Storm Wisdom Blog

A Dog Chasing a Car!

A Dog Chasing a Car!

Today, as I stepped into our new space for the first time, a wave of excitement and anxiety hit me like a speeding car. We’ve all heard the old adage about a dog chasing a car; what’s he gonna do with it once he catches it? Guess what? I’ve been chasing cars.

Although I know this new space is going to work, all I can think in this moment is, “What the hell have I done?”

There are, of course, things I expected. I knew we would have to take out a couple of walls. That, of course, impacts the flooring and what we do there. But what I didn’t know was that the drop ceilings were put in after the walls were up, unlike how the current Storm Wisdom spaces were divided up!

This means, when the wall comes out, there is either a gap in the ceiling, we do something different with the wall, or something unthought of yet. So, how to handle that? While I anticipated the need for structural changes, I must admit the hidden complications caught me off guard.

It is very hard to come up with a space plan when you can’t see the whole space. The space feels fragmented, with partitions creating a maze-like effect and an eclectic mix of carpet, and 2 different laminate floors. Not a good look. I imagine it will feel much bigger when it is opened up. Or is that wishful thinking?

There are some weird (or are they interesting?) jogs in the other walls within the space. Design challenges for sure, which, of course, I’m up for. But on day one, I can tell you it feels like I’ve bitten off a lot! And of course, I want to move quickly for many reasons, the disruption to the business being the biggest.

And did I mention there will be boxes in there to work around for up to a week? Please don’t read any of this as complaining. Instead, this is just the initial overwhelm! And this too shall pass, just like the other cars I keep chasing!

Despite the initial overwhelm, I know that with each step, we’ll transform this space into something truly special. Every challenge we overcome brings us closer to our vision.

Hurry Up and Wait

Hurry Up and Wait

This feels like my life for the past two weeks. I’d love to tell you how good I am at this. It would be great to share a profound awareness that I’ve had regarding the value of patience. But, yeah… that’s not going to happen.

Ever since I made the decision to relocate the shop, everything has been on hold. It’s still moving forward, but there are delays outside of my control. And therein lies the problem! I have no control over this, and boy, do I want to control something right now.

I’m not concerned about it not happening. In fact, I’ll probably have access to the space in a week or so. The thing is, I likely won’t know when that is until minutes before. So any plans or support I want to line up are pretty much nonexistent. It’s just the nature of the beast.

In the meantime, I’ve been trying to keep myself busy. Luckily, I have Gisela to drive crazy. She loves when I am hyper and unfocused at the same time! Whoops… did I say “loves”?

The good news is I’m still excited about this move. I have lots of ideas and things I want to try. Considering I had zero experience setting up a retail space when I first opened, this feels like an amazing opportunity for a refresh.

This time, I have Gisela and Millie to share and contribute, each with their own expertise and insights. Each of them has their own sense of ownership for not only the space but what happens there. That’s a great feeling.

Besides this move, we are also developing a new website, which we want to launch at the same time as our opening date—whenever that is. AND… I have two soon-to-be self-published books (ebooks and paperbacks) that should be coming out around the same time too (or shortly thereafter).

No surprise here, but my part in those projects is either complete or on hold while others work their magic with them.

So everything is great… as I hurry up and wait. In the end, I try to remind myself that this period of waiting is just as important as the action that follows. It’s a time to reflect, accept, and appreciate the journey. Maybe I will find that having patience isn’t so bad after all.

The Eleventh Hour

The Eleventh Hour

This is a very different article than the one I thought I would be publishing today. You see, I actually had one written for the past week or so that I thought I would be sharing. But things change.

So instead, this is about magic, synchronicity, timing, and being taken care of.

I was going to announce that I was closing Storm Wisdom. I was confident in my decision and had communicated it to my amazing team and even notified our local artists. Today was going to be the first day of our inventory liquidation, with a goal of locking the doors for the last time in less than three months.

But that is no longer the plan.

Instead, we are going to be moving to a smaller space in this same ‘Shea Plaza’ complex, about 100 feet away from our current spot. I am still working out the details, but I am confident this is the direction we’re heading in. And it feels good.

Last year was a tough year financially for us and for retail in general. We hadn’t seen those kinds of numbers (sales) for over ten years. It was stressful, to say the least. But we were making changes and feeling hopeful. However, rebounding from such a low point was hard. I was feeling exhausted.

I reached a breaking point that I didn’t realize was so close. When I hit that point, I decided there was no other option than closing a business that I love.

At the 11th hour, something new emerged. The landlord extended an offer. A good offer.

Had I not given my notice to vacate, it would never have happened. It wasn’t even something that I could have envisioned because it seemed outside the realm of possibility.

Mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, I didn’t know if I could make the switch from “letting go” to moving forward again. Especially in one day. All while we had artists we have worked with for a long time, showing up to collect their consignment pieces that have been part of the uniqueness of our shop. It was confusing and just plain weird.

But sometimes that is how magic works. I have a mentor named Annie Bossingham who channels a number of conscious beings/entities, who for the last year or so have been talking about how we are moving into a time of “transcendent” magic. Magic that simply drops in and is beyond what we can imagine for ourselves. They say this is coupled with conscious choice, where we are naturally allowing our choices to emerge energetically and in alignment with our whole being, versus “figuring it out.”

I know what that means now. I know how it feels. I am living the experience of it right now. It feels good, and it is shocking at the same time.

This makes me think of all the synchronicities that had to happen and how the timing had to be just right for everything to turn on a dime. I love how the Universe conspires to support us even when we don’t know we are looking for support.

I’m not sure how all of this will play out yet and when it will happen. However, I do know I want you along for the ride. So I will let you know what I know, when I know it. And don’t be surprised if it happens at the Eleventh Hour.

How to Harness the Energy of the Solstice

How to Harness the Energy of the Solstice

For me the Summer Solstice is the start of an important growing season.  The longest day represents our opportunity to ensure that the seeds and sprouts we planted have the greatest opportunity to feel rooted and strong.  Then they are passed for a new type of tending.  From championing and coaxing them to watering, fertilizing, and nurturing them.  There are rich traditions, rituals, and celebrations that honor Solstice every year.

I shared my process for celebrating this years Solstice on Facebook this past week.  But I wanted to share it here as well.  I love simple and easy ways to harness unique energies.  I hope you find this helpful.  BTW… if you do this, come back in a couple of weeks and let me know your thoughts!


This year’s Solstice is only a few days away.  Like other times of shifts or transformation, now is a great time to start to integrate the energy that is available during the longest day of the year.  For me there are several things that come to mind and that I want to focus on.

  • Alignment (or realignment) with the energies of expansion and growth that not only the Solstice ushers in, but summer does as well.
  • Movement or more specifically forward momentum.
  • Grace which for me means integrating these new energies with ease and elegance.

As I am a crystal lover, let me share with you a simple way to work with 3 crystals to provide focus and support for you as you move through this Solstice and whatever it means for you.

  1. Think about a current routine that you do daily. Examples include your favorite spot for morning coffee (my choice), where you do your work such as your office, or where you prep meals. You could even choose where you sleep or the bathroom where you do your daily self-care routine.
  2. Select a small bowl, saucer, shell, or even a coaster, that when placed in the designated location won’t obstruct or be in the way.
  3. Select 3 crystals and place them in your container.  As you are placing them, think about what each one represents for you.  If alignment, movement, and grace from above resonates, use those to set your intention and have each crystal be the talisman for those energies.
  4. As you’re putting the crystals in the dish and then placing the dish is your chosen spot.., think about any details you might want to add to your intention.  Maybe alignment means creating balance in your live, or movement means migrating to a new job, etc.  Simply add your positive thoughts to your mini-solstice altar.
  5. Leave it there for the next week or two and you’re done.

Crystals all have their own unique properties based on their internal structure, color, formation, shape, origin, and more.  So I want to share the three I will be working with and why.  You can use these or any crystals that intuitively feel right for you.  I’m choosing:

  • Citrine – one of the ways it supports us is as we become clear and aligned, it supports the natural realignment of the universal energies around us. Look for synchronicities and coincidences that align with what you intend and envision.
  • Aragonite Star Cluster – chips away old beliefs or limiting thoughts allowing movement toward anything new we are creating.
  • Black Tourmaline with Red Jasper (Spiderman Jasper) – for its ability to help us navigate and traverse our personal journeys with ease and grace.

I recommend placing them in a spot where you will see them daily so that even when you are not paying any attention to them, your subconscious mind remembers.  It triggers an awareness about what your intentions are and what you hope to experience during this time.  Our subconscious mind and these talisman crystals are potent allies.

If this simple way to work with crystals resonates with you, consider using it for New Years, birthdays, or any other special occasion you might have coming up.

Next time we see one another, may we recognize and celebrate the new alignment, movement and grace in each other!