I had an interesting conversation yesterday, that continues to stick with me. It was with someone I had just met for the first time. It focused around a question that is actually quite common for me, at least since being at Storm Wisdom.

Her question was “how to trust her internal guidance or be able to distinguish higher guidance from her own thoughts?”

I should probably clarify to anyone who asks these kinds of questions, that my belief is that our spiritual journey is ALWAYS about connecting with our own personal guidance. Instead of looking outside of ourselves for answers, for those on a spiritual quest, we are learning to connect with the subtle messages that are most aligned with our personal and unique SELF.

At the same time, for the majority of us, our ability to connect with, hear and trust this internal guidance is complicated by our own life experiences, education, beliefs, judgements, worries, attitude and/or values.

There are many tools, skills, techniques, modalities and methods for connecting with our true selves.., and the options for connecting to this higher guidance, are also very diverse. We don’t necessarily see, feel or experience this in the same manner as others. So, especially when we are first starting out, it is easy to feel alone or overwhelmed. As if there is so much to comprehend and incorporate.

However, this overwhelm is actually one of the ways that our minds keep us in limbo. We over-think what all of this means, and make it complicated. The truth is it is simple. By bringing our attention to the present moment, allowing ourselves to be still, and connecting to our core, our center (for most this is the heart center), we begin to sense, see, hear or feel subtle messages or images, that when we really stop to think about it, have been with us all along!

For some people, this is when they visualize or connect with angels, guides or spirit (insert what works for you here!). For others like me, it is simply connecting to a deeper sense of Self. The aspect of me that is not caught up in my normal dramas, dreams and limitations – a Higher Self, if you will. Either way.., whatever feels right for you, the opportunity to connect with a type of internal guidance that is aligned with who you are and who you are becoming is what is important.

This is where giving yourself the gift of time is so important. By giving yourself dedicated time in mediation, yoga, contemplation, prayer or any other mind, body, spirit practice, you begin to create easier access to your own internal message systems. And the good news is, once you start to connect with this kind of internal guidance, you will notice that it has its own resonance! It has its own unique feeling or sense of clarity for you! If your mind is still getting in the way, and you find it difficult to trust~then do it again!

Bring your attention to the present moment, allow yourself to be still, and connect to your core, your center (the heart center). Begin to sense, see, hear or feel any subtle messages that are present. By becoming familiar with this subtle information that is always available to you~pretty soon, the noisy mind-chatter that keeps you stuck will start to hold less sway over your day-to-day! Remember to keep it simple and keep it consistent! This is how you will learn to access the magic of your own Higher Guidance and to trust it too!