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Recharging Batteries
Take Care

Recharging Batteries

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October 12, 2024
2 min read

Ever notice how we think vacations are for “getting away,” but somehow, we always take ourselves with us?

I’m noticing this right now, especially since I’m on vacation. The whole point is to forget about the routines, requirements, and tasks that come with daily life. But here’s the thing: even when I change the scenery, I’m still here. My business, relationships, bills, and even my goals and dreams—they’re all out of sight, but I’m still present.

What’s the old saying? “Wherever you go, there you are!” I wasn’t expecting to leave my stress in a dresser drawer at home, but I also wasn’t planning to bring it as a carry-on.

It’s taken me about a week to realize that I still need to pay attention to me. I may be on a break, but I still have to honor my body, mind, and spirit. No one’s asking me to do or be anything different, but I’ve noticed that I’ve been operating on autopilot. Being back where I grew up, surrounded by family, old memories start creeping in—who I was, how I fit in… or sometimes didn’t.

It’s funny how visiting home can be like stepping into a time machine. One minute I’m soaking up the fall colors, the next I’m in high school, stressing about how I’ll get a ride to a party the next town over.

So many memories from years ago bubble up. And I realize something: being around all these familiar places makes me a little too familiar with my old ways of thinking. I forget to be in the present, and that’s where I feel the most grounded.

It’s no wonder I’ve been distracted. I’ve let my routines slip—eating whatever’s around, skipping exercise, and barely checking in with myself. It’s all fun and games until I remember I’m still me, even on vacation.

But.., isn’t that the beauty of a vacation? You step out of your comfort zone and into a “not-a-care-in-the-world” zone. 

Here’s the upside. Once I unwind and let go of the stress and truly decompress, I can feel my batteries recharge. And I start to see that what’s waiting for me back home isn’t something I’m running from—it’s what I’ve been building all along. Of course, getting back to it will require a little readjustment. But first, I’ll savor these last few days of vacation.

So yeah, daily life will be waiting soon enough. But for now, it’s back to my blissfully… not-so-mindful vacation.

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