Wenn Sie einen Hintergrund im Schreiben oder eine Leidenschaft für das Erzählen einer Geschichte haben, können Sie der perfekte Kandidat sein, um den Menschen zu helfen, ihre Ideen in die Realität umzusetzen.Ghostwriters ghostwriter gesucht werden häufig aufgefordert, Inhalte zu erstellen, die auf den Ideen oder dem Schreiben eines Fachexperten basieren. Dieser Inhalt kann Artikel, Blog -Beiträge oder sogar vollständige Bücher enthalten.

Hausaufgaben sind ein wichtiger Weg, um das zu verstärken, was die Schüler in der Schule lernen. Es kann ihnen auch helfen, das zu üben, was sie gelernt haben, und neue neuronale hausarbeit schreiben lassen Verbindungen herzustellen.Hausaufgaben können jedoch schwer zu managen sein. Zum Glück gibt es Möglichkeiten, es einfacher zu machen.

How to Work with Your Crystals!

Now that you purchased your crystals, here are a few ways to work with them!

Meditation or Prayer

Hold them while you do a meditation or prayer:  Find a quiet place to relax, Hold the crystals in either or both hands.  The palm of the left hand is considered a meridian for your energy centers where you easily receive energetic information. The right palm is considered a meridian for sending or transmitting your energetic information.  

Close your eyes and focus on your breath.  No need to shift or change how you’re breathing, instead just pay attention to it and allow your body to become calm and still.  When you feel relaxed, begin to connect with the crystals by paying attention to them.  Their weight, feel, what you remember about them.  

Because you have purchased these crystals with an intention in mind, allow your mind to wander.  Pay attention to the images, sounds, memories, metaphors or sensations that come to you.   Be inquisitive.  Wonder how a phrase or word, image, or memory is related to your intention.  What is the energetic information that is being shared as you hold this combination of crystals?

Allow your meditation or prayer to continue until you feel complete.  When your done, re-enter your day and be gentle with yourself.  New insights and awareness will to continue to be revealed.  As you become more aware, see if there are patterns, behaviors, or beliefs that may need to shift in order to realize your new intention.

Come back to this exercise as often as it feels good.  You might also try meditating or praying with just one or two of your crystals at a time.  Often the synergy of stones will shift or change based on the combination. 

Carry or Wear

This is probably the easiest way to work with your crystals. Simply put them in your pocket, a pouch or wear them (even one at a time). Think of it this way… when you meditate with your crystals is like drinking orange juice first thing in the morning to get your daily dose of vitamin C. Wearing them or carrying them is more like taking a time-released vitamin capsule. It stays with you throughout your day, albeit a lighter dose. It is blending with and infusing your entire energy body.

You have already set an intention with theses crystals, simply by purchasing them as a set with a particular focus. However you can always add to that intention or make the focus more specific based on what is going on for you. As an example as you are putting them in your pocket or maybe in a cage to wear, state an intention for what you want more insight around.

Throughout your day, notice when thoughts, memories, emotions or things associated with your intention or area of focus come up. Wonder how a phrase or word, image, or memory is related to your intention. What energetic information comes up while you wear or carry this combination of crystals?

As you receive more insights, determine if there are patterns, behaviors, or beliefs that your may need to shift in order to realize your new intention.

Build a Crystal Grid

You can use your crystals to build a grid. Try building a 1-day crystal grid. This means that your crystal grid will be in place for 8 to 24 hours. Create it in a space where it won’t be disturbed for the day.

You can add other crystals, photographs, words, money, candles, etc to your grid.

There are no rules when it comes to building a crystal grid. Decide where it will be, quiet your mind and then place one crystal in the center of the space where your grid will be built. This first crystal is the anchor crystal for your grid. This means it represents the high level focus or intention of your grid. As you intuitively add and place the other crystals or items around this anchor crystal, assign each an aspect of the over all intention that you want it to represent.

As an example if you are working on creating a magical relationship, the anchor crystal represents that overall intention. The next one you place might represent ‘humor’ or ‘trust’ or ‘attraction’. Then continue to add crystals or items to the grid. Each one representing another aspect or detail of your intention.

Building a crystal grid does not have to be a long or complicated process. Allow it to be soothing and fun.

Throughout your day, notice when thoughts, memories, emotions or things associated with your crystal grid come up. Wonder how a phrase or word, image, or memory is related to your intention. As you receive these insights, determine if there are patterns, behaviors, or beliefs that your may need to shift in order to realize your new intention. Perhaps you get insights on something new you might do. Or do differently.

Allow any new awareness to feel real and imagine new ways to incorporate these insights.  

If you want to know about crystal grids, we have a workbook and/or quick guide in the reference material section of our online store.

Create a Ceremony

Creating a personal ceremony with your crystals is another way to enhance your connection to the intention or your area of focus. This could be simple or elaborate. Whatever you create allow it to be meaningful.

As an example of a powerful ceremony that is frequently used for the New Year or any new beginning… is a Burning Bowl. There are many versions of this, but many frequently include writing down a list of things you want to let go of; then another list of what you want to create newly. Then each list is burnt in a fire pit or burning bowl. The idea is that you are setting intentions and then letting them go. Trusting that the Universe is now clear about your intention and is conspiring on your behalf to bring them to fruition.

Perhaps you place a stick or line on the ground. Then as you stand on one side of it, while holding your crystals, you imagine what you are creating or intending. Once you have a strong connection with what you are creating… step across the line, into your new future.

Maybe you engage others. Ask them to hold your intention with you, by holding on to one of the crystals on your behalf and to return it when you or they experience that aspect of your intention being realized.

Of course, the ceremony you create will be most impactful if it has meaning to you. Something you will remember and think back on with joy. Pay attention to new awarenesses that come up after your ceremony. Notice any coincidences or synchronicities that are aligned with your intention. This is your way of acknowledging the Universe responding to your intentions.

Be self-inquisitive when thoughts, memories, emotions or things associated with your area of focus come up. Wonder how a phrase or word, image, or memory is related to your intention. As you receive these insights, determine if there are patterns, behaviors, or beliefs that your may need to shift in order to realize your new intention. Perhaps you get insights on something new you might do. Or do differently.

If you would like insights on designing a ceremony for your intentions, consider booking a session with one of our Spiritual Consultants.

Infuse a Space

Place your crystals in an area that you associate with your area of focus and allow that area to be infused by the natural properties of the crystals. As an example if you are working on creating more income or work, and you use a computer, place them on the work surface near where you sit.

This means when you sit in this area you are being infused with the properties and your intentions. If you commute a lot, you could also place them in your vehicle.

Pay attention to any new awareness that comes up throughout your day. Many times our insights are revealed when we are not “doing” anything. If you are focused on a task, intuitive insights may be too quiet to compete with that level of focus. Notice when thoughts, memories, emotions or things associated with your area of focus come up.

Wonder how a phrase or word, image, or memory is related to your intention. As you receive these insights, determine if there are patterns, behaviors, or beliefs that your may need to shift in order to realize your new intention. Perhaps you get insights on something new you might do. Or do differently.

Allow any new awareness to feel real and imagine new ways to incorporate these insights.

Create Crystal Infused Water

We don’t recommend putting the crystals directly in your water. Instead, fill your drinking glass or water bottle with water. Set the glass in a shallow dish with your crystals. Allow the water to be infused with the intentions you set when you bought the crystals. There is no hard and fast rule for how long to leave the crystals near the water, but an hour or 2 would suffice. Sip the water slowly if you have the time. Similar to ‘Flower Essence’ the intention slowly builds and compounds over time.

As you enjoy the water, notice when thoughts, memories, emotions or things associated with your area of focus come up. Wonder how a phrase or word, image, or memory is related to your intention. As you receive these insights, determine if there are patterns, behaviors, or beliefs that your may need to shift in order to realize your new intention. Perhaps you get insights on something new you might do. Or do differently.

Allow any new awareness to feel real and imagine new ways to incorporate these insights. Continue to infuse and enjoy your water as often as you like.

There are water bottles that are designed with compartments where your crystals can be added. Call or stop by Storm Wisdom to see the ones that we have in stock.

Create a Crystal Bottle

Create a Crystal Bottle Crystal Bottles are small jars, bottles or tubes, usually glass that you fill with crystal chips and other beads, herbs, or trinkets. The only limitation is the size of the bottle and the size of the opening. In fact. you could do the same thing with larger jars, and use tumbled stones or larger crystals vicces.

Creating your own crystal bottle stimulates creativity and is a great way to focus on and set an
Once you've selected the container, simply till it with the desired chips and any other beads, seeds, trinkets or charms. In our "create your own crystal bottle area we have beads with all the letters of the alphabet available, so that you could include names or words to enhance your Crystal Bottle.

The creation of your bottle could be as simple as choosing the chips and contents you want to represent your intentions: to slowly assembling so that you achieve a very curated look either way. use the time to focus vour intention and create a keepsake or tangible reminder.

You might even decorate the outside of your container with stickers, glitter, etc. Adding a charm to your Crystal Bottle is a great way to personalize it and add symbolism as well.

The most important part of creating a crystal bottle is to have fun.

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