This has been an amazing month for numerological date combinations! (12/01/2012, 12/12/12, 12/21/12). There of course have been tons of predictions of doom and gloom surrounding these dates, based on faulty interpretations of one of the Mayan calendars. And, there have been plenty of speculation about these dates ushering in a new world order, view or advancement.

Actually, Dr Carl Calleman’s research and interpretation of the Mayan calendar… Is much more aligned with the concept of a new age of awareness and awakening… Because to him, the Mayan calendar that has been the focus of so much attention, was not about time per say. It was about the evolution of consciousness.

I heard Dr Calleman speak a few years ago, right here in Phoenix. What stood out for me at the time, was how he described that the shift we were, are and will experience, based on his study of the calendar of consciousness, was that feminine energies were coming into balance with masculine energies. Personally, I had been sensing the same thing. So, in many ways, I considered his lecture a form of confirmation for what I was already feeling!

But how do these numerology significant events, tie into the energetic shifts we are experiencing? Do they play a role in moving us forward to a new world that is more loving and peaceful than we have known? These are things I have been thinking about AND trying to feel my way through. Here are my thoughts:

I believe these dates are important to view as a threshold. If we are to truly move from a world that is dominated by masculine energies, to a world that is balanced by the dominion of feminine energies; then we must choose to walk through that doorway. It is available, however, we must choose it. We must set it as an intention. And we won’t know what that will look like until we are fully immersed in these new energies.

And guess what? Not everyone will or wants to usher in this new age. However, that is not important! What is important is that for those of us who do want to be a part of creating a new way of being.., that we choose it for ourselves. That we allow our personal energies to shift into alignment with the changing energies of the planet. That we allow our unique balance of masculine and feminine energies to emerge and be embraced.

For some of us, this will mean creating room for contemplation, cooperation, creativity, allowing and receiving in our lives. For our intuition and unfamiliar senses to become more incorporated in our daily lives. To allow our hearts to inform our decisions and to examine our motivations and our goals to ensure that they are current.

For others, it will mean becoming more decisive, focused, assertive, and giving. Taping into the strengths of the logical mind for healthy comparison, evaluation and alignment. This will mean a stronger connection with the 3D physical world. Allowing for greater capability to create and manifest from your heart’s desires.

Since we are all unique, it may look and feel different for each of us. However, by staying present and allowing each moment to inform us, we can make the shift to a new way of Being… Which immediately begins to realign the world around us! It is not necessary for everyone to intentionally make this shift! However, If you are one of the map-makers and explorers who is part of the first wave.., just know that once new pathways are created, others will easily be able to navigate and follow!

It is not too late to align with the energies of December 2012… And what better way to kick off the new year, then to have absorbed all of the potential and possibilities that are available to you now!!!