There is something amazing happening right now. It seems to me that it is “in the air”. A change that is inviting us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level and to know our own truth. For me, this means a deeper, more intimate look at responsibility.

In the past I have had a tendency to lump responsibility in with duty and obligation. This means there has been a heaviness associated with responsibility. Like somehow, I have no choice about many of the situations I find myself in… Almost like I am required to participate. The old “you made your bed, now lay in it”… or “that is what friends do”.

However, there is a new awareness of the power of responsibility that is all around me. It is as if everywhere I turn, I am reminded that when I take responsibility for my own life, I am more powerful. When I drop the filter of looking at responsibility as something I have to do, and embrace what I want and get to do… I am connected to my personal desire. I feel more energetically aligned with the path I am walking.

The other thing it does is free me from finding others who will “share my load”! I hate to say it, but when responsibility carries the weight of duty or obligation… I am constantly looking for someone who can take some of it on for me. I look for others to share the burden! (I know… Yuck”).

When I look at what I am creating in my life and own my responsibility for it… I see clearly what is possible AND what no longer fits. I am responsible for my relationships, business, home, health, and happiness. I choose in every moment what feels right. Now, all I have to do is remember this! How about you? How do you keep the energies of duty and obligation out of you life? Any tips are appreciated!

BTW… Happy Holidays! May they be Duty-free!