Almost – A Potent Teacher

Last night, Fito and I had dinner with another couple at their home.  And almost immediately, we were talking about our plans for retirement.  At one point I told one of our hosts that lately it seems like all of the conversations I am having, have to do with retirement or health!  An obvious indicator that I am getting older! Sometimes I wonder how this could have happened so fast!  It seems like just yesterday I was immortal!  Or at least I walked around feeling as if this life would never end.  And of course to top it all off, there is this whole twisted concept of life experience.  You know.., “I wish I knew then, what I know now!” It seems as if Life is playing tricks on me! And yet there is beauty to this aging process.  It feels like I am just beginning to get a sense of it. Maybe it is how the drive or demand for things to look and feel a certain way begins to diminish.  The willingness to accept things as they are versus how we think they should be.  It is as if we begin to see how life responds to and for us, based on our thoughts and feelings. When I was younger the world revolved around me, because my ego demanded it.  Every situation, challenge or reward was assessed based on whether or not it was aligned with, supported or screwed with my personal plans!  My reaction or response was based on how attached I was to either getting or losing that ‘thing’.  And of course, it felt like...

Almost – A Potent Teacher

Last night, Fito and I had dinner with another couple at their home.  And almost immediately, we were talking about our plans for retirement.  At one point I told one of our hosts that lately it seems like all of the conversations I am having, have to do with retirement or health!  An obvious indicator that I am getting older! Sometimes I wonder how this could have happened so fast!  It seems like just yesterday I was immortal!  Or at least I walked around feeling as if this life would never end.  And of course to top it all off, there is this whole twisted concept of life experience.  You know.., “I wish I knew then, what I know now!” It seems as if Life is playing tricks on me! And yet there is beauty to this aging process.  It feels like I am just beginning to get a sense of it. Maybe it is how the drive or demand for things to look and feel a certain way begins to diminish.  The willingness to accept things as they are versus how we think they should be.  It is as if we begin to see how life responds to and for us, based on our thoughts and feelings. When I was younger the world revolved around me, because my ego demanded it.  Every situation, challenge or reward was assessed based on whether or not it was aligned with, supported or screwed with my personal plans!  My reaction or response was based on how attached I was to either getting or losing that ‘thing’.  And of course, it felt like...

The Conundrum of the Dos and Don'ts

Have you ever noticed how sometimes the do’s and don’ts of life seem to be in conflict with one another? It is one of the traps I find myself in quite frequently. I go back and forth internally about how to balance or accommodate both. Here is my example. We all have situations that come up that upset us. Maybe they make us mad or we feel offended. Perhaps we feel shamed or dissed (dismissed or disrespected). Regardless these situations trigger an emotional response for us. So then we are confronted with the conflicting do’s and don’ts. For many of us we are taught that we are suppose to turn the other cheek. Or, maybe in our pursuit of personal and spiritual growth we are told that we create our own reality and it is all a reflection… So we should look for and find the Love and Light in these situations. What is the lesson? The idea being that we are suppose to be positive and take the high road. Spiritual people are always kind and loving.., these situations shouldn’t bother us, because we are more evolved than that. At the same time, we are also taught that unexpressed emotions and repetitive thoughts that are unresolved cause stress and are stored in the physical body. Over time, the pattern of storing these unexpressed emotions or thought patterns become denser and create blockages with the systems of the body. They are the cause of many of our ailments and/or illnesses.., or at least they make us more susceptible to disease. So, this inquiring mind wants to know: If we...

The Conundrum of the Dos and Don’ts

Have you ever noticed how sometimes the do’s and don’ts of life seem to be in conflict with one another? It is one of the traps I find myself in quite frequently. I go back and forth internally about how to balance or accommodate both. Here is my example. We all have situations that come up that upset us. Maybe they make us mad or we feel offended. Perhaps we feel shamed or dissed (dismissed or disrespected). Regardless these situations trigger an emotional response for us. So then we are confronted with the conflicting do’s and don’ts. For many of us we are taught that we are suppose to turn the other cheek. Or, maybe in our pursuit of personal and spiritual growth we are told that we create our own reality and it is all a reflection… So we should look for and find the Love and Light in these situations. What is the lesson? The idea being that we are suppose to be positive and take the high road. Spiritual people are always kind and loving.., these situations shouldn’t bother us, because we are more evolved than that. At the same time, we are also taught that unexpressed emotions and repetitive thoughts that are unresolved cause stress and are stored in the physical body. Over time, the pattern of storing these unexpressed emotions or thought patterns become denser and create blockages with the systems of the body. They are the cause of many of our ailments and/or illnesses.., or at least they make us more susceptible to disease. So, this inquiring mind wants to know: If we...

Act As If

I dream of the day when we have integrated all that is possible from the energetic shifts of our time. I believe in the beauty and possibility of mankind to find peace through connection and sharing; versus holding ourselves separate and feeling the need to protect what we have as if those things define us. I know it is possible to shift our relationship with the land, water, air, plants, and animals so that we are once again connected and living in a symbiotic and sustainable way. I trust that we have the skills, talent and natural abilities to allow each other to be unique and authentic in our own way and that through this celebration of our diverse nature, we feel our connection to one another and to All-That-Is. Yet, I just can’t imagine what it will look like.., and as a result, I am unsure how we will get there! It seems to me, that the shift I am talking about would have to be so dramatic that EVERYTHING would have to change. So much so, that a complete collapse of the house-of-cards we are currently creating would be required. “Complete collapse” sounds scary! And so it is easier to keep contributing to the status quo, because the alternatives seem so distant and fantasy like. We would have to treat each other with respect. We would need to honor the planet and all her creatures. It would mean setting down our egos and aggression. Greed and fear could not be the driving force and the desire for power over others and the hoarding and exploitation of resources...

Act As If

I dream of the day when we have integrated all that is possible from the energetic shifts of our time. I believe in the beauty and possibility of mankind to find peace through connection and sharing; versus holding ourselves separate and feeling the need to protect what we have as if those things define us. I know it is possible to shift our relationship with the land, water, air, plants, and animals so that we are once again connected and living in a symbiotic and sustainable way. I trust that we have the skills, talent and natural abilities to allow each other to be unique and authentic in our own way and that through this celebration of our diverse nature, we feel our connection to one another and to All-That-Is. Yet, I just can’t imagine what it will look like.., and as a result, I am unsure how we will get there! It seems to me, that the shift I am talking about would have to be so dramatic that EVERYTHING would have to change. So much so, that a complete collapse of the house-of-cards we are currently creating would be required. “Complete collapse” sounds scary! And so it is easier to keep contributing to the status quo, because the alternatives seem so distant and fantasy like. We would have to treat each other with respect. We would need to honor the planet and all her creatures. It would mean setting down our egos and aggression. Greed and fear could not be the driving force and the desire for power over others and the hoarding and exploitation of resources...

Rules Get in the Way

You know, I think I figured out why I don’t read a lot of spiritually based books! They seem to be filled with RULES! Things you “must” do; things you should “never” do; things that are “only possible if”… Rules! I am reading a good book that is very thought provoking in many ways. In some cases, I love the concepts that are presented. In others, their view or perspective just doesn’t resonate. Almost always it is in an area where they have laid down the rules and have stated emphatically some requirement, or series of dos and don’ts. In this particular book about evolving consciousness and becoming more aware; they are talking about what happens after we die, and also the journey to enlightenment. They discuss past lives, dimensions, levels of consciousness, and many other topics that are interesting. However, they write about them as if they have the one true perspective. I realize that for me this feels arrogant and very limiting. Say for example their perspective is that we live multiple life-times, but they also say you “should never” focus on exploring those lifetimes, because it is a distraction and will prevent you from doing your real spiritual work in this lifetime. Well first of all, what if I didn’t believe in multiple lifetimes? What if I do, and by exploring these lifetimes I come to know and understand more about the choices, patterns, habits and behaviors that are playing out in this lifetime? It’s just an example, but these rules do nothing to support our personal and unique journeys. None of us, even if we...

Rules Get in the Way

You know, I think I figured out why I don’t read a lot of spiritually based books! They seem to be filled with RULES! Things you “must” do; things you should “never” do; things that are “only possible if”… Rules! I am reading a good book that is very thought provoking in many ways. In some cases, I love the concepts that are presented. In others, their view or perspective just doesn’t resonate. Almost always it is in an area where they have laid down the rules and have stated emphatically some requirement, or series of dos and don’ts. In this particular book about evolving consciousness and becoming more aware; they are talking about what happens after we die, and also the journey to enlightenment. They discuss past lives, dimensions, levels of consciousness, and many other topics that are interesting. However, they write about them as if they have the one true perspective. I realize that for me this feels arrogant and very limiting. Say for example their perspective is that we live multiple life-times, but they also say you “should never” focus on exploring those lifetimes, because it is a distraction and will prevent you from doing your real spiritual work in this lifetime. Well first of all, what if I didn’t believe in multiple lifetimes? What if I do, and by exploring these lifetimes I come to know and understand more about the choices, patterns, habits and behaviors that are playing out in this lifetime? It’s just an example, but these rules do nothing to support our personal and unique journeys. None of us, even if we...

See You Where The Paths Intersect

Consciousness, evolving, awakening, transcending, ascension, transforming, expansion, becoming more aware.  These are all terms that are associated with our spiritual journey.  Some are catch phrases for particular groups, while others are used more consistently and interchangeably.  But why, for what reasons are any of us spending anytime on these at all? Thomas Gray said “Ignorance is Bliss”.  These days that expression is used to justify apathy towards circumstances, subjects or events that surround us.  However, it can also be used as a way to stunt our own personal evolution.  If we don’t take the time to look under the covers to see what is going on; then we don’t have to do anything about it.   But there is a catch! Consciousness is always learning more about itself.  It is the very nature of All-That-Is.  When and where there is comprehension, there is a natural curiosity that desires to know more.  We humans have a tendency to think that we ARE Consciousness.  This has been part of our folly.  The mineral kingdom, plant kingdom and animal kingdom lead the way, and are still part of the more that we are becoming.  As a matter of fact, remembering that we are in a symbiotic relationship with them is an important part of our current ‘awakening’.   But we must look beyond the planet to understand the vastness of Consciousness. The entire Universe is constantly in a state of learning.  We are part of something so vast that it impossible to fathom, and we (Humans) are not at the center of it.  We know that it shifts and changes constantly.  It...

See You Where The Paths Intersect

Consciousness, evolving, awakening, transcending, ascension, transforming, expansion, becoming more aware.  These are all terms that are associated with our spiritual journey.  Some are catch phrases for particular groups, while others are used more consistently and interchangeably.  But why, for what reasons are any of us spending anytime on these at all? Thomas Gray said “Ignorance is Bliss”.  These days that expression is used to justify apathy towards circumstances, subjects or events that surround us.  However, it can also be used as a way to stunt our own personal evolution.  If we don’t take the time to look under the covers to see what is going on; then we don’t have to do anything about it.   But there is a catch! Consciousness is always learning more about itself.  It is the very nature of All-That-Is.  When and where there is comprehension, there is a natural curiosity that desires to know more.  We humans have a tendency to think that we ARE Consciousness.  This has been part of our folly.  The mineral kingdom, plant kingdom and animal kingdom lead the way, and are still part of the more that we are becoming.  As a matter of fact, remembering that we are in a symbiotic relationship with them is an important part of our current ‘awakening’.   But we must look beyond the planet to understand the vastness of Consciousness. The entire Universe is constantly in a state of learning.  We are part of something so vast that it impossible to fathom, and we (Humans) are not at the center of it.  We know that it shifts and changes constantly.  It...

Technology and the Altruistic New World

These are amazing times that we live in. There are so many wonderful things that are happening and being revealed. And, we live in a time when many of the original systems, organizations and structures that were design to support and assist us are distorted and actually being used against us. Government, corporations, religions, medical/pharmaceutical industries… These at one time were altruistic in nature and were measured based upon their ability to support the communities and people they served. The opposite of altruistic is egotistical… And that is what the majority of these institutions have become. They cater to only a few or small percentage. Specifically those individuals who have been endorsed and selected for leadership roles. Greed, the hunger for power and an intense focus on creating a protected class of elite has distorted much of what was once an important part of the infrastructures that was designed to support all of us. Let’s face it “We have lost our balance”. Before you go imagining that this is all doom and gloom, I am here to say it is not! Instead, I believe we must go through this time to find our own authority. This is a powerful time for the individual to find their own voice and to connect with what resonates from within. This is a time for us to be more connected to one another. Time to build relationships, organizations and communities that honor the common good and individuality. AND, Technology is here to help! The ability for us to connect with one another across the globe in a matter of seconds or minutes is...