We are coming to the halfway point of this magical year of 2012 (I know… How crazy fast is that!) and more than ever it feels like this is the time to start really focusing on our intuitive senses and allow them to influence and guide our lives.

I don’t buy into any of the doom-and-gloom predictions that are sensationalized in the media and in some belief systems. Yet, I do believe our consciousness (awareness) is expanding and shifting. I am confident we have been moving towards this shift for the past 20 years or so… And will probably take another 20 to be able to look back in hind sight and see how critical and important this transitional time has been.

With that in mind… the easiest way for me to think about what is really shifting and changing, is to think of it in terms of energies. Specifically masculine and feminine energies. I believe what is shifting in our consciousness is the awareness that without balancing the driving, doing, conquering, dominating and winning energies of the distorted masculine, with spacious, cooperative, sharing, reflective and “being” energies of the feminine, we risk greater wars, annihilation of our natural resources, separation from each other and the Divine.

Your intuitive senses are your portal and access points to the feminine energies that are trying to find internal balance with the masculine energies of your five physical senses. It does not matter if you are man or woman, because this is the energetic shift on the planet, your physical body is trying to find it’s own unique balance with these energies too. AND…We all have both of these (masculine and feminine energies)!

In the past, you may have been more comfortable with one of these energetic patterns than the other. What this could means for someone who has relied primarily on feminine energies to navigate their journey so far… Is that they may find that they being asked to step-up and do, take action or be the decision maker! For someone who has relied on masculine energies… It could seem like things are slowing down and don’t happen as easily as they did in the past, without allowing space and time for reflection.

Instead of resisting or trying to force an old way of doing or being… Look to your intuitive senses to see what is right for you in the moment. What is your body telling you? Are you sensing it is time to slow down or change direction. Are you experiencing emotions that seem new or out of context with common situations in your life? What is the hidden message in these emotions? Is there a behavior, attitude or belief that is wanting to shift? What internal “knowing” do you have, even if it doesn’t align with what appears in front of you?

New boundaries are not uncommon during these times of transition. Use your intuitive senses and internal guidance to determine what is right for you now. As looking to the past only offers history based on how you use to be. There are untold riches within your intuitive senses, and I believe they are critical allies for how we will navigate to our future!