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When Synchronicity Doesn’t Work Out

When Synchronicity Doesn’t Work Out

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January 21, 2025
2 min read

Have you ever experienced one of those moments where life seems to conspire in your favor—only to later wonder what it all meant?

Recently, I decided to try my hand at writing fiction, a new venture for me after years of writing nonfiction articles, which is my way to explore intentional living and self-awareness.  

I had maybe six chapters written of this new fiction thriller when a dear friend offered to read the rough draft and provide feedback. 

Then synchronicity stepped in. While she was reading the draft, she mentioned it to a friend who has recently started training to coach new fiction authors and needs to complete a practicum as part of her university program. 

Suddenly, the universe seemed to have aligned.

Her friend wanted to talk about coaching me as part of her program requirements.  It felt like life was nudging me forward: a casual conversation turned into a phone call, and suddenly, I was connecting with someone whose journey seemed intertwined with mine. 

After a Zoom call to discuss where I was in my writing process, it seemed promising. But yesterday, I learned that I wasn’t a good fit for the program—I was too far along in my writing.

At first, I wondered what it all meant. Does synchronicity ever not work out? Then I reminded myself that it always serves a purpose, even when the outcome doesn’t match my expectations.

This experience reminded me that synchronicity isn’t always about a perfect resolution. Instead, it’s about opening doors and sparking possibilities. 

For example, this brief encounter taught me three valuable lessons. First, I don’t have to do this alone. There are people and resources available to help, even if I didn’t know they existed before. Second, perspective is relative—while I thought I was just starting this journey, others viewed me as farther along than I realized. Finally, even a single phone call offered me fresh ideas and insights that are still percolating.

In these ways, the synchronicity has already paid off—and who knows? It might still evolve into something unexpected.

As I reflect on this, I can’t help but wonder how many times I’ve misjudged opportunities that didn’t go as planned. How often have I rushed to label them as failures or bad luck, when they were actually stepping stones? I’ve realized that we sometimes lock into the idea that something is a final destination, simply because it feels “meant to be.” But what if synchronicity isn’t about an endpoint? What if it’s about the journey and what unfolds along the way?

I am so grateful for the gift of synchronicity, even when sometimes it requires hindsight in order to understand its purpose.

Synchronicity is not a guarantee of a perfect outcome, instead it reminds us to trust the unfolding journey and invites us to see life’s interconnections.

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Conversations 2 comments

Let's start a personal, meaningful conversation.

Example: Practical philosopher, therapist and writer.

Cindy Hoard, EdD, Licensed Psychologistsays:
Relevant commenter background or experience:See above response
What an awesome example of the many facets of synchronicity and the more we can be open to whatever the message is of the experience, even if it DOESN’T meet or expectations!  I am a writer, a psychologist, a writer, on an eternal spiritual and religious journey.  I published a book over one year ago,  Spirit Rising:  My Winding Tumultuous Odyssey with Depression, that is the story of my spiritual and religious evolution that continues to this day.  I have been reading your monthly newsletter for some time now and always appreciate the seeds of ideas that you plant.  Cindy
Charles McAlpinesays:

Thank you Cindy for the review and for staying connected for so long. I appreciate that and congratulations on publishing your book! What a great accomplishment.

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