For the past couple of weeks expressions of “going with the flow” have been all around me! I keep hearing or reading phrases or expressions of this theme wherever I turn. The first time or two I thought “nice reminder”. Now it has occurred so frequently that I wonder if the Universe isn’t trying to grab me by the shoulders and shake it into me! (in the most loving, free will, boy you are slow to catch on sorta-way!)

One of my favorite perspectives comes from the book “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks, that was a gift from a friend. In the book, they shared the concept that the natural flow of energy in/from the Universe is well-being, abundance and ease and that anything that we experience as struggle, challenge, obstacles or difficulties is because “we” are fighting this natural flow.

My friend Keith lead a meditation that really illustrated the same thing. In his guided visualization he had us move into the river of life and simply lift our feet and allow the current to gently move us where we want to go.

I was in a workshop yesterday where the leaders used the analogy of fertile soil that is just waiting for us to plant our seeds (thoughts and desires)… and that the Universe is so loving that it gives us exactly what we ask for. Including when we plant seeds of fear or doubt.

I think of myself as someone who is navigating life with a positive perspective and I am good at creating and manifesting. At the same time… I am aware that, energetically it feels like the magnitude of the shifts and changes we are going through, is ushering in new levels of personal and collective opportunities. Perhaps these reminders are here to keep me from trying to anchor my feet into the river of life because of fear of the unknown or doubts about what the future looks like.

All I can say is right now I think it is important to go with the flow!