“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” Eleanor Roosevelt, Former First Lady of the U.S., diplomat, and activist

I wake up everyday feeling so blessed and grateful to be here for another day! How about you? Sure there have been days when I’ve said, “Why did I volunteer to be here again?” These days are fewer now. Now, I ask, “What’s mine to do and how can I help make the world a better place? How can I become more of who I am?” I’m sure some of you have felt the same way at times. Over Easter weekend I enjoyed an opportunity to be with fellow sacred travelers in an experience of personal growth. It was a time to remember, awaken, and begin to integrate wisdom, information, healing, light and understanding at deeper levels. There’s still a lot of integration happening. During our weekend we acknowledged, once again, that the journey of awakening, remembering, and re-discovery hasn’t always been easy. And yet, upon reflection, we agreed that we volunteered to be here at this time.

This is a critical time for our world and humanity I believe. Rather than fall into despair about what’s happening due to those who want to hold onto power at all cost and create more division and separation, dig deep within yourself and ignite the spark of hope. Imagine the flame growing and burning away any doubt or despair. It’s a time to live and make more conscious choices. Walk the Earth author, Nikki Banan, has said, “Do not forget who you are and where you come from. You are made of the brightest stars and the widest oceans. You are made of the highest mountains and the tallest trees. You are made of magic and dreams, wishes and light. You have heroes, warriors, kings, queens, gods and goddesses flowing through your veins. You come from infinite possibilities and incredible odds. You are here for a reason.” You come from infinite possibilities and can create a wonderful life filled with passion, joy, love, and so much more.

Some people believe that we’re here to help others, to be happy, to follow our passion, to love and be loved. Others believe that we’re here to create a new earth built upon peace, love, acceptance, beauty, forgiveness, compassion, inclusion, and so much more. And still others believe that we are here to integrate all parts of ourselves as we journey home to Oneness. Caroline Adams Miller, Author, speaker, and educator has said, “Your life is a sacred journey. It is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path . . . Exactly where you are meant to be right now . . . And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, and of love.” All of these reasons can be true, can’t they? Why do you think you’re here?


So exciting to think about isn’t it? Why do you think you’re here? Something to reflect upon during your quiet time tapping into your inner flame of hope that is now burning bright within you. Imagine it’s an eternal flame and no longer a spark. Imagine waking up each morning feeling blessed and grateful that you’re here for another day and you can choose how you will create your day. If there are surprises during the day you can choose how to respond or not react to them as well. How exciting! Shape your day into a magnificent tale of triumph and infinite possibilities!

Remember how loved you are! I’m holding space for each of you and I’m sending love to each one of you! I’m grateful to be a part of your journey!

I’m available for private coaching and channeled information sessions at Storm Wisdom on Tuesdays from 1p – 6p by appointment. Please call Storm Wisdom, (602)334-1204 to schedule. I’m also available by phone or Zoom. To schedule please go to victoriabarna.com.