“Love is the water of life, nurturing heart and soul.” Rumi, 13th century poet, Islamic scholar and Sufi mystic

Nurturing has been on my mind this week more than usual. We’ve been spending time with our youngest son and his family providing as much support as possible with a 2+ year old and a newborn! It’s been amazing to have this gift of time spent with them. I’m reminded of how dependent babies and toddlers are on others. I’m also reminded that love is the key element that’s required to nourish and support our relationships and personal growth. As the days have gone by I’m reminded that we nurture in so many ways. I think of gardeners who nurture plants and nature. We nurture children, health, relationships, pets, dreams, friends, new ideas, creativity, values, curiosity, family, love, emotions, and many provide nurturing through the food and meals they provide! I’m sure that you can think of others as well.

As the gardener demonstrates over and over again plants must be nurtured consciously and with intention in order for the seeds to sprout, grow, and bloom. I’ve always loved using the image of a rosebud or any other blooming plant – happiness is watching it grow and unfold, reaching its beautiful potential. I’m reminded during this time with my son and his growing family how precious it is to watch the children evolve and grow into their own glorious person as they’re nurtured with lots of love. English singer, songwriter, and peace activist John Lennon has said that “We’ve got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it’s going to get on by itself. You’ve got to keep watering it. You’ve got to really look after it and nurture it.” And isn’t this true of our relationships and the many other things that we nurture?

Don’t we garden in our inner world as well? We choose what we believe, think, and value. We choose the seeds we plant and allow to grow and flourish. Is our garden designed to be lush and thriving or is it full of weeds and old beliefs that are ready to release? It’s a choice each one of us must make. In your quiet time you might ask, “Where do I want to spend my energy and what do I want to nurture? English poet and journalist Alfred Austin has said that “The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.” How much are you feeding your soul through what you are choosing to nurture? How many of your choices are based on love? Through your nurturing will love flourish and thrive in your life? I invite you to take this week to notice all of the opportunities in your life that can be nurtured including yourself. Enjoy watching a child discover magic and wonder around them if you have the opportunity.

I’m holding space for you and sending lots of love to each one of you. Laugh, giggle, play, and have fun! Remember, NOW is all there is. Please don’t delay!

I’m available by phone or Zoom for private coaching and channeled information sessions by appointment. To schedule please go to victoriabarna.com. I’m also available for in-person sessions. Please call Storm Wisdom (602)334-1204 to schedule.