Why am I always surprised by the ebb and flow of life? It has always been this way (and it always will)… yet, it can catch me off guard. It seems like each one of us has a pace, speed or level of flow that we are most comfortable with, and as a result, look for the people, places and things where we will experience this the most consistently.

So what happens when you like to boogie-board or body-surf and there are 10′ swells? Or perhaps you search out the big waves for the pure adrenaline of catching and riding the edge of the white-caps… only to find yourself with a pristine calm. Some of us like to relax, others are active, and then there are those among us who want to be on the go! These are all valid options (with everything in between), and regardless of which of these options we prefer, the other also will be part of our experience.

Nature is created and designed this way! It is not a mistake, and there is no flaw. The ebb and flow of life is good. So why does it surprise me? I am soundly a middle-of-the-road kinda guy! I like things to be moving, but I don’t want to much chaos.

I also don’t want it to be too slow, for fear of boredom. Even as I acknowledge this, I realize there is a part of me trying to control the flow of events, circumstances, money, relationships, work, and okay – EVERYTHING in my life.

Once again, it is time to remind myself that everything happens as it should. The ebbs and flows of life are here to serve me. As I am called to jump into chaotic activity, to remember this will eventually pass and there will be a calm. When I find myself bored and wanting stimulation, to remember that this is an opportunity to take deep breaths and reground!
I am convinced that if I can learn to be in the moment and experience the stillness or the wave as they present themselves, the potential for what I am creating is expanded and it is generated with ease! How about you… Are you riding the ebbs and flows of life with ease?