ArtistVikki Reed

Vikki Reed
As the daughter of an artist/teacher and a physician/innovator, I grew up in a world where creativity and healing intertwine. My art is a vibrant expression of this legacy, a celebration of color, and a passageway to connect with the divine within.
I believe that creativity is not just a talent, but a vital tool for survival. It’s through the act of creation that we can transcend limitations, find solace, and foster a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Color, with its inherent energy and frequency, holds a profound healing power. I seek to combine color in ways that I feel are healing and nourishing, then trust that others may have a healing, expansive experience as well.
I love birds, with their graceful flight and boundless freedom, they serve as constant inspiration. Currently I use layers of collage and mixed media in carefree ways, using colors and patterns that thrill me, then defining birds (and/or other shapes) until the piece lets me know it is complete (it usually suggests its title to me as well!)
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