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Take Care

Take Care

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October 20, 2024
2 min read

How often do you tune into the energy around you?

Some people seem to have an innate ability to sense energy from a young age. For me, it felt like I was a late bloomer. I didn’t truly grasp the significance of energy until my forties, when I began noticing how my body reacted in different environments. This shift in awareness became a turning point in how I navigate life.

The good news is, whether you’re early or late to energy awareness, it doesn’t take much to incorporate it into your life’s navigation system. Over time, I found myself relying less on my physical senses and more on the subtle energies around me. Now, I trust the energetic feel of a situation or person to guide me in deciding what’s right for me.

Of course, because everything has energy, it can sometimes be challenging to discern what truly feels aligned with you. Today’s world is filled with intense energy shifts—from political divides to climate crises and ongoing wars. These global events can cloud our personal energy fields, making it hard to stay clear, grounded, and connected. It’s no wonder we sometimes feel powerless, as though the weight of the world is dulling our inner compass.

But even in the midst of such turmoil, it’s crucial to stay rooted in our own energy. By focusing on what we value and aligning with who we truly are, we regain control of our path, rather than being swept away by the chaotic energies around us.

The energies on the planet may feel divisive, destructive, and violent, but that doesn’t mean we have to be. Instead, it’s important for us to operate within those energies without being consumed by them—even if our focus is to shift or change these very circumstances. The key is to stay aligned with our own energy, grounded in what feels right for us.

When the world feels overwhelming, there are simple ways to tune back into your internal navigation system. Try one of these practices, and notice which one brings you back into alignment:

• A walk or hike in nature

• Pause and take a series of deep breaths

• Soak in a bath with selenite powder or Epsom salt

• Journal about your dreams for the future

• Move your body—workout, do yoga, or exercise

• Take a break from electronic devices

• Meditate or do a guided visualization

• Immerse yourself in sound and vibration

Or you could do what I did: get a change of scenery. Sometimes, what we need most is to take care of ourselves. To give ourselves some self-love, with the intention of letting go of the external influences that prevent us from living our best life.

By quieting the external noise and tuning into our inner voice, we reconnect with the strength and clarity needed to live our best life—guided by our own energy, not the world’s chaos.

Let me know what works for you!

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Conversations 2 comments

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Example: Practical philosopher, therapist and writer.

Kebba Buckley Buttonsays:
Relevant commenter background or experience:Energy healer, holistic coach, and author
Charles, thanks for a lovely article!  Congratulations on your grand reopening!  
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