“And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul.” John Muir, Naturalist and known as “Father of the National Parks”.

I know it’s unrealistic for most people to “go into the forest” physically but using our imagination opens doors of possibilities. You can choose to enter any forest that you want! Beauty is what speaks to me this week in spite of what’s happening throughout the world. We are seeing the best and the worst manifest, aren’t we? We have a choice to make. I realize I can only control how I respond to everything since so much is out of my control.

Whether you are “sheltering in place” or “staying at home” we have an opportunity to feed our souls and immerse ourselves in beauty! What does this mean to me? I find time each day to quiet my active thoughts and explore my inner world. My soul is happy when I focus on beauty. Sometimes it feels more real when I meditate sitting in the backyard or walking in the neighborhood and other times I use my imagination during meditation. I imagine beauty in a variety of forms. For example, I imagine my loved ones, nature, flowers, feeling loved, crystals, a piece of art, and so much more! I also feel my soul blossom. Does this make sense?

For me, beauty abounds and is everywhere. It’s more than the physical. It resides within each one of us and when I immerse myself I can feel my soul doing a happy dance! I feel loved unconditionally. Khalil Gibran, writer, poet and philosopher has said that “beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” I love this imagery, don’t you? I believe that the more we take time to connect with beauty, the light in our heart, or the inner space of love and silence it will help us navigate through these uncertain times. Focus on the positive and the light within you. Focus on gratitude. So many people are reaching out to help one another in magical ways. You can too!

I encourage you to immerse yourself in beauty this week and notice any changes within and around you. Buddha said, “If you wish to know the divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your hand.” You can make it real using your imagination or experiencing it physically! Either way works. Please stay safe and healthy and know how much you are loved!

Hope is buried deep within each one of us. Let the spark ignite! I will be offering a free group meditation using Zoom on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 from 2p-3p AZ time. It will be recorded. I’m calling it Ignite the Spark of Hope – Stay Connected! If you are interested more will be posted this week through victoriabarna.com.