a roll right now… I can feel the movement towards something new, something that wants to be known, seen, felt and/or expressed. I have not figured all of this out yet, however, I can tell you it has to do with knowing myself better. Part of this started last week when I was feeling like I was straddling optimism and fear. A big part of me wanted to pull in old stories from the past that could keep me company with familiar thoughts and emotions. At the same time, there wasn’t enough of a connection with the past to find any comfort. I realized then, and even wrote about needing to connect with my heart (and my gut) to feel what was right for me in that moment. It is this checking in with self that has stayed with me all week. As I have pondered and mulled this over, I realize that now, more than ever, it is critical to make sure we are current with our own personal desires and dreams. The way I see it, so many people’s lives have been turned upside down in the past few years, that even if I were not one of them (and I am!), I know so many who have, it is obvious that this chaos and the confusion it creates, affects EVERYONE! Whether there was a personal job loss or foreclosure, or dramatic reduction of income or savings… there is so much of this across the globe that we can’t help but feel the turmoil. This turmoil has caused a lot of us to reevaluate...

Bright Lights and Alligators

My stomach is in knots!! I am waffling between a positive outlook and dread. I see the light at the end of the tunnel and an alligator infested pit that blocks my way. How can these things co-exist simultaneously? More importantly, where is my ability and authority to choose the one that truly serves me… (The one without the carnivorous reptiles!!) For many of us, this is a time of great energetic shifts. A move towards Oneness, unity, and a more global, planet friendly perspective. Away from separation and duality and the world view of domination which thrives on fear, greed, and manipulation. So why should I be surprised, that energetically, I am experiencing both the up and down sides of a situation! Don’t we all experience these planetary shifts and changes in our own physical being – first? There is another aspect of this too… I realize that part of me wants to envision a future of Oneness, that doesn’t have all the trappings of being human! No pesky constricting emotions such as fear, anxiety, boredom, etc… Just the “good” ones. Which of course brings me back to our current world view (and my own too) of duality. Where we have this incredible desire and need to classify things as good/bad, right/wrong, positive/negative. What will it actually be like when the energy of duality is replaced with Oneness. We will still have thoughts and emotions. We will still desire some things while not enjoying others. So how will it be different? How will I deal with conflicting situations or events that come at me at the same time?...

The Energy of the New Year

As you can see from the SALE notice below, we are making some major changes and shifts here at Storm Wisdom. There is something about the end of a year that really makes you stop and take notice (or inventory) of what supports you or what holds you back! This is as true in our personal lives and it is in our career or business.” More and more I relate to this from the perspective of “energy”. Sandy Sue Rector and Luckie Bosselman, our Feng Shui experts constantly remind me that moving out any thing that feels stuck, frees the “Chi” so that it flows! Right now, it seems like this is happening in every aspect of my life. Most important for me, is the awareness that this energetic shift is happening internally. Things that in the past would have bothered me, I now experience simply as old stories. I have more space for the people in my life to have their own perspectives or reactions, without the need to rescue, save… or even more importantly change them. All this shifting, changing and letting go, promotes an internal review. What feels right now? Is there something new that wants to come in or something old that wants to leave? Am I holding on to something that is attached to an old dream that is no longer alive? These inquires and more help to bring us up-to-date with ourselves. And, I believe this next year will be about creating stronger connections with SELF. Healthy boundaries, living from our desires. connecting to others through a stronger knowing of ourselves. Regardless of...


There is something amazing happening right now. It seems to me that it is “in the air”. A change that is inviting us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level and to know our own truth. For me, this means a deeper, more intimate look at responsibility. In the past I have had a tendency to lump responsibility in with duty and obligation. This means there has been a heaviness associated with responsibility. Like somehow, I have no choice about many of the situations I find myself in… Almost like I am required to participate. The old “you made your bed, now lay in it”… or “that is what friends do”. However, there is a new awareness of the power of responsibility that is all around me. It is as if everywhere I turn, I am reminded that when I take responsibility for my own life, I am more powerful. When I drop the filter of looking at responsibility as something I have to do, and embrace what I want and get to do… I am connected to my personal desire. I feel more energetically aligned with the path I am walking. The other thing it does is free me from finding others who will “share my load”! I hate to say it, but when responsibility carries the weight of duty or obligation… I am constantly looking for someone who can take some of it on for me. I look for others to share the burden! (I know… Yuck”). When I look at what I am creating in my life and own my responsibility for it… I see...

GPS – God Providing Signs

It seems like over the past couple of weeks, I have encountered powerful examples of how to live a more awakened spiritual life. AND… I have also seen some pretty hokey crap, that makes me cringe. For the people, books, videos or experiences that have inspired me, I find a new sense of alignment and commitment to the journey I am on. For the ones that feel contrived or ask that I suspend belief in the physical world, I find myself getting annoyed. A couple of them made me really stop and ask myself… “Is this what people/strangers think I am promoting or advocating”?When I slow this all down, I realize, it is these juxtapositions that help me to clearly understand what is “right” for me. Because, when something doesn’t resonate or even make sense to me, I don’t need to give it any weight or attention… I simply need to let it go. For the things that feel right… they become part of my awareness. They begin to influence how I navigate day-to-day life. A little change here, a little shift there. Herein lies the value of this jumble of seemingly mixed messages. Embrace what works, release the rest! You see, it can be easy to get caught up in defending a perspective or trying to deflect what is not aligned. Yet, all those efforts really yield, is me directing my energies towards something that is of no use to me. I am spending time and resources on something that, in the long run, was simply there as a signpost that said “Wrong Way” How much time are...

Consistency Loves Company

I find that I am amazing at creating things in my life—whenever I focus on something. I have manifested all kinds of great things. One at a time. Okay, maybe two or three at a time. However, today I’d like to manifest some consistency in my life! I know, for those who have been following my musings for awhile, you will be able to sense the theme. Before I started writing this… it felt all “new”. However, as I see the words appear on the page, I realize, I could probably go back and pull the newsletter that I wrote about “spinning plates”!!! Oh well, this is what is up for me, so in the spirit of staying with what is real – here goes.   I have set up a pattern in my life that goes something like this. I feel bad about something (my health)… I think of all the reasons staying healthy is so challenging (it takes so much time)… I get tired of not feeling healthy (pants are all uncomfortable unless they s t r e t c h)… Set an intention to get healthy (change eating and exercise programs)… Get results (who knew I would get a new wardrobe just by losing weight). Realize I have not been paying attention to another aspect of life (making money)… Think of all the reasons making money is so challenging (it takes so much time)… get tired of not feeling abundant (sleepless nights about bills)… Set an intention to create more abundance (review finances and obligations, prioritize and focus)… forget about staying healthy and focus on making...

Hey… I know You!

I have been submerged in creating new products and services for the past couple of months, and can say that it has been fun and totally amazing at times! Part of the “amazing” part is when my mind wanders and wonders…”how did I even get here?”   For anyone who has known me for any length of time, they will tell you that working with crystals or owning a Spiritual Well-Being Center – were not an obvious part of my journey! How did I go from Corporate America to Storm Wisdom? It truly baffles the mind. Unless you are comfortable with the concept that we come here with a divine plan. Something that we want to accomplish during our tenure of being physical. Mind you, it is my personal belief that there are many options, ways or paths to fulfilling our plan. However sometimes, the options that are most aligned can be a bit of a surprise.   It is not being an entrepreneur that is the surprise… (Although, I must admit, owning a small business was never much of a fantasy for me). The surprise comes in the form of the tools (crystals) that lead me to this adventure. Who could have imagined that some one who is so logical or analytical and in their thinking, would relate to crystals as a way to navigate life??? The concept of working with crystals seems so esoteric or woo-woo. Neither which screams technology manager to me!! However… What I realize is, by following the call towards something that seems so different than what I had planned… I am in good...

Focus on the Good Stuff

I realize I have a pattern that is both a blessing and a curse. The pattern goes like this: I have something great in my life, I want to keep it. I keep an eye out for anything that is or could go wrong. I attempt to fix, solve or prevent anything I perceive as bad! Sounds like a good thing right?     There are good things about being proactive and caring for the people, places and things in our lives. By addressing problems or issues when they are small, sometimes we prevents them from becoming large. There is also a nurturing quality to this pattern. I suppose it is what most parents go through as they watch life lessons unfold in front of their children. Finding the balance between allowing them to learn and keeping them from harm.   My challenge is often finding and staying in balance. I tend to be so focused on the problem or what might go wrong (risk management background!), that it can be easy to forget the good stuff! Getting wrapped up in how I could have done “it” better, or how it would have turned out if I had made “this” choice instead. I tend to give these evaluations or assessments more weight. As a result, I start to look at and relate to situations and relationships from the perspective of the problems.   What about the “good stuff”? I noticed this week that when I get into problem solving mode, the things that are working well, the strengths and the beauty of a relationship or situation are put to...


How many crossroads do we encounter in Life? Are we suppose to count them, or do we just accept them as a natural part of any journey? When we set out on an adventure, many times we think we will travel the highways and byways of Life with the companions who are with us at the start. Only to find that when we reach a crossroads, we turn left and they go straight ahead!   Sometimes it seems like we are the only one who turns left. We are on our journey by ourselves. At least for a little while. Then out of nowhere, someone who also thought going left would be the ideal road for them is keeping us company. We discover that we have new travel companions! Yeah!   Then we come to another crossroads!   Sometimes I have found that when I get to these intersections, that someone who took a different turn then I did, is all of a sudden right beside me again! Could I have stayed side by side with them in the past? Will we travel the rest of the way together or will we each be drawn in a different direction at the next fork in the road?   I am beginning to realize that when I am willing to take a journey, that initially feels like I am alone, I am crafting my own unique experience. When I surrender the comfort of what is known and I am willing to step into the unknown, I find my personal truth, what is right for me. It is also in these times...

Celebrate Your Life

I am writing this newsletter from the conference center at the Desert Ridge Marriott, here in Phoenix, where for the weekend, we have had a vendor table at the “Celebrate Your Life” Conference and Expo. I would love to tell you that I have learned a ton of new information from the world class speakers, authors and Inspiring leaders that are here! BUT… I haven’t!   Instead, I have learned from all the participants, volunteers and hosts! There are so many amazing beings here taking in the energy offered by this unique gathering. Everyone has been open, willing and anxious to share conversations, perspectives and the experiences that are enriching their weekend. Several have said, it is the one time a year where they are completely surrounded by like minded Souls. They smile, shake hands and engage in lively conversations that are like bubbles of Hope, rising into the desert skies! They are my teachers this weekend!   I love that simply by gathering, we learn from one another! Even when I am not sitting in a lecture or keynote address, I get the gist… the highlights… the impact this conference is having on people. It is in the air!   At the same time, it is hard work to be here, on your feet all day. I have a new found respect for those who do this frequently. It has been an amazing weekend experience. The satisfaction I feel in my heart… overwhelms the aches in my feet!   Thanks to everyone who stopped by and said hello! And HUGE gratitude to the rest of the Storm Wisdom...

Occupy the World

I can’t help thinking about the Occupy Wall Street protests that have spread across the globe. They are in the news constantly, mostly when there is violence or injuries against a particular gathering of protestors.   This movement feels like one of the most visible signs of something many of us have felt coming for a long time. Something that needs, wants and has to change for the sake of the planet and for all of us, whether we are willing to see that or not.   As I contemplate this, I realize that the biggest reason this is such an important stance for these people to make, is because they are primarily the young people in this country. They are dissatisfied with the energies of greed and waste. They want to shift the energies that direct so much of the wealth and resources (power) to the few and penalize the majority. They want change.   What they are doing feels chaotic and a bit unfocused. On the one hand, you could say this hurts their cause. It minimizes their impact. On the other, if this really is one of the seeds of long term change… maybe that is the way it is suppose to be. Many seeds when first planted and going through their germination and early growth stages are unrecognizable as the future garden or crop they will eventually become.   I think it is okay, that they don’t have a clear direction or focus yet. I think it is okay for them to simply be angry and hurt by the way corporations, governments and the brokers...

Are We Having Fun Yet?

When I first started to really focus on my personal and spiritual growth, my life seemed to go through a lot up of upheaval. I was feeling emotions that I had successfully avoided for most of my life. The things that I thought were so important to my happiness started to lose their allure. And, many of the relationships in my life started to shift and some even drifted away. At the time, I am not sure I would have called it FUN.   But in hind-sight, I realize that is exactly what it was!   As kids we think of fun as a stimulant that comes from an external adventure, new toy or something that makes us laugh from the bottom of our bellies. As adults, many times the things that bring the most enjoyment or fun, are more personal and intimate. That does not mean a good roller-coaster ride isn’t fun. It means that a lasting sense of the energies of fun, come from our internal awareness of what feeds our mind, body and spirit.   When I think about spirituality now and what it means to me… It is the ability to experience whatever is going on in any given moment and to respond in a way that is real and authentic to my own personal guidance~my own internal (higher) guidance. And living life from this place is fun! It is filled with surprises, synchronicity, and deep connection to others. The kind of connection you can only achieve if you are willing to be yourself at all times. It makes the exploration of SELF, self-propelling. Adventures...

Getting Focused

It seems as though everything today is in a state of flux! So many of the conversations we participate in each day revolve around taking a new direction or letting go of something that no longer seems to fit! There is this feeling of being on the verge of something new, something different. At the same time, my personal experience is that I can’t lock in what on what is next! Mainly because, it is still in transition versus time to normalize the shift. On one level I get how this is how we are suppose to live our lives… The journey, not the destination. On the other, these are transformational times. It feels more and more as if are at the precipice of major energetic shifts. As exciting as this feels, it also feels awkward~it feels uncomfortable. We are stepping into the unknown and creating a new way of being. Because of all this flux… I have decided to ask for your help. Victoria Barna and I would like to host a Focus Group on the topic of “What’s Next for Storm Wisdom”. The idea is to evaluate what our role is going forward… Or even if we have a role. We will look at all aspects of the products and services we offer and see if there is a change that wants or needs to occur. We are looking for 18 participants who are willing to share their thoughts and perspectives on what the future of Storm Wisdom could look like! If you are a client, vendor, teacher, practitioner, artist or friend of Storm Wisdom and would...

Teacher Appreciation

Have you ever heard something for the second or third time, yet it felt like it was all new information? That has been my experience for most of the weekend. As you know from previous newsletters, this past weekend Kirby Seid from Ancient Technologies was presenting at Storm Wisdom. He is pioneering how to use Light, Color and Sound~the technologies of today and blending them with the ancient properties of Crystals. Once again I was blown away by the experiences he and his friends (1 from the Exploratorium in SF and the other a developer at Apple… His so called garage-band of explorers!) have created with the “Light Labyrinth” and the “Holotope”. Both experiences are like portals to new parts of the brain! Kirby also shared his personal theories, experiences, ideas and concepts. The driving forces behind these passions and projects. Because he has been an important ally since starting this business, I have heard and conversed with him many times on these subjects. However each time, it feels like I am learning something new. This time, my experience came with a new recognition. It is not that I am hearing something new or for the first time. It is that I am receiving the information at a deeper level! Deeper level of the conscious mind… Deeper in the sub-conscious?? Maybe both… However I had this sensation of it penetrating deep inside my brain! It is as though I have been circling around this sort of energetic information for a long time… And then magically a doorway opens that leads deeper into the mystery of life! It isn’t even...

Uniqueness Leads to Oneness

Recently I have been seeing images of jigsaw puzzle pieces in my dreams and in my meditations. At first, I took this to mean that there was something in my life that needed to be solved. Upon deeper reflection, instead I think it is more about being unique, being our own piece of the puzzle! As I slow the analogy or metaphor down and really sit with it… I realize that we are being asked to look at our physical world, to sense it’s texture and how real it feels. From there, regardless of what we perceive (whether we label it good or bad), to go inside and determine for ourselves what it is we want to create, what we value. As we move into higher states of awareness, it is up to each of us to find our own unique expression and to bring forth the energies of joy, peace, fun, love, harmony, or any other expansive emotions and thoughts that brighten our personal “Light” for others to see. This does not mean a different job or career. It does not mean that any of the circumstances of our lives need or will change at all. It is simply each one of us being our own unique piece to the puzzle. Think about it. We live in a time where we are saturated with media and images that insist that there are particular ways to look, dress, groom, embellish, or adorn ourselves to indicate success or status. Which soft drink or beverage makes us cool or hip. The car we should drive or zip-code we should live in....

When Change Comes Easily

My life has changed for the better! I have never been more content or felt more aligned than I do right now. It almost seems as though this happened over night! I even find myself asking, “could it be this easy?”. Then I realize that when I hold this perspective, it diminishes all of the intentional choices I have made to create the life of my dreams.   Mind you, for the most part, my life has always been wonderful. Great family, friends, work, home, health and husband. Yet, it always seemed as though I could not get them in balance with each other. If my work life was going great, my friendships suffered. If my health was my focus, my career was lacking… etc. I made up this story in my mind that I “couldn’t do it all”. I was resigned to the idea that it was impossible to find balance… Because something had to be on the back-burner.   I get how “it is too hard to have it all” was one of my stories. It was one of the things that I would think or say to keep me playing safe or even harder to say, playing small. It was a way to “tread water”. I also recognize that I was looking for the evidence of my happiness or success, from the people, places and things that surrounded me.   What has shifted recently is that I am no longer looking outside of myself, for validation of the beauty of my life. I am where I am suppose to be and I am the one who...


I have come to an amazing awareness about “Awakening”. For me, Awakening happens over an extended period of time. Let me explain. For the past 8 or 9 years that I have been intentionally navigating my Spiritual journey, I encounter people who talk about “an Awakening” or “the Awakening”. In my mind, I have taken that to mean there is an event that occurs. All of a sudden, one day a light-switch goes on and I awaken from the dark and now I see the world in a whole new light. I want to be clear, no one described it to me this way… It is me, trying to put the concept of Awakening into simple perspective. So, I have had “awakened” envy! Wondering when and if I would find my personal light-switch. It is just like me to want to turn my Spiritual Awakening into an event. This way I can be in pursuit of it… I can plan how to master it… I can set a few goals and milestones and then check them off a list (with a red pen!). “Ahhh, DONE!” This of course means that I have been slightly oblivious to the important aspect of Awakening – the journey! While I am trying to figure out how I can get to this elusive stage of awakened… I am potentially missing the moment. I am outside of myself looking for the answers, somewhere in the future. I wish I could tell you this realization means that I now have a clue! I don’t – what I am aware of is that these are the same...

Don’t Go, Where it Doesn’t Flow

This is my new motto!!! The interesting thing is that the last time I decided this would be my new motto, I was in the middle of an awkward or painful situation that I didn’t want to repeat. Then I forgot this was my new motto and proceeded to bang my head against another wall or began the slow, arduous climb up a metaphorical mountain! Not so this time! Suddenly, I realize that all those other times I claimed this approach and then forgot it, have actually begun to sink in! I am living my life in a different way! There are many times recently where I have been watching a scenario unfold in front of me, and I think to myself – “Man, that would have really p!s5ed me off in the past” or “Wow, in the past I would have really needed to try and control THAT!” These observations and this new awareness is liberating on so many levels. “Control” is such an illusion! Yet for those of us who have attempted to master it as a way to navigate our lives – It ain’t that clear!! It feels real… especially when it appears like you are in “full control”. (queue loud ominous laughter here!). For someone like me, who has spent so many years trying to be perceived in a certain way or wanting to shift or change someone else, so that they were more aligned with MY vision, beliefs or what I value… Letting go and going with the flow represents a HUGE relief! I also realize that setting down control and allowing things to...

The Dance

The Dance Life these days is feeling like a dance and I am the dancer. It is a piece I have been training for all my life and I am singular in my focus. I want the people in my life, who represent the audience, to like me and appreciate my talent. I want them to enjoy and/or be moved by my particular interpretation of this dance. Just as important to me, I want to enjoy the dance, especially since I have chosen the stage, the props, the lighting, the music, costumes and style of dance. Let’s face it… This is my show, this is my dance. There are several reasons this analogy stands out for me at this time. The first is I am more and more aware of how many of the choices for this dance (or my life) are for someone else… No one has asked me to perform a particular dance, although there are many who have shared their thoughts or ideas about what they felt would be ideal. Some completely from the perspective of how much they love and adore me and wish only the best. To the critics or naysayers who somehow manage to also be part of the audience I have gathered. Either way, when it comes right down to it, I realize that regardless of what anyone else in my life may have wanted to see me perform~it has always been up to me to make the final choice. If I chose a piece that somehow fulfilled someone else’s dream, instead of my own… That is still MY choice. Even when...

Going With the Flow

For the past couple of weeks expressions of “going with the flow” have been all around me! I keep hearing or reading phrases or expressions of this theme wherever I turn. The first time or two I thought “nice reminder”. Now it has occurred so frequently that I wonder if the Universe isn’t trying to grab me by the shoulders and shake it into me! (in the most loving, free will, boy you are slow to catch on sorta-way!) One of my favorite perspectives comes from the book “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks, that was a gift from a friend. In the book, they shared the concept that the natural flow of energy in/from the Universe is well-being, abundance and ease and that anything that we experience as struggle, challenge, obstacles or difficulties is because “we” are fighting this natural flow. My friend Keith lead a meditation that really illustrated the same thing. In his guided visualization he had us move into the river of life and simply lift our feet and allow the current to gently move us where we want to go. I was in a workshop yesterday where the leaders used the analogy of fertile soil that is just waiting for us to plant our seeds (thoughts and desires)… and that the Universe is so loving that it gives us exactly what we ask for. Including when we plant seeds of fear or doubt. I think of myself as someone who is navigating life with a positive perspective and I am good at creating and manifesting. At the same time… I...

Red Rover, Red Rover

When I was a kid, I loved the game “Red Rover, Red Rover”…. (send so-and-so right over!). I have been getting this image in my mind all week. The big difference is I see myself in the line that is making the request–versus, when I was playing as a child, waiting and wanting to be the one making the mad dash across the line trying to “break through” the opposing team. The image that comes to me now is one of camaraderie, strength and momentum. That like-minded people are hooking arms and holding hands, creating a powerful wall of determination and support. We are creating a sense of Oneness. It is not about the individual, it is about connection. Even as I write this, I think about the thrill of being the “one”. The one who is summoned or called to the opposite side to see if they can break the line. It seemed so tantalizing, because, for those times when it was my turn… It was all about me! My will, determination, speed, ability to analyze where the weakest link might be. My ability to size up the competition! Even as a kid… I was determined to be “the winner”. Right now, this week, in this moment… I feel the strength and support of being aligned with those around me who are also creating Magic. AND… Instead of calling someone over as a way to test or challenge them, it feels like an invitation to be a part of something larger. Something that, as a result of the collective intention, has a strength and desire that is impenetrable....

Flash from the Past

It seems that lately, I am being asked to look back on my past. It is as if the Universe is conspiring to have me encounter people and situations that remind me of this journey I have been on! The first couple of times it was nostalgic and easy to brush off. Then, as these reminders continued, I was forced to consider why they were seemingly all being presented simultaneously. Mind you… I have led a blessed life. I have gotten to experience many amazing people, places and things. There is nothing I would change about my past. Yet, my past has changed me. It has shaped and influenced who I am. AND it is clear there are very few things from my past that would have indicate that where, what and who I am now would be part of this journey! As I think about all these reminders as a collective… I see two things. The first is that it is important to honor the magic and mystery of life. How many times have you turned down a corridor, expecting to find something/someone~however, you find something completely different (better?)? The second is that it is time for ME to own the updated me. I am not better or worse… just different. When I look at these differences, I realize if I don’t own these shifts or changes in my life, there is a disconnect between the past and the present. When I identify myself with a past that no longer fits, it is like trying to put on a pair of jeans from my disco days (YES… There...

Break Pedal or Throttle?

I would LOVE to know how the next few months, heck even year are going to turn out!!! I find I am incredibly excited by so many things that are happening to me and the people around me. If only I had a crystal ball that could predict the future!!! I know, I know, Crystal Ball… I got! It is the kind that predicts the future that I am missing! I know amazing things are happening for me and many around me. This makes me think that this is an ideal time for all of us to let our imaginations soar, dream, fantasize and envision all kinds of possibilities YET … Don’t get attached to any of them!!! I like setting goals with realistic milestones, action items and deliverables. I like getting my head in the game and “figuring” it all out. How much time something will take, how it should look, feel or function when it is done… Basically control the crap out of it, and minimize any risk or unwanted surprises! That is what I have always done! So, this idea of not knowing where all this leads and allowing it to unfold, in the most expansive way it can, is ALL NEW for me. However… Over and over I remind myself that if I insist on being in charge… I limit what the Universe can do for me. If something has to look a certain way for me to feel like it worked out… What happens to all the options that I would or could have never thought of? What if the things I am fretting...

Time is on My Side

Let me just state what may be obvious! I never know where these rants/releases are going when they first start. I unusually just get a word or two that pop in my head~and I’m off and running! This week I have had conversations with several people who had “spontaneous awakenings”! They were going about their day to day lives, when in a matter of moments or maybe a few days… realized that they had been opened or connected to a part of the morphegenic field that gave them new clarity or insights into the purpose and gifts of their lives and in most cases… how this new information could assist others! They experienced a rapid awakening! Okay… Let me confess right here and now… I have “spontaneous” envy! Damn… It seems like for me, I have to go to the school of life everyday! I study, I take tests, I have homework! Sometimes I pass with flying colors. I’ve also failed several lessons multiple times and even when I have finally “passed” – was more relieved to be moving on than I ever was about understanding how the darn lesson was going to serve me! My awakening and awareness has taken YEARS! However… Even in the few minutes that it has taken me to write these lines I realize this slower approach has been perfect for me! In fact, perhaps my greatest lesson in all of this, is the need to develop a better relationship with “Time”. I am an immediate-gratification kinda-guy! I don’t like to wait… I want immediate manifestation of what is going on in my mind....

What’s “Right” for Me?

How do you know what is really right for you in any given moment? I am not talking about the things you are already familiar with… I mean the things that are presented that are new. For me, a person or situation will present them/itself and I am not sure if it is aligned with what I am trying to create or not. On the surface it seems right or on paper it looks good. However, many times there is this little unsettled feeling that is also there. A question mark that is quietly hanging around trying to get my attention. I remind myself that how something resonates with me is important… I also know how important it is to be discerning. On the other hand, it seems like I really question whether or not I am just being judgmental OR that it is unfair not to give someone or something a chance. I go round and round in my mind, until I finally give in and just settle on a yes or no. The truth is I have not used my personal power. Instead, I just abdicated my preference. Usually so that someone else will have or get their needs met. Invariably, the Universe brings these situations back to me in a way that it is clear that I always knew what the outcome would be. That little unsettled feeling was a nugget of opportunity to know my preference and what would work for me, that I dismissed or talked myself out of. Only to have it come to fruition. I would REALLY like to be more honoring...

All Aspects of Self

I am beginning to recognize a pattern and as a result, wanting to shift it. It goes something like this. I realize there is something I want to do, create or learn~I recognize that I don’t have the background, knowledge or skill. I freeze. I then start to make things up about how difficult, expensive, challenging and/or time-consuming it will be. I drop the idea (at least for awhile). Now mind you, this is not everything – I jump into new things all the time. Yet at the same time, there are those things that I know I am moving towards, that in the moment, I refuse to look at. Even as I write these words, I can feel this energetic shift, where the adolescent aspect of me wants someone else to figure this all out and make it easy for me. I don’t want to have to study or practice or heaven forbid, try this new thing and fall flat on my face, with all the cool kids watching! (btw… You’re one of the cool kids!) It seems so odd to look at this pattern and realize the energy it holds for me. I thrive on learning and creating new things! How can both of these be true at the same time??? I guess this is where “risk and reward” comes into play! The more visible the project or potential for exposure… The greater the fear of failure. Ahhh shucks! Now that this pattern is beginning to emerge more clearly I am going to have to confront it! Isn’t that the way our life-lessons work! The good news...


I found out last night, that today, we would be hosting a brunch at our home for about 30 people… Mostly relatives and extended family. One of Fito’s aunts/uncles is visiting from Mexico and the family was gathering to celebrate and commune. If I am truthful my first reaction was “Really? On my day off?”. However, I got over myself and the truth is there is usually a hearty sense of joy and connection whenever family gathers. Yes, there can be minor dramas to navigate, but the laughter and reconnections are worth it. Something else also happens for me. The normal routine is broken. The patterns and habits that fill my days are interrupted. It is as though I am looking through a new pair of glasses. I get to see some of the things in my life that I take for granted. The truth is love is all around us. Whether it is the offering of food or drink, the handshakes or hugs, the stories or the jokes~they are all expressions of someones love for us, for family and/or for our day-to-day lives. It is easy to get caught up in “work”, especially when you love what you do. For me, I am reminded that it is home and family that provides the foundation that I stand on, even when it is far from my thoughts. Today is also Father’s Day… Another important day for reflection and gratitude (Happy Father’s Day Dad!). I hope whatever gatherings you have or will participate in this week were filled with lots of Joy and Connection AND that all the important Fathers/Padres...

Personal Awareness

While enjoying a spectacular meal at a dinner party last night, I also got to be a part of some juicy conversations. Some were about serious topics, others were goofy or just plain fun. Either way, several times throughout the evening I thought about how life is about the choices we make and the responsibility we take. There is a “cause and effect” to everything. It seems that most of our lives is spent paying attention to the choices and actions that bring us peace, joy or fun and creating more of those or trying to figure out what the heck happened to turn a piece of our world upside down and trying to avoid that! (and everything in between) For a short while the conversation turned to the home invasion, Fito, mom and I endured about four years ago. It was an intense, frightening, and surreal experience. It is not something I would like to claim I chose~however in hind-sight, I can also see the choices that we made that created the possibility for something like that to happen. Something else is also visible in hind-sight: how we responded and who we were during this traumatic experience was one of the reasons that we were not physically injured or killed. Revisiting the memories of this event, with it safely in the past, made me grateful for the personal and spiritual growth work I have done in my life. It helped me appreciate the choices I have made and the responsibility I take for creating my life. Life is not just about the pursuit of creating and having magical...


If you follow us on Facebook (please follow us on Facebook!!!), you already know that I posted pictures of a new wall of shelving that was installed in the center earlier this week. I can’t even tell you how happy-making this is for me! I am a bit of a fanatic for design, color and functionality. I am not trained in these disciplines by any stretch of the imagination~however there is some gene that was triggered at birth that makes a toothsome space appealing and easily recognizable to me. Mom (Ruthie) would tell you I must have been adopted! (of course she says that whenever I embarrass her too!). I write about this because this week I am profoundly aware of how places and things evolve just like we do! I have always loved being at Storm Wisdom… I just love it more now. It is a beautiful center, but more than that, it is evolving. It is becoming even more of what it was imagined/envisioned to be. A place of magic, beauty and love. It is not just shelving that has shifted. The people who work here have too. We have found our connection to each other and more importantly to the space. We have been in the process of birthing something new for just over two years. Guess what? We have created something amazing AND what a joy it is to witness and acknowledge it’s evolution! How about you? What are you creating, shifting and changing? Take the time to witness and enjoy your contribution to the world of evolution! Not only will it be rewarding and...

Being a Source of Light

Whenever I send out an e-mail, below my signature there is a quote that says “I am a campfire that welcomes you home to the Source”. This is the life purpose statement that came to me while I was going through Life Coach training at the “Coaches Training Institute” in Northern California about 6 years ago. It has been on my mind lately as I try to determine where I am going and what I am up to. You see when you run a business that is dedicated to supporting and encouraging people on their personal journeys, it is easy to assume there are things to do and places to go! The truth is there are a great number of us who are being invited to be the proverbial “light at the end of the tunnel” for those around us who are struggling with the chaos and confusion that has come with the shifting energies on the planet. However this week it has really hit home that a source of light does some of its best work when it is constant, with minimal movement. Be it a streetlight, a lighthouse or even a campfire. It gives those in the darkness a place to home in on or set a course towards. Sometimes, for those who feel called to be a light for others~being still and being yourself are the only things they ask of you. This week… I am loving my role as “a campfire that welcomes you home to the...

Time for Change

Every once in a while we come to a choice point about our own beliefs. Something that we assumed was “the right thing to do”, all of a sudden is questioned. I believe it is in these moments that we have the opportunity to make quantum shifts in our lives. However in these times of awareness, we also have the opportunity to put our own inquiry on hold, or tuck it away for another day. I think one of the reasons that I personally put them aside for awhile, is because I don’t actually know what or how to be, once I have sat the old belief down. I have no experience walking around in this body with the new belief. What changes? What do I lose? Let me give you an example. I have always been politically active. I vote as often against politicians who represent policies or philosophies that I oppose, as I do for the politicians who I feel best represent my values and priorities. I sign petitions for the things I want and the ones I don’t want. I invest money in organizations that represent the causes that are close to my heart. I am a fighter when it comes to getting what I want. NOW… I am not sure any of this actually serves the greater good. Mind you this is just one example, however, it is showing up in many areas of my life. If I am focused on fighting poverty… Do I give more energy to poverty itself? If I am fighting against a war instead of working for peace, do I...


One of the themes that emerged in the Thursday night “Magic of Crystals” workshop was about boundaries. I find this to be a fascinating area of contemplation, as getting to a place in our lives where we have healthy boundaries is not always easy. It seems like one of the biggest hurdles is letting go of old beliefs, attitudes and judgements. The way this came up in our discussion was around people who are caregivers. Mind you, many caregivers come by their desire and qualities for caregiving naturally. Yet, there are also many who are put in this role by unexpected or familiar circumstances. Culturally and socially this is something that is recognized and valued by the consensus. However, what happens when it energetically moves into expectation or obligation? The same is true of many other situations in our lives. Family, friends, spouses/partners, jobs, organizations, church and social groups, political affiliations and more. We are changing. What we desired or valued 10 years ago may have no resonance for us today. That means there are people, places and things that no longer fit in our lives and new ones that do. Yet how many of us are holding on to ways of being, because it makes others more comfortable? How many of us have not taken the time to update our own beliefs and attitudes…and are not honoring our own updated boundaries? Many of us are not use to putting ourselves first. It is easier to take care of our own needs, after our spouse, children, parents, friend, co-worker, boss and (the list goes on) – first. It is...