I have been submerged in creating new products and services for the past couple of months, and can say that it has been fun and totally amazing at times! Part of the “amazing” part is when my mind wanders and wonders…”how did I even get here?”


For anyone who has known me for any length of time, they will tell you that working with crystals or owning a Spiritual Well-Being Center – were not an obvious part of my journey! How did I go from Corporate America to Storm Wisdom? It truly baffles the mind. Unless you are comfortable with the concept that we come here with a divine plan. Something that we want to accomplish during our tenure of being physical. Mind you, it is my personal belief that there are many options, ways or paths to fulfilling our plan. However sometimes, the options that are most aligned can be a bit of a surprise.


It is not being an entrepreneur that is the surprise… (Although, I must admit, owning a small business was never much of a fantasy for me). The surprise comes in the form of the tools (crystals) that lead me to this adventure.

Who could have imagined that some one who is so logical or analytical and in their thinking, would relate to crystals as a way to navigate life??? The concept of working with crystals seems so esoteric or woo-woo. Neither which screams technology manager to me!!

However… What I realize is, by following the call towards something that seems so different than what I had planned… I am in good company. I don’t mean just the people who are running a small business or who work with crystals. Instead I mean those who are following their hearts. Those who have noticed the synchronicity in their lives, that encourage them in new directions. Those who, when they slow down and listen to their internal dialog or guidance, tell them there is more for them to do.


You see, I meet these people all the time. artists, spiritual consultants/advisors, energy practitioners, people who meditate or drum, parents who honor their own uniqueness and that of their children, people from every walk of life who are hearing a call to a simpler way of being. A way of being that honors themselves, the planet and those around them.


So, as much as my journey seems unpredictable or odd at times, I am constantly reminded that I am exactly where I am suppose to be! And how fun to find you here with me!