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Surrounded By Magic
Recovery Time

Surrounded By Magic

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September 22, 2024
2 min read

(Some housekeeping first)

1) Come join us this Saturday, the 28th, for our Grand Reopening celebration! There will be activities all day, but The Joy Bus is catering hors d’oeuvres between 5 PM and 8 PM.

2) If you purchased one of my books from Amazon or Kindle and enjoyed it, I would really appreciate it if you could write a review. It helps the books get noticed!

3) Next week, the temperatures in Phoenix will be back in the low 100s for most of the week. Don’t despair—our amazing outdoor weather will return soon! 😊

I wanted to share some exciting news: I’ve just finished writing my third book! At least, the writing part is done. Now I need to take care of the table of contents, appendices, formatting, editing, and uploading—so it will likely be 4 to 6 weeks before it’s available.

The first two books developed gradually, in pieces, as I used the content in various ways (articles, apps, courses, etc.). One of the main reasons I wanted to write or reformat those books was to figure out the process of getting them published.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed everything about that whole experience, but in many ways, I wanted to go through it to ensure that when I wrote this new book, I’d know what to do with it. You don’t know what you don’t know until you know it!

This new book is something I’ve been wanting to write for a couple of years, but honestly, I wasn’t sure where it would lead because my thoughts weren’t fully organized. That’s what the writing process does for me—it’s cathartic and a great way to make sense of the randomness in my mind.

And, of course, once we put our attention somewhere, the Universe aligns with our focus and sends the people and experiences we need to support our intentions. It really is quite magical when you think about it.

For example, I remember once reading an article about how our body is sensitive to some types of plastic. I thought to myself, “I need to find a glass or metal water bottle.” Two minutes later, a representative from a company that was opening nearby walked in with some promotional items they were giving away. You guessed it—one of them was a glass water bottle!

I can tell you this: over the past week, I’ve felt like I’ve been in a personal growth workshop. Everything I thought I knew about how I learn and grow has been thrown into the air, only to land in ways I never could have anticipated.

This is likely because my new book has a working title: *Self-Awareness in a New Age: Evolving Beyond Old Patterns.*

Since I’ve been energetically submerged in this topic for the past couple of weeks, it’s been fascinating to see what comes up. I’ve had amazing conversations, stumbled upon articles or news stories, and even seen memes or images that offered fresh perspectives or insights.

Have you ever experienced a moment like this—where something you were thinking about or focusing on suddenly appeared in your life? I’d love to hear your story about when life sent you a little bit of magic!

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