For the past several years I have been speaking and teaching about “subtle energy” and the expanding role it plays in our lives. Developing a relationship with these energies, that are all around us, are one of the reasons that I continue to encourage working with crystals as tools for transformation.

So, why then, should I be surprised that the transition to 2012 seems to have ushered in a whole new level of awareness of these subtle energies!?!

Let me explain my perspective around this. Most of us are aware that we have energetic bodies that surround our physical body. (Etheric Bodies, Energy Bodies, Auras, etc). The system that I relate to and that I use to teach about crystals includes four Energy Bodies – Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and the not so subtle Physical. These are all part of the field of energies that surrounds each one of us. they each play a role in assisting us in navigating our day-to-day lives. They hold the map of our journey and what we have allowed to matter. It is the combination of the journey and the weight (feelings and thoughts) we give our experiences along the way that make each one of us unique.

In the past we have relied heavily on our 5 physical senses to navigate the terrain of our journey. We value what we can see, hear, touch, smell and taste. These familiar senses are the tools that we use to determine what will get our attention… What we will pursue or what we will resist or avoid. We use them to decide what matters to us.

In the past we would occasionally “get a feeling” about someone/something. Perhaps we would think of a friend or relative we had not heard from for awhile, and then the phone rings and it is them. Many of us diminish these experiences as chance or coincidence. Perhaps we are aware of instinctual responses or intuitive hits, yet we have relied on them, only when they become intense or persistent.

The change that has come to town with 2012, is how much more we are being informed by subtle energies. We know more, without having “proof” from our five familiar senses. Our unfamiliar senses are being activated and the way we work with and process this energetic information provides an ideal opportunity to develop our internal abilities for clear sensing – clairvoyance (seeing/vision), clairaudience (hearing/listening), claircognizance (knowing), and clairsentience (feeling/touching).

Something to keep in mind is that it is not just a handful of people on the planet who are being affected by these energetic shifts. We all are. The difference is whether we embrace this shift and our access to the energetic information that is all around us. For those who don’t relate to any of this and who believe we are operating status quo… These will likely feel like very hectic or intense times, as they attempt to find proof through the physical senses for what they are experiencing from the more subtle (invisible) field.

How about you? Are you experiencing a shift in your personal awareness that appears to be driven by the unseen? This is a great time to pay attention to what you know!