A Dog Chasing a Car!

A Dog Chasing a Car!

Today, as I stepped into our new space for the first time, a wave of excitement and anxiety hit me like a speeding car. We’ve all heard the old adage about a dog chasing a car; what’s he gonna do with it once he catches it? Guess what? I’ve been chasing cars. Although I know this new space is going to work, all I can think in this moment is, “What the hell have I done?” There are, of course, things I expected. I knew we would have to take out a couple of walls. That, of course, impacts the flooring and what we do there. But what I didn’t know was that the drop ceilings were put in after the walls were up, unlike how the current Storm Wisdom spaces were divided up! This means, when the wall comes out, there is either a gap in the ceiling, we do something different with the wall, or something unthought of yet. So, how to handle that? While I anticipated the need for structural changes, I must admit the hidden complications caught me off guard. It is very hard to come up with a space plan when you can’t see the whole space. The space feels fragmented, with partitions creating a maze-like effect and an eclectic mix of carpet, and 2 different laminate floors. Not a good look. I imagine it will feel much bigger when it is opened up. Or is that wishful thinking? There are some weird (or are they interesting?) jogs in the other walls within the space. Design challenges for sure, which, of course, I’m up...
Hurry Up and Wait

Hurry Up and Wait

This feels like my life for the past two weeks. I’d love to tell you how good I am at this. It would be great to share a profound awareness that I’ve had regarding the value of patience. But, yeah… that’s not going to happen. Ever since I made the decision to relocate the shop, everything has been on hold. It’s still moving forward, but there are delays outside of my control. And therein lies the problem! I have no control over this, and boy, do I want to control something right now. I’m not concerned about it not happening. In fact, I’ll probably have access to the space in a week or so. The thing is, I likely won’t know when that is until minutes before. So any plans or support I want to line up are pretty much nonexistent. It’s just the nature of the beast. In the meantime, I’ve been trying to keep myself busy. Luckily, I have Gisela to drive crazy. She loves when I am hyper and unfocused at the same time! Whoops… did I say “loves”? The good news is I’m still excited about this move. I have lots of ideas and things I want to try. Considering I had zero experience setting up a retail space when I first opened, this feels like an amazing opportunity for a refresh. This time, I have Gisela and Millie to share and contribute, each with their own expertise and insights. Each of them has their own sense of ownership for not only the space but what happens there. That’s a great feeling. Besides this move,...
The Eleventh Hour

The Eleventh Hour

This is a very different article than the one I thought I would be publishing today. You see, I actually had one written for the past week or so that I thought I would be sharing. But things change. So instead, this is about magic, synchronicity, timing, and being taken care of. I was going to announce that I was closing Storm Wisdom. I was confident in my decision and had communicated it to my amazing team and even notified our local artists. Today was going to be the first day of our inventory liquidation, with a goal of locking the doors for the last time in less than three months. But that is no longer the plan. Instead, we are going to be moving to a smaller space in this same ‘Shea Plaza’ complex, about 100 feet away from our current spot. I am still working out the details, but I am confident this is the direction we’re heading in. And it feels good. Last year was a tough year financially for us and for retail in general. We hadn’t seen those kinds of numbers (sales) for over ten years. It was stressful, to say the least. But we were making changes and feeling hopeful. However, rebounding from such a low point was hard. I was feeling exhausted. I reached a breaking point that I didn’t realize was so close. When I hit that point, I decided there was no other option than closing a business that I love. At the 11th hour, something new emerged. The landlord extended an offer. A good offer. Had I not given...
How to Harness the Energy of the Solstice

How to Harness the Energy of the Solstice

For me the Summer Solstice is the start of an important growing season.  The longest day represents our opportunity to ensure that the seeds and sprouts we planted have the greatest opportunity to feel rooted and strong.  Then they are passed for a new type of tending.  From championing and coaxing them to watering, fertilizing, and nurturing them.  There are rich traditions, rituals, and celebrations that honor Solstice every year. I shared my process for celebrating this years Solstice on Facebook this past week.  But I wanted to share it here as well.  I love simple and easy ways to harness unique energies.  I hope you find this helpful.  BTW… if you do this, come back in a couple of weeks and let me know your thoughts! ————————————- This year’s Solstice is only a few days away.  Like other times of shifts or transformation, now is a great time to start to integrate the energy that is available during the longest day of the year.  For me there are several things that come to mind and that I want to focus on. Alignment (or realignment) with the energies of expansion and growth that not only the Solstice ushers in, but summer does as well. Movement or more specifically forward momentum. Grace which for me means integrating these new energies with ease and elegance. As I am a crystal lover, let me share with you a simple way to work with 3 crystals to provide focus and support for you as you move through this Solstice and whatever it means for you. Think about a current routine that you do...
Reflecting on Retirement

Reflecting on Retirement

I recently enjoyed a visit with a dear friend, whom I hadn’t seen face to face for several years. She was staying with us during a surprise trip through the state. From the sitting area in our home to the restaurants we visited, a theme for our conversations emerged. Both of us are in the midst of significant life transitions, finding ourselves navigating the uncharted waters of retirement. As seekers, it’s not unusual for us to face such phases with a mix of curiosity and introspection. Over steaming cups of coffee or a glass of wine, we delved into our experiences, sharing the unexpected challenges and surprising joys that this new chapter has brought us. For the past couple of years, I have been semi-retired. Though I still run a small business, the minimal administrative tasks and occasional visits hardly constitute what one might call a “job.” My friend, similarly situated in the traditional retirement years, still manages her own business too, approaching it in her unique way too. She only does things that bring her joy. For both of us, being retired, even semi, has brought up a lot of internal “stuff.” When I reflect on our shared experiences, it reminds me of a workshop series I participated in years ago that featured the ‘7 Faces of the Soul.’ Content was originally channeled by Lazaris. While we were studying the material in class all those years ago, I felt a deep internal conviction that I already understood the truth of these 7 Faces of the Soul. Therefore, it didn’t feel like I was learning new material, but rather...
Simple, But Profound

Simple, But Profound

This past week, I had an experience that has stayed with me. It was simple on the surface but, for me, deeply profound. I’ve had a few lingering questions that I couldn’t quite resolve, always hovering just out of reach. To gain clarity, I decided to seek answers through a channeled session. My questions ranged from sorting through conflicting ideas to addressing personal issues that seemed insurmountable. One topic I want to share with you is my struggle with personal motivation. Lately, my motivation has been coming and going in fits and starts. Usually, it centers around my work and how I shape and envision the future for Storm Wisdom. There was a time when I was on a roll—making changes, updates, and feeling confident about my focus and priorities. Running a brick-and-mortar retail business involves constant change and a lot of administrative oversight. Most of the time, I handle it well. However, there are moments when I know something needs attention, but I feel completely unmotivated. In those times, it’s hard to gain traction or momentum. I know what needs to be done, but I just can’t muster the energy. This was my state for the past couple of weeks, and I wondered how long it would take me to get moving again. So, during my channeled session, I asked: “I’ve been feeling unmotivated for a while now. Is there anything I can do to shake it off, or any way to get going again?” Here is their paraphrased response: “You are aware of the natural cycles of life and the nature of ups and downs. You understand...


I recently got to spend time with several of my siblings. Every year, two of my sisters come to visit, and this year, one of my younger brothers chose to come as well. As with every gathering, reminiscing about the past and our childhood, along with telling well worn stories, was a big part of our time together. I recently heard that if four people were asked to explain what they observed while walking together the entire length of a mall, each person would have an entirely distinct account to share. . What captures our attention can vary depending on our hobbies, passions, likes, dislikes, preferred colors, interest in people, etc. Our perspective of the world is shaped by the amalgamation of our life experiences. A bunch of siblings in their 60’s, remembering events from decades before, takes this experience to a whole new level. Story variations on steroids! A few of us genuinely don’t remember some of those common experiences. But ever since they left, I’ve been thinking about how adamant I was that my interpretation was the correct one! It was almost as if I somehow lost part of my identity if my version wasn’t correct. It hurts to admit it, but needing my version of the past to be “right” is another way I play with the illusion of control. I’ve spent endless decades attempting to manipulate the heck out of practically every element of my existence. All in a futile effort to exert control. Another thing that has been clear to me from my musings over the past week or so is that I continue...
The Case for Self-Awareness

The Case for Self-Awareness

Years ago when I was writing about crystals, I decided to use the write-ups to create the ‘Magic of Crystals’ iPhone app.  In the app I wanted to include a tool to assist in selecting the right crystal(s) based on the crystal’s properties and what someone’s area of focus was while they were using it. This triggered a review of the write-ups, where I was looking for patterns or common areas of focus or strength for each crystal.  Grounding, intuition, abundance, clarity, etc.  In total I identified 14 different properties. Now mind you, every crystal includes all of these properties.  What I was looking for, based on what I had written, were the top 3 properties for each crystal.  One of the properties I identified at the time was ‘Self-Awareness’. Here is my confession.  At the time, I personally thought self-awareness was the least interesting of these properties.  The low-hanging fruit. Sure it was great to develop more confidence, have higher self-esteem, understand where a particular pattern originated, etc.  But, how about tapping into a different relationship with money and wealth?  Or, being more anchored in your body to ensure your stability and sure direction? Or even amping up our ability to receive the internal guidance or messages we get from our senses or intuition? Those were the properties that really had some weight or juice for me.  At the time. Flash forward to today.  Now I wonder if Self-Awareness isn’t the property to really focus on! First and foremost, let me start by saying I believe we all come here to learn and grow. It is our way...
Be Grateful

Be Grateful

Today, as I was collecting the content to put in this newsletter, the featured meditation that came up was “Be Grateful”. How perfect, as today we were celebrating our 15th Anniversary of being in business. Our day at the store was a blast.  Old and new friends shared in the magic of celebration.  Many sharing stories of what Storm Wisdom and the community we’ve build has meant to them.  I have to say my heart was warmed and felt very satisfied. At the same time, I could feel the part of me who was having a hard time receiving the recognition.  Wanting to play it down or minimize my contribution to this glorious adventure. It is easy for me to acknowledge the amazing women, Gisela, Millie, and Jamie who manage and run the store everyday.  They always put Storm Wisdom, our clients, customers and friends first.  They are heart of Storm Wisdom. Together we are an amazing team. I  thought about all of the beautiful stories and memories that were shared today.  I also thought about the feedback or advice I would offer to anyone who was shying away from their personal power or accomplishment. I realized, I don’t want shy away from my part in creating this really cool crystal shop.  I love everything about Storm Wisdom. I am glad I followed the internal guidance and vision all those years ago.  I am happy to have been of service and support to so many by simply offering a unique space to BE.  I am blessed to have created such an amazing family. Thank you for being part of...
The Unknown

The Unknown

Do you ever feel the weight of “getting it right”? For a while now, I’ve had this sensation of something being different.  But it’s been hard to figure out exactly what that really means. One thing that has been apparent though is that there is nothing to “get right”.  That means it (getting it right) also carries no weight. Often, when we are in the middle of a situation or the circumstances of our lives, it can be hard to understand the impact. Meaning, we don’t understand the benefits or toll a situation is taking, until it’s behind us. Then we have the benefit of hindsight. What is different for me right now is that I’m not trying to figure out what this current energetic shift is all about.  And.., if I’m not trying to figure it out, I’m not trying to get it right. ‘Getting it right’ is a form of perfectionism. And perfectionism is an attempt to control.  And..,I have lots of experience with trying to control the people, situations, and circumstances of my life. This is true even when the changes or shifts are energetic.  Meaning, they are manifesting but have not been realized yet.  That is how things feel for me right now. It is different when we are envisioning and imagining something new.  Then we are aware of why or what is evolving.  In those cases, we understand why we are experiencing the sensation of something being different.  We are more invested in having it unfold in a particular way. I believe we experience unexpected shifts in our lives all the time.  I know...
Finding Balance,  Still 

Finding Balance,  Still 

There are times I wonder if I will ever find balance in my life. This is one of those times. I guess I’ve known for years that I have a tendency to get extremely focused on one thing at a time. This was especially true when it came to work. I loved solving problems and figuring out solutions. Give me a project and a deadline, and I was in my element. Of course my mind thrived on the stimulation and it created a feeling or sense of purpose. It didn’t hurt that I was good at it, so I also loved the recognition or attention that came from it. It wasn’t until the project or problem was behind me, that I would realize I had stopped exercising and my body was feeling off. My preferred activity at the time was running. So I would start training for for a half marathon. I would put all my focus on building my stamina and endurance. By the time, I completed the event, I would realize I had not seen my friends for weeks. Between work and training, something had to give. But hey.., I had reached my goal. It seemed like an okay trade off at the time. It wasn’t until I was in my forties that I realized how much I prioritized and even compartmentalized my life. It is also when I first recognized that finding balance in my life was challenging for me. Now a days, I don’t think of it as being out of balance with work, exercise, or family and friends. Instead I think of being out...
Riding the Wave of Transformation 

Riding the Wave of Transformation 

It seems as if everything in my personal world, is in a state of transformation.  Probably the biggest and most obvious is a home remodel.  We are basically at the end of this particular project. So of course the sense of transformation is at its highest. But when does transformation actually begin? I believe it is in the dreaming and imagining stage.  In fact, it is probably before.  When our subconscious minds long for whatever is next for us.  We then begin to respond to the longing, making choices that support this new internal desire. We give it to our mind and begin to visualize and start setting intentions.  We plot, plan, and basically start to figure things out.  We begin to become more emotionally invested as it materializes or takes shape in our psyche. The part of this that has me intrigued right now is the desire for change.  The desire for something different.  The desire for more. I feel changed by all the physical transformation around me.  Yet, it feels as if it is more accurate to say that my desire for internal transformation has reshaped or transformed my physical world. The reason that this seems like an important distinction for me is because it feels as if I am a different person than I was a short time ago.  Not better (although hopefully), just different.  Everything feels new and fresh with endless possibilities.   So it is easy to look to the physical surroundings and think that these changes are responsible for the differences. But there’s a part of me who intuitively senses that this transformation is internal.  With the real world now reflecting my own evolution. I think we are...
Reach for Hope!

Reach for Hope!

“None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have faith.” Paul Coelho, Brazilian lyricist and novelist How are you feeling this week? There’s so much going on in the world right now. As I’ve explored my own feelings and reflected, I’ve felt a bit discombobulated! I asked, during my quiet time, “What’s my role and how can I contribute and make a difference.” So much is out of my control! After taking a few deep breaths and talking about things with my husband I realized that when I can’t control what’s happening the only thing I can control is how I respond to it! I know that peace begins within me first. I asked myself, “Am I ready to throw in the towel and give up?” The response was quick, “No!” I choose to continue going forward and evolve. I trust that there are enough people awakening on this planet that things will get better. Maybe it’s not happening as fast as I would like but I believe that things will get better! How? Each one of us can contribute and create more positive outcomes and a new world creation through our meditation and prayers that send healing unconditional love to this earth and all life. Imagine your energy, during this time, connecting with someone or group who needs the spark of hope within them ignited. Allow them to be seen and heard through your connection. Share your hope with them! We are One after all! The Hunter Moon energy activated October 28th supports you as...
BE Courageous!

BE Courageous!

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” Steve Jobs, American businessman How many times in your life have you faced and overcome challenges? How many times has fear made you feel small or less than? How many times have fear or self-doubt stopped you from moving forward? I ask these questions to bring into your consciousness the times that, in spite of being afraid to move forward or make choices, you have overcome the challenge. In other words, the times you’ve made choices with courage that are deep within you. Why has being courageous come up for me lately? Recently someone lovingly told me that I’m too accommodating! I’ve been wondering why I still do this. After some reflection I realize that there are situations in my life where I want to make everyone happy. I asked myself, “Am I afraid to disappoint them?” I realize that in some cases the answer is yes! Having become more aware of this I’m willing to make changes. I’m willing to be more courageous and follow my heart! For me, this is an evolving journey! How about you? American activist Jody Williams has said that “If you’re always trying to please everybody around you, all you end up being is a pretzel, twisted into the shape of a pretzel. If you do that enough, you’ll end up not even knowing who you really are. So have the courage to be who you really are, no matter where you are.” I love this image of being twisted into the shape of...
I’m Holding Space!

I’m Holding Space!

“The very best thing we can do for others isn’t soaking up their pain, it is actually holding space for them. Holding space for a person means giving them the room to grieve or vent while still maintaining our own boundaries.” Mateo Sol, Psychospiritual teacher and author Wow, what a week! How are you? Saturday October 14, 2023 we experienced a solar eclipse known as a ‘Ring of Fire’. It wasn’t a total solar eclipse but some of you may have felt or seen it. Endings, beginnings, and rebirth often symbolize this type of eclipse. Some believe that major transformations can take place during these times. We are living in a time where the earth suffers and there’s unrest around the world: Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, Congress, and increased violence. I’ve experienced conflicting emotions of feeling both discouraged and hopeful! How are you feeling? I continue to ask during my quiet time, “What is mine to know and do?” For now, I’m holding space. I also send unconditional love and healing to the earth and all life praying for greater wisdom, leadership, peace, love, acceptance, equality, compassion, abundance, health, and so much more. I’m holding space! I recognize that in order for a new earth/world to be created the old systems that aren’t working must be exposed and choices made to change them in more positive and productive ways that release the need and desire of many to hold onto power and dominate others. I recognize that many people fear change and yet we still haven’t learned that violence isn’t the answer for patterns that keep repeating. Vietnamese Buddhist monk...


“Love is the water of life, nurturing heart and soul.” Rumi, 13th century poet, Islamic scholar and Sufi mystic Nurturing has been on my mind this week more than usual. We’ve been spending time with our youngest son and his family providing as much support as possible with a 2+ year old and a newborn! It’s been amazing to have this gift of time spent with them. I’m reminded of how dependent babies and toddlers are on others. I’m also reminded that love is the key element that’s required to nourish and support our relationships and personal growth. As the days have gone by I’m reminded that we nurture in so many ways. I think of gardeners who nurture plants and nature. We nurture children, health, relationships, pets, dreams, friends, new ideas, creativity, values, curiosity, family, love, emotions, and many provide nurturing through the food and meals they provide! I’m sure that you can think of others as well. As the gardener demonstrates over and over again plants must be nurtured consciously and with intention in order for the seeds to sprout, grow, and bloom. I’ve always loved using the image of a rosebud or any other blooming plant – happiness is watching it grow and unfold, reaching its beautiful potential. I’m reminded during this time with my son and his growing family how precious it is to watch the children evolve and grow into their own glorious person as they’re nurtured with lots of love. English singer, songwriter, and peace activist John Lennon has said that “We’ve got this gift of love, but love is like a precious...


“Family is not about blood. It’s about who is willing to hold your hand when you need it the most.” HRH the Dalai Lama As we leave the powerful energies of the last SuperMoon of 2023 we are invited to lean into more harmony and balance. How do we still manage to balance our energy while helping others and taking care of ourselves? This question is one that comes up for me when I think of family. First, I ask, “Who is my family?” I have a birth family, a co-created family with children and grandchildren, a blended family, extended family, spiritual family, and Storm Wisdom family to name a few. Of course there are adopted families as well as others that you might have. Each one of my families represent choices I’ve made. In order for the relationships to flourish they must be nurtured. I find comfort and nourishment in different ways from each of them and I trust that I give comfort and nourishment to them as well. As you can see, these relationships that I value and cherish are not all blood relations. Yet, I can count on support from them when I ask and consider them family. I have found that my blood relation family has presented challenges and opportunities for me to grow in ways that some of the other relationships haven’t through the years. My co-created family with a husband, children and grandchildren have taught me ways to experience love and joy that I never imagined. My other families have helped me to grow and expand my beliefs, perceptions, and skills that have...
I Want it My Way

I Want it My Way

At the moment I am on a flight leaving several situations behind that I have been trying to control.  And I’m headed towards a couple of others that I have been trying to control too.  None of my attempts at control have been working.  In fact, they’ve been dismal failures. The only real thing I have achieved in the midst of all this, is frustration. But isn’t that always the case when we think we need to control anything? The truth is I have been reminding myself (a lot!), that when I set down the need for other people, places, or things to look, feel, respond, or happen in a particular way.., they usually work out the way they should.  Things get resolved in ways that perhaps I could not imagine. At least in hindsight, that is how it feels. I wish I could say these are all new personal insights.  But in truth, I have traveled versions of this road before.  I have come to the same realizations before. In the past I would take this to mean that I hadn’t “learned the lesson” and I was starting from scratch.   These days, I just look at these repeats, as peeling off a new layer.  Of course since I am quite familiar with trying to control things, I must say to be experiencing so many situations or circumstances back-to-back like the past couple of weeks, with the number of layers I have removed, I should be naked by now! The grand reminder; Control is an illusion. In fact, in everyone of these situations, letting them unfold naturally is...


“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States What does happiness mean to you? I’ve been reflecting on what it means to me this week after seeing an interview with Arthur C. Brooks who co-authored ‘Build the Life You Want’ with Oprah Winfrey. Their book addresses the art and science of getting happier! Can’t wait to read it! I’m curious how many of you focus on being happy right now. With so much distraction being available do you find time to feel and acknowledge when you’re happy? I find it’s very easy to focus on the ‘next’ thing without feeling and being in the moment when something is working for me. As I talked about what happiness means with my husband we both agreed that for us it represents satisfaction, contentment, and peace of mind. Rarely have I felt elation like a jumping up and down kind of happiness or joy; however, I’m willing to change and be more aware of how I feel and acknowledge when life is good for me. As the energy of the Autumn Equinox begins late this Friday PDT, September 22nd, I wonder if the seeds of ideas, intentions, or plants will bring happiness to those of you that have consciously planted them. This is a time to harvest them. American motivational speaker and writer Denis Waitley has said that “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” Will you acknowledge the feelings of love...
Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance!

Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance!

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” HRH the Dalai Lama Do you remember where you were and what you were doing 22 years ago on September 11, 2001? I do. I remember feeling horror, shock, and sadness watching the twin towers fall, the planes that crashed, and learning of so many lives that were lost. Terrorists brought destruction within the United States. However, I also felt pride in how the people of our country rallied to help one another and rebuild. Unity rather than division was felt. Red tape was cut to bring resources that were so badly needed. Extraordinary heroism, courage, self-sacrifice, and a rush to help others was demonstrated by civilians, first responders, and service members. Differences were set aside. Today, a deep divide can be felt by many within our country and yet I remain hopeful that once again we as individuals can remember what it feels like to pull together and help one another in spite of our differences. I’m hopeful that we can learn to seek to understand one another and although we may not agree with one another’s beliefs we can learn to find peaceful solutions. I recently read an overall motivation.com quote that reminds us that “A person’s most useful asset is not the head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen and a hand willing to help.” A heart full of love rather than actions driven by a fear of losing power and listening with a willingness to help...
Self Awareness!

Self Awareness!

“To know others is wisdom, to know yourself is enlightenment.” Lao Tzu, Ancient Chinese Taoist philosopher Hi there fellow journeyers! How have you been this week with the intense Super Blue Moon energies? As intense as these energies might feel to you there is so much encouragement to let go of the past, imagine the future and deepen your connection with the universe! This Super Blue Moon energy also supports a recognition of our interconnectedness, transformation, and inner growth – knowing ourselves more and more! It can be a healing time as well. Once again, there’s an opportunity to look within and travel to your ‘safe place’ of stillness and inner peace to explore and find answers – an opportunity to get to know more of you! How beautiful. During your quiet moments of introspection and reflection I encourage you to explore your depths without judgment so that you can embrace the beauty and majesty of who you truly are! There are many people who believe that so much of what we experience in the world around us is a reflection of what’s happening in our inner world. Does this make sense? Have you ever found yourself finding fault with someone in your life? I know I have when I take a few moments to look at my past interactions. How did you feel as you judged or criticized someone? Perhaps you felt good, right, or even some guilt after the words were thought or spoken. Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius has said that “Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself: What fault of...


“The heart of the matter is always our oneness with divine spirit, our union with all life.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk What does oneness mean to you? I just returned from an amazing Contact Retreat led by Annie Bossingham with over 20 participants. In reality there were many more in the unseen realms attending with great love and support as well. It was such a great reminder of our interconnectedness with all life – seen and unseen! During meditations with intergalactic beings I felt such deep feelings of unconditional love and acceptance that I was overwhelmed at times. Being able to open to the possibilities of ‘something more’ beyond current limiting beliefs enriched my experience as it did for others. Imagine, if you can, the possibilities of other civilizations, intergalactic ones, that we can’t see who have experienced what our planet is going through right now. Imagine what can be learned from their experiences. Once a tipping point was reached some civilizations survived, others didn’t, and yet those who survived rebuilt and evolved beyond separation and recognized the value and beauty of oneness. Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein has said that “A person experiences life as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. Our task must be to free ourselves from this self-imposed prison, and through compassion, to find the reality of Oneness.” Our spiritual journey of awakening includes ‘remembering’ that we aren’t separated. We are a part of the whole, an expansive whole! We come from the one Source which I like to think of as LOVE. I believe that each...
Am I a Good Friend?

Am I a Good Friend?

Sometimes I wonder. I get feedback about being a good listener, sounding board, advisor, or neighbor. I am told I’m humorous, generous and supportive. Most of the time, I feel like being a good friend is one of my strong suits. Then there are times like today, when I wonder if that is true. Life is full of ups and downs. Hopefully the older we get (or more truthfully the more experienced we get!), there are more highs, than lows. Most of the time I feel as if I ride those waves pretty easily with my family and friends. But the truth is, I have a low tolerance for someone who stays in victim mode. Mind you, we all experience moments of victim or martyr and we should expect that. We are, after all, human. We are emotionally affected by situations, circumstances, and the actions (or inactions) of ourselves or others. Some build over time. Others seem to spring on us in the moment. We experience something hurtful, unexpected, shaming, offensive, etc. And it has impact. Maybe we feel surprised, scared, taken advantage of, shamed, belittled or… Sometime, we actually are a victim. What I recognize is that I am good at showing up and supporting someone who is dealing with a difficult problem. Until it has gone on for too long. The problem is.., “too long” is subjective. What might be too long for me versus someone else, could be vastly different. What I have noticed in my relationships is that when someone gets stuck in victim mode for an extended period, and the narrative doesn’t evolve, shift...
Start With Love!

Start With Love!

“You are a creature of Divine Love connected at all times to Source. Divine Love is when you see God in everyone and everything you encounter.” Wayne Dyer, American author and speaker How are you navigating the intense energies right now? There have been record breaking temperatures around the world, drought, political unrest, and the devastating loss from the fires in Maui. The earth and all life forms have cried out in sorrow and pain. I’m holding space for recovery and rebuilding with love. In addition, the Lion’s Gate portal that opened August 8th (8/8) brought opportunities for cleansing and encouragement to open to new possibilities, to live from our hearts, step into our power, and open to self-love. Whew! For me, it’s been an invitation to STOP and take a few deep breaths. I recognized that if I didn’t I could easily dive deep into the proverbial rabbit hole so I remembered to focus on gratitude, what’s working, and the source of who I am – LOVE! LOVE is the greatest transformer of all. It is who we are in our core – our eternal self. At times I’ve found it challenging to remember this when faced with loss and suffering. How about you? Often we view ourselves separate and we forget that we are all a part of the whole. Some of you may find this hard to believe and that’s ok. This is part of our journey of remembering isn’t it? It doesn’t matter which religious tradition you embrace, there is the theme of love at its heart. This anonymous quote reminds us that “Buddha was...
Like a River!

Like a River!

“Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.” Lao Tzu, Chinese Taoist philosopher Flow, fluidity, and change seem to be a recurring theme for me right now. How about you? I realize that personal awareness and growth are ongoing. For me anyway, it’s not just ‘one and done’! As I write this week I’m reminded how powerful water images and metaphors can be. Lunar energies are also strong right now with a Super Moon kicking off August and a Blue Super Moon ending the month. These lunar energies also affect the movement of tides! However, let’s use the image of a river as we navigate change. Remember, change is constant. One moment is never exactly the same once it’s experienced. Imagine a river now with your eyes closed. Imagine sitting on the bank of the river and notice how it’s moving and flowing.Take a few deep breaths. Now, breathe normally as you enjoy the view of the river. Keeping your eyes closed, notice what surrounds the river. Are there trees, mountains, or a waterfall perhaps? What sounds do you hear? What fragrance can you smell? Enjoy the beauty all around you. Now look at the river again. Does it look the same or has it changed? Can you see more movement? Has something else entered the river? Has it become still or more active? Have you noticed how flexible, soft, or violent it can be from moment to moment? Have you noticed how easily it has changed? Now, Imagine consciousness, your life, personal growth and awareness as a river. It expands, contracts, and changes...
Be Yourself

Be Yourself

“The only thing that matters in life is your own opinion about yourself.” OSHO, Indian philosopher and mystic How often do we let the opinion of others influence how we feel about ourselves? As I have journeyed with others on their path of spiritual awakening and traveled my own path I have found that the opinion of others can make a difference if we let it. After all, who doesn’t want to be liked and seen in a positive light! This happens far too often and until we recognize its influence it can block our personal growth and self awareness. Through quiet time or meditation the inward journey of remembering and re-discovery can provide a way to get to know who you are, what you value, and imagine the life you want to live! How you feel about yourself is the most important. American philosopher and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson has said, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Think about it. It takes courage to peel back the layers of who you’ve been and explore who you are and want to become more of. Also, asking “What am I willing to change in me?” This is key. Many people want to be in a loving and intimate relationship and search for ‘the one’! How would you feel if ‘the one’ turns out to be you? Feeling good, confident, and loving about yourself, first, is key to being in a healthy relationship with others. Remember, you are the artist, author, and creator of your life. It can...


“We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist Monk How are you doing this week? I hope you’re finding ways to stay cool. I’m limiting my time outdoors that’s for sure! I’m grateful for our air conditioning too! Whew!! Recently I finished reading Arielle Ford’s new book The Love Thief and really enjoyed it. She says it’s her first attempt at writing fiction and I found her storytelling ability enjoyable and relatable. This story reminded me so much of a fellow traveler’s journey of spiritual awakening. There are so many ways it can happen since each one of us is individual and unique. However, we often ask ourselves, “What’s my purpose, Who am I, or Why am I here?” These questions are similar for each one of us. Along the way of re-discovery and remembering we often meet fellow travelers who help us. Through the years of my own growth and working with others I’ve heard many ideas of why we chose to come to Earth at this time. In addition to Thich Nhat Hanh’s view of awakening from the illusion of separateness there are others who believe that we are here to: honor and know God, survive, find our passion, be happy, help others, recognize and use our gifts, experience life completely, create heaven on earth, be authentic, seek harmony with nature, be successful, achieve goals, or evolve by learning and growing. The list goes on and on and I’m sure each one of you has your own point of view to add. HRH the Dalai Lama has said, “Our prime...
Go With the Flow!

Go With the Flow!

“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself, and only herself.” Maya Angelou, American author, poet and civil rights activist Although Maya Angelou uses a feminine descriptor I feel her quote can apply to everyone. Being in harmony with our spirit can feel like a river flowing. Imagine watching a river. How does it flow? Up or down? Does it stop when it encounters obstacles or goes around? Watching a river flow can bring a sense of peace can’t it? Have you ever tried to swim against the natural current of a river? It’s pretty challenging isn’t it? It takes a lot of strength and endurance. It doesn’t feel good to me. Some people may say, “Be the flow” while others may say, “Determine your own flow.” How do you feel about going with the flow? Why has this come up for me? As I meditated this week I became aware of some opportunities to release control of the outcomes. So subtle I didn’t see them at first. A deeper layer was revealed as I used Lyssa Royal Holts’ Galactic Heritage Cards. I was reminded that fluidity is a natural state of consciousness and change is a constant and more is coming. July 17th brings a New Moon and more opportunity to release old stuff and open to receive new beginnings. More change! Author and speaker Sylvester McNutt has said that “Sometimes everything hits you all at once. You lose a relationship, change jobs, old friends go and new...
Are You Confident?

Are You Confident?

“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” HRH the Dalai Lama How was your holiday? I hope you enjoyed your celebrations. In addition to the 4th of July we had a beautiful Super Moon on July 3rd. Some of you may know it as a full ‘Buck Moon’. Energies that appeared along with those supporting freedom and independence included: more clarity, desire to accomplish goals and let go of negativity. Some of you may have felt emotional but recognized that being intentional and focused served you better. Patience was cautioned. Wow! How confident did you feel this week? Did you want to seek input from other people more than usual? Was there any desire to have someone else make decisions for you? If so, you may have been more sensitive than usual to the Lunar and universal energies. Don’t worry! Remember how far you’ve come on your journey of self-awareness and personal growth. Remember how much of the power you’ve given to others you have taken back! Remember how confident you’ve become and how you’ve learned to trust yourself more! Remember how sensitive you are and can feel energy and its influence. Remember to ask, “Is what I feel mine or does it belong to someone else?” If it’s not yours then intentionally release it! What does your heart desire? Don’t rush and feel like you’ll never receive it. Wait for more clarity leaning into your self-confidence and ability. Imagine, visualize, engage your senses and you create your intention. You may want to create a vision board with pictures,...
Free to BE Happy!

Free to BE Happy!

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk This week brings celebrations, family gatherings, BBQs, fireworks, and a holiday weekend commemorating the Declaration of Independence signed on July 4, 1776. Wow!! Freedom. Happiness. Independence. A time for reflection. Having celebrated many 4th of July’s I wondered what the spiritual meaning for this momentous day was. I found a site called Forever Conscious created by Tanaaz who is an intuitive astrologer and she shared how energetically powerful this coming week will be – “As the Cancerian sun and Sirius meet the first week of July becomes a powerful and potent time for making conscious changes, spiritual advancements and bringing new insights into the world.” Perhaps it’s no coincidence that the signing of the Declaration of Independence occurred during this time. Once again the universe is providing us an opportunity to change. I wonder how our forefathers felt as they presented the Declaration of Independence to be ratified by the Second Continental Congress. Were they happy after so many hard fought battles? Perhaps in the moment they were! What an accomplishment. Our democratic freedoms are to be cherished and not taken for granted. I’m happy to be here now and saddened by the divisiveness in our country. I know that we can make different choices. Recently a dear friend reminded me that happiness is a choice. How we respond to experiences is a choice even those that create challenge and struggle. HRH the Dalai Lama has said that “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from...
Imagine Unconditional Acceptance!

Imagine Unconditional Acceptance!

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk How are you feeling? We experienced the summer solstice on June 21st and many of you may have celebrated and welcomed it with gatherings and rituals. Others of you may have felt the shift energetically. The Solstice welcomed new beginnings and an opportunity to turn inward. You may be feeling like it’s time for that trip to your inner monastery as you reflect and make choices to continue forward on your journey of personal growth. One of the things that I continue to journey with is accepting myself more! No longer is it ok to be what others expect me to be or to rush to self-judgment and criticism for choices that I’ve made in the past. As I look back on those choices, some I’m not proud of, I realize that all of them have contributed to who I am today. I’ve learned from them. I’m accepting myself more and more. I continue to reflect and ask, “Who am I now?” I continue to grow and evolve! I feel more peaceful with who I am and I know that my personal growth and self-acceptance will continue. It’s a choice that I’m making. Spiritual teacher and author Eckhart Tolle has said that “Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality it brings something entirely new into this world. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness.” As I feel more peace the tapestry of life that I’m weaving intertwines with Oneness –...
Cherish the Surprise!

Cherish the Surprise!

“Don’t be in such a rush to figure everything out. Embrace the unknown and let your life surprise you.” The Red Fairy Project by Genevieve Colmer Are you someone who likes their life to be carefully planned and has no room for surprise or have you allowed room for the unknown to bring magic and surprise into your life? I have to say that for most of my life I was more comfortable with having a plan. Maybe that was reinforced through my professional life too; however, I remember the time that my mom sent a 10 year schedule to me and my siblings identifying the holidays that she and my dad would spend with each of us. Yes, little room for surprise at that time. I like to think that I’m embracing, allowing and welcoming more of the unknown and surprise now after many years of learning to ‘let go’ of old habits and behaviors. How about you? Author Napoleon Hill has said that, “It is strange, but true, that the most important turning-points of life often come at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected ways.” Looking back and reflecting on the many twists and turns that I’ve experienced during my ‘awakening journey’ I find this to be true. When I least expected it, major turning-points in my life appeared. Some were magical and joyful and some weren’t. Yet in every case I had a choice to make. Continue to go forward or not. Make a course change or not. Learn from the experience or not. Every experience created a foundation for who I am...
Take the First Step!

Take the First Step!

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King, Jr., American Baptist minister and activist How many of you like to know how things will turn out before making a decision? How often are you willing to take a chance, if you don’t know the outcome, and just ‘go for it’? I like to think I’m more willing to ‘go for it’ than I used to be. Maybe it has more to do with letting go of my need to ‘control’ the outcome (an illusion by the way) and enjoy being in the moment more and more. Maybe it’s about allowing more spontaneity, flexibility, and surprise in my life too. Maybe it’s just about having faith that each choice I make creates new experiences and how I respond to them contributes to my personal growth. Are there really any good or bad choices? I will say that there are some that I don’t want to repeat. I learned from them though. The faith I’m describing is believing in something when you don’t have proof. This can apply to choosing new opportunities, entering relationships, making major purchases, religious beliefs, and almost anything else you can think of where you have a choice to make. In any of these situations you may feel uncomfortable, anxious at times, or go through a lot of ‘what ifs’ before a decision is made. Even after significant research the outcome isn’t guaranteed is it? Author Catherine Pulsifier has said that “Faith is unseen but felt, faith is strength when we feel we have none, faith is hope...
Count Your Blessings!

Count Your Blessings!

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” Lao Tzu, Ancient Chinese Taoist philosopher As I reflected on this newsletter I began to hear Bing Crosby singing “Count Your Blessings” by Irving Berlin. He sang it in the movie White Christmas. It’s been years since I’ve seen it. Once again, another reminder to lean more and more into gratitude. Several friends and family members are faced with health challenges right now and I feel grateful for my own state of health and well-being among other things. This week I’ve wondered, with a compassionate heart, how to continue supporting others while taking care of me and my family without feeling guilty. How can I maintain a healthy balance? Have you ever felt like this? Lao Tzu reminded us that kindness creates confidence, profoundness, and love through thoughts, words, and giving. Being kind is a wonderful way to BE; however, taking time to check in and remember that being kind out of duty or obligation is something different. I find that when I see someone suffering my heart hurts and my chest constricts. And yet I know that I can offer love and support but I can’t fix their suffering. It’s important to recognize and remember that each of our journeys is individual and unique. There are so many blessings in my life and I believe this is true for most people. In times of suffering and challenges it’s perhaps even more important to remember that focusing on gratitude can create a more positive environment. Where your thoughts and energy flow is what you...


For many of you Memorial Day offers a long awaited weekend and family outings. It’s also a time to honor the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. Military – a Day of Remembrance, one of both celebration and grief. I was reminded of Amanda Gorman’s Inauguration poem which speaks to the hope, rebuilding, reconciling and recovery that takes place as change occurs “. . . there is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.” “The Hill We Climb.” Amanda Gorman, American poet and activist “When day comes, we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade? The loss we carry, a sea we must wade. We braved the belly of the beast. We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace, and the norms and notions of what “just” is isn’t always justice. And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it. Somehow we do it. Somehow we weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished. We, the successors of a country and a time where a skinny Black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president, only to find herself reciting for one. And, yes, we are far from polished, far from pristine, but that doesn’t mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect. We are striving to forge our union with purpose. To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and conditions of man. And so we lift our gazes not to what stands...
BE Peace!

BE Peace!

“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” HRH the Dalai Lama Peace begins within. This is a belief held by many spiritual teachers and one I hold as well. The words change a little but the essence is the same. When I feel centered, calm, and a part of All That Is I feel beautiful inner peace. In fact I feel more clarity as well. Once again I’m reflecting on the personal choice one makes to be peaceful or not. I do believe it is a choice. Yes, I agree that there are many external distractions; choices made by others that invite reaction or response and the news, for example, that can influence how we feel. Even when everything feels chaotic there is still that deep inner monastery that can be accessed anytime. A place where inner peace is waiting for you! Distractions and behaviors of others are just waiting to interrupt and send you on a different course. Choose peace instead! Consciously choosing to BE peace requires a strong sense of self. A strong sense of knowing who you are. A strong sense of being willing to change your own reactive behavior to external pressures and distractions. Once you are clear on your values and what you stand for then it is easier to avoid external drama. It becomes easier to remember to take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and dive deep into your inner monastery or well where you feel peaceful and restored. Spiritual teacher and author, Eckhart Tolle, has said that, “You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of...
BE Curious!

BE Curious!

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; And to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” Maya Angelou, American poet and civil rights activist Recently I have had the opportunity to spend time with my granddaughter. She’s a great teacher! In addition to her endless energy I’ve enjoyed watching her, almost 2 year old, curious nature explore everything. It rekindled my own sense of curiosity, wonder, and joy. I don’t want to take things for granted or be satisfied with the status quo. I’m reminded that living is a beautiful and dynamic process! Thriving instead of surviving is a choice. Finding one’s passion seems to be life long and ever changing. It’s taken me a while to find the humor in situations rather than judge what’s gone wrong or evaluate what could be done better, habits I carried over from my corporate experience. I’m choosing to be compassionate and seek to understand others more. And I realize that the only moment is NOW so why not BE curious in the moment? Why not enjoy life and find humor in situations? Why not explore and find your own style? Canadian ice hockey goaltender, Maxime Lagacé, has said that “Curiosity and questions will get you further than confidence and answers.” Being curious and asking questions opens the door to explore the unknown and new possibilities. These new opportunities can ignite an inner passion to explore your dreams and allow new creative expressions to unfold. Why not? Remember, you are in charge of creating new realities. You are in charge of creating...
What’s Your Hearts’ Desire?

What’s Your Hearts’ Desire?

“The desire to reach the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise.” Maya Angelou, American poet and civil rights activist How was your weekend? There was some pretty intense lunar energy going on and for you sensitives it might have brought up a lot of stuff. So what happened besides Cinco de Mayo? LOL May 5th brought a lunar eclipse also known as the ‘Flower Moon’. Spiritually the invitation to ‘dive deep’ into what’s been deeply buried was offered. Emotional breakthroughs may have been felt resulting in greater feelings of being free. For some of you “The desire to reach the stars” may have felt real. However, exploring your hearts’ desire, what you feel most passionately about, may have arisen. It’s, once again, another opportunity to let go of old stuff and look at new opportunities that support your hearts’ desire and begin a new way of being – connecting and making choices from your heart! Perhaps another way to look at it is to ask, “Am I ready to become a new human being?” Are you ready to change how you interact with yourself and others? What does your heart desire? Is it different from what others think you want or what you want to do to please someone else? Are you ready to let your imagination come out and play along with your High Self and Soul to help you create a new and more expansive way to BE? The 13th century poet, Islamic scholar, and Sufi mystic, Rumi, has said that “The desire to know your own soul will end all other desires.”...
It’s Up to You!

It’s Up to You!

“The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you choose, what you think and what you do is who you become.” Heraclitus, Ancient Greek philosopher Have you ever asked, “Is the choice I’m making right now supporting the life I want to live?” The more conscious we become of the role we play in creating our life the more aware, accepting, and responsible we become for the choices we make. You have probably heard that what you choose, believe, think, and do is what you create. And as Heraclitus reminds us it is also ‘who you become.’ How often have choices been made to please someone? When you begin to own the power of you and your choice, independent of pleasing others, you will feel more freedom. Your life really becomes yours! How does acceptance play a role in your choices? Making choices that support the life you want to live are done thoughtfully and deliberately. They are made consciously knowing that you are fully responsible and accountable for them. Will they always be perfect or right? Maybe and maybe not. The point is that they are made by you – standing in your own power! Spiritual teacher and author, Eckhart Tolle, has said “Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality it brings something entirely new into this world. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness.” Imagine feeling peaceful as you choose the next actions that support the life you are creating for yourself. ‘That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness.’ Often fear of the unknown or of making a wrong...
To Infinity and Beyond!

To Infinity and Beyond!

“We do not have a fear of the unknown. What we fear is giving up the known.” Anthony de Mello, Jesuit priest and psychotherapist How have you been feeling? There have been some pretty intense energies swirling around haven’t there? April 20th experienced a hybrid solar eclipse and new moon! Wow. You might have been feeling more impulsive or jumping to conclusions instead of being more reflective and introspective. Instead of responding to situations you might have been more reactive. Sound familiar? If you haven’t quite felt like yourself this week it’s understandable! Have you dived deep into your tool kit using deep breathing, connecting with nature, or setting intentions to help you feel more centered and grounded during what may feel chaotic? It might even feel like everything that you know and feel comfortable with is crumbling down. Remember, for new things to grow the old must leave. I feel like that’s what is happening now. This brings up, for many, a lot of fear – fear of the unknown. I loved Anthony de Mello’s perspective, “What we fear is giving up the known.” Sound familiar? How often does fear of the unknown create limitations in your life? I feel that this happens more than we think even though it may not be conscious. English writer and philosopher, Aldous Huxley, has said, “There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.” Interesting isn’t it? Many people believe that what we perceive, think, and believe is what we create! How about you? Recently, I participated in a workshop and a friend...
You Are Here For a Reason!

You Are Here For a Reason!

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” Eleanor Roosevelt, Former First Lady of the U.S., diplomat, and activist I wake up everyday feeling so blessed and grateful to be here for another day! How about you? Sure there have been days when I’ve said, “Why did I volunteer to be here again?” These days are fewer now. Now, I ask, “What’s mine to do and how can I help make the world a better place? How can I become more of who I am?” I’m sure some of you have felt the same way at times. Over Easter weekend I enjoyed an opportunity to be with fellow sacred travelers in an experience of personal growth. It was a time to remember, awaken, and begin to integrate wisdom, information, healing, light and understanding at deeper levels. There’s still a lot of integration happening. During our weekend we acknowledged, once again, that the journey of awakening, remembering, and re-discovery hasn’t always been easy. And yet, upon reflection, we agreed that we volunteered to be here at this time. This is a critical time for our world and humanity I believe. Rather than fall into despair about what’s happening due to those who want to hold onto power at all cost and create more division and separation, dig deep within yourself and ignite the spark of hope. Imagine the flame growing and burning away any doubt or despair. It’s a time to live and make more conscious choices. Walk the Earth author, Nikki...
Spread Love!

Spread Love!

“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” Maya Angelou, American poet and civil rights activist Have you felt more emotional this week? Along with your spiritual practices during Holy Week, Passover, and Ramadan the Paschal (Pink) Full Moon may have contributed to how you’re feeling. The Paschal Full Moon is the first full moon of Spring and symbolizes closure, emotional release, and a season of rebirth. Imagine the seeds of possibility that you have planted now beginning to emerge, sprout, and bloom. Your inner reflections, letting go, and opening to new possibilities are beginning to manifest. It’s like leaving the darkness and entering more light. To help ground you and what you’ve been feeling please take time for yourself to reconnect with nature. Feel her healing energy. Let yourself be immersed in her beauty. Feel the breeze touch your skin. Hear the birds singing. Smell the glorious fragrances of new growth. Be more mindful as you eat and enjoy the different flavors bursting within your mouth. Imagine your own personal growth and how far you’ve come. Feel grateful to be alive! It also might help to ‘Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud’ as you navigate your emotional highs and lows – focus more on love and helping others. I find that LOVE is the greatest transformer of all.   Imagine spreading more love through your thoughts, intentions, words, and actions. You can make a difference as you spread more love. American author, speaker and professor, Leo Buscaglia, reminded us that “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word,...
Looking Inward!

Looking Inward!

“Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk What does freedom mean? It’s the power or right to act, speak, or think as you want without restraint. Hmmm. Why has this come up for me this week? It’s been coming up for a while really. So much has been going on in the world with freedoms and human rights being taken away. I’ve been reflecting on what it means to be free and have experienced a wide range of emotions that have included anger, fear, frustration, and helplessness. I’ve spent introspective time in my inner monastery as well. Upon reflection I agree with Thich Nhat Hanh that we have to cultivate it ourselves. Once cultivated it can’t be taken from us. Yes, our external environment can change but how we feel is ours to feel. This cannot be taken away unless we give it away. Peace and feeling free begin within! The spiritual teacher and author, Eckhart Tolle, has said, “You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.” Who you truly are can never be taken away from you. For many people this coming week is a meaningful time. It’s an important time for reflection. In the Jewish tradition Passover begins and for Christians Holy Week begins. Freedom, life, death, and resurrection are commemorated in these religious traditions. Whether you practice a specific religious tradition or not, I feel that there’s an opportunity, in your quiet moments, to ask,...
We Are Storytellers!

We Are Storytellers!

“Storytellers broaden our minds: engage, provoke, inspire, and ultimately connect us.” Robert Redford, American actor and filmmaker Do you think of yourself as a storyteller? Isn’t communicating a form of storytelling? Don’t we communicate to engage, provoke, inspire and connect as Robert Redford suggests? Hmmm. Think about it. We tell stories verbally, through our music, books, theater, art; in our homes, gardens, values, how we dress, our profession, and so much more. For many cultures oral tradition was how history and information was shared. Some of our stories are clear and others are more subtle. And yet within each one of us there are still stories to be shared, aren’t there? Why write about storytelling now? I feel that now, more than ever, is a perfect time to look at the stories we tell ourselves and others. It’s time to review, evaluate and see if they still apply to who we are and who we are becoming more of. How much does feeling safe with what we know and are comfortable with keep us from exploring new possibilities? How long has it been since creativity and imagination have been used? When was the last time that feeling hopeful prevailed over feeling discouraged or helpless? Walt Disney in “Saving Mr. Banks” has said, “That’s what storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again.” Isn’t it time to create a new story with imagination? Take a few moments and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Feel the warmth in your chest. Feel love. Imagine humanity. Imagine the similarities and differences of human beings. Now...
Helping Others!

Helping Others!

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” HRH the Dalai Lama Why do we choose to help someone? The answers probably vary depending on who you ask. When choosing to reach out and help do you expect something in return? The answer to this question will also vary depending on who you ask. Recently I was with someone who was going to help another and he said, “I’m grateful I can do this!” Clearly no expected return. How about you? What motivates you to help others? There really isn’t a right or wrong answer. HRH the Dalai Lama’s answer led me to reflect more on this question and what our purpose in life is. I find I’m frequently asked these questions by clients. When asked I often respond, “Our purpose is to experience a full range of emotions like fear, sorrow, sadness, love, compassion, kindness, joy, and happiness. To help others. To realize that our divine nature and human nature are not separate. We are both. This is a part of the spiritual awakening process.” Today, I realize that answers can vary when someone asks, “Why am I here?” Unlike those who believe that we’re here to help others, some people believe that we’re here to develop wisdom, achieve enlightenment, to know God, to evolve, or to create karma – to suffer for the past so in the next lifetime things will be better! Still others believe that there is no purpose – we’re here to only experience life. And then there are still others...


“Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments.” Rose Kennedy, American philanthropist Have you ever heard ‘Time is on my side’ or ‘Time is only an illusion – a construct created by human beings so that we can make sense of things’? I began thinking about time since Sunday March 12th is when many parts of the country will be turning their clocks ahead one hour! It’s nice that we, in Arizona, don’t have to adjust our clocks at all. It makes it easier while here and sometimes challenging if communicating with others in different parts of the country. We have family members on both coasts in the U.S. and I’m always thinking about the time difference when trying to connect with them. How about you? I’ve also begun to think about life cycles and realize that it is the moments within the cycle or journey that are the most important. For example, we’ve just experienced March’s full moon also known as the Lenten or Worm moon. This full moon represents a transition from winter to spring. During this transitional time it’s perfect to reflect on the ‘moments’ that have made an impact on your life during this cycle. One of the things I’ve been grateful for is my walks where I truly acknowledge the blessings in my life. It’s a meditative and healing time. I hear the symphony of nature, smell the richness of the desert, see the natural beauty of the landscape, and I can feel the whispers of the breeze gently touching my skin. I feel so blessed for my strength, flexibility, and mobility while...
A Gentle and Tender Heart!

A Gentle and Tender Heart!

Kindness is my only guiding star. In its light, I sail a straight route, I have my motto written on my sail: ‘To live in love.’” St. Therese of Lisieux, French Catholic Discalced Carmelite nun How often do you think about being kinder, or more understanding and accepting of yourself and others? If you are sensitive to your environment and what’s going on in the world today you may feel more overwhelmed and wonder how to get through the day. You may also begin to be affected by the harsh words people say, inflexible beliefs and attitudes, sown seeds of dissatisfaction and division, as well as constant criticism and judgment of all that is different. Wow, how does one nurture and cherish a gentle and tender heart? Some might feel this is a weakness; however, I believe that being gentle with self and others is a strength. Think about it. What is a great way to combat everything that takes you away from living in inner peace, love and kindness? The way to surround yourself with gentleness and tenderness is to first find your inner place of peace. Consciously make time each day to restore and recharge this feeling of peace that you can feel within yourself when your thoughts are more quiet. For some of you it might feel like entering the calm of the eye of the storm. For me it’s like going to my inner monastery where it’s calm and filled with love! I think of it like ‘going home’ – ‘going home to love’ the love which we are and is our divine nature. When...


“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” Epictetus, Greek philosopher, c. AD 55-135 Why is listening to someone so important? Is it more important to listen to understand or listen to reply? I loved Epictetus’s quote and the visual he created. Seems so simple doesn’t it? Listening can be more important than speaking. Have you ever caught yourself focused on what you were going to say to someone instead of really hearing – seeking to understand without judging, analyzing, or trying to offer solutions? When someone asks us to listen or bear witness to their situation or experience it often is more helpful if we remain silent and give them our full attention. It’s been pointed out that listen and silent are spelled with the same letters! Hmmm. Does listening to someone offer any kind of healing? Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh said “Listen with only one purpose – to give the other person a chance to empty their heart.” Why? The belief is that in doing so it helps to ease their suffering. It results in releasing a heaviness, sorrow, or maybe even some guilt that has been carried. Can you remember when you have listened to someone, even a stranger, and you didn’t have to really say much? Did the person feel better afterwards? Could you tell? In the past I did some travel for business. I was on a late flight from the West Coast to the East Coast and happened to sit next to a person who began to talk to me. At...
Qualities of Grace!

Qualities of Grace!

“The simple truth is, we all make mistakes, and we all need forgiveness.” Desmond Tutu, South African Anglican Bishop, theologian, and civil rights activist I find it interesting when one or more thoughts evolve into something very different. Has this happened to you? As I reflected on this week’s newsletter and blog I began to think of ‘courage’ and ‘self-forgiveness’. As I reflected more and began to research quotes to use I began to think of ‘Grace’. Hmmm. One thing led to another and I was reminded of a recent client and her courage to keep going on her journey of awakening and personal growth. I’ve been blessed to journey with her during her deep dives into her light and shadows and then celebrate her joys, miracles and blessings with her. Accepting that we are human and divine – not separate – but both is quite a journey. Accepting that making mistakes is part of being human. It’s part of learning and growing. Making mistakes also gives us many opportunities to practice forgiveness and self-forgiveness. I asked my husband “How long does it take to forgive oneself?” And I answered myself with “As long as I choose to hold on to it!” Wow! It’s always a choice we make to let go or hold onto something isn’t it? He reminded me that it feels fantastic letting go of old stuff. It feels like a burden has been lifted; however, it’s not easy for the burden to lift until we practice forgiveness. Author, motivational speaker, and professor, Leo Buscaglia, has said “Love yourself – forgive yourself – and be good to...
Hold on to Your Hats!

Hold on to Your Hats!

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.” HRH the Buddha When was the last time someone said to you, “Take time to smell the roses?” Time, is it an illusion or is it real? Perhaps it’s both! I am amazed at how quickly time seems to be passing. Has it felt like that for you too? I recognize its passing with memorable moments. For example, this year I will be married 36 years! Wow, so many experiences and emotions jam packed into these years! I can’t believe it. I see my youngest grandchild walking, running, joyful, excited, learning new words and yet I remember when she was born. It seems like yesterday. So many rapid changes. We see it in relationships, personal growth, where we live; and our tastes in clothing and food! Of course there’s more, isn’t there? Our children grow up. Partners can change. Hairstyles change. Politics change. Beliefs change. Our world view changes. Many other things change as well. If only we made time to reflect on the miracle of a single flower when change becomes overwhelming. Imagine the flower as it begins as a seed nourished by the soil, water, and sunshine. Imagine it sprouting and showing itself above ground. Imagine the stalk, leaves, bud and then spreading its wings, so to speak, and opening to its full beauty. Imagine this is how your new creativity and ideas begin within your own inner garden. Wow! So much changes and it can happen quickly. The Buddha has also said “Nothing is permanent. Everything is subject to change....
Messengers of Love!

Messengers of Love!

“When giving to others do not linger on thoughts of a giving, what was given, or the one who has received.” HRH the Buddha Have you ever thought of yourself as a messenger? There are so many ways that we deliver messages aren’t there? However, the way we deliver a message and what message we deliver can vary. For example: there are words that are both written or spoken; shared thoughts, prayers, and intentions; shared feelings and emotions; created or imagined images; sounds with varying frequencies and tones; gifts of many textures and colors are given; soil, water, and root systems deliver nutrients to plant life; and so much more. Hmmm. I wonder what the flower or tree feels or says to the soil, water and nutrients that sustain and nourish them? There are so many ways to be a messenger. How often do you deliver a message or a gift without expecting something in return? How often is it freely given – given from your heart – given with love? I saw this quote that was posted recently on Facebook from Khalil Gibran, Lebanese-American writer, poet, and visual artist. Through his beautiful imagery using a bee and flower’s exchange I felt it described what it means to be a messenger of love. It’s also a wonderful example of freely giving and receiving. He said “And now you ask in your heart, ‘How shall we distinguish that which is pleasurable from that which is not?’ Go to your fields and your gardens, and you shall learn that it is the pleasure of the bee to gather honey of the...
Are You Willing to Help?

Are You Willing to Help?

“Doing something for yourself gives motivation but doing something for others gives meaning.” Maxime Lagace, Canadian professional ice hockey goaltender What is it about being of service that brings so much satisfaction? How do you feel when you help someone? Do you have expectations? Is it out of duty or obligation? Do you just feel good about it and expect nothing in return? I’ve been reflecting on how communities, families, and individuals come together during times of suffering or crisis. And yet there are those who are willing to help someone each and every day. There are so many ways to help someone and different ways to be kind. What’s your experience. How often have you called someone to ‘check in’; offered intentions and prayers of healing; paid it forward at a restaurant or grocery store; waved to your neighbor; listened to someone who was grieving; made a meal for someone who was sick; volunteered your time to help an organization or individual; offered a financial contribution to support an individual or organization, adopted or fostered an animal; sent a card to someone who is ill; helped someone move to a new home; given someone a gift of watching their kids while they get away for a bit; or brought flowers to someone ‘just because’? The ways to help others are endless, aren’t they? The key is to offer your time and talent from your heart rather than duty or obligation. Do something that you feel good about, something that makes you happy. In fact, it can be done anonymously! American Baptist minister and activist, Martin Luther King, Jr,...
One Step at a Time!

One Step at a Time!

“Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” Saint Augustine, Theologian and philosopher How often has someone said to you, “Trust your instincts or intuition, trust what you know!” How did you feel? Did you feel like you really wanted to but it was hard to trust because you couldn’t see, taste, hear, smell, or touch them? In other words, was it easy for you to believe what your 5 senses couldn’t comprehend? Was your faith unshakeable? It’s taken a long time for me to trust my instincts and not listen to my negative inner voice who never tells me the truth! For years I thought I was “less than others” because I couldn’t “see”. Then one day a couple of dear friends, after finishing a beautiful meditation, asked me to describe what I saw. And guess what? I described details, color, clothing and everything else that I “saw”. That day I learned that the way I “see” is through my “knowing”. People “see” in many different ways. So, please don’t limit what you believe. “Seeing” can happen in a variety of ways. For example, with images, gut feelings, goosebumps, sound, or knowing to name a few. If you believe that “thoughts become things and what you believe creates your reality” then your underlying faith in believing what you can’t see, in the moment, eventually can manifest in tangible form. So much of reality creation is based on faith, isn’t it? American Baptist Minister and activist, Martin Luther King, Jr, has said, “Faith is taking the first...
It’s Time to Dance!

It’s Time to Dance!

“Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.” Wayne Dyer, American author and speaker How are you this week? Is 2023 easy to navigate so far? I know that there’s a lot of universal energy moving right now. I’ve found myself feeling blessed, grateful, loved, and optimistic. I’ve also felt, on the other end of the scale, fatigued and disheartened! So, a wide range of emotions. In other words, I’m going with the flow!! In spite of feeling such a wide range of emotions I’ve also reflected on living an abundant life. I’m doing exactly what I love! What do I love? I love to help others. It happens in so many ways and I get to choose how I do it! I realize that I don’t celebrate or dance enough though! So, why not dance? Persian poet, Islamic scholar, and Sufi mystic, Rumi, has said, “O Particle, it’s time to dance! Don’t you know you are the very source of abundance, and whatever you are seeking, you are its very essence.” We truly are the very source of our own abundance aren’t we? What we think, believe, and the choices we make will create the foundation or cornerstone of our life. As the celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday approaches I wonder how often he danced. Hmm. I like to believe that he understood that he was the source of his abundance and his love for God and all life underscored his peaceful movement to ensure civil, racial, and equal rights for everyone. I like to think that he found his moments...
I Love Myself Enough To . . .

I Love Myself Enough To . . .

“The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself.” Maya Angelou, American author, poet, and civil rights activist Has anyone else felt the full Wolf Moon energy? My sleep patterns have been whacky for a few days! Between 3 am and 3:30 am seems to be my new wake up time. How about you? Some of you might feel stronger emotional shifts and more fatigue than usual. If you do, then listen to your body and rest. Remember, you are not your emotions. They are yours to experience and observe. How you react to them creates your experience. 2023 has just begun and with these powerful lunar energies you might forget that we’re also in a time of new beginnings. Give yourself permission to take time for reflection about what you would like to continue as you envision a new future and what you would like to let go of. Don’t be surprised, as you navigate this new energy, that your inner critic may pop up with all of the reasons why you should stay the course and not change anything! You may even find your inner critic more critical about you too! When this happens remember that you’re in charge and can send it on vacation or put it in a ‘time out’! Reminding yourself how perfect, empowered, loving, kind, forgiving, and compassionate you are is helpful too! Do you love yourself enough to keep moving forward? Do you love yourself enough and remember that this is a journey you have chosen to experience? How much do you love yourself to explore the many ways to...
Let Your Light Shine!

Let Your Light Shine!

“Every moment is made glorious by the light of love.” Rumi, Persian poet, Islamic scholar and Sufi mystic Happy New Year!! I trust your Holiday celebrations were filled with lots of love. 2023 has arrived and the universal energies to support your reflections about what comes next are strong! During this time of introspection and getting to know your inner world in more depth you might feel and notice your inner light shining brighter. Your friends may even say, “There’s something different about you but I can’t put my finger on it.” Imagine that your inner light that comes from your soul is shining so bright because you are embracing who you are more and more – a part of Source, LOVE! As love radiates within you it reflects outward. There are no constricting boundaries to the light of love! It feels amazing and glorious! Some people suggest that the origin of love is the light of the soul! So let your light shine as you navigate the new adventures that await you in 2023. As you reflect during this new year, continue to leave the past behind and remain open to new possibilities and adventure. There’s a new story waiting for you to write and it’s nothing like the past. In fact, it has yet to be written! Take the time you need to feel gratitude for what you’ve experienced and want to continue to include in your life then pack a bag of everything that’s ready to change and leave behind. Let it go. Give yourself time to explore and as you feel the weight of the...
May You Find Peace During the Holidays!

May You Find Peace During the Holidays!

“There is peace even in the storm.” Vincent Van Gogh, Dutch Post-impressionist painter Peace? Really, in the midst of chaos? During the holidays a full range of emotions can be felt and expressed whether you celebrate them or not. Joy, love, happiness, comfort, belonging, sadness, depression, anxiety, and so many others can be felt. I’ve had anxious feelings this year while planning for a visit with our son and his family including a family gathering on Christmas day so that our granddaughter who is 18 months can be introduced to the family. I’ve had moments where I reminded myself to take deep breaths, focus on what’s important, and find peace within myself. I realize it’s been almost 3 years since we hosted a family gathering. When I find my inner calm, my anxiety lessens and goes away. I’m also aware that others may be struggling so I like to check in with my family and friends more frequently to see how they’re doing. As we get closer to the New Year 2023 you might begin to feel compelled to seek peace more often. The universal energy of 2023, a 7 year in numerology, strongly supports reflection, research, spirituality, and personal growth. Religious teacher and founder of Buddhism, the Buddha, has said “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” Peace, inner peace, is always available to us when we take a few moments to reconnect with our spiritual nature. Deep breathing helps me. I also imagine moving into my heart space to feel the flame of love. I imagine seeing a candle flame representing hope burning bright. Searching...
Have Faith!

Have Faith!

“Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King, Jr., American Baptist minister and activist We are in the throes of the holiday season with Hanukkah, Christmas and other celebrations as we leave 2022 behind and enter 2023! Unbelievable! In addition, Winter officially begins this week on December 21st with the Winter Solstice representing rebirth and a return to the light. It’s a time to rest, reflect, and vision what you would like to accomplish next. It might seem a little strange to rest and spend introspective time while engaging in holiday preparation and celebrations. Have faith! Each day is a new day and each day presents a new you! Each day you are taking a step continuing to move forward without knowing the outcome. Faith is believing without proof and trusting that all will be well! While feeling happy, looking forward to, and preparing for our son and his family joining us for Christmas I learned, as many of you did, of the suicide of Stephen ‘tWitch’ Boss. I was saddened as I remembered the fun and joy he radiated as he danced. It brought back memories of my brother’s suicide as well as other people I’ve known who have taken their lives. I remember feeling shock, sorrow, guilt, helplessness; and I had lots of unanswered questions. I understand that death is a natural part of our life cycle and yet this understanding doesn’t prevent us from grieving and celebrating life at the same time. Have faith! During these holidays you may feel a variety of emotions. It’s ok. Perhaps...
Embrace Your Compassionate Heart!

Embrace Your Compassionate Heart!

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” Maya Angelou, American poet and civil rights activist Have you noticed the bright full moon this week? This is the last full moon of 2022 and is known as the Cold Moon. What does it symbolically represent spiritually? Many believe it represents a time to slow down, reflect, rest, and acknowledge the many blessings in your life. It’s an opportunity to explore your inner world especially during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. This presents a challenge at times doesn’t it? While our focus is on giving, sharing, and receiving during this time we often overlook giving to ourselves the beautiful gift of resting and being gentle and reflective with ourselves. Many of you may see suffering in greater numbers in your family, friends, relationships, or even with people you don’t know. Your compassionate heart wants to relieve their suffering. Remember, there is nothing for you ‘to fix’. For those of you who are empathic please be aware and don’t take on the pain of those who are suffering. Rather, take some centering breaths and reflect on any action you might take to ease their suffering. Perhaps it’s a smile, exchanging your place while standing in line for groceries, or listening. Being present! Everyone’s journey is unique and different. HRH the Dalai Lama has said, “People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.” Although your compassionate heart wants to help others please focus it on you as well! Consider this time as an invitation to...
Feel the Candle in Your Heart!

Feel the Candle in Your Heart!

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou, American poet and civil rights activist I can’t believe we’re on the last stretch of 2022 and preparing to enter 2023 already! How are you doing? Are you enjoying your holidays? I know that they can feel overwhelming at times especially if you are entertaining. I find that when I feel overwhelmed it’s a good time to stop ‘doing’ and ‘be’. What do I mean? Being calm, centered, and introspective helps me. I take a few deep breaths and return to my inner monastery where my inner light burns bright. Some of you may find it by imagining an inner candle burning bright. In that moment of calmness I ask, “What is most important right now? What do I want my guests to experience?” With calm and clarity I realize that when my guests leave I want them to ‘feel’ good and welcomed. I want them to feel loved, heard, and appreciated! As my inner light shines and the flame of my candle burns brightly I feel it expanding and spreading throughout every cell and fiber of my being. A warmth follows from within. I feel grateful and filled with grace and love. I no longer feel overwhelmed. Persian poet, Islamic scholar and Sufi mystic, Rumi, has said, “There is a candle in your mystic heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you?” What does this void represent to...


“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” The Buddha, Spiritual teacher and founder of Buddhism I hope that those of you who celebrated Thanksgiving did so with love, joy, and gratitude. So many blessings to acknowledge and embrace. I’m curious what stood out for you? What was the most surprising or amazing revelation that happened? I woke up with Tina Turner’s song playing in my head, “What’s Love Got to Do With It?” Perhaps it’s the time of life but for me I realized in a deeper way how love is at the center of everything – beyond romantic love. It’s been a time for re-prioritizing what’s important to me. I cherish and value my family, friendships and relationships more. Many years ago while meditating I heard, “Love is the greatest transformer of all!” And in that knowing I’ve come to feel it in deeper and more meaningful ways. This was the first time in three years that we’ve celebrated Thanksgiving together. Each of us has changed. Life circumstances changed for some in significant ways. We offered prayers of gratitude for our gathering and meal. We included blessings and prayers for those who couldn’t be with us. We laughed and enjoyed a wonderful meal with each other. I realized, once again, that we all are a part of the whole. Our essence is LOVE regardless of our beliefs and differences. Sharing this meal that was created with love we touched and appreciated each other. Differences were forgotten. Gratitude and...
An Attitude of Gratitude!

An Attitude of Gratitude!

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” Eckhart Tolle, Spiritual teacher and author How are you? I hope you aren’t stressing about the Thanksgiving holiday and any gatherings you might be planning. Take a deep breath! Maybe take a few of them until any anxiety or worry settles! For many of you this may be the first time you’re celebrating a holiday with family and friends. And for some of you it may be old news. In the past, we have always hosted Thanksgiving. With Covid that changed. Holidays can feel stressful for a variety of reasons whether you are hosting a gathering or not. In light of this I’ve been asking, “What’s the most important thing about this Thanksgiving holiday?” For me, it’s a perfect time to reflect, remember, and acknowledge the many blessings and abundance in my life! How about you? Many people have expressed concerns about rising food costs and in some cases lack of availability of some food favorites. Rather than dwell on what’s not available let’s focus on what is available. Perhaps it means offering some different dishes on our menus but let’s remember what’s important! Is it the food or the gathering of friends, family, and community? Of course the meal is comforting in its tradition and bounty; however, it’s the people who participate as you celebrate health, relationships, kindness, and love. The foundation of your abundant life becomes front and center. What if this year’s celebration is viewed through a new lens – a lens of gratitude, abundance, and love? Let go of...
Write Your Own Story!

Write Your Own Story!

“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” Rumi, Persian poet, Islamic scholar and Sufi mystic What’s your story? How often do you feel warm and gooey about who you are? How often do you find yourself competing with or comparing yourself with someone else? How does it make you feel? Do you feel stuck or are you thriving? Are you unfolding your own myth as Rumi suggests or living someone else’s story? Take a few minutes and reflect on your life. Hindsight is wonderful isn’t it? I’ve looked back on my life and I understand that who I am is a result of choices I’ve made and experiences that I’ve had. Who I am today and becoming more of is also my choice! I don’t know about you but when I look back I don’t recognize me. It seems like a lifetime ago and I suppose it is. I know, now, that I’m unfolding my own myth consciously! In the past, especially in my professional life, I found that in order to be considered ‘successful’ I had to wear certain clothes and meet others’ expectations. The corporate environment I worked in supported a philosophy that ‘all glory is fleeting and what have you done for me lately!’ Comparing and competing was a way of life. I didn’t think about writing my own story then. I went along with what was viewed as acceptable in order to be viewed as ‘successful’. I began to see and experience things differently when my awakening journey began. Today I’m different. I accept that we are...
Open Your Heart!

Open Your Heart!

“Open your eyes to the beauty around you. Open your mind to the wonders of life. Open your heart to those who love you and always be true to yourself.” Maya Angelou, American poet and civil rights activist Hold onto your hats this week! Not only is Election Day on Tuesday, November 8th (please vote if you haven’t), but the final lunar eclipse of 2022 will take place in the early morning hours! Whew! Lots of change and chaotic energies will be swirling around. More than ever please practice good self care. With the Blood Moon resulting in the lunar eclipse you might feel like you’re in emotional overdrive. Problems and emotions that you’ve been avoiding may surface. This is a great week to practice introspection and reflection. What is it that you’re ready to let go of so that new opportunities have room to enter? Maya Angelou reminds us to open our eyes, minds, and hearts so that we can be true to ourselves. Beauty, wonder, love, and leaning into the magic of change and chaos can help navigate this emotional time. HH the Dalai Lama has said, “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow. Today is the right day to LOVE, BELIEVE, DO, and mostly LIVE.” We are reminded to live in the present moment for that is all there is. Yes, our past experiences have helped to shape who we have chosen to be. Our future has yet to be created. Today, our choice is what will determine what our...
Listen to Your Soul!

Listen to Your Soul!

“I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my soul.” Rumi, Persian poet, Islamic scholar, and Sufi mystic I, too, have been a seeker and still am as are many of you! I find what I’ve been seeking resides deep within me, my soul! For many years I searched for answers and guidance through reading books, attending church, going to theology school, meditating, praying, and exploring a variety of non-traditional healing methods. When my journey began I didn’t consciously know what I was seeking. I felt a yearning deep within me for something I couldn’t name. As the years have passed I now understand that this journey never ends. It is ever evolving. I’ve come to know and experience deep feelings of unconditional love, inner peace, joy, wonder, magic, beauty, and surprise! I’m someone who likes to know what’s going to happen and how! I guess you might say that I like to be in charge! I’m laughing now because I realize that the only thing I’m in charge of is me, my choices, and how I respond to the choices that others make. I’m learning to have more trust in myself and the process of awakening on this journey home. All of my choices and experiences, some more pleasant than others, have helped me to become more of who I am now and becoming more of! Although there is so much good and beauty in our world, there is also turmoil, uncertainty, and chaos. I remind myself that chaos precedes and...
You Are Enough!

You Are Enough!

“You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving yourself and see what happens.” Louise Hay, American author and founder of Hay House How do you feel when someone says, “You really look good or I love how you’re helping others or You are really patient with someone who is suffering?” There are many other personal compliments you can remember, I’m sure. Do you naturally accept the compliment with grace or do you try to minimize it? I love Louise Hay’s comment and wonder how many of you try to minimize compliments? I know that I have in the past. In fact, recently someone gave me a beautiful compliment and my first thought was to pick it apart! Weird, huh? I immediately recognized what I was doing and told that inner voice of doubt to be quiet! Then I took a deep breath, shook my head, and said, “Thank you!” Whew! It’s a reminder to be ever vigilant because our thoughts create things! I’m so done with self-doubt! Are you? Another way to replace the voice of self-doubt is to spend a few moments with positive reinforcing intentions. Take a few deep cleansing breaths and bring your awareness to your heart space. Imagine your eternal flame of love burning bright. Now create your positive intentions. For example, I deserve to be happy, I deserve to be loved, I deserve abundance in my life, I deserve a loving family and relationships, I deserve to be supported, I deserve to have fun, I deserve to be surrounded by beauty, I deserve to be accepted, I deserve to be...
An Expression of Gratitude!

An Expression of Gratitude!

“Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos-the trees, the clouds, everything.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk I’m learning not to take my good health for granted! Every morning I express my gratitude for being mobile, clear of mind, happy, and overall healthy. Why is it important to me? Over the past 5 years I’ve experienced loss of family and friends to illness, injury, dementia and Alzheimer’s. I’m sure that many of you have as well. For many years I took my good health for granted. Some of you might think that I even abused it at times. Now, I apologize to my body for any mistreatment and thank it for still serving me well! Yes, I talk to my body! Doesn’t everyone? I’ve become more consciously aware of my body and as my awakening journey has deepened I have created a more conscious relationship with it. I understand that it is the home of my precious eternal essence which I call soul and keeping it healthy for as long as my journey on earth continues is important. It’s a choice each one of us is invited to make. The journey of maintaining good health is a holistic one in my opinion. It includes having a healthy mind, body, and spirit! If the focus is only physical then imagine how negative thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs can impact your body. What added stress is created consciously or unconsciously on your physical body and how does it affect your health? Canadian professional ice hockey player, Maxime Lagace, has said, “The more you understand yourself, the...
Joy is a Choice!

Joy is a Choice!

“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.” Omar Khayyam, Persian polymath and poet What does joy mean to you? I remember in the past asking a dear friend, “Why don’t I feel joy?” Hmmm. At the time I felt like it had to be an overwhelming and exhilarating feeling. I remember feeling happy but not feeling ‘bliss’ except when I meditated and an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love consumed me. It brought tears to my eyes. This is what I felt joy was. I felt happy a lot but to feel ‘joy’ meant to feel ‘bliss’ to me.  Does this mean that being happy and feeling joy are different? Some people think they’re the same. Most agree that they’re both emotions. They make you feel good! Others believe that joy is an inner feeling and happiness is stimulated from something outside of yourself! I laugh at myself sometimes because I want to figure things out and in the end I realize I can overcomplicate things. Does this happen to you?  Why am I bringing this up right now? I feel that the complexities of daily living and making daily choices can be overwhelming. How do we take care of ourselves; keep  our families safe and healthy; help others and still flourish and grow when there is so much happening globally that is out of our control? We feel a wide range of emotions and it can be overwhelming. It takes a great deal of inner strength to maintain balance and seek the inner calm within you when you are navigating the chaos that comes with a...
Being You Takes Courage!

Being You Takes Courage!

“It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.” Rumi, Persian poet, Islamic scholar, and Sufi mystic Have you been following the destruction that hurricane Ian has caused along the East coast? My heart goes out to those who have suffered so much loss. It brings back memories of being evacuated for 3 days due to a fire in the Oakland Hills in 1991. Over 2800 homes were lost, 437 condominium and apartments were lost. At least 25 people lost their lives. The hurricane damage and loss is proving to be more severe and it’s unknown the toll that will be taken. This is true of so many natural disasters, isn’t it? So why am I sharing this? Although our home didn’t burn due to a late wind change we didn’t know for 3 days. I was amazed at the courage that so many people had choosing to rebuild after so much loss.  During this time we were able to walk a different journey with some of our neighbors – a journey of rebuilding. We see this happen when volunteers and communities rally after natural disasters. It reminds me of our own journey of spiritual awakening and remembering – a journey that’s uniquely ours. A journey that others may walk with us but can’t walk for us! For many this spiritual re-awakening may feel like a burning down or total destruction of old ways of being. Old habits, beliefs, perceptions and attitudes no longer fit. It takes courage to be willing to change and embrace you and who you...
A Way of Being!

A Way of Being!

“Compassion. It’s not just a word. It’s a way of being. It’s not just a concept. It’s love in action.” Jeff Brown, Author and teacher Can you imagine yourself as love in action? I like that image and believe that we are love at our core. No problem, then, right? Why, then, is it easier at times to lean more into self-judgment than be compassionate with oneself? Why is it easier to help someone than help ourself? Does it have something to do with feeling worthy of receiving even if it’s from ourself? Hmmm. What does it mean to be compassionate? Can you recall the times you have wanted to help someone who was suffering and you wanted to make things easier for them? Feelings of kindness, sympathy, and empathy emerged when you understood what they were going through. This is an example of being compassionate. Does this sound familiar? Being love in action is a more conscious way of living. Recently, I had an experience where I would have loved to feel compassion about a situation and the people involved first. Instead, I felt resistance and then self-judgment. I admitted to myself that I’m not being love in action 100% of the time. It took some self-reflection, conversation, and acceptance of myself and others before I shifted. Persian poet, Islamic scholar, and Sufi mystic, Rumi, has said “In this earth, in this soil, in this pure field let’s not plant any seed other than seeds of compassion and love.” I agree. Seeds of resistance, judgment, and criticism will not grow a beautiful garden. I don’t want to imagine...
Love Life!

Love Life!

“Be in love with your life. Every minute of it.” Jack Kerouac, American novelist and poet Have you ever found yourself dreading to get out of bed and start another day? There are times in my life that I have! As I’ve become more aware I find that this doesn’t happen any longer. Why? I know that I can create my day however I want it to be. I can look forward to experiencing every moment or I can complain about what’s not working. In fact, it’s my choice. Don’t get me wrong, looking back, there are things I think I would do differently. Then I remind myself that I’m who I am today because of my past experiences. NOW, this moment, is what’s important! “Why not love my life every moment?” I ask. It’s up to me to change it if I don’t. I can’t say that enough. It’s up to me to change it! American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou, has said “Success is loving life and daring to live it.” Hmmm. Daring to live life. That’s an amazing concept. Yes, as I reflect on living life I can see where it takes courage to really live it. Why? Fear of changing and fear of the unknown can create a lot of resistance to change. Remaining with the status quo often is perceived as a safer choice; however, personal growth can be limited. Imagine waking up each morning and giving thanks for at least one thing in your life? Perhaps you also ask for courage to live the day to the fullest, being the...
Changing Myself!

Changing Myself!

“Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I am changing myself.” Rumi, Persian poet, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic Rumi reminds us that change begins within each one of us before change outside of us happens. I’ve been thinking about change and transitions with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. I realize that life is a story of transitions always moving from one thing to another. Life is dynamic and never static even during the times we may feel stuck! How often have you experienced transitions in your life? Think about how you’ve changed while growing up from childhood to adulthood; your academic and professional experiences; relationships and beliefs. I know that there have been significant transitions in my life as I reflect and look back. The full moon visible on September 10th is another symbol of change. This moon is known as the Harvest Moon since it is the closest to the Autumnal Equinox this year. It represents a time when farmers know when the harvest season begins. For the spiritually minded it represents igniting hopes, dreams, living more consciously, and thinking out of the box. Its energy also offers an opportunity to embrace new possibilities! It’s an invitation to ask without limiting a response, “What’s possible? What am I willing to change in me?” The Greek philosopher, Socrates, has said “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”  How often does resistance play a part when we’re faced with stepping into new situations? I...
I’m Responsible!

I’m Responsible!

“Being responsible is an enormous privilege . . . It’s what marks anyone a fully grown human.” Barack Obama, 44th President of the U.S. Hmmm. I’ve never thought of being responsible as a privilege before. Have you? I’ve been reflecting on this. Usually I find myself feeling overly responsible. I’m the oldest of 4 children and for me feeling responsible began at an early age. Additional responsibilities followed throughout my parenting and professional life. Just like many of you. There have been times that I didn’t want to be the responsible one! Sound familiar? The more that I’ve looked at being responsible through a different lens I can embrace it as a privilege. Why? Because it’s all about having the freedom to make choices! And we have that, don’t we? Freedom to be responsible and make choices as well as be accountable for the choices we make is being fully grown as former President Barack Obama has said!  For me, having the freedom to choose is more important than giving my power to choose away to someone else even though I might feel like it would be easier at times. I know it’s not true. We have the ability to create the life we want to live! Living somewhere that I’m told what to do would be awful! American political figure, diplomat, and activist, Eleanor Roosevelt, has said “In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” So, I’m willing to look at being responsible in a more positive...
Choose Joy!

Choose Joy!

“Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.” Joseph Campbell, American writer Do you remember what feeling joy is like? Sometimes I don’t! I find that I remember when I’m centered in my heart space focused on receiving love. It’s a conscious choice and not automatic. I also remember when I spend time with my granddaughter who recently turned 1! She’s so fearless and seems to be a fantastic example of being in the moment. Her curiosity, sense of wonder, and laughter, sink deeply within my soul! I’m reminded that living in joy is a choice and it’s my responsibility to choose the life that I want to live. Will I focus on what’s broken and negative or focus on what’s working and positive? My soul resonates with what’s working and positive. How do you feel? There’s something about the innocence of a child that speaks to my inner child and I love letting her come out and play! When I do, everything feels lighter and brighter. I smile more and find that I feel more hopeful! Are there people or children in your life that make you smile and make you feel like you want to play? If not, perhaps think of someone or a child who has touched your life and made you feel happy and through your experience with them you felt joy. Author, Kurt Chambers, has said “The innocence of children is what makes them stand out as a shining example to the rest of the world.” Remember how free...
I Am Hopeful!

I Am Hopeful!

“Choose to be optimistic. It feels better.” Dalai Lama, Spiritual leader I agree, it does feel better to be optimistic about life rather than pessimistic or waiting for ‘the next shoe to drop’ as the saying goes. Some of you may think I’m naïve but I like to look on the bright side. I know that many of you do too. Don’t get me wrong. I have my moments of feeling heavy and dense energies. I also have moments when I wonder how things can get better when there are such extreme points of view in the world today. I find if I dwell on what isn’t working or make up stories about why I feel so heavy, down, and distracted, I can quickly go down the rabbit hole. Fortunately I have tools to use and an awareness when these feelings happen. I actually feel a difference in my body. How about you?  I realize that feeling optimistic is a choice that can be made. Fueling the inner flames of hope is so important to remaining an active participant in life. American self-help author and motivational speaker, Wayne W. Dyer, has said “What is hope but a feeling of optimism, a thought that says things will improve, it won’t always be bleak [and] there’s a way to rise above the present circumstances.” In the moment, the way to rise above the present circumstances may not be revealed; however, when hope and optimism are embraced you know that things can improve. Remember that when you feel like you’re going down a rabbit hole gather your toolbox. Look for the tools...
I Love Myself Enough!

I Love Myself Enough!

“What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create. Buddha, Spiritual teacher and founder of Buddhism Many of you are still feeling intense energies from the final super moon of 2022! There have been moments of release and illumination. In addition, heightened emotions, a strong desire to learn more about yourself, and a desire to change may still feel overwhelming. So, take a few deep breaths to ground and center yourself. This is temporary! Remember how powerful your thoughts, feelings and imagination are during this time as the Buddha reminds us. Many of you may feel that changes have to be made right away. Before significant life changes are made my hope is that you love yourself enough to wait until clarity comes however long it takes! Good self-care is important right now. Often when the desire to change feels so overwhelming we tend to look at where we live and work and who we love. If this is true for you right now please be patient with yourself. I encourage you to take your time and be clear about the kind of personal and professional relationships you want to create. Finding yourself, first, is the most important relationship to explore! American author, journalist and ghostwriter, Neil Strauss, has said that “Perhaps the biggest mistake I made in the past was that I believed love was about finding the right person. In reality, love is about becoming the right person. Don’t look for the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Become the person you want to spend the...
I’m Personally Responsible!

I’m Personally Responsible!

“Maturity includes the recognition that no one is going to see anything in us that we don’t see in ourselves. Stop waiting for a producer. Produce yourself.” Marianne Williamson, American author, spiritual leader, and political activist Many of you are feeling pretty intense energies right now. If you’ve been feeling anxious, restless, second guessing or overthinking don’t worry. These can be side effects of how intense these energies are. What’s going on? August 8th, Monday, is the activation of what is called the Lions Gate! Since the full moon appeared at the end of July preparation began to support the Gate activation. A cosmic alignment of the Sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orien’s Belt constellation, and planet Earth have moved toward alignment.  While the universal energies of 2022 have emphasized harmony, balance, love, and family, the Lions Gate activation energies open possibilities for more change, passion, abundance, and transformation! It is said that DNA is affected and higher frequencies of consciousness are being downloaded along with codes of awakening. It’s time to reclaim any power that’s been given to others and recognize who we are and the power within us. We are now the guru, so to speak, who find answers within. Author and spiritual mentor, Aletheia Luna, has said that, “Self-responsibility is true wisdom; it is knowing that the only person you are accountable for is yourself.” It’s up to each one of us to create the life we want to live! Are you ready to more consciously acknowledge your divine nature – LOVE – and embrace the shining light within you while expressing love, kindness, and compassion...
Success is Individual and Unique!

Success is Individual and Unique!

“Stop comparing your blooper reel to everyone else’s highlight reels.” Lyn Christian, Coach, speaker, author and founder of SoulSalt, Inc. What does success mean to you? I’ve been reflecting on this lately since there seems to be so much light shown emphasizing the number of people who are focused on retaining power, acquiring wealth, and putting others down – ‘succeeding at any cost.’ I know this isn’t true for many of you but it has made me more aware of my own beliefs and how they’ve evolved through the years. I love Lyn Christian’s suggestion of not comparing our bloopers to someone else’s highlights. Really, it’s an unfair comparison isn’t it? How often do we do this to ourselves? I know I have and it only makes me feel worse. How about you? Looking back I remember my time spent in corporate America. I remember the culture and role models as well as the environment. Perhaps things have changed but then the  focus was on setting goals, objectives, achieving results and what have you done for me lately? Another common theme was ‘all glory is fleeting’. There weren’t many women in leadership roles then and I found I defined success by the results, recognition and awards I personally received as well as those of the team I represented. Profits, increased revenues, and reduced expenses were the focus. In today’s political environment we see a culture that supports winning at all cost. Is this your definition of success? I ask myself, “Where are truth, integrity, kindness, understanding, compromise, and compassion? Can’t they play a part in being successful?” I’ve evolved...
I Have Faith!

I Have Faith!

“There is no love without hope, no hope without love, and neither love nor hope without faith.” Saint Augustine, Theologian and philosopher  How are you? I hope you’re finding ways to stay cool! Climate change seems to be front and center all over the world with record breaking heatwaves right now. It seems that climate issues and solutions have become another way to create division among our politicians. I’ve found myself reflecting on the light that is shining brightly on everything that seems to be broken in our world. At times it feels overwhelming and I’m reminded that in order for change to occur what’s broken must first be revealed. What prevents solutions from being created to move forward? I wonder if the fear of losing power, prestige, and wealth play a part. How often does this kind of fear prevent each one of us from changing and moving forward? I take a deep a breath and focus on my heart space – the space where I feel the deep well of love within me. It’s here that love moves through me and the spark of hope ignites. I have faith that there are solutions to be found individually and for the world. I ask myself, “What’s mine to do?” I recognize that what’s being revealed is bigger than me! American poet and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou, has said that, “It is this belief in a power larger than myself and other than myself which allows me to venture into the unknown and even the unknowable.” This requires being willing to take a leap of faith, trust ourselves...
Being You Takes Courage!

It Takes Courage to Let Go!

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” Brene Brown, Research professor and author Letting go of things that no longer serve you has been a pretty consistent theme this year especially as we experience intense lunar energies. For those of you who are sensitive to these energies we’ve just experienced another full moon and one that’s considered to be a super moon! How have you been feeling? Perhaps more emotional, tired, and out of balance? Have you felt that feeling safe, wanting comfort and security was important? These lunar energies have highlighted the desire to align with your goals and trust your instincts/intuition more. And yet, rest and reflection are the keys to help you move forward and be aligned. What does this have to do with being courageous and letting go? For me, the journey of spiritual awakening has offered so many opportunities for inner reflection and opportunities to ‘let go’ of old habits, beliefs, and perceptions. Through the years I’ve chosen to ‘let go’ of many layers of old stuff that had served its’ purpose. What I thought I knew is no longer true. I realize the more I travel this path the more I don’t know and although it was very unsettling in the beginning it no longer is. I’m learning to accept and lean more into the unknown and feel ok with it. Letting go of my old habits and ways of believing took trust and courage to be willing to be seen and heard; and to   leave behind what was known and comfortable. I have found that the more I...
Give and Receive More Love!

Give and Receive More Love!

“The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your action will be.” Dalai Lama, Tibetan Spiritual Leader For many years I’ve believed that LOVE is the greatest transformer of all. LOVE is the core of who we are and part of our spiritual awakening is to remember! For the past couple of days a couple of musical tunes spontaneously kept playing in my mind. One was ‘What the World Needs Now is Love’ and the other was the Beatles’ song ‘Love is All There Is’. So, in spite of what’s been happening in the world I re-centered and reflected on LOVE. It’s so easy to lose sight of who we are and our deep desire, often unconscious, to receive love and give our love to others. How different would the world be if choices were motivated by love rather than power, greed, or fear?  Jamaican musician and philanthropist, Ziggy Marley, has said, “Love is cheering and sharing and compassion and giving and receiving. Love is an action thing more than a word thing, that brings comfort or joy or relief to anyone or anything.” Imagine a world that you co-create that is filled with cheering, sharing, being compassionate, giving and receiving love. Perhaps this is the world you live in already. Great! I like to think that the world I live in is pretty amazing and wonderful! As my reflection deepened I realized that I’m not always consciously aware of the impact my words and actions have on others. Have I brought comfort or joy to people? I know that sometimes I have but I...
Be Free Where You Are!

Be Free Where You Are!

“Stand for what’s right. Make your life meaningful.” Maxime Legace, Canadian professional ice hockey player We are living in historic times! Freedoms that have been taken for granted for decades are now changing. Regardless of personal beliefs many find this chilling while others are elated. When I think about voting rights and healthcare choices I find it ironic that these changes are happening as the 4th of July approaches – a day that symbolizes independence and freedom – the day that the Declaration of Independence was signed. Since then rights and freedoms have been clarified and expanded especially for women and minorities. In light of recent changes I’ve reflected on ‘choice’. “Do I really have a choice?” I wondered. After experiencing feelings of anger, sadness, grief, and fear I said, “Yes, of course I do. It’s up to me, now, how I respond to what’s right for me. That’s what I can control!” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk has said, “Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice . . . No one can prevent you from being aware of each step you take or each breath in and breath out.” This is how we, as a country, gained our independence. Almost 250 years ago a choice was made to be free and create a democracy. Each one of us makes numerous choices everyday. What happens when available choices change? We see people choose to express themselves through public peaceful protests, writing, speaking, volunteering, entering public service, and voting for example. Regardless of how we choose to...
I Choose to Thrive!

I Choose to Thrive!

“With the right mindset, you can survive; thrive and grow . . . Even in the midst of turbulence and change.” Tony Dovale, Spanish professional footballer I want to thank Charles for his timely and relevant articles for the last two weeks while I was out of town.  The past week has brought unsettling news from the Supreme Court for many people in the country and I thought about Charles’ article “Take a Side”.  I realize how easy it is to slide into taking sides when emotions are triggered. I found myself expressing my own passionate point of view to my husband and realized that I could spiral into a very negative place of depression and despair or choose how I respond to what’s happening in a more positive and constructive way. I could become more of an observer and witness instead. I found myself thinking, “I’m a survivor!” In reality I’m more than a survivor and how I choose to respond to any circumstance determines my experience. So, I chose to focus on what I can control. I found that I felt more neutral rather than so emotionally triggered. I agree with American poet and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou, who said, “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” I choose to thrive as I have throughout my life allowing for the highs and lows but always choosing to create more positive experiences and choices within my control. It’s during these emotionally charged times that it’s helpful to dust...
Deep Dive

Deep Dive

The other day I happened to read a couple of articles on the environment and the economy.  I suppose the headlines did their trick and got me hooked.  Either way I was in the water up to my neck, seriously considering an even deeper dive with these stories, when I realized I was caught up in a swirling current of fear and worry. It was so shocking to realize how quickly I had moved emotionally from contentment and gratitude; to anxiousness and dread. Even though the only shift in my own reality was reading someone else’s perspective.., I was emotionally triggered and my imagination was running wild with scenarios of doom and gloom. I wish I could say I was able to let it go as quickly as it took over.  But that’s not the way it works for me.  It is more like getting the garden hose out to water plants.  The hose comes out a lot easier when I yank it toward my intended targets, than when I need to recoil it back into its tidy spool. However, it did give me an opportunity to observe how precariously I was holding my sense of stability and security.  Sure there are challenges that we face everyday that seem larger than us and frequently outside of our immediate control.  But it seems our own circumstances and situations need to have and hold more sway over our sense of dominion.  Our sense of who and where we are on this journey called life. As someone who feels like I signed-up to be here at this time, as we move toward...
Take a Side

Take a Side

What a difference a couple of years make.  Especially when they include a worldwide pandemic and the economic and the personal recoveries we’re are all going through. I have been reflecting on everything that is happening around us and have come to the conclusion it is healthier for me to be an observer, than it is to be in the midst of the chaos. For many years I have felt we are on the verge of the next evolution of humanity.  That many of the old systems, structures, philosophies, and ‘go-to’ solutions for how we address or approach a situation are prime for change. Personally I have believed, like many others, that our worldview of duality is destined for change.  The prevailing idea or default view that there is only good or bad, right or wrong, us or them, has been limiting and damaging for way to long. Humanity is complex. Yet most of the time, we are expected to boil down multilayered and multifaceted situations into simple yes/no or for/against decisions in a matter of seconds.  When the truth is there is very little we encounter that is actually “simple”. For me, it seems as if we are at the apex of “choose your side”.  Regardless of the topic or issue.  We are pitted against each other in so many ways.  It feels as if we are in the midst of the last, best effort of ‘duality’ trying to hold onto its position of power over humanity. Instead what I have been trying to do, is to not participate.  To not take a side. Instead to remain open. ...
You Deserve Your Love!

You Deserve Your Love!

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Buddha, Spiritual teacher What do you feel when someone says to you, “Love yourself!” When it comes to love how often do you think of loving others first? Do you save your love for them and then find that your well is too dry when it comes to yourself? Or, is finding the right person the focus of your love? It’s pretty common that people ‘looking for love’ view love more externally. For example, many people believe that if the ‘right person’ is found then happiness is guaranteed. What do you believe? What if you change the lens of how you view love and yourself? What if you switch from looking for the ‘right person’ and become the person you want to spend your life with? This doesn’t mean you won’t be in beautiful, fulfilling, and intimate relationships. You can. American poet and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou, has said that “The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself.” When you look through the lens of love, the love you already are, can you see and accept that you deserve to be loved and deserve your own love and affection? It’s not selfish. So many experiences and traumas from this time and others shape how we view ourselves. When I work with clients it’s pretty common that feeling unworthy or undeserving comes up. I’ve experienced these feelings myself through the years. The more willing you are to change what you believe and let go of old habits and stories helps. If you...


“Faith is unseen but felt, faith is strength when we feel we have none, faith is hope when all seems lost.” Catherine Pulsifer, Author The last couple of weeks have been heartbreaking. So many lives lost unnecessarily. Young and elderly. Families, communities, and many in our country grieve the loss of innocence and life. These losses are in addition to lives lost due to Covid, the war in Ukraine, illness, and other tragedies. In addition, this Memorial weekend recognizes the loss of military lives fighting to protect our freedom. I’ve tried to make sense of it all without losing hope. As I’ve reflected on these recent losses in Buffalo and Texas I realize I can’t explain them. What drives someone to take the life of another beyond the construct of war? Still no answer. Rather than dwell on it I asked, “What is mine to do? How can I help? What do I have to be grateful for?” When I changed my focus I began to see more possibilities.  American Baptist minister and activist, Martin Luther King, Jr. has said that “If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream.” Yes, I still have a dream as well. I refuse to lose hope for more peace, love, kindness,  acceptance, and unity in our world. We see examples of people coming together to help one another. Offering financial support, food, lodging, friendship, peaceful protests, and being present to listen without judgment...
My Purpose Is . . . !

My Purpose Is . . . !

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” Dalai Lama, Spiritual leader Over 15 years ago, during meditation, I asked, “What’s my purpose? Why am I here?” The answer that I received was, “Love, gratitude, and service.” At the time I was surprised and didn’t really know what it meant. I’ve found that the more self-aware I’ve become I discover and remember deeper levels of understanding. As I reflected on the theme of ‘purpose’ this week these questions that I asked years ago are not unique. Many of you have spent your current lifetime exploring them. Some of you have found answers and others are still diving deep into the mystery of them.  This is true for most of the clients I’ve worked with through the years. I’m sure you’ve heard different answers from spiritual teachers, religious leaders, and friends. What I find fascinating is that the responses from many spiritual teachers vary. Beliefs include: we’re here to be happy; to experience a full range of emotions; to follow our passion; to love and be loved; or we’re here to help others, to name a few. Some people believe that there is only one reason they are here and their lifelong purpose is to figure out why! What do you believe?  As the Dalai Lama has said, “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk has said that, “The purpose of the rose is to be the rose. Your purpose is to be yourself. You don’t have to...
Hello, Fearless Guardian of Divine Light!

Hello, Fearless Guardian of Divine Light!

“You are fearless guardian of Divine Light. So come, return to the root of the root of your own soul.” Rumi, Persian poet, Islamic scholar, and Sufi mystic How do you think of yourself? What do you believe? Are you more than your physical body and emotions? Most people think of themselves in physical terms – what can be understood with the 5 senses. What if you were to change your perspective and see yourself as a fearless guardian of Divine Light – a Soul warrior! Isn’t that what we are? We are more than our physical presence. Our soul is eternal and the source of our divinity and light. It is the part of us that connects us with all life and God/Goddess/All That Is, Source! Why not think of ourselves differently? Close your eyes for a moment and imagine how feeling fearless will change how you respond to people, situations and the environment. Hmmmm. Will you make different choices? Do you feel worthy of being more – being the best you that you can be? How often do we ‘buy in’ to what others expect of us? Are you ready to be seen and heard? It’s time, isn’t it? Steve Maraboli, Behavioral scientist, author, and speaker has said, “Don’t let psychological warfare from an advertisement campaign blind you from the truth of your beauty, possibility, worthiness, and purpose.” You are worthy and deserve to live your best life possible! Close your eyes, once again, and bring your awareness to your beautiful heart space and focus on your breath. In and out. Feel yourself relaxing. Imagine your heart...
You Are the Universe!

You Are the Universe!

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” Rumi, Persian poet, Islamic scholar and Sufi mystic Recently I’ve enjoyed being on the California coast and had daily opportunities to marvel at the vastness of the ocean and the many faces it wears. Some serene and others stormy and active. I also felt blessed to immerse myself in the beauty surrounding me. Taking in the sounds, smells, colors, breeze, squirrels, and ever shifting cloud formations as well as the many different kinds of birds. Birds flying in formation while others scurried in the surf and still others dove for food buried deep below the waves. So amazing and beautiful. It’s easy to find my happy place and inner peace while I’m here regardless of how many people are around me. Sedona’s majestic red rocks are another place that I feel this way. Do you have a happy place? To me, the ocean is a visual reminder of the universe in ecstatic motion. We are as well. Have you ever experienced yourself in this way? How much of acting small is a result of our external conditioning which leads to deeply ingrained beliefs about who we are and what we can do? Hmmmm. Imagine yourself without the boundaries of your physical body while you’re in your quiet moments and focused deep within your heart space. Imagine you are more than a physical body. You are the universe and the universe is you. Imagine feeling so much joy that it can’t be contained. As Golda Meir, Israeli politician and teacher has said, “Trust yourself. Create the kind of self...
A Way of Being!

Trust Yourself!

“You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” Louise L. Hay, Motivational author and founder of Hay House How often do you hear that little inner voice criticizing you? I imagine mine looks like Jiminy Cricket. He represents my negative ego and all of my insecurities! Fortunately he isn’t so dominant or present as much these days. I’ve learned to recognize when he’s present. When I do, I invite him to go on a much needed vacation so that I can replace the critical and negative thoughts with more constructive and positive ones. I’ve found that the more aware I am when this happens I can change my attitude and actions. Have you experienced this? Trusting yourself is so important as your journey of personal growth continues. I find that the more I trust and accept myself others do too. This doesn’t mean that I don’t seek input or insights from others. I do. When I think about the challenges, achievements, experiences, and relationships that I’ve had through the years I feel so grateful. Even though, looking back, I like to think I would change some choices or decisions I made but I’m not sure if that’s true because I wouldn’t be who I am today if I did. Have you ever thought about it? Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk has said, “The whole cosmos has come together to create you. You carry the whole cosmos inside you. That is why, to accept yourself and to love yourself is an expression of gratitude.”  Imagine carrying the whole...
I Am Successful!

I Am Successful!

“What do you think success is?” Asked the boy. “To love,” said the mole. Charlie Mackesy, Author and painter Synchronicity! I love when it happens. I felt that this weeks’ writing would be about success and when I checked my FaceBook postings Charlie Mackesy’s quote appeared. Signs and signals are all around, aren’t they? When I talk to people about being successful usually things like, professional, personal, academic, competitive and financial achievements are expressed. As the mole says, “To love” is success as well. Have you ever thought of being successful in that way?  I wonder how different our world and choices would be if ‘to love’ becomes the measurement of success? Would there be division, hatred, and violence? Would there be deep feelings of separation? I don’t think so. Hmmm. A world filled with more love, kindness, peace, and compassion sounds pretty wonderful, doesn’t it? How would life change when the focus becomes to be more open to receive more love and be more loving? Change begins with each one of us, first, before others around us change. Change happens one person at a time. Alexander Smith, Scottish poet and essayist has said that, “Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition.” Many people believe that we are like mirrors – what we see in others is what we see in ourselves! Do you see others as successful? What qualities make them successful? If you change your view of what it means to be successful will your perception change?  LOVE is who we are at our very core, I believe. This...
Know Yourself!

Know Yourself!

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.” Hafiz, Persian lyric poet Do you realize how individual and unique you are? There is no one else like you is there? Think about it. You have your own experiences, accomplishments, skills, personality, values, likes and dislikes. And yet, deep within you there burns a light that shines so bright others might need to wear sunglasses so that they can interact with you! Wow!! It’s there all of the time and sometimes it shines brighter than others. This is the part of you that is a part of God/Goddess/All That Is – Source. This is the part that connects you to everything – to Oneness. Some call it soul. Others call it essence or life force. This is the eternal part of you! As you navigate the journey of awakening to your true nature please enjoy creating an intimate relationship with this part of you. How beautiful! How do you feel when you receive a compliment? Is it easy to accept or do you play it down? Do you feel worthy of praise or find it very uncomfortable? Often times others see us differently than we see ourselves. Sometimes it can be challenging to reconcile and accept the different perspective; however, Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk has said, “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” In your quiet moments can you reach deep within and accept the beauty that is you? Can you accept you?...
Restore Yourself!

Restore Yourself!

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist, poet, and philosopher This is a holy time of year for many religious traditions and a time for reflection and nourishing your soul as well. When was the last time you did something for yourself? Growing up, were you encouraged to be who you are at your core – LOVE? Were you able to explore how to express your creative nature in the world? How often were choices of education, profession, and relationships made to please someone? Have you always put others first, sometimes to the detriment of your health? It took me many years to accept and be who I am and live a life filled with love, gratitude and wanting to help others instead of focusing on the next achievement and professional success. As I live and make choices more consciously I’ve learned to prioritize what’s important to me; create more intimate relationships; ask others for help; be present; and admit there are times I need to chill and restore my energies without feeling guilty! How about you? The Buddha, Religious leader and teacher has said, “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Nurturing and taking care of YOU is important and not selfish! Many of you are the glue that keeps your families together and if your well, so to speak, is depleted then you are unable to help others. You are unable to be present.  If you are celebrating this holy time of year...
Radiate the Light of Love!

Radiate the Light of Love!

“The most important principle of divine philosophy is the oneness of the world of humanity, the unity of mankind, the bond conjoining East and West, the tie of love which blends human hearts.” Abdu’l-Baha, Head of Baha’i Faith, 1892-1921 Many years ago during meditation I asked, “Why am I here?” I heard, “To help people remember!” I shared this with a close friend who asked, “What does it mean?” I thought about it and said, “I don’t know!” Sometime later, during an intensive weekend program, I asked again, “Why am I here?” My answer was LOVE! It took me awhile to connect the dots, as they say! When I looked back on these experiences and through many years of opening to and experiencing an amazing and surprising journey of spiritual awakening and personal growth I came to realize that we are the essence of Love at our core. Love is our divine nature. Love is our eternal self and connection with God/Goddess/All That Is – Source. Love is our bond with humanity whether we understand it consciously or not. Each one of us has a light that shines so bright and it’s eternal. Some call it soul, life force or essence. I call it love! Through the years I’ve learned that I help people remember who they really are – Love! My daily intention is to be the ‘best me I can be and help others’. Remaining open to be more loving, kind, compassionate, understanding, and accepting is key. It’s ok to be vulnerable as well! We aren’t alone. Albert Einstein, Theoretical physicist, said that, “A person experiences life...
Words Matter!

Words Matter!

“The way you speak to others can offer them joy, happiness, self-confidence, hope, trust, and enlightenment.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist Monk Have you ever thought about how your words affect others? Each word is imprinted with its’ own frequency or vibration. Can you remember how you felt when you  received harshly spoken words or words of encouragement? Did you feel hurt, angry, or happy? Sometimes harsh words can be received and felt so deep that your soul hurts. Other times positive and affirming words can create feelings of joy, self-confidence and happiness. Words can “tear down” or “build up” someone. For me, there have been times that I’ve regretted something I’ve said harshly; however, I realize that once the words have been said they can’t be unsaid so to speak. Has this ever happened to you? I prefer to encourage and build people up so being more conscious about what I want to say before speaking is important. Today, with so much information available throughout the world there are many examples of negative and positive communication to draw from. I wonder if others regret their spoken words when they seemingly use words to belittle, de-legitimize, or lessen someone. Hmmm. Just like our thoughts create reality, negative words can destroy when used. There is power to destroy or encourage isn’t there? What if someone sees you enjoying time in reflection, contemplation, resting, or reading a book? What if they ask, “Why are you wasting your time and not doing something? How would you feel? Do you feel like you have to justify taking time for yourself and nourishing your...
New Beginnings!

New Beginnings!

“Change can be scary, but you know what’s scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing.” Mandy Hale, Author and speaker Happy Spring Equinox!! This wonderful time of year represents new life, hope, new beginnings, renewal, growth, and balance. Spiritually some people believe that this time represents a period of struggle between darkness and light, life and death. I see examples of these things as I look within myself and around the world. Take a few moments and quiet your thoughts, take a few deep breaths, and journey within to your safe and happy place. Are the seeds that you planted in the Fall beginning to sprout, grow and blossom? Are they beautiful? Mine are. I continue to change and evolve and I’m grateful. How about you? Have you released any old habits and fears that you may have been holding? If so, bravo!  Every moment presents an opportunity to change and begin anew. Life is dynamic and change is a constant and integral part. How we choose to participate, resist, and respond shapes our experiences. Socrates a Greek philosopher has said that “The secret of change is to focus all your energy. Not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” What’s happening in the world can be distracting; however, our own inner journey of re-discovery and remembering can be unaffected if we recognize what’s going on. It’s up to each one of us to choose whether we will create and build a new foundation or remain on the old one. In your quiet and introspective time focus on your heart space and draw...
Nourish Your Garden!

Nourish Your Garden!

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.” Buddha, Ascetic, religious leader and teacher How are you feeling? There’s so much going on in the world right now. Some people are feeling fatigued, dizzy, achy, and confused due to universal energy shifts and downloads. Others have felt discouraged, angry, and helpless as you have seen senseless suppression, oppression, and violence against humanity. For some of you it may have felt like a big emotional roller coaster ride. You may have felt sympathy, empathy, and compassion for others. You may have been inspired by the resilience and willingness of human beings helping one another! I know that I have. I hope you’re beginning to settle and find your center more easily as the new week begins. Coming back to center using deep breathing focus on your heart space while your thoughts and feelings calm. This is one way that helps me. Imagine, once again, that you are the master gardener of your life! It’s you and you alone that determines what you grow and how you nourish your garden. As you imagine its’ design can you see the miracle of a single flower growing from seed into a beautiful bloom? What color is it? How does it smell? Does it enhance the beauty of your garden? Perhaps it’s a symbol that represents the inner change you are going through. In spite of what’s going on around us in the world we still have control over our inner landscape, beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions. We have the opportunity and ability to ‘weed out’ what...
Courageously Free!

Courageously Free!

Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice . . . No one can prevent you from being aware of each step you take or each breath in and out.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist Monk Being free has been on my mind this week! I’ve thought about freedom that is violently taken away or severely restricted. We see examples of this throughout the world. The freedom I’ve been contemplating is our individual freedom to make choices. It’s an inner freedom as well. Unless there are health restriction we are free to love, breathe, think, smell, hear, believe, and so much more. I agree with Thich Nhat Hanh when he says, “. . . We have to cultivate it ourselves.” To consciously make choices to BE free takes courage at times, doesn’t it? I’ve been thinking about the many opportunities I’ve had throughout my life. Before becoming more consciously awake, as I look back, it seems like I lived life on auto pilot at times. Now, I realize that living and making conscious choices are life giving and enriching. I’ve never thought about how much courage it took me to choose to change my beliefs and to choose to become more loving, compassionate, understanding, accepting and more. Hafiz, Persian lyric poet has said that, “We have come into this exquisite world to experience ever and ever more deeply our divine courage, freedom and light.” Just like peace and happiness, freedom and courage begin within each one of us. Our inner life reflects our outer life in many cases....
Allow Your Light to Shine Brighter!

Allow Your Light to Shine Brighter!

“You have the power to create light in the darkest days.” Shelley Hallmark, Author Have you imagined yourself as a beacon of light? I see within each one of us a beautiful light. Some shine brighter than others at times. Mine was a little dimmer than usual this week. My body has been in chaos and finally I’m recovering! Yaaayy. Then my compassionate heart saw what’s been happening in Ukraine and I cried. So, for a couple of days my light dimmed; however, I know that its’ brightness is up to me! I am responsible for the information I take in, how I interpret it, and the actions I take.  The Greek Philosopher, Aristotle, once said, “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” I’ve been inspired by the Ukrainian people and their spirit. Yes, they are afraid. Who wouldn’t be? Their desire to stand against tyranny and oppression is inspiring. I’m choosing to create more light! As I began to imagine my light shining outward as a lighthouse does to bring ships home, I imagined it shining outward to surround Ukraine and its’ people, then expanding outward to encompass the world. I imagined my light growing brighter and brighter and then I began to see other lighthouses connecting across the world through the grid and anchored in every country. Before I could do this, first, the chaos in my body had to calm and clarity return. Fortunately I have some great resources to call upon! Now, as I write this weeks’ newsletter I feel, more than ever, this is the time for...
Free to BE Abundant!

Free to BE Abundant!

“I know but one freedom and that is freedom of the mind.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery, French writer, poet, and journalist What does being free mean to you? Have you ever imagined what your life might be like with more and more restrictions? I feel fortunate living here in the United States where freedom to make choices has been a significant way of life. Yes, I realize that this can change at any time and life can be more restrictive. I’m also aware that there is suffering and poverty here. There are people who would like to restrict many of our external freedoms like voting and health choices for example. Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s quote reconfirms that freedom of the mind is one freedom that won’t change. What we believe and how we see the world is ours and ours alone. I choose to see the world through the lens of love and abundance! Abundance is more than financial wealth. I look around and see so much beauty; I see loving relationships with family and friends; I have shelter and food; I feel the sunshine on my face; I smell the amazing fragrance of flowers; I hear birds singing; I choose what I believe, write, and speak; I love and know that I’m loved; I’m open and willing to change; and I’m grateful. My life is abundant and I know that many of you feel the same way! Esther Hicks, American inspirational speaker and author reminds us that, “The fastest way to bring more wonderful examples of abundance into your personal experience is to take constant notice of the wonderful things...
Are You Enough for You?

Are You Enough for You?

“The whole cosmos has come together to create you. You carry the whole cosmos inside you. That is why, to accept yourself and to love yourself is an expression of gratitude.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist  Happy Valentine’s Day if you celebrate! It’s perfect given that 2022 is a year of relationships, love, and helping others among other things. I wonder why so many of us are so comfortable being critical of ourselves rather than embracing our value and worth! Do you seek validation from others or from yourself? Do you accept and love yourself? When I consider being in relationship with others self love and acceptance are so important! Mandy Hale, Author and speaker reminds us that, “If you don’t see your worth, you’ll always choose people who don’t see it either. When your self esteem rises, your life follows.” So true. As I look back on my own journey of awakening and personal growth I can see the times when I doubted myself and looked for validation and recognition through others,  my work and professional life. It took a long time for me to accept that there was more to me than my work accomplishments. With the help of my husband and sons I learned that they weren’t going to divorce me as I continued to become more self aware and live more consciously.  I didn’t realize that I was afraid I wouldn’t be enough for them and possibly lose their love! Wow, it was an awareness that came after some deep meditation and inner exploration. So worth it! Imagine how amazing you are as you carry...
I Am Spiritually Wealthy!

I Am Spiritually Wealthy!

“When we’re caught in a belief that happiness should take a particular form, we fail to see the opportunities for joy that are right in front of us.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist Monk What does being spiritually wealthy mean to you? I often hear, “I want more abundance in my life and am I blocking my ability to receive?” These questions open up a conversation of what abundance and wealth mean. Each person believes and perceives the answers to these questions differently as you might imagine; however, it is helpful to explore these answers for yourself. Some people hold deep beliefs that having more material goods, education, prestigious jobs, large homes, and nice cars are what will bring happiness to them. Thich Nhat Hanh points out that when we believe that being happy looks a certain way then the beauty and joy of everyday life is missed! Does this happen to you? Being spiritually wealthy is so much more than what you might believe. It includes wealth of honesty, integrity, kindness, compassion, understanding, love, relationships, helping others, acceptance, and so much more. This doesn’t mean that material and financial wealth can’t be included. They can! However, it means that the emphasis is centered on the wealth found within you – within your soul! Hmmm. What prevents us from accessing it? O.S. Marden, Author reminds us that, “Prosperity flows only through channels that are wide open to receive it. Doubt, fear and lack of confidence only work to close these channels.” How often do we limit ourselves through our beliefs, habits, insecurities, and perceptions? How often do we ask...
I Am Aware!

I Am Aware!

“Awareness is all about restoring your freedom to choose what you want instead of what your past imposes on you.” Deepak Chopra, Author, speaker, and alternative medicine advocate What does being aware mean to you? How often have you felt like you are moving through life on automatic pilot and then one day you are suddenly aware of who and where you are? Maybe it’s unclear but you are more conscious of your life and choices you are making. Does this make sense? We become self-aware at different times I feel. Some people continue merrily along in that state of auto pilot, so to speak. Deepak Chopra’s comment reminded me that freedom comes with the ability to choose and choose life experiences consciously! Yes, it’s through the choices we make that responsibility, accountability, and consequences arrive. It’s through these choices we create our experiences. How do you feel when I say, “Your past is done! Let go of it! Let go of the ties and in some case the shackles that keep you bound?” Is there any resistance or are you ready to write a new and exciting story for yourself? Abraham Maslow, American psychologist reminds us that, “What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.” It all begins with each one of us, doesn’t it? When we become more aware, willing to change, and make conscious choices we begin our journey of being and feeling free! Of course, the past may not be what influences you. There are other reasons; however, freedom to choose what you want your life to be is...
I Am Life!

I Am Life!

“The whole cosmos has come together to create you. You carry the whole cosmos inside you. That is why, to accept yourself and to love yourself is an expression of gratitude.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist Monk and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh passed today and I am saddened; however, I know that his wisdom and teachings will forever remain in my heart. He has offered so many beautiful insights about life and through his writings, many years ago, I was deeply touched. He said, “Peace begins within.” It was that simple and yet that complex. For me, it’s been a continual journey of remembering and re-discovery! To BE peace and to accept and love myself are concepts that I’ve found I embrace; however, to really BE them is a daily practice. Letting go of old habits and beliefs and being willing to change continues to be an ongoing choice to live more consciously. With his passing I also reflect on the many lives lost during the past two years. Other losses have occurred as well. For example, there have been losses of love, identity, jobs, lifestyle changes, comfort, and so much more. In many cases these losses have opened new opportunities of creativity, quality of life improvements, and freedom. It varies, doesn’t it? So, today I want to share Thich Nhat Hanh’s perspective on life. It’s titled Contemplation on No Coming, No Going: “This body is not me, I am not limited by this body. I am life without boundaries. I have never been born, and I have never died.  Look at the ocean and the sky filled...
Keep Being You!

Keep Being You!

“Whether you color the world or light it up blue, you are making a difference. So keep being you.” Dr. Seuss, American children’s author, illustrator, poet, and filmmaker How do you think of yourself? Do you know in the very core of your being or does it take someone else to remind you? Maybe it’s both. In my quiet moments I reflect on what it means to be both human and divine. Sometimes it’s hard to wrap my brain around it and then I hear, “Trust and have faith. You chose to be here to help others remember.” Being me is different than being you but we have some things in common. For example, courage, a desire to help others, experience emotions, make conscious choices, co-create new realities, and so much more. For me, these awarenesses happened later in life and for some others they happen earlier. Each one of us is individual and unique; however, we come from the same Source and are all connected. Until I believed in myself enough and let go of wanting to please everyone I couldn’t fully embrace, accept, and value me! How about you? E.E. Cummings, American poet, painter, author, and playwright has said that, “We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” Until I released the fear that my family would divorce me if I changed my beliefs and practices I couldn’t...
Open to Life!

Open to Life!

“Stop the words now. Open the window in the center of your chest and let the spirits fly in and out.” Rumi, Persian poet, Islamic scholar and Sufi mystic What is life? Hmmm. I’m sure it means different things to different people and as I’ve reflected on it I find that, for me, it means having the ability to grow. Sounds simple doesn’t it? What does life mean to you?  I feel Rumi’s words resonate deep within my heart. I imagine my heart space opening and bring my awareness there. I quiet my thoughts and feel! Ahhhh. When I’m in this space I feel that anything is possible and the sky is the limit. I realize that any limitation I feel is of my own making! Ugh! I remember the times I find wisdom and clarity when I’m in this place. I recognize that when I’m not in my heart space it’s easier to feel confused, conflicted, fearful, indecisive, resistant, and stuck! Why do I ever leave my heart space? LOL I agree with Vandana Shiva, Indian scholar, philosopher, author, and activist when she said, “I think what we owe each other is a celebration of life and to replace fear and hopelessness with fearlessness and joy.” Imagine fearlessly celebrating expansive personal growth rather than remaining fearful and stagnant? Why not let go of the past and worry about the future and fill the space with possibilities in the present? After all, the only time is really now, isn’t it?  When the movies from my past begin to run and I begin to second guess my choices and feel...
Hello 2022 and Happy New Year!

Hello 2022 and Happy New Year!

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” Harriet Tubman, American abolitionist and activist Are you ready to embrace a new year and opportunity to dream? What dreams do you have for 2022? What are you willing to change in your life so that they can become more real? I agree with Harriet Tubman. Within each one of us is the power to create change but first we must change ourselves! Dreams can be delayed and set aside due to a variety of reasons; however, it’s never too late to dust them off of the shelf and see if they are still relevant. Perhaps it’s time to tweak them or create new ones. 2022 offers each one of us an opportunity to begin anew. Think of it like writing a book. We have 365 blank pages to use! How cool is that? As the author you create the story – beginning, middle, and end! The story that I’m creating includes more hope, peace, love, acceptance, health, acceptance, beauty, inclusion, and so much more. Now, I’m visiting my inner monastery during my reflective and introspective times to see what’s in me that will have to change. Then, I ask, “Am I willing to change it?” Sometimes the answer is yes and sometimes it’s no! As I do this exploration I remember what Judy Garland, American actress and singer has said, “. . . We have a whole new year ahead of us. And wouldn’t it be wonderful if we...
Open to Wonder!

Open to Wonder!

“Always be on the look out for the presence of wonder.” E.B. White, American writer As I write this newsletter on Christmas Eve I’m filled with wonder! I’m reflecting on the Christian tradition of what Christmas means. I imagine the wonder that must have been felt so many years ago. As I reflect I’m so grateful that 2021 has brought so many opportunities to immerse myself in beauty, be amazed and surprised! It’s also brought chaos, change, gratitude, and opportunities to grow personally – to BE more aware and live more consciously. I’ve noticed that when I accept situations rather than resist them and I’m more present and don’t worry about the future my life flows with ease and grace. I still imagine a world that I want to live in – a world full of love, peace, and beautiful and wondrous possibilities. When will my new world happen? I trust it’s happening now. Being comfortable in what I will call ‘the mystery’ is easier some days and not as easy on others. How about you? Energetically we’re moving from 2021, a year of individual change and transformation into 2022, a year to explore relationships with family, children, community and even pets! Also, there will be opportunities to trust your instincts, nurture yourself, find balance in your life, help others, and open to wonder! Let yourself feel the healing beauty of nature and love. Let go of the need to know how the experiences will appear. Allow for the surprise and wonder! Albert Einstein, Theoretical physicist reminds us that, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination...
Look Below the Surface!

Look Below the Surface!

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher Most mornings I wake up feeling so grateful to be alive and here for another day! I get to spend time with the people I love and appreciate the beauty of life. I get to love and be loved! However, I’ve noticed that I’ve been feeling cranky and really old stuff from the past has been surfacing! Yuck! I’m still grateful to be here but I realize that we’re in the cycle of a new full moon and entering the Winter Solstice. As I noticed the forming moon through my bedroom window I felt the Lunar energy! Many of you are sensitive to these energies too.  This moon before the Winter Solstice is also known as the Cold Moon and is the longest of the year. Definitely the weather has shifted everywhere. Hello, Winter! More than the time of year, though, I realize the symbology represents frozen surfaces and yet there is a lot that happens below the surface. Seeds are dormant, animals hibernate, others are resting and preparing for Spring. This is a time for deep rest and stillness. It’s an introspective time and an invitation to grow in inner awareness. So I chose to sit and explore even though I didn’t know what would surface. Tony Schwartz, Journalist and author reminds us to “Let go of certainty. The opposite isn’t uncertainty. It’s openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides....
Fill the World With Kindness!

Fill the World With Kindness!

“How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time.” Morgan Freeman, American actor, director, and narrator How do you feel about being kind and the effect that acts of kindness can have on the world? Kindness, compassion, and love are key elements in the world I envision. There are others too but these 3 are key. I wonder how much energy goes into hate filled words and acts? I would rather create a more positive world and ways to BE through my words and actions! How about you?  Have you noticed people around you being kind with their words and actions or do you notice more unkind and impatient words and actions? Please remember that how you respond to someone’s words or actions will create your experience! Your response is what you can control. In these times of significant change, holidays, and divisive points of view ‘words matter’ and often trigger responses. If you find yourself in this type of situation remember to find your center by taking a few deep breaths before you respond. Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk reminds us that, “If you are motivated by loving kindness and compassion, there are many ways to bring happiness to others right now, starting with kind speech.” In turn this also will bring happiness to you! When you find yourself on the receiving end of someone’s kindness please remain open to receive it. Say ‘thank you’ if it isn’t given anonymously. Some of you will even ‘pay it forward’ so to speak! Recently I learned that it’s still challenging, for me, to accept...
I Surrender!

I Surrender!

“ I surrender to it, and by surrendering, I control it.” Robert Jordan, American author I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful if you celebrate it! I find it hard to believe it’s December already and we’re looking at a New Year on the horizon. The invitation to ‘let go’ of things that no longer serve us is still here. Continue cleaning your inner closets!  My old friend, control, has seemed quiet. I’ve felt free! Since the middle of September I’ve been journeying with a healing process for a foot injury and I’ve experienced a lot of progress and feelings of optimism. A few days ago I had an MRI and just found out I have a stress fracture in one of the bones in my foot after all of this time! I have to say that receiving this unexpected news was disappointing and frustrating. I’m sharing this with you because my expectation was that my foot was completely healed! Expect the unexpected, right? A good lesson to remember. Well, it’s back to the beginning it seems. I’ll be wearing a walking boot for 6 weeks. Receiving this news has brought a few things into my awareness. Feeling out of control and losing freedom are big ones. Don’t get me wrong, please. I understand that both of these are illusions but nevertheless the feelings are real for me. Maybe you’ve had similar experiences. I understand that my experience of this is up to me! I can choose to invite my friends to a ‘pity party’ or I can accept what is and move forward creating the best experience I can...
See Through the Eyes of a Child!

See Through the Eyes of a Child!

“There’s joy and wonder everywhere when you see the world through the eyes of a child.” Katrina Mayer, Keynote speaker, workshop leader, and author I hope your holiday has been filled with love, laughter and joy! Mine was and I’m so grateful! This year was different for us. We welcomed a new granddaughter, Camille, in June and we’ve received lots of pictures and updates since then but we were able to spend Thanksgiving with our son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter in person! What a treat! How about you? After spending a few days with Camille I began to realize how much we can take for granted. I loved spending time with her as she smiled, laughed, and embraced everything around her. Curiosity, delight, discovery, wonder and joy were experienced through her eyes. This time with her reminded me how my inner child  yearns to play more! When it’s restricted so is our imagination. Curiosity fuels our imagination. What a great reminder to see through the eyes of a child! I found it hard not to engage with more delight and acceptance when I was sitting on the floor, at her level, exploring new textures, colors, shapes and sounds! Things I take for granted. With each new discovery she became more curious and excited. Stephanie DelTorchio, Blogger and writer, reminds us “To enjoy this life to the fullest, continue to see the world as fearlessly as a child sees it – in all its’ innocence and curiosity and wonder.” In fact, I think of Camille as a warrior now! She’s fearless and the light and love within her shines so bright! I...
Give Thanks!

Give Thanks!

“Give thanks for blessings every day. Every day. Embrace gratitude. Encourage others. It is impossible to be grateful and hateful at the same time.” Denzel Washington, American actor, director and producer Time seems to speeding by so fast! Have you felt the same? I can’t believe it’s almost Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving for those of you who celebrate! For me, giving thanks has become a dominant theme for me over the last couple of years especially. I loved Denzel Washington’s statement, “. . . It is impossible to be grateful and hateful at the same time.” So true.  Being kind, understanding, accepting, supportive, loving, compassionate, and grateful are new and different ways to BE for many people today. Let’s celebrate and give thanks. Let’s focus on the blessings in our life rather than what we don’t have. Isn’t love the most important thing to have? Think about it. Love can’t be taken away unless we allow it. Love is the essence of who we are! Give thanks! Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk has said, “When we live in the spirit of gratitude, there will be much happiness in our life. The one who is grateful is the one who has much happiness while the one who is ungrateful will not be able to have happiness.” Being happy can be an outcome of being grateful. For many of you, this holiday may be the first time in awhile to reunite with friends and family. Give thanks!  I’m grateful for the opportunity to spend time with our new granddaughter, son and his wife this year. I’m grateful that our other son...
I Imagine!

I Imagine!

“Imagine a new story for your life and start living it.” Paulo Coelho, Brazilian lyricist and novelist How often do you allow your imagination to come out and play? Has it become less as you’ve grown from being a child and become an adult? I wonder why that is? Recently I’ve been hearing John Lennon’s song Imagine playing over and over in my head. The words touch my soul and I feel goose bumps. As I listen to it I remember, once again, that we are creators of our reality. We are master gardeners, artists, and writers of our stories as well. No one else is in charge of our lives but each one of us unless we give our power to someone else. What if you imagined a new story for your life? What if you stand in your power and dive deep within and set your imagination free? Let it play and run wild for awhile. What do you have to lose? Albert Einstein, Theoretical physicist has said that “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” How often do we limit possibilities and our imagination based on our past experiences, perceptions and beliefs? I believe it happens too often!  Let’s play and color outside the lines for a change! Set aside a few moments to quiet your thoughts and release any perceived limitations. Imagine a lush and fertile garden that is flourishing. Imagine your creativity and artistry flowing freely. Don’t worry about it being perfect! Just play! Write, sing, draw, paint, plant some flowers, feel and immerse yourself in beauty –...


“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” Mother Teresa, Catholic nun, missionary, and saint With so much division and separation in our world today I’ve been reflecting more on unity and Oneness. When I imagine being in a state of Oneness or unity I remember the times I’ve felt Oneness during meditation. Words can’t describe how it feels effectively. Imagine your mind so quiet that you feel like you are not in your physical body. Imagine feeling like you are a part of everything – the earth, humanity, stars, planets, and beyond. Imagine returning to Source where you began. Remember who you are! I’m sure many of you have had similar experiences, yes? Thomas Merton, American Trappist monk, writer, theologian, mystic, poet, and social activist reminds us that, “We are already one, but we imagine that we are not. And what we have to recover is our original unity. What we have to be is what we are.” We are both human and divine. We’ve come to remember that we’re not separated from Source and learn how to express our divine nature as human beings. Why not look at how great we can be together when we combine and use our differences? If we embrace unity rather than look for ways to create division how different would our world be? Imagine a world where peace, love, acceptance, compassion, kindness, caring, understanding, equality, and so much more prevail. We can create this kind of world if we want but first we must feel these ways to BE within ourselves....
Embrace Uncertainty!

Embrace Uncertainty!

“It is how we embrace the uncertainty in our lives that leads us to the great transformations of our souls.” Brandon A. Trean, Health educator and writer Recently I participated in a weekend retreat with Annie Bossingham and fellow Soul travelers. We explored our divine nature, heart-based living, making conscious choices; and embracing uncertainty as we continue evolving on our spiritual journeys among other things. Whew, it was amazing and timely. As the weekend came to a close I felt full. My soul felt happy and nourished. What a blessing!  As I’ve reflected on the weekend and some awarenesses have come to light. For example, I’ve considered how embracing uncertainty has played a role in my life. I must say it hasn’t always felt comfortable! I look back on the times I’ve chosen career moves, where to live, parenting choices, consciously choosing to spiritually awaken, and so much more. At times it’s felt like stepping into the unknown and taking a leap of faith. For someone who likes to ‘be in charge’ and wants to know the outcome it has presented many ‘growth opportunities’! LOL I’ve found that embracing uncertainty rather than resisting it due to fear makes a huge difference. Some of my best personal growth moments are a result. Gurudev Sri Ravi Shankar, Humanitarian and spiritual leader reminds us that, “Life has uncertainty and it’s the uncertainty which opens new dimensions in life.” I realize that if I hadn’t embraced uncertainty and took a leap of faith the many blessings I’ve experienced in my life wouldn’t have happened. I wouldn’t have taken the career risks, re-married, become...
I Speak My Truth!

I Speak My Truth!

“Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.” Oprah Winfrey, American talk show host, TV producer, actress, author, and philanthropist  Did you see the amazing full moon this week? This moon is known as the Hunter’s Moon. Imagine yourself hunting to prepare for Winter. The Harvest Moon in September left you harvesting the seeds that were planted in the Spring. Lunar cycles have helped farmers and different cultures for many years. Many people seem to be affected by lunar energies. This cycle you might find yourself experiencing intense emotions; wanting to stand up for yourself; and letting go of more things that don’t support you.  Think of these energies activating your inner warrior! Have you felt like you want to change your life lately but don’t know what or how? Let the warrior you are help. Take time to quiet your thoughts which are often quite busy and running in circles! Are you ready to live more authentically, make healthier choices and find inner peace? Practices like meditation, prayer, and/or immersing yourself in the beauty of nature can help you experience quieter thoughts and more clarity. What are you willing to change in your life? It’s up to you. In other words, this is a time to reclaim your power and speak your truth. Hunter Moon energies are incredibly supportive right now. Dr. Steve Maraboli, Consultant, speaker, author, and Behavioral Scientist encourages to “Start shaping your own day. Start walking your own walk. This journey is yours, take charge of it. Stop giving other people the power to shape your life.” Take back your power and...


“But there was no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bore witness that man had the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer.” Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning, Austrian neurologist, philosopher, author and Holocaust survivor I was talking to a dear friend recently about loss. I realized that so many people have suffered losses of many things over the past couple of years. There’s been loss of loved ones and friends, relationships, jobs, daily routines and ways of being, health, self-image, changes in physical capabilities, and so much more. How often do we allow ourselves time to acknowledge and grieve the loss? I wonder, “How many of us hold in our feelings of sorrow or don’t even know we are missing the way things were before?” Depending on how you were raised releasing tears may not have been encouraged. Lately I’ve even thought about future losses and how they might affect me. Have you done the same? I believe that there are many futures so I don’t dwell here but I’ve reflected on what it means to ‘lose’ someone or something – even losing physical capabilities. Things like flexibility, balance, vision, diminished energy and stamina, and memory. I have family members, friends and acquaintances that are experiencing some of this right now. At one level I see all of this as part of the cycle of life. I’m blessed to see new life created and I’m encouraged to live everyday to the fullest and be the best me I can be. At another level, a deeper level, I wonder why the feelings of loss are...
My Cup Overflows!

My Cup Overflows!

“Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.” Wayne Dyer, American self-help and spiritual author and motivational speaker How many times have you heard, “Let go of things that no longer serve you?” Quite a few probably. I’ve written about it in a variety of ways in past newsletters. Recently, someone asked, “How do you fill up the space that is left when you let go of things?” So I began to think about abundance and prosperity. Releasing things that no longer serve me – things like old habits, beliefs, vows, and perceptions – limiting things. Rather than feel limited why not feel abundant and prosperous? Can you imagine your life as an overflowing cup of abundance and prosperity instead of one that’s partially full or empty?  Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk reminds us that, “For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.” How often do we restrict possibilities by limiting our view of what outcomes can be? Why not hold a belief deeply embedded within that all things are possible and we deserve to live the best life possible, an abundant and prosperous life? For those of you who like to feel ‘in charge or control things’ this might present a challenge. Take it from me, I have always wanted to know the outcome and how things end. It’s been a lifelong journey of learning to allow what’s possible. In doing this, the outcome is always better than I imagined. What does a life filled with abundance and prosperity feel and look like...
Mirror, Mirror . . .

Mirror, Mirror . . .

“I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.” Lewis Carroll, Author, illustrator, poet, mathematician, photographer, teacher, and inventor Look in the mirror and what do you see? How comfortable are you spending time really looking at and seeing yourself? I realize that most of you look in the mirror everyday ‘doing’ things like brushing your teeth, applying makeup, and combing your hair. How often do you really look into your eyes and say, “I love you”? Do you feel the love for yourself deep within your very being? As Lewis Carroll reminds us we are changing in every moment. Who you see in the mirror when you first wake up will have many experiences during the day. These experiences will contribute to the changes within you, although some are subtle. When you get ready for bed and look in the mirror you may think you look the same but you will have changed during the days’ experiences. Make sense? Think about it. During the day you may have experienced disappointment, fear, anger, love, joy, and so much more. The mirror reflects who we are in the moment. Years ago Judith Manganiello, former owner of A Peace of the Universe and author shared her experience of looking in the mirror with me. I do it and at first saying, “I love you” to myself wasn’t comfortable. Through  the years I’m getting to the point where I can feel a difference and I know I mean it! Something that seems so simple can have a profound...
Learn to Dance in the Rain!

Learn to Dance in the Rain!

“Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass . . . It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”  Vivian Greene, Visionary, artist, author, and entrepreneur  With the Fall Equinox passing it brings to mind seasonal changes. Moving from summer into fall and preparing for winter. This equinox symbolizes balance, preparation and reflection. Many describe it as a time for balancing the struggle between light and dark within ourselves. Some see this as a struggle between life and death of our old habits and beliefs creating opportunities for new beginnings. In nature, what was planted in the spring has been harvested and the soil is being prepared for new plantings. Some animals have prepared by storing winter food and supplies and will hibernate waiting for spring once again. Vivian Greene’s quote reminds me that storms, both literally and figuratively, will always be a part of our lives. So, learning to dance in the rain is one way to weather them in a more positive way metaphorically. My intention isn’t to make light of the physical tragic storms, fires, and devastation that have affected many people in our country. Rather, it’s a reminder of how powerful our own inner strength is. Mahatma Gandhi, Lawyer, anti-colonialist, and political ethicist, reminds us that, “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” When we draw from that deep inner well of strength, the will to survive, we can be unstoppable. As I reflect and write today an image of an old movie starring Gene Kelly who dances in the rain comes to mind. He’s smiling, dancing,...
What Are You Thinking?

What Are You Thinking?

“Thoughts become things . . . So choose the good ones.” Mike Dooley, New York Times bestselling author, speaker and entrepreneur I love Mike Dooley’s thought provoking and inspirational Notes From the Universe messages. He, along with many other New Thought teachers, writers, speakers, and channels, reinforces how important thoughts and beliefs affect the realities that we create. How often do you notice that your thoughts are negative or you’re waiting for the next shoe to drop, so to speak? How often are your thoughts positive? When you notice negative thoughts or negative self talk are you able to stop and change to a more positive view? How is your life different when you dwell on the negative or the positive? How willing are you to change what you think or believe? After all, you are the co-creator of your reality and can change what you’re thinking, right? Greg Braden, New York Times bestselling author, researcher, and educator reminds us that, “The power of our beliefs can work in either direction to become life affirming or life denying.” Yikes! I choose to create a reality that is life affirming. How about you? I find that the more positive I feel and think about myself the better my attitude is and then I affect people around me in a more positive way. I also find that it affects my environment as well. I attract more positive people who I enjoy being around. I tend to have a pretty optimistic outlook on life and reality creation although I have my moments where I have negative self talk going on. When this...
Free to BE!

Free to BE!

“True freedom is always spiritual. It has something to do with your innermost being, which cannot be chained, handcuffed, or put into a jail.” OSHO, Mystic Recently a close friend asked, “Do you like your life?” I stopped for a moment and said, “Yes, I do!” We then began to talk about how I’ve created the life I want to live right now which gives me freedom to choose how I spend my time. Having the conversation also helped me to release some guilt I felt about not creating more business opportunities. I love having time to spend with my family, clients, meditating, writing, and reading. I love to BE free to practice BEing more kind, compassionate, loving, accepting, creative, and so much more. It was a beautiful awareness and the timing was perfect. I realize that priorities can be fluid. For now my priorities have shifted and yet after reading the words of wisdom from OSHO I recognize that I have felt the truth of them for many years. Inner freedom is something that can’t be taken away from anyone. We can choose to be free or be jailed. How about you? Do you like your life? Taking time for quiet introspection is essential for my own health and well being. If people want good health without addiction, they can check out contra costa rehab and get their help! Today, remaining free of distractions can be challenging with what’s going on in the world. Some of the distractions potentially present restrictions to our personal freedoms. The right/freedom to choose and vote are two that are front and center....
I Accept Me!

I Accept Me!

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” Coco Chanel, French fashion designer and businesswoman  I can’t believe it’s already September! Time is moving so fast for me right now. How about you? Many of you are celebrating the Labor Day holiday so I wish you a safe and joyous celebration with your family and friends.  What is it about being ourselves that we struggle with? I look back on the many years I spent wanting to please my parents, family, friends, teachers, employers and employees. In retrospect I wonder how many personas I’ve assumed in order to please everyone. I don’t believe it was conscious but nevertheless it happened. Hindsight is wonderful isn’t it? Although it’s been many years, perhaps looking back and recognizing the contrast of how I was then and who I am now was part of my personal growth and awakening. I chose to become different! I stopped listening to the negative inner voice of self-doubt, second guessing, and wondering if I deserved to be different with the help of a supportive partner, meditation, and friends. I accept me now in ways I’ve never done in the past. I value me! I’m grateful! John Lennon, Singer, songwriter, and musician has said that, “There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to...
In Stillness!

In Stillness!

“Deep within my heart I hear the whispers, ‘Come to the desert and I will speak to your heart.’ Is the desert real or a metaphor? Can it be both? ‘Of course,’ I hear, ‘Your reality is yours to create.’ Then I remember it all begins with me. I take a deep breath, bring my awareness to my heart and enter the desert deep within me. Ahhhh, I am still.” ~Victoria Barna, Author, 2015 How are you feeling this week? Once again, there is a lot going on in the world as well as families. For those of you familiar with numerology I’ve recently begun a 7 personal year. It’s a year of introspection, mysticism, spiritual awareness, and in some cases solitude. It amplifies my natural introspective nature! So, I find that creating quiet time to enter my inner monastery is important! With so much going on in the world today it is easy to be distracted. Do you find this is the same for you? ‘Being still’ is one way that I find my soul feels nurtured and nourished. It’s my way of remaining centered and able to help others. Prayer and/or meditation are a couple of ways that help me quiet my thoughts. Being in nature, deep breathing with my eyes closed while entering my heart space are other ways. Herman Hesse, German-Swiss poet, novelist and painter reminds us that, “Within you there is a stillness and sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” Have you found the desert within you recently? I feel this sanctuary and retreat is needed as we...
You Are Amazing!

You Are Amazing!

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom.” ~Aristotle, Greek philosopher  When was the last time someone told you how amazing you are? Yes, in spite of chaos, turmoil, uncertainty, changed routines, not traveling, working from home, and wearing masks! You are amazing to have navigated the past year and a half and more! You’ve found new ways of being, new forms of creativity, new ways to create community, and so much more! You’ve even had new opportunities to know yourself more, in some cases simplify your life, and make personal and lifestyle changes. You are amazing! Do you feel any wiser? For me, I appreciate the beauty of my garden more, my relationships, and life! I’m grateful for my family, friends, and life in ways that feel deeper. Taking time to dive deep to understand and know myself more has been a gift! Oprah Winfrey, TV host, actress, producer, media executive, and author reminds us that, “It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures.” I’ve found that the adventure to quiet my thoughts and enter my inner monastery has helped me to become more confident.  Rather than focus on what’s wrong with me I focus on what’s right! Yes, I have moments where I can be self critical but now instead of giving negative thoughts more power I stop, breathe, focus on my heart space and remember what unconditional love feels like. I remember this is who I am at my core and the negative energy dissipates. I remind myself that I’m amazing! How about you? If telling yourself, “I...
Courageously Love Yourself!

Courageously Love Yourself!

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr., American Baptist minister and activist Lately I’ve been imagining me as a part of all life! Really. I believe that I’m connected to everything and not separate. My reflection has been one of diving deeper though. I’ve imagined the universe is me as are the oceans, waves, sand, sea life, all life, etc. I recently read a perspective that pointed out that when we feel triggered about something or someone it’s an invitation to look within ourselves and discover that part that’s triggering us and waiting to heal. There it is again. We are all connected and yet how often do we negatively talk to ourselves focusing on what’s wrong rather than talk up how amazing we are? How often do you feel like there’s something to fix in you rather than accept who you are right now? How does what you feel about yourself affect others? I’ve believed for many years that love is the greatest transformer of all. Dr. King’s comment makes me wonder how much we are the enemy to our own health and well-being. What if we courageously make a conscious choice to love ourselves and treat ourselves as friends rather than enemies? What will change if we do? How we treat ourself will affect everyone around us I believe. You’ve probably noticed this to some extent already. The mystic OSHO reminds us that “Courage is a love affair with the unknown.” I feel like loving oneself takes courage because it takes a leap of faith to be...
My Life is Abundant!

My Life is Abundant!

“Be yourself. Life is precious as it is. All the elements for your happiness are already here. There is no need to run, strive, search, or struggle. Just be.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk  Are you familiar with the Lion’s Gate Portal that is said to activate August 8th? This is when the earth aligns with the star Sirius. Some say it opens July 28th through August 12th. So, you may have been feeling a little out of sorts right now. For those of you who are sensitive to shifts in energies you may even feel exhausted or have flu like symptoms. There’s an intense energy shift going on! If you can just ‘BE’!  New opportunities are unfolding. Choose to let go of old habits, beliefs, and perceptions. Abundance is fully supported now. Seeds that you’ve planted are ready to sprout and be harvested if you’re open. Abundance is so much more than money. What is abundant in your life? As I reflect on my life I am  abundant with love, family, friends, beauty, hope, possibilities, imagination, creativity, health, shelter, food, fun, choices, and so much more! Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor and philosopher has said, “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” How we view our life shifts our perception of whether it is abundant or lacking doesn’t it?  These energies that have been activated also include opportunities for accelerated internal and spiritual growth, new levels of consciousness, and healing. Encouragement to speak your truth from your heart and...
Reality – Wisdom – Hope!

Reality – Wisdom – Hope!

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”  Albert Einstein, Theoretical physicist Have you ever thought, “I’m living in a different reality than others?” More and more I find myself saying, “That’s not my reality!” As Albert Einstein reminds us, “Reality is merely and illusion. . .” Beliefs, thoughts and actions create the illusion. I realize that my reality is mine and most likely is different than yours. I’ve been wondering how peace can prevail when we live in so many different realities. I’m not saying my reality is the best nor do I have expectations that I can convince someone to accept mine. Each one of us is responsible for creating how we want to live and yet how do we come together in unity? Plato, an Athenian philosopher, has said, “Reality is created by mind, we can change our reality by changing our mind.” This makes sense to me. Thoughts, beliefs, and actions can be fluid and can be changed if we want to change. Imagination can play a role too. How do you imagine your reality changing? What in your life are you willing to change to make it different? Changing can be challenging because taking a leap into the unknown from a place of what’s known may feel scary. Being open to step out of our comfort zone is an important first step. Imagine, visualize, and dream! It may not be crystal clear at first but trust that clarity will come. Ask for help. Talk to trusted friends or family members.  Reality may be an illusion but in our daily lives it can...


“Rain. The cleansing tears of Mother Earth nourishing humanity.” Hameedat Muhammad, Writer I’ve been enjoying the rain! I intend and imagine it moving to the areas where drought prevails and fires burn. I imagine the rain cleansing and healing Mother Earth and all life! Have you noticed how good the air and earth smells when it rains? I imagine the rain is cleansing each one of us. I feel my soul sigh. Today, I realize that I love myself enough to enjoy each drop of rain nourishing and cleansing the earth, my garden, and me! I imagine each one of my plants and trees soaking in the healing properties of the rain. It feels like each one is wrapped in a blanket of love! My soul is happy and so am I! Miya Yamanouchi, Author, counselor, and therapist has said that “Our soul is like a soft and gentle flower, it needs to be nurtured, cared for, tended to, with sufficient sunlight, fresh air and freedom to bloom into its most precious and beautiful form. This my friend is self-love.” I love this imagery. I believe that our soul is eternal and has many adventurous experiences. Why not consciously nurture and care for it in the most beautiful ways? Why not practice cleansing negative thoughts, beliefs, and judgments as a way to love ourselves? Why not believe that we are unique and beautiful gifts created by God/Goddess/All That Is, Source? Why not nurture and love ourselves in ways that soul and each one of us bloom into our most precious and beautiful forms? What in your life are you willing...
A Compassionate Heart!

A Compassionate Heart!

“The antidote of hatred, of violence, is compassion – there is no other medicine. Unfortunately compassion is not available in the supermarket. You have to generate the nectar of compassion in your heart.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk  Lately I’ve been feeling more compassion for people. Rather than judge someone’s behavior I’m learning to seek to understand their pain first. I find that I want to help them lessen their pain but don’t know how. I realize that I don’t want to ‘fix’ them. I understand that each one of us has an individual and unique journey of growth and awakening; however, I want to understand and help ease their suffering if possible. Perhaps just listening without judging is helpful! I’ve been told that this is helpful. Have you had a similar experience? There are many reasons to react negatively to what’s happening in our environment today. Examples of hatred and violence can be found everywhere and yet I find many examples of kindness where neighbors are  helping neighbors. Seeds of compassion are being planted in many neighborhoods through human relationships and caring for one another. Prayer and meditation groups are gathering to offer healing and peace for humanity and the Earth. I ask myself, “Is the nectar of compassion flowing more consciously within hearts?” It’s a beginning isn’t it? Does being more compassionate bring more happiness? I believe it does. Without wanting to  understand someone’s pain and try to help lessen it I ask myself, “How can I be happy?” Albert Schweitzer, Doctor, missionary, philosopher and musician reminds us that, “The only ones among you who will be...
Forgive Yourself!

Forgive Yourself!

“Let go . . . How would your life be different if you learned to let go of things that have already let go of you? From relationships long gone to old grudges, to regrets, to all the ‘could’ve’ and ‘should’ve’, to the dead friendships you still hang on to . . . Free yourself from the burden of a past you cannot change.” Dr. Steve Maraboli, Speaker, author and Behavioral Scientist First, let me say that I’m so excited to see clients, once again, on Tuesdays at Storm Wisdom. Although I’ve connected with clients via phone and Zoom during ‘stay at home’ restrictions I’ve missed seeing clients in person! I hope to see some of you soon! Now, I wonder how often you find yourself replaying experiences from the past? I find that I do sometimes and when I do it feels like a song on replay over and over again. It’s not like replaying a favorite song. I find myself more in a space of judgment. I analyze and try to figure out why I responded in the way I did and then I focus on how I could have handled it better and then if I continue in that loop I judge myself more. This isn’t a fun place to be is it? So, I’ve wondered how to change this cycle. During my reflective time I recognize that it’s important for me to forgive myself for my part in the experience. Sounds easy, right? Yes, it can be but like that comfortable pair of shoes it can be hard to let go, right? Miguel Angel Ruiz...
I Am Free!

I Am Free!

“No one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly. When we know this, we become free.” The Buddha, Founder of Buddhism Freedom! What does it mean to you? There are many actions being taken that are outside of us right now. Actions intended to restrict some of our freedoms. I’m reminded how significant July 4th is. More than my birthday (LOL); more than picnics, barbecues, and fireworks! The final wording of the Declaration of Independence was approved on July 4, 1776! The United States of America was birthed gaining independence from Great Britain. I know we study this in school but this year it seems to carry even more significance. Restrictions can feel limiting but do they affect how we feel within ourselves? This is where true freedom resides! Think about the intent of the Declaration of Independence – equality, life, liberty, and justice for all! These are fundamental rights for each one of us and yet looking outward I wonder at those who would like to make them exclusive for some people. Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk, reminds us that “Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice . . . No one can prevent you from being aware of each step you take or each breath in and breath out.” So true! As I think about what freedom means to me I realize the blessing of being free to breathe, wonder, imagine, and create a life that I choose. Further, I’m free to make choices, live where I want; have a family, food to eat, water...
A New Chapter Unfolds!

A New Chapter Unfolds!

“There is beauty to be found in the changing of the earth’s seasons, and an inner grace in honoring the cycles of life.” Jack Kornfield, American author and Vipassana meditation teacher We’ve just experienced the Summer Solstice – leaving Spring and welcoming summer. Seasons have changed, once again, and we have another opportunity for introspection, reflection, and opportunity to make life changes while the earth is preparing for her next season. We can enjoy the beauty of the flowers, nature, and fruits and vegetables that are ready to eat. A new seasonal chapter is unfolding. These seasonal changes remind me of the changing seasons in our professional and personal lives as well. Recently I’ve had the beautiful gift of welcoming a new granddaughter. Witnessing her innocence, strength and dependence has been amazing. We are grateful that we were able to spend time with her, our youngest son and daughter-in-law. Being with them reminds me of how relationships have their own seasonal changes. There’s a beautiful opportunity to begin a new chapter of life as a family. Honoring and celebrating this cycle of life is important as their new chapter and ours unfolds. C.S. Lewis, British author and lay theologian, reminds us that “Now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story no one on earth has ever read, which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.” Their new chapter and ours is one that hasn’t been read before. I’m excited to see what we create! We have blank pages! Another new chapter is unfolding for each one of us as...
Whispers.., not Shouts

Whispers.., not Shouts

Creating a healthy relationship with your body is hard when you don’t feel well.  I know, because this has been a rough week with allergies and then a sore sore throat.   I started to say I have been focused on creating a healthy relationship with my body for the last few months.  Yet, if I am being truthful, it is more like the last few decades.  Ebbing and flowing with success.  Ups and downs.   The part of me that demands perfection with the efforts I undertake, often feels like a failure when it comes to taking care of my body.  Because, similar to almost everyone I know, I have collected ideas, knowledge, and expectations about what it means to be healthy, fit, in shape, etc….  I’ve searched out and also been bombarded with articles, stories, promotions and advertisements about nutrition, weight loss, and self-care. We all have.., even when it is not our focus. Still with all the noise and expectations around being healthy, it has been many years since I’ve really “felt” healthy.  The older I get, the closer I get to understanding that being healthy doesn’t mean looking like the images in a magazine or whatever is going viral online.  In fact, it isn’t about “appearing” or “appearance” at all.  For the years in my life where I would have been described as physically fit.., I’m not sure I was actually healthy at all; even if I might have appeared otherwise. These days my focus is about being in harmony or balance with my body.  Being able to hear messages from my body in realtime...
Trusting My Beliefs

Trusting My Beliefs

“Everything happens for a reason” and “Things happen ‘for’ us and not ‘to’ us” are both beliefs that I hold dear.  They help me navigate day-to-day ups and downs.  And most of the time, this is easy for me! Then.., there are days when it’s not! I can always tell when I am invested in the outcome of a situation looking a particular way. Especially when it is not going the way I planned, or think it should.  There are visceral sensations in my body.  Tightening in my solar plexus, tensing in my jaw, nervous energy in general, etc. These are my cues that I am clutching to or trying to control an outcome that is not up to me.   I know these sensations well and the monkey-mind of trying to reframe, negotiate, or even begging and pleading to get my way.  I go from relatively sane to a tense mess and it seems all semblance of time becomes distorted.  Things are either happening too fast or time is standing still. And then I remind myself that “everything happens for a reason”.   I wish I could say that I am automatically restored to the enlightened being I aspire to be.  But usually by the time I am caught in one of these loops it takes more than one self-reminder to achieve normal operating mode again. But there’s a benefit to all of this too.  I am reminded of the journey of self-awareness I’ve been on.  I can recall the younger versions of me who would have been derailed or thrown-off for an extended period of time.  I...
Everything is Coming Up Roses

Everything is Coming Up Roses

Sometimes when life gives me roses, I still try to make lemonade.  At least that is how it has been feeling lately.  Let me explain.  Most of us try to look on the bright side.  To see the good in what is happening in our lives.., even when it’s something that seems a little sour. We look for ways to turn a sour situation into something more palatable.  As the old saying goes, we turn the lemons into lemonade. So what about when the things we’re experiencing are really juicy and sweet?  Do our minds still try to make them more palatable?  I am asking, because I notice that’s what I seem to be doing a lot of these days. And it goes against everything I intend. This year has been AWESOME.  Both my personal life and business are thriving.  By the way, THANK YOU for your ongoing support of Storm Wisdom.  You have made our recovery from 2020 so much more than we could have ever hoped for! What I have notice is that I am bracing myself for sudden change or shift.  And this is the problem.  Instead of just celebrating the success, I am simultaneously trying to figure out how to respond to or be prepared for another downturn or challenge. This takes the joy out of celebrating the good to make it more palatable if and when something goes wrong.  That does not feel like intentional living! There is a great Brene Brown special on Netflix called “The Call to Courage”.  In it she talks about how our brains are hard-wired to protect ourselves when...

Be Kind!

“Ah, kindness, what a simple way to tell another struggling soul that there is love to be found in the world.” A.A. Malee, Poet, artist, author, and performer  How are you feeling this week? We’ve had a lot of lunar activity and those of you who are sensitives may be feeling it. Downloads of higher frequencies are also occurring so please notice how you feel and nurture yourself – be kind to yourself as a beautiful expression of self-love! Begin with yourself first before focusing on others. Build your inner reservoir of kindness and compassion so it’s not depleted before giving it to others. I know that this may seem counter intuitive for those of you who are consciously committed to helping others. Once your reservoir is depleted you know how exhausted you become so remember it’s not selfish to be kind to you first! Many of you on this journey of awakening recognize the truth of why self-exploration, self-acceptance, self-love, and self-care are key to personal growth. It begins with each one of us first – a beautiful and wonderous inner journey where peace, understanding, and remembering begin. What about being happy? Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk, reminds us that, “The essence of loving kindness is being able to offer happiness. You can be the sunshine for another person. You can’t offer happiness until you have it yourself. So build a home inside by accepting yourself and learning to love and heal yourself.”  Once again, be kind to yourself first. Be your own sunshine! What does yours look like? Mine looks like a huge sunflower with hummingbirds...

Open to the Unknown!

“We do not have a fear of the unknown. What we fear is giving up the known.” Anthony de Mello, Spiritual teacher, writer and speaker Have you ever wanted to change something in your life but for some reason you didn’t? Have you ever wondered why? In spite of living a more conscious and intentional life it still can happen. I don’t know about you but when it’s happened to me I have tried to rationalize why it wasn’t the right time and I’ve even moved into self-judgment and asked, “Why am I procrastinating?” Then I feel guilty about beating myself up. It happens less now. I realize now that fear can create so much resistance to moving forward even if the change is positive. I’ve asked myself, “Am I really afraid of the unknown or am I afraid of moving out of my comfort zone and what I know?” Healers may also experience this phenomenon while working with clients. Why? Ultimately the client is in charge of their healing and willingness to accept being healed. I’m not suggesting these choices to change personally or to heal are always conscious. Fear of the unknown or changing what is known can play a part and create deep resistance to changing. Why? I suppose there are a variety of reasons but some include: feeling comfortable with the way things are and how people respond or fearing how people will respond if something changes. Perhaps through an individual’s experience and current situation others are inspired! Why change what’s comfortable? H.P. Lovecraft, American writer reminds us that, “The oldest and strongest emotion of...

Have You Changed?

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” Maya Angelou, American poet and civil rights activist  The image of butterflies seem to appear once again. As I write this, once again, Maya Angelou’s quote appears. Butterflies are beautiful, aren’t they? When you see one how often do you think about how they became so beautiful? I don’t until I stop and reflect. How about you? Why butterflies? As I think about their transformative journey I think about the life changes everyone has gone through for the past year and a half. In many cases these changes have been transformative. Have you considered them this way? Have you imagined your journey similar to the butterflies’? Change is constant and yet how often do we willingly accept it even though we are open to it? Henri-Louis Bergson, French philosopher has said, “To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.” Yes!! Accepting oneself through the many changing  phases that occur in our life is essential. Much like the butterfly! We are creators and can transform ourselves whenever we choose. How easy is it to admit and accept that you’ve changed, your approach to life and business has changed, and perhaps your world view has changed? Can you accept these changes without feeling there is something wrong or something to fix? Are you willing to embrace the new you and let go of the old habits, behaviors and beliefs that no longer support you? Can you laugh, dance, sing, and...
A New Chapter Unfolds!

I Am a Storyteller!

“Silence is essential. We need silence, just as we need air, just as much as plants need light. If our minds are crowded with words and thoughts, there is no space for us.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk  Hmmm! How often are we able to clear our minds of thoughts and words? What stories do we continue to create, change, and continue? Does our ability to quiet our thoughts really help? I have to say, “Yes, it does!” I find that when my thoughts are quiet answers come more easily. When they aren’t I find that I second guess myself and play ‘what ifs’ until I drive myself crazy. Has this happened to you? So, I agree with Thich Nhat Hanh’s perspective that we need silence – a space for us. Without this space I experience ‘writers block’. It can be frustrating. How much does our ability to create and tell stories contribute to these blocks and affect our happiness? I’ve been reflecting on this lately. I think of the places that I feel happy in; the beach, the red rocks of Sedona, and my home for example. And yet, as I sit with it more I realize that my happiest place is found within me. It doesn’t matter where I am! My writers block can occur in any one of these places! “Is this block a story I tell myself?” I ask, “Is it why I don’t feel inspired to write?”  I realize that I am a storyteller! My best audience is me!! I’m not judging myself, rather, I’m accepting that this a  part of who I...
NOW is Real!

NOW is Real!

“Life is available only in the present. That is why we should walk in such a way that every step can bring us to the here and now.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk  How many times have you heard, “Be in the present moment or only NOW is real?” I’ve been reflecting on why it’s important to BE in the moment recently. Why, when so much of our lived experience is about planning for the future and, to some degree, the focus on the future is so intense that we lose sight of what’s in front of us in our daily lives? We don’t fully appreciate what’s right before us until life throws a curveball and the unexpected surprise confronts us! I’m sure that many of you have stories to tell about your own experiences.  These surprises can show up in many ways, can’t they? For example there might be an unexpected pandemic, illness, loss of a loved one, loss of job, relocation, or a financial windfall. The list is limitless, isn’t it? How we respond to these unexpected surprises creates our experience. We are responding in the NOW moment not the past or future. Although many people may ‘dwell’ on lived experiences from the past the only sure thing, so to speak, is what we choose to do in the present moment. Marcel Proust, French novelist, critic, and essayist reminds us, “Do not wait for life. Do not long for it. Be aware, always and at every moment, the the miracle is in the here and now.” I’ve learned how precious and short life is and I know...
We Are One!

We Are One!

“We are already one. But we imagine that we are not. And what we have to recover is our original unity. What we have to be is what we are.” Thomas Merton, American Trappist Monk, writer, theologian, mystic, and social activist  How many times have you heard people say, “We’re all connected or we are one?” Have you ever felt the connection to something greater or what I will call Oneness? In my experience I find that words can’t describe the feeling. Some of you may have experienced this feeling during prayer or meditation. You may have also felt it during a walk when you are immersed in beauty or the majesty of your surroundings. There are many ways to experience it; however, for me, it’s always a feeling that I experience when I’m intentional. I set aside my ‘to do’ list, quiet my thoughts, and lean into being still within. I use deep breathing to bring my awareness into my heart space and I find it becomes easier to quiet my thoughts. This is a technique that works for me. I also focus on my breathing when I’m walking in a beautiful area so that I am aware and appreciate my surroundings. Then I can feel the connection with my surroundings. Sometimes I call on my inner cosmic navigator to help. Mine wears a scarf, goggles, and a tight cap. My cosmic navigator leads me beyond my physical body, the planet, stars, and beyond when my thoughts are quiet. It’s amazing how far you can journey.  Our bodies hold our divine and eternal essence and our essence is limitless. You...
Butterflies are Beautiful!

Butterflies are Beautiful!

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” ~ Maya Angelou, American poet and civil rights activist Have you noticed the beauty around you? Birds singing, flowers blooming, new growth on trees; and seeds planted in the Fall are breaking through the soil! Spring, a time of hope, rebirth, and new beginnings. For many this is also a very sacred time – a time of rebirth of the soul! I feel so much optimism and new possibilities. How about you? The image of beautiful butterflies come into my awareness. They reflect the journey of change and transformation. A journey that transforms a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. One, that, to me, symbolizes our own internal journey of remembering who we are. A journey that begins anew in our mother’s womb and continues throughout our life giving us an opportunity for personal growth and an opportunity to remember that we are not separated from God/Goddess/All That Is, Source. We are all connected and a part of Oneness. We experience so many adventures along the way, don’t we? Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk reminds us that “We have within us a miraculous power, and if we live our daily lives in mindfulness, if we take steps mindfully, with love and care, we can produce the miracle and transform our world into a miraculous place to live.” The energy of spring supports miracles and opportunities for change and transformation and we can witness it everyday if we open our eyes and “see” the beauty that abounds! It’s all around us.  What...
I Choose to Change!

I Choose to Change!

“For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk  Thich Nhat Hanh’s perspective offered me an opportunity to look at myself and what I believe. I found myself judging some people in powerful positions  and then wondering why they seem to resist making changes that many people feel good about. I found myself seeking to understand more and realized that fear may play a big role. Why? In my experience and working with clients many people find change is challenging when they are comfortable with the way things are or they want to please someone.  In the case of someone in a powerful role they might perceive a loss of power and support from donors if they change. It’s a choice, isn’t it? In everyday life we are presented so many opportunities to make changes in how we live, evaluate our priorities and values don’t we? Have you ever wanted to make a change in your life and wondered, “What will people think of me if I change or who will I become?” Fear can present itself big time. Often, self-doubt and judgment show up too! Maybe you hear that inner voice that tells you all the reasons why it won’t work! Take a deep breath when you do and remember that it never tells you the truth! Dr. Steve Maraboli, Author and Behavioral Scientist, reminds us that “We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles and you...
Spring is Here!

Spring is Here!

“ Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now.” Paul Coelho, Brazilian lyricist and novelist Spring is here! Do you feel it? I’ve been noticing the beauty that is so bountiful. Seeds, hopes and dreams that have been planted and lain dormant are now sprouting. Flowers are blooming and the colors are spectacular and vibrant. What about the hopes, dreams, and relationships  that you’ve held dear? Are they beginning to sprout and blossom too? Paul Coelho reminds us that “life is happening now.” So true! I know it’s been very challenging for many of you during the past year; however, I hope you can embrace feeling more hopeful and optimistic during this symbolic time of renewal and new beginnings.  Please take time to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature; the beauty and worthiness of you and your unfolding hopes and dreams. Breathe in the light that’s within you and increasing around you. Imagine, once again, you as the Master Gardener nourishing and nurturing what you’ve planted. Will you nourish and nurture your garden with thoughts of gratitude, love, acceptance, compassion, and so much more? Or, will you use toxic thoughts and sow seeds of doubt and division? Your results will be different, yes?  During this time of renewal and new beginnings imagine your relationships as a precious part of your garden. What will you choose to use to nurture them? Will you nurture and nourish them with love, understanding, acceptance, respect, honesty, and integrity? Will you choose something else? Relationships when nourished and nurtured with positive intentions and communication...
Live Life to the Fullest!

Live Life to the Fullest!

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” Ashley Smith, www.iamfearlesssoul.com Have you ever arrived at your destination and didn’t remember how you got there? I don’t know about you but it sure has happened to me! Have you ever wondered how much of your life is lived on auto-pilot, so to speak? How often do you move through daily routines and by evening wonder where the day went? Too often, I’m sure. This isn’t living life consciously or with intention is it? That’s why Ashley Smith’s quote resonated with me. I realize there are times I still ‘zone out’ and navigate some days on auto-pilot. There are fewer of them I’m pleased to say; however, I still have some. How about you? When I think about how short our time on earth is I recognize the importance of being present more and more. The only moment we really have is the present one. Why not live it more consciously? Engage all of your senses. Notice everything because what you experience in that moment will not happen again. Enjoy and live life to the fullest! Hear, see, smell; taste the rain and feel the beauty that abounds. Cherish relationships and if there are some that have served their purpose view them with gratitude and let them go willingly!  Imagine, dream, laugh, love and live life consciously! It’s more fulfilling and fun! For some, there’s always the searching for something better...

Thrive or Survive?

“The whole cosmos has come together to create you. You carry the whole cosmos inside you. That is why, to accept yourself and to love yourself is an expression of gratitude.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk  Hmmm. How often have you or someone else you know said, “I’m not good enough or I don’t deserve that or . . . (Fill in the blank)?” How often does your inner voice confirm this negative self talk? Has it ever told you the truth? Really? How many self-created limitations and beliefs prevent being and becoming more of our magnificent, empowered, and unique selves? Wow!! Imagine carrying the whole cosmos inside you. Would God/Goddess/All That is, the Source of which you are a part, the One that created you with love and limitless possibilities, expect you to fail and not thrive? No!  Isn’t it time to break through these old limiting beliefs and barriers? How would life change for you if you accepted who you are right now and loved yourself enough to claim you? Are you thriving or surviving? It’s a choice. One that we can make consciously. A choice to change ourselves. Maya Angelou, American poet and civil rights activist has said, “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” What a beautiful outlook on life. Do you have a mission to thrive or survive? Thriving is more fun and less limiting, isn’t it? Thriving can mean many different things to each one of us. Surviving can also be a part...

Being Happy!

“‘What day is it,?’ Asked Pooh. ‘It’s today,’ squeaked Piglet. ‘My favorite day,’ said Pooh.” ~Winnie the Pooh, A.A. Milne, Author I love Winnie the Pooh and friends! So much wisdom shared simply by A.A. Milne through these beloved characters! I feel such joy when Pooh says, “My favorite day.” As I write this newsletter I’m reminded of my morning feeling fully present in this morning. I was aware of how happy I felt as I drank my coffee that was pre-programmed by my husband. I noticed the yummy smell and taste. I also felt happy as I acknowledged that I ‘get’ to be here on Earth another day and I’m healthy; my family and friends are too. I noticed the beauty of flowers blooming in my backyard and I felt happy, grateful, and yes, I even felt lucky! All while I enjoyed my coffee! Ahhh! Do you remember the last time you truly felt happy? Why was this moment different than others? I felt present! My ‘to do’ list wasn’t running through my thoughts. Worry was absent. I was present in the moment being happy! Roy T. Bennett, Author, reminds us that, “If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” There are many other spiritual teachers who also remind us about ‘being’ and living fully in the present moment. It is wondrous to experience it! It’s happened before but for some reason I noticed it more consciously this time.  I wondered, “Where do we find happiness?” Being happy, for me, feels good...


“ Only your compassion and loving kindness are invincible and without limit.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk  Have you ever experienced what feels like a life review? Through the years and more recently at odd moments and sometimes in sleep it’s like revisiting a movie that I’ve watched. In reality it’s the life I’ve lived in this time. I’ve had moments where I have found myself dwelling on situations and the little voice, I’ll call my negative ego, sounds off, “I should have done. . . It could have been. . . Or, it would have been.” Yikes! Self-doubt, guilt, shame, and disappointment are heavy burdens to bear! This experience has given me an opportunity to reflect. I’ve wondered why it seems so hard to be compassionate, kind, and forgiving of me. This is what I often recommend to others after all! LOL Confucius, Chinese philosopher and politician reminds us that, “The more you know yourself, the more you forgive yourself.” How true. I’m aware that each one of us is invited to dive deep into understanding and knowing the truth of who we are while we are here. This includes who we are at our core, in relationships with family, friends, and community; as well as our relationship with God/Goddess/All That Is, and how we help one another. Compassion, kindness, love, and forgiveness can’t be destroyed. We can freely give them to ourselves and others. Accepting them; however, is up to each one of us. That’s conscious choice. Forgiveness is an act of self-love and truly a gift. Many people believe that when you forgive yourself, self-acceptance...

Be Confident!

“Optimism is the most important human trait, because it allows us to evolve our ideas, to improve our situation, and to hope for a better tomorrow.” ~ Seth Godin, Author and entrepreneur How are you? There’s a lot going on isn’t there? I’m amazed at how fast time seems to be passing and there are days I have to focus on what day it is before getting out of bed in the morning! New routines have been created and continue to change and evolve. New ways of BEing are emerging. Overcoming challenges and creating ways to thrive in families, relationships, communities and the world continue to be front and center everyday. 2021 invites us to change and transform. We are invited to explore and remember  who we are and what we value; and what we’re willing to change within us. We have opportunities to make choices in our lives more consciously. During this time of change being optimistic while hoping for something better helps to keep us moving forward. Knowing that things can get better and improve helps to fuel our forward movement. Yes, we may have days of self-doubt and self-judgment and when those days happen I allow them. I am learning to become more of the observer of these energies rather than believe in and fortify them. What helps? I find that acknowledging them helps. I quiet my thoughts, through deep breathing, and move into my heart space where I feel peace and love. I recognize that I’m being invited to explore why I feel this way. I ask, “Why am I doubting and judging myself? What...

Love Is In The Air!

“We are all people who need to love, because Love is the soul’s life. Love is simply creation’s greatest joy.” ~Hafez, Spiritual poet and mystic Love is! I’m feeling the energies of love all around. Maybe it’s because it’s close to Valentine’s Day or maybe it’s because Love is who we are! Basking in and feeling these energies within and around me are making me smile. Loving and being loved are a gift beyond measure. Signs and symbols of Love are appearing as swans, sea shells, hearts, roses, doves, and Cupid. The Universe continues to whisper and send signs. Listening, hearing and recognizing them are up to us. As I reflect upon my spiritual journey of awakening I remember meditating one day several years ago and all of a sudden I felt an overwhelming sense of unconditional love. It was so powerful I broke down in tears. Words aren’t adequate to describe how it felt though. I felt humbled and yet in that moment I knew that Love is who we are and it’s unconditional. This isn’t the romantic love that we experience. Romantic love, loving and being loved by someone, is special and important as we learn to be in relationship with others. These feelings are exciting and can run deep in different ways. The unconditional Love I experienced felt deeper and more profound. Have you felt it? I’ve felt it many times during meditation when I’m centered and my thoughts are quiet. This awareness, that Love is always there to bask in is reinforced by Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk who said, “Love is a living,...

Keep Going!

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” Albert Einstein, Theoretical physicist I find it hard to believe that January is already ending! We’ve even experienced a Full Moon also known as a Wolf Moon. There’s been so much energy, including this lunar energy, to support and encourage us to ‘let go’ of  our baggage – the things that no longer serve us. Albert Einstein’s quote really resonated with me as I thought of my old baggage as the stuff I’m learning from the past. In fact, many yesterdays! It’s a beautiful reminder that today is what’s real although having hope plays an important part for the future. We’re invited to continually question what’s working and not working for us in every moment. Then, consciously choose to let go of the old stuff or not! Some things are easier than others.  What about the fear of letting go of what’s known and comfortable? Are you ready? Do you think about being different if you clean your closet so to speak? Maybe create a new wardrobe! How fun! Do you wonder how your friends and family will respond to the change in you? Keep going. It’s ok to become more of who you are! Imagine how much lighter you will feel when you do this! Whew!  Being awake, aware, and accountable for you and your life with intention is a beautiful way to be and live. Why let someone else choose for you? Once you realize your own power and the gift of free will – the power to choose with...


“When day comes, we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid. The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it, if only we’re brave enough to be it.” ~ Amanda Gorman, Youth Poet Laureate My soul was touched during the Presidential Inauguration ceremony as I listened to Amanda Gorman’s powerful poem ‘The Hill We Climb’. She radiated beauty, light, and love as she delivered it. Goosebumps! It reminded me of how often the words ‘with light and love’ and ‘being vs doing’ are used as we spiritually awaken to greater remembering and depths of understanding who we are. For many years I’ve believed that our true essence, which some may call our eternal soul, is LOVE and the embodiment of light. However, the concept of ‘being and not doing’ has only made sense to me in recent years. Why did it take me so long to understand? I didn’t think that I wasn’t brave enough. As I journeyed I learned that I couldn’t intellectualize it. In fact, I had to give myself permission to unlearn some things. One of the big ones was to re-vision what success and reward meant to me after spending so many years in Corporate America where success meant producing results and answering ‘what have you done for me lately’? It’s amazing how much unlearning there is once a conscious decision to awaken is made. Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk said, “We have a tendency to think in terms of doing and not in terms of being. We think that when we...

Happiness is a Choice!

“When you think everything is someone else’s fault, you suffer a lot. When you realize everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy.” ~Dalai Lama Do you realize how powerful you are? Not muscle strength but inner strength! It took me quite a few years before I accepted the truth that everything begins within me. In fact, this awareness and understanding continue to deepen all of the time. I look back and wonder why it took me so long to “get it” and now I recognize that when I “got it” was the time I chose! Imagine that! LOL  Each one of us has been entrusted with an inner power that is wondrous and limitless. How happy are you? Yes, being happy is a choice as the Dalai Lama reminds us. Is it that easy, especially now with all of the chaos in the world? Yes, I believe it is. What we think and believe as well as the choices we make and how we respond to the choices made by others create our reality! We are powerful aren’t we? Imagine! Are you feeling a little down or stuck right now or are you wondering when things will return to normal, whatever that means for you? Take a minute to stop and breathe deeply a few times with your eyes closed. On your in breath imagine only love, gratitude, and possibilities entering and on your out breath imagine your feelings of frustration and suffering leaving you. Do this a few more times. Focus on your breathing until you feel your body relax and center. Better?...

Starting Newly!

A New Year has arrived! 2021 is probably one of the most welcomed new years ever, with almost the entire planet ready to put 2020 behind them. As always we at Storm Wisdom are thrilled to have this time of transition to a new year – front and center. New years, like birthdays or anniversaries, for most of us subconsciously triggers an internal review or personal inventory. We contemplate what we are ready to create; what to let go of; what has priority; and what no longer seems to fit. In other words, we tend to use these events to become current. We internally update our story. I was taken by surprise to realize how much 2020 really meant to me. It was a tough year for sure.., but it was also an awakening. It felt almost like a year long workshop on intentional living. Part way though the year, I began to realize that my years of focusing on mindfully creating life was much more than some distant destination I was trying to reach. I was already living it. I remember writing at one point that I was aware of the storm around me, but felt like I was experiencing the calm in the middle of it. Yes it required sacrifice and upset many routines. But it was also something I could navigate without losing my sense of self or purpose. Everything around me came into focus and what wasn’t important slipped away. Everyone and everything that held meaning was drawn closer to my heart (even if I couldn’t see them). I could breath.., and I could feel...

Happy New Year!

“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, ‘It will be happier.’” ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson, British poet 2021 has arrived and I’m feeling optimistic and hopeful! Holiday celebrations were very different for us and most of you this year. I took time to reflect on the difference and I realized that the holidays this year were just different – not good or bad! Opportunities for inner reflection and feelings of gratitude emerged and soared during this time. I guess, you might say, I leaned more into acceptance rather than resistance. Instead, I acknowledged the many blessings in my life and now that the energies of change and transformation are supporting us in 2021 I feel new levels of hope! How about you? I’m not one to make New Year’s resolutions; however, I was struck by a reminder that was shared by Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist, “Every morning, when we wake up, we have twenty-four brand-new hours to live. What a precious gift! We have the capacity to live in a way that these twenty-four hours will bring peace, joy, and happiness to ourselves and others.” In fact, it reminds me of the intention I say when I wake up in the morning, “I get to be here another day with the people I love and help others. I get to become more of my truest self – LOVE!” Being here at this time is truly a gift! I am the author of my life and each day with twenty-four brand-new hours to live gives me an opportunity to write a...

Gifts From the Heart!

“The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist Happy Holidays to each one of you! This year has presented many challenges as we celebrate traditions, holidays, and significant milestones in our lives and the lives of our families and friends. Re-imagining how to celebrate while staying healthy and safe has created sadness, disappointment and stress for many. I realize this. It’s affected me and my family too. I found that I had to remain open to and accept a new way of experiencing the holidays. I also had to let go of the past and “what was” before I could enjoy something different and new. Remaining healthy was key to each of my family members. In some ways I feel we had a deeper connection finding meaningful ways to be present to one another instead of meeting in person. I found so much acceptance, joy, and gratitude for the many blessings in my life on Christmas morning. In the past we’ve usually been hustling and bustling with gift opening and preparing food to take to a family gathering.  My husband and I began Christmas morning by sitting in front of the fireplace, enjoying the lights on our Christmas tree and we reflected on years past with gratitude. Being present to each other in this way touched both of our hearts! We’ve never enjoyed this time in the same way. Later we enjoyed a lovely meal together and connected with friends and family members through phone calls, texts, and FaceTime during the day. Technology can be wonderful! The...

Enjoy Every Minute!

“I promise myself that I will enjoy every minute of everyday that is given to me to live.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist What an amazing and powerful month of holiday celebrations! This week, Monday, December 21st is the Winter Solstice, the first day of Winter, and we find many cultures celebrate this event in a variety of ways. In addition, Jupiter becomes conjunct with Saturn and can be seen from Earth for the first time in over 800 years! This planetary alignment is also known by some as the Bethlehem/Christmas Star. In Christian traditions the Bethlehem Star is also associated with leading the three wise men to Bethlehem. Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and Happy Hanukkah for those of you who celebrated!  With the Solstice new directions and goals, opportunities, growth, and possibilities are supported. It feels, to me, like entering a time of hibernation where I can reflect on my old habits, perceptions, and behaviors that I want to release and then envision, imagine and dream about new possibilities for the coming year. It’s not a time to push and force something to happen! Rather, it’s an invitation to enjoy everyday that we’re alive and give ourselves permission to dream big! It’s not about resolutions for the New Year, rather a new way to BE and live. What a gift we’ve been given to live our lives intentionally and consciously. Now, with these supportive energies I feel like our inner canvas is clear. We are invited to use our inner artistry to create another masterpiece of our life intentionally. Jonathan Lockwood...

Reach Out!

“Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking.” ~Khalil Gibran, Writer, poet, visual artist, and philosopher  This week I’ve talked to several people who are feeling more isolated and alone than ever. 2020 has been a year of changes, trauma, and challenges. So many are suffering from what is becoming known as “Covid burnout.” Thanksgiving gatherings and other social activities have brought on an  increased number of people infected and hospitalized with the virus. In addition, more economic pressure on individuals and families without seeing any help in the near future has added more stress and feelings of isolation and desperation. I’m an optimist by nature and I find myself consciously looking for the light at the end of the tunnel and bright spots. I don’t want to dwell on what’s negative and wrong. I admit that some days are more challenging than others. To combat this, before I get out of bed, everyday I offer my gratitude for being alive and ask, “How can I help someone today?” When I feel down or discouraged I take time to go inward into my heart space to re-ignite the spark of hope within me. It’s here that my thoughts quiet and my faith in humanity is restored. It’s also here that I remember to reach out to my friends and family to see how they’re doing. I realize that I’m not alone and the feelings of separation and isolation go away. I remember that I am LOVE and we’re all connected. Through my reaching out to someone else my situation doesn’t...

Finding Yourself!

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk, author, and peace activist When I work with clients I’m often asked, “Who am I and what’s my purpose?” In fact, for many years I asked these same questions during my own meditations. Looking back there are 3 moments that stand out for me as I’ve traveled this journey of spiritual awakening. Several years ago while I attended Theology school, during a Spiritual Direction segment, I was enjoying a walking meditation and I asked, “What’s my purpose?” I heard, “To help people remember.” At the time I had no clue what this meant.  On another day during morning prayer I saw the words from Hosea written on the wall behind the altar, “Come to the desert and I will speak to your heart.” Tears rolled down my cheeks. Not long before I had relocated to Arizona from the Bay Area with my family. The third stand out moment, as I look back, came during an intense weekend retreat where, during one of the exercises, we were asked to shout out, “Who am I?” I shouted, “LOVE!” That’s who I am. Others participating shouted different things. We are all individual and unique! So are our journeys. These experiences felt like seeds that had been planted and brought into my consciousness. It’s taken many many years to nurture, reflect, and allow them to grow. Accepting and BEing myself without wanting to please others first has been quite a journey. How about you? Others believed in...

Take Care of You!

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection.” ~Buddha, Philosopher, spiritual teacher, and religious leader I hope your Thanksgiving was enjoyable. Mine was different, like many of you, and I was grateful I had energy enough to cook a few things while my husband barbecued turkey and sausages! I have to admit that once we ate I crashed and took a long nap! I’m also grateful that my COVID results came back negative. It seems like I had and I’m recovering from a nasty flu. I am on the road to recovery and feel better every day. Thanks so much for your wonderful healing wishes. I’ve had plenty of time for self-reflection during this recovery. I realize that taking care of me hasn’t always been a high priority. I find it’s easier to take care of others first. Even while I was sick I found my first concern was not to infect my husband. Fortunately, he helped me during my weakest moments. I remember one day, as I was reflecting, the image of me as superwoman appeared. Guess what? I could see how wanting to take care of others first became a habit throughout my life. I’ve always been strong and thought I could do anything. I learned, once again, I don’t have to do it all and I’m not a very good patient! I asked, “Why did I get sick? What’s mine to know about this experience?” One of my greatest awarenesses was “surrender”. For those of us who like to “be in charge or control things” I found it challenging...


“Today, let us swim wildly, joyously in gratitude.” ~Rumi 2020 brings a different way of living and being. Most of this content I wrote in September 2019. I’m sick and I’m grateful for a partner who is here to help me. It began Tuesday and hit hard Wednesday. I’m grateful that I still have taste and smell. Hopefully I just have an ugly case of the flu. Just to be careful I’m being tested for COVID-19 tonight. I won’t go over the details though. Will keep you posted, however. We don’t go out often and when we do we wear masks. Mostly we’re home!It serves as a reminder to BE in each and every moment in gratitude. It doesn’t matter if one moment is challenging I’m reminded that the next one can be different. It’s a choice and one that is mine to make. Sometimes in a moment of challenge it is often difficult to see another way.  As I imagine swimming wildly and joyously in gratitude I close my eyes and allow myself to “feel” a greater sense of joy and freedom – a greater sense of peace. Yes, I even imagine a big smile on my face and a lightness in my heart. This has been a particularly challenging week for me personally –  loving, supporting, and being present for a loved one who was in the hospital. While there I experienced a full range of emotions that included love, impatience, fear, helplessness, hope, and gratitude to name a few. To be honest, I haven’t quite reached this state. Seems like all I do is sleep! When...

I just launched a new online course…

Hey there.., Charles here. I want to share some exciting news with you. I just launched a new online course called “The Magic of Crystals – Tools for Intentional Living”. You can find this course at https://courses.stormwisdom.com/courses/magicofcrystals But beyond announcing this, I want to share why this feels like such a personal celebration for me. So if you’re interested, here’s a bit of my story…. The first time I was introduced to crystals was in a Lucid Living workshop in 2004. Before that, I have no memory of ever seeing a crystal or ever thinking about them. Let’s face it, crystals are not likely to come up in conversation very often in the corporate world, which at the time, is very much were I was happily entrenched. The workshop wasn’t a crystal workshop per se, however they were talking about using them as a way to manifest and create shifts or changes in your life. The truth is, I blocked out most of what they were saying. It is not that I did not believe them, I just thought it wasn’t for me. To each his own. But when break time came, that did not stop me from marveling at their beauty and the wonder that these marvels came out of and from the earth. I was so drawn to them as a form of natural art that I ended up purchasing several of them for my home. Immediately my world began to shift and change. Even if it took me a while to figure out how and why. I began to absorb, explore, and study everything I could...

Wisdom is Available!

“All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word, freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.” ~ Winston Churchill, British statesman, army officer, writer, Prime Minister of the UK I hope all of you are doing well and not stressing too much about the upcoming holidays and what to do about them. My prayer is that you stay safe and enjoy them in a different and more creative way than usual. Allow them to be different! I’ve been reflecting a lot about wisdom this week. As I channel messages and information I often hear “wisdom, information, and guidance”. So I’ve been sitting with what wisdom means to me. In fact I would add the single word “wisdom” to Winston Churchill’s quote. Like many people, I think of wisdom as a virtue. Where does it come from? Well, for many it comes when you’re centered in your heart space and your thoughts are quiet. When a question is asked the answer comes without thinking about or analyzing it. Wisdom is innate and available to anyone. Others consider wisdom as an ability to think and act using experience, knowledge, and insight. How about you? Hmmm. More reflection to come. When I seek guidance and wisdom in my centered and quiet state I wonder how my own filters influence what I receive? Through my own practice I’ve learned that clarity comes as I surrender to God/Goddess/All That Is – Source. I’ve learned to trust and my thoughts quiet more easily. It’s taken practice though. Most of us strive to be the best versions of ourselves that we...

Breathe and Be Gentle!

“Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our heart.” ~ Rumi, Persian poet, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic I realize that you may be feeling a wide range of emotions right now. Let’s take a moment to stop, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Bring your awareness into your heart space and imagine a flame burning brightly. Focus on the flame and feel your body begin to relax – every cell and fiber of your being is relaxing. Feel your thoughts begin to quiet. Now, feel the warmth of the flame that’s burning so bright and imagine it represents unconditional love. Take a moment and feel this love deep within you,  through you, and as you. Remember, this is who you are at your core and remember how much you are loved by God/Goddess/All That Is, Source. Ahhhhh!! Allow this moment to help rejuvenate and refuel your energy from your heart space and love. Feel your inner strength grow.  This has been a crazy week of emotional ups and downs so please let yourself be gentle with you, right now. You deserve it! L.R. Knots, Author, feminist, and social justice activist tells us,“Do not underestimate the power of gentleness. Gentleness is strength wrapped in peace, and therein lies the power to change the world.” Answers, perseverance, courage, intuition, wisdom, and so much more resides within each one of us. Quieting thoughts, quieting your mind, and moving into your heart space helps to access them. Being able to “hear” the answers is key and requires minimizing and/or removing all background noise and thought....

Voting is a Human Right!

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt, American politician and 32nd President of the USA This newsletter isn’t meant to be a political statement. My intention is to bring awareness so that you exercise your human right to vote! Some of you may be feeling like there’s a lot in your life that feels out of control. We’ve talked about these chaotic times in previous newsletters. It’s not surprising that you might also feel excited, elated, disappointed, disillusioned, and fearful all in the same day. Remember to stop, take some deep breaths, and bring your awareness into your heart space while you ride the wave of emotions that you feel. These are your feelings and you don’t have to hold onto or suppress them. Feel them and then let them go as you become more centered and calm. Focus on what you can do in each moment. We voted! Have you? Maybe you’ve felt excited and energized. Maybe some of you have felt afraid that your vote won’t be counted. You’re not alone. I found myself researching alternative ways to submit my ballot rather than mailing it for the first time. Wow!! Challenges, yes? There are also solutions. I found that I could deliver it to an official ballot DropBox in AZ and then track my ballot to make sure that it was verified and certified. It worked great! There are many websites with information; however, I found the AZ Secretary of State, AZSOS.gov and recorder.maricopa.gov to be very helpful. I’m sure that these options, as well as others, are available where you...

Faith – Hope – Love!

“There is no love without hope, no hope without love, and neither love nor hope without faith.” ~ St. Augustine, Theologian, philosopher, and Bishop of Hippo Regis in Namibia  There’s a lot going on right now, isn’t there? Two full moons this month, a pandemic, and elections to name a few things. The upcoming full moon which is also known as a blue moon or Harvest moon usually represents a time for hunters to prepare for the Winter and stockpiling food. How many of you believe you’ve already been stockpiling food with these “stay at home” times? LOL Regardless, this has also been a time to forgive and love ourselves and not lose faith in one another or humanity; a time to feel the sparks of hope within us ignite! I realize that at times this seems hard to do. We are resilient and can create amazing things in our lives in spite of what seems like insurmountable odds, at times – we persevere! Many of you can relate to this I’m sure. Faith, hope, and love help us continue moving forward. I believe that our true nature comes from love. We are human beings and deep within us our core essence is love. Part of our journey is to remember this! Love is the greatest transformer of all. When you feel uncertain, anxious, overwhelmed or are creating new ways of being for yourselves remember to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Bring your awareness into your heart space and imagine tapping into the source and pool of love deep within you. Swim in it. Feel it....

Your Voice Counts!

“Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.” ~ Oprah Winfrey, TV host, actress, producer, media executive, author Have you ever held back the words that express your true feelings? Have you found yourself not wanting to disappoint someone if you did? Have you ever felt that you might lose someone’s love if you told them something you thought they didn’t want to hear? How did you feel afterward? How many times in life has this occurred? As I look back on my life I haven’t counted the times; however, I remember important moments when it’s happened to me. At that time in my life I lacked the courage to speak up and express my true feelings because I didn’t want to disappoint someone. In the end it was me that was disappointed. This has been part of my journey. I’m much better now about speaking my truth. My voice and yours counts! I look back on the times I didn’t vote because I didn’t think it was important. I didn’t feel like my vote mattered. Well, as I’ve become more aware and make conscious choices, through the years, I realize that this isn’t true. What if, everyone felt like I did? In fact, there’s a large percentage of our population who don’t vote for a variety of reasons. Voting is a part of speaking our truth and having our voices heard. The late John Lewis, U.S. House of Representatives for Georgia’s 5th Congressional District and civil rights leader reminds us that, “The vote is precious. It is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in...

Laugh – Sing – Dance!

“Laughter is the sound of the soul dancing.”  ~ Jarod Kintz, Author With all of the craziness and drama that’s going on in our country right now I realized that I can either enter the drama or not. So I’m choosing not!! Laughter and it’s impact on healing as well as singing and dancing to feel happy have emerged front and center for me this week. Does this sound weird? As I write this newsletter I hear Pharrell Williams singing his “Happy” song and imagine my soul dancing as I smile and feel good! So much better than joining in drama that I have no control over. How I respond to it is what I can control!  Don’t get me wrong. I realize there are serious things going on right now with significant impact and consequences for our country and each one of us. What I realize is that it’s important, more than ever, to focus on the choices I make and how I respond to choices made by others. I continue to remember who I am in my core and that is LOVE. I intend to become more loving, kind,  and compassionate for me and others.  Do you know who Ziggy Marley is? I love his father, Bob Marley’s, music. I saw Ziggy interviewed recently and learned that he’s also an amazing Jamaican musician and philanthropist. The lyrics of his song “Love is the Only Law” really resonated because I believe Love is the greatest transformer of all. Ziggy sings, “We only live to learn to love and no lesson is greater. Make it your gain, suffer no shame.” I...

Have Faith in You!

“The best way to take care of the future is take care of the present moment.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist monk, peace activist So much going on in the world and in our country! Chaos seems non-stop! Do you feel like you’re on a roller coaster at times? Are you holding on to your hats? Would you rather stay in bed and not face the day sometimes? In the midst of what feels overwhelming at times please remember that you can control how you respond to everything. That defines your experience.  I don’t know about you but when I feel like things are out of control it seems like there’s no way out. That’s when I remind myself to take deep breaths and remember that I create my reality; I’m not a victim or martyr; and I have choices that I can make. This is what I can control! Thich Nhat Hanh also tells us that, “We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize.” It’s easy to lose sight of this when we feel out of control! I find when I’m in this state I begin to second guess my decisions and choices. My thoughts are going 90 miles an hour. I forget all of the times I’ve responded to situations, including chaotic ones, and the choice I’ve made has been great!  Hmmm. So why during unfamiliar or chaotic times does this happen? Why don’t I have faith in me any longer? It happens less and less. I understand that, for me, this is part of the journey of awakening. It’s one of reclaiming my power...

Be Authentic!

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ~Aristotle, Greek philosopher Knowing myself is one of the most amazing journeys I’ve undertaken. On the surface it sounds simple doesn’t it? What I’ve discovered is that, like a spiral, there are deeper and deeper levels of remembering and re-discovery. There are also many layers of letting go of old perceptions, habits, and beliefs. This has been a conscious journey of mine for over 30 years and it continues. In the beginning I believed that what I did and what others expected of me was who I was. A big part of becoming more of my authentic self has been remembering that I’m not what I do! I do and have done many things. I’m not what others want me to be or think of me either! The real, actual, genuine and authentic me is a foundation of love. I’m choosing to become more loving, kind, accepting, and compassionate with myself and others! Seeking to understand and speaking my truth rather than worry about pleasing someone else or wondering what they will think of me has also been a part of this journey. Along the way I realized that I feared “being seen as different” and could possibly lose the love of my family. My fear wasn’t real though; however, it played a big role in the story I created. This was something that I had to face and decide what changes I would make in my life to live more authentically. It felt like de-constructing me and who I thought I was after so many years of outside influences. It...

Where Do You Find Peace?

“If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.” ~ Marvin Gaye, Singer, songwriter, record producer Chaos seems to be ever present right now with no sign of letting up any time soon. In addition to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis I was so sorry to hear about the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg this week. Her courage, perseverance and belief in fighting for women’s rights, civil rights, and equality for all is remarkable and she will be missed. I’m reminded that now, more than ever, is a time for each one of us to remain centered and focus on positive and peaceful outcomes.  I know at times you may feel overwhelmed and when you do please remember to take a few deep breaths and bring your awareness into your heart space. Imagine the spark of hope and unconditional love are yours to connect with from here. Feel it. Cherish it. Allow yourself to relax and let the calm move through your body. Remember, peace begins within.  Finding peace in the midst of chaos might seem challenging. Once you begin practicing it becomes easier and almost second nature. Being aware and conscious of when you aren’t centered and feeling peaceful is part of the practice. When you aren’t or feel overwhelmed ask yourself, “Is what I’m feeling mine or coming from somewhere else?” Many of you are sensitive to other energies and are empathic. Recognizing what’s yours and what’s not is important. If it isn’t yours then ask to release all that’s not yours! Imagine how much lighter you will feel. Do you feel...

Exercise Your Spiritual Muscles!

“The fruit of love is service, which is compassion in action.”  ~Mother Teresa, Consecrated Roman Catholic religious nun What are spiritual muscles? They might be different for each one of you; however, for me, the foundation of mine comes from faith – what do I believe? Then, hope, wisdom, love, and compassion follow. Why write about exercising your spiritual muscles in this way now? I feel it’s time to live more intentionally and consciously. This isn’t new or surprising coming from me, right? As we exercise to keep our physical bodies healthy it’s also necessary to exercise our spiritual muscles. If they aren’t used then they lose their tone and effectiveness much like our physical muscles.  So, I wondered during my quiet and reflective time, “How can I exercise my  spiritual muscles? What does this mean?” I realized that I’ve been exercising them but haven’t always been conscious of it. I also recognize that this is something I can control and change! WooHoo!! Like with physical exercise I’ve found that practice makes a difference. Think of it as creating muscle memory! Faith in yourself, hope, love, compassion, and wisdom will grow as you practice After so many months of continued chaos and uncertainty in our world with no end in sight I continue to ask, “How can I make a difference?” The answer always is, “BEcome more of your truest nature which is love! This is what you can control. This is what will make a difference to those around you! For when you are BEcoming more of your truest nature, love, this affects the resonance of all life!” ...

Jump – Leap – Arrive!

“Hope is passion for what is possible.” ~Soren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher, theologian, and author Lunar energy has been intense this week! Have you felt it? We’ve experienced a Full Corn Moon instead of a Harvest Moon. Why is it different? Typically, at this time, we’re ready to harvest the seeds of what ideas and visions that we planted during the Spring. In addition to this the energy of the Full Corn Moon brings up and accentuates sensitivities, emotions, and creates openings to new possibilities. It only appears once every 3 years so I hope you’ve been practicing good self care! You may have wondered why things seemed different given all that’s been going on this year with change and uncertainty. Your emotions may have felt like they were running wild!  I’ve been feeling more optimistic and hopeful in spite of the intensity. Kierkegaard tells us that hope is the fuel for what’s possible. It feels like the spark of hope within me has ignited and is stronger than ever. I’ve noticed that I don’t feel triggered as much considering the divisiveness, uncertainty, tension, and negativity that’s happening in the world right now.  Why? I’ve chosen to spend more time in my inner world accessing available insights and wisdom. I’ve chosen to take a leap of faith, so to speak, and focus on what I can change. Change begins with me. For me, love is the greatest transformer of all and I find myself returning to the source of my being which is love. St. Augustine of Hippo, Theologian, philosopher, and bishop has said, “ There is no love without hope,...

Why Am I Here?

“The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion, and the will to help others.” ~ Albert Schweitzer, Theologian, physician, humanitarian, philosopher, and writer Lately, it seems like I’m riding an emotional wave at unexpected times. How about you? One day this week I felt my heart breaking and my soul cried out, “Enough! It’s time to stop and treat one another as equals with compassion and kindness.” So much seems broken right now; however, I believe we are being shown things that have been broken for many many years and now is the time for them to come into the light. Many people believe that we are at a tipping point, a time to make changes. Instead of wallowing in despair and hopelessness I took a few deep breaths and moved into my heart space then focused on what I’m grateful for in my life. There are so many things including: I’m grateful for the awakening of more human beings and for the opportunity to BE more consciously responsible and accountable for my choices in ways I haven’t been in the past. There is a clarion call for change and each one of us can play a role. I wondered, “What if we treated one another as equals? What if we looked deeply within ourselves and noticed what we still hold separate? Are we courageous enough to claim and integrate them? Is change possible?” Yes, I believe it is and I’m hopeful. I recently was invited to listen to The Turning sung by Justin Michael Williams, Author, recording artist, and transformational speaker. The refrain reinforced...

You Are a Creator!

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I’m changing myself.” ~ Rumi, Persian poet, Islamic scholar, theologian and Sufi mystic So much change is going on in the world and everyday life! Things are not what we’re used to anymore. We’ve been experiencing a pandemic, fires in some areas, protests, staying at home more, wearing masks, worrying about family and friends, buying groceries online, traveling less, communicating via Zoom, and so much more. Whew, I hear so many of you saying, “I can’t wait until things return to normal!” I wonder what that really looks like, don’t you? During quiet moments we’ve had time for inner reflection and to imagine what the new normal might be. It’s different for each one of us. Once the seed of change begins to sprout and grow then we ask, “What in me and my life am I willing to change for my new normal to be created?” If this exploration isn’t challenging enough there have been intense universal energies encouraging us to let go of old stuff and open to new possibilities. Elkhart Tolle, Spiritual teacher and author has said, “When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life.” Amazing, isn’t it? Leaning into uncertainty isn’t always easy. For those of you who like to be in charge or control the outcome of your decisions this can be especially difficult. I always thought I loved change and then several years ago I realized that I only loved it when I thought I could control it! That was a big...

In Search of Wholeness!

“Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete.” ~ Plato, Athenian Philosopher Have you ever thought that you weren’t “complete” and that something was missing? Have you found yourself always looking for something outside of you to fulfill what you thought was missing? I’ve heard so many people say, “If only I could find a wonderful relationship or if only I lived somewhere else or if only I could find my perfect job then I would feel complete.” The common thread is that there is a belief that looking outside of oneself is how you feel complete or whole. I believe as Plato so simply stated that our search for wholeness is Love! Our essence is love and the journey to rediscover it is within us. That’s who we are. When I think about it aren’t we afraid to lose love or want to feel loved or feel like we don’t deserve it? “We are already love so how can it be lost?” I ask. This is part of our journey isn’t it? To remember. We are already whole and complete unless we believe we aren’t. I understand there are also parts of us that we have rejected through the years and it’s important to reclaim, accept, love, and integrate them back within us. I’ve been experiencing this myself recently. It feels good when it happens. For me, it’s been happening during my lucid dreaming where it seems like a life review happens and then I feel the emotion and reclaim and welcome the part(s) of me that I’ve rejected for many...

The Lion’s Gate Portal Opens!

“. . .the season of the sacred feminine is upon us, bringing with it a return to a simpler, natural, life-centered ethos that puts people and the environment above money and things.” ~Karen Clark-Shepard, American Grammy Award winning musician and songwriter The Lion’s Gate Portal opened once again on August 8, 2020. Why is this significant? I’ve heard from several people that they feel more emotional, tired, and have flu-like, non-COVID, symptoms. The universal energies are pretty intense right now and, in some cases, amplifying what’s being felt in the world. So what does it mean? This is a time when the rising star of Sirius aligns with the summer sun in Leo and Earth. Powerful and intense energy can be felt. It’s a time for illuminating our inner self, goals and ambitions. Courage is called upon to navigate these energies. Opportunities are opening for us to make changes if we choose and step into our personal power. Sirius, in Astrology, represents wealth, passion, honor, abundance, confidence, will power, and self-expression. According to cheap psychics, think about it as a super charged opportunity to raise consciousness! Whew! In addition, it’s also known as the “Stargate of the Goddess”. Hmmm. Divine feminine energy of harmony and balance are showering us too. Self-care is important! While psychics have traditionally profited from claiming to predict the future or communicating with deceased relatives, many are now working in the general field of wellness, calling themselves “intuitives” or “intuitive healers,” who channel “energy” that helps people discover what they want out of life, find them at https://www.heraldnet.com/national-marketplace/online-psychics-top-5-psychic-reading-sites-for-100-accurate-predictions/. I can’t think of a more perfect...

Accept and Love Yourself!

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist Monk How often do you find yourself trying to be what others think you should be? Have you ever felt like you don’t matter, aren’t seen or heard? If you’ve felt like any of these you aren’t alone. Through the years I’ve felt some of this too! It’s taken me many years of being willing to be introspective and dive deep within myself to seek understanding and reclaim my own power of being me. Accepting, owning, and loving me has become a daily adventure!  How do you feel about being beautiful? Judith Manganiello, Friend, author and founder of A Peace of the Universe recommended a practice many years ago and I still use and recommend it. Take a minute and look in the mirror and say, “I’m beautiful and I love you!” How does it feel? Comfortable or uncomfortable? Do you feel your inner beauty that shines through as you accept yourself? It may take time.   During this time of being more socially isolated the opportunity for self re-discovery has opened up for those who have been willing to experience more inner reflection and exploration. Rupi Kaur, Author, poet, artist, illustrator, and performer reminds us that, “How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.” Like so many things, it all begins with us doesn’t it? I wonder why criticizing is easier than accepting and loving?  When I first began practicing looking in the mirror I was more focused on what...

Despair or Hope?

“Hope is the only thing that will keep you from despair.”  ~C.S. Lewis, British writer and theologian. There’s a lot going on, isn’t there? So many distractions in our external world make it more and more challenging to spend time in our inner world, yes? I’ve heard several people talk about how emotional they’ve been this week. One person described it as a change in barometric pressure that’s bringing up so much emotion. Another person said, “It feels like I’m cleaning out all of my old stuff including suppressed emotions.” And still others have described an emotional roller coaster experiencing highs and lows. How have you been feeling? I’ve found moments where I’ve asked, “What’s next? What else can happen now?” I’ve found myself feeling the collective pain and I’ve felt helpless at times. For those of you who are sensitive and feel energies of others this time presents great challenges. It’s important to know when the energies are yours or others. Now is a good time to practice, especially when you feel off, asking, “Is what I’m feeling mine or others?” If it’s not yours then ask for help from God, High Self or your guides to release them.  Currently there’s a wide range of emotion swirling around in the collective consciousness. The denser emotions can range from despair, hopelessness, rejection, sorrow, anxiety, anger, hate, and fear. Feelings of hope, love, understanding, acceptance, inner peace, kindness, compassion, and joy are also being felt in spite of what’s happening in the world. I’m encouraged and hopeful as I see people of all ages immersing themselves in beauty, helping others,...

You Are You!

“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” ~Dr. Maya Angelou, American poet and Civil Rights Activist What is normal? How many times have you heard people say, “I can’t wait for things to return to normal?” Is that what we really want? Is it more that we want to feel more comfortable and in control of what’s going on around us? I love Dr. Maya Angelou’s quote as she brings up the possibility that we may never know how amazing we can be in doing so.  I’ve said this before, “I believe we’ve been given a great opportunity and in many ways a gift to create a new normal.” Whatever that means for each one of us. After all, we are all creators, aren’t we? More people are awakening to the fact that we have an opportunity to reclaim our power – the power that we’ve given to others for so many years. The canvas, gardens, or manuscripts are all blank. They are ours to fill. We are the Master Gardeners, Artists, Writers, and Musicians and can create more beauty, love, and stories with amazing outcomes. It’s our choice to survive or thrive! In other words, a new normal is ours to create. Dr. Angelou tells us, “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, compassion, some humor and some style.” Our lives are ours to create and now more than ever is the time to let our voices be heard. We hear the cries of the oppressed,...

We’re In This Together!

“The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change.” William Arthur Ward, Writer I don’t know about you but there are moments where I feel overwhelmed and I ask, “What in the heck is going on in the world? Why am I here? How can I make a difference when so much seems broken?” When I feel like this I know it’s time to take some deep cleansing breaths and move my awareness into my heart space and once again feel inner peace, love, and my connection to God/Goddess/All That Is, Source. In this space the spark of hope emerges and once again I realize I’m not alone. As I reflect on the quote by William Arthur Ward I remember that life is an adventure and I’ve always thought of it as an evolving journey that’s dynamic and not static. For me, it’s like a spiral. There’s no beginning or ending only ever deepening levels of understanding with abundant opportunities for personal growth and change. I know that change must first occur within me before anything in my outer world changes. I also realize that I don’t have to travel alone. So, it was timely to watch a new music video by Tim McGraw, Singer, actor, and record producer called “Here On Earth”. I felt uplifted and inspired after watching it. I loved the words and the refrain resonated as Tim McGraw sang, “It’s like we open our eyes for the very first time when we found out why we’re here on Earth.” I often meet clients...

Being Free!

“We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; . . .” ~ Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman The above popular quote from the Declaration of Independence written by the Committee of 5 on July 4, 1776 and signed by 56 Congressional delegates on August 2, 1776 reflected a hard won independence and freedom for our country. Today, I realize how much I’ve taken my freedoms for granted. In fact, I feel like I’ve only just awakened to a deeper truth that not everyone enjoys the same freedoms that I do. If all men/women are created equal then why do we still treat people who we perceive are different from us with prejudice? Whether it’s the color of someone’s skin, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or gender – inequality persists. For too many years there has been a culture of domination, power over others, separation, and racism in our country. I know this is true and the inequities are coming into the light for all of us to see. Opportunities to change feel overwhelming at times and yet I am hopeful that there are ways of creating more freedom and equality for everyone. Buddha tells us, “No one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly. When we know this, we become free.” I’ve written before, that first, we must change within ourselves before things in our outer world can change. I believe this is more true than ever...

You Are a Healer!

“World peace begins with inner peace.” ~Dalai Lam How are you this week? With everything going on in the world do you find it more challenging to take time to focus on your inner world? Has it been more challenging to find your center and happy place? Does it seem like there are more distractions that prevent you from taking time for yourself and going within? If inner peace feels elusive then creating peace in the world isn’t possible. How can we begin? Have you thought of yourself as a healer? Hmmm. Close your eyes and feel how it resonates when you say, “I’m a healer.” Can you remember times when your physical body has healed either on its own or with help from practitioners? I believe we all are healers at some level. Some of you have chosen to enter healing professions, acquire healing techniques and tools, or create healing for others by listening. Have you created a healing and peaceful environment in your homes? Those of you who are drawn to the earth, think about how your touch or creation of beauty has helped heal the environment. What about looking within to become aware of the injured thoughts and beliefs that are often held deeply? This is one of the greatest healing experiences and gifts we can give to ourself as we acknowledge them and choose to let them go. Each one of us plays an important part in healing and creating peace through our words, beliefs, and actions. Through our individual growth, healing and peaceful feelings we contribute to the whole. We are One. The Dalai...

Let It Go!

“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” ~Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher and writer Endings and beginnings! Wow, so many examples everyday. Systems, beliefs, biases, habits, routines, self-image and so much more. It’s amazing how synchronicity works. For example, my husband mentioned letting go might be a good topic to write about this week. Next, although I’ve never seen the movie Frozen, I kept hearing the song, “Let It Go” so I watched the animated YouTube version. Then, later as I listened to my Pandora playlist guess what song came up? “Let It Go” by James Bay! Synchronicity, I love it!! So, let it go, it is! How timely that we’re in the seasonal change represented by the Summer Solstice. As I reflected on “Letting Go” and how it applies to me I considered the energy of the Solstice which many feel represents new beginnings as well as an awakening and return to the light. Once again we’re invited to slow down, be patient and take time for self reflection. I think of this time as a gift and an opportunity to ask, “What do I believe? Am I aligned with my beliefs? What am I willing to change if I’m not. What am I willing to let go?” Brazilian lyricist and novelist, Paul Coelho has said, “If you’re brave enough to say goodby, life will reward you with a new hello.” In the moment it may not feel like it though. Remember, chaos precedes and follows change. There’s certainly lots of it around us right now. Are you ready to think about new beginnings and a new hello?...

Beauty is Felt With the Heart!

“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” ~ Helen Keller, American author, political activist, and lecturer In the midst of chaos, pandemic, staying home, political division, and protests this week I found myself seeking more and more beauty to find inner peace. I don’t mean to sound like a broken record but I believe that peace begins within me and so does beauty! I have felt my soul sigh with a deep heartfelt knowing that beauty, hope, peace, and love are possible regardless of what’s happening in the world. It’s ours to choose and experience. I’ve wondered, “How often do I take beauty for granted? Does beauty really reside within me?” Staying at home has provided time to become more aware of beauty in my life. It begins with the inner beauty I hold which can’t be seen or touched. It’s felt. In addition, there’s external beauty that includes: vibrant colors, fragrant flowers, birds singing, chalk art on the sidewalks, clouds in the sky, my home and health, and my relationships to name a few. How is this moment different? I feel beauty from my heart and soul in ways that seem deeper and more visceral. When I feel like this there is no room for fear, judgment, or self-doubt. It’s a conscious acknowledgment of feeling, seeing, hearing, accepting, and appreciating what’s within me as well as around me – not thinking or intellectualizing. The opportunity to BE more than constantly doing has contributed to these heightened awarenesses. Thich Nhat Hanh has said, “The mind can...

Be the Change!

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~Mahatma Gandhi, Lawyer, politician, activist and writer How are you feeling this week? It’s been another roller coaster ride of deep emotions for me. So much has been happening all around the world. First, a Pandemic then, 3 pivotal black lives killed triggering a peace movement, violence and looting. In addition, we’ve experienced a Lunar eclipse and a Strawberry full moon. Through these events I’ve seen how connected we are to one another throughout the world and seen long buried feelings of discrimination, inequality, and hatred come into the light of day once again. People have gathered in groups to demand change due to police brutality, inequality, and systems that are broken. I’ve also seen sparks of hope, courage, compassion, and a willingness to change during the chaos. For a moment I wondered if the significance of the Strawberry Moon was important. Considering so much chaos swirling I felt comforted that these lunar energies were supportive of self care, creating space to change our  lives as well as a time for us to step back and regroup. This is exactly where we are. Right now I hear singer, songwriter, peace activist, John Lennon’s words, “ . . . Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one. I hope some day you’ll join us and the world will be as one.” What kind of world do you imagine? We are all equal and no one is less or more than another truly. Unfortunately power over people...

Be a Warrior for Peace!

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops  of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”  Mahatma Gandhi, Lawyer, politician, activist and writer I was especially touched by Gandhi’s words this week. Although he is known for his activism I think of him as a warrior for peace. With so much chaos in the world due to the Pandemic and major life changes that have occurred we’ve seen, first hand, how inhumane some people can be. We’ve seen what appears to be little value for human life. We’ve seen black men, especially, singled out and killed by police. There is an underlying ongoing culture of discrimination that has reared it’s ugly head more publicly. In addition to being black there are biases against anyone that is perceived as “being different”. It feels like there’s a darkness and yet I believe that light and love will prevail. We have an opportunity to change these biases but first we must change our own. No one said it would be easy. Change and peace begin within! This week I’ve found myself riding a rollercoaster of emotions – disbelief, horror, anger, deep sorrow, grief, gratitude and hope. Whew! One minute up and the next one down. People are horrified and grieving after watching the brutal murder of George Floyd. This has triggered global protests demanding justice! Some are peaceful and others violent. Throughout history there have been cries for justice and equality for black people and some progress has been made but not enough. Their lives matter! Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and so...

Forgive, Love, and Accept You!

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” `Gautama Buddha, Philosopher, Spiritual Teacher, & Religious Leader Staying home and being more physically isolated has created many opportunities for self reflection for me. How about you? Have you ever wondered if a decision you made in the past was the right one even though it may have been a few years ago? This has come up for me lately and kind of like an annoying gnat it doesn’t go away. It buzzes around and what I noticed is that self doubt, judgment, and second guessing became more dominant. In fact, I reached the point where I had to stop myself and sit with it for awhile. I found myself asking, “Why are these thoughts persisting? What is mine to know? How do I resolve this, stay present, and not dwell in the past?”  I know that I’m not the only one that does this. Hmmm. It seems that I have an old habit of judging myself. I guess it’s been a learned behavior through the years. After so many years self-judgment feels like my favorite pair of comfortable shoes. Yikes! “Why do I find it easier to judge me than accept and love me?” I wondered. Spiritual author, Don Miguel Ruiz has written, “Forgive yourself. The supreme act of forgiveness is when you can forgive yourself for all the wounds you’ve created in your own life. Forgiveness is an act of self-love. When you forgive yourself, self-acceptance begins and self-love grows.”  Why does forgiving oneself seem so hard? Have we learned that it’s...

We’re Only Human After All!

“The greatness of humanity is not being human, but in being humane.” ~Mahatma Gandhi, Lawyer, Politician, and Activist A couple of songs have been playing over and over in my head this week. First, “Rise Up” and “I’m Only Human After All” sung by Rag ‘n’ Bone Man. I couldn’t get the refrain out of my head today so I’ve been considering what’s mine to write about. Yes, I’m only human after all and I’m a spiritual being, as well, here to express my divine self as a human being so I began to think about what is happening around me. Change is a constant. Fear is all around if you choose to embrace it. Goodness and love are there to embrace as well. There are examples of humanity being humane and there is the contrast of human beings not being humane. Contrasts are very visible these days.  With so much going on I began to ask myself, “What do I believe? What is my truth? What do I value? How do I want to be remembered? How do I want to be treated? What choices will I make given many businesses are opening to more contact with customers?” I came to the conclusion that the answer to these questions is a personal and individual one. My intention is not to do harm to myself, loved ones or others. So I continue to hear Rag ‘n’ Bone Man sing, “Maybe I’m foolish. Maybe I’m blind. Thinking I can see through this and see what’s behind. Got no way to prove it so maybe I’m blind. But I’m only human...

Can You Love Yourself Too Much?

“How do you spell ‘love’?” – Piglet “You don’t spell it you feel it.” – Pooh Almost 20 years ago I participated in a weekend retreat that was designed to explore awakening the soul and why I was here. It was an intense weekend and I remember on the closing day one of the last experiences we had was asking our soul, “Why am I here?” Everyone was invited to shout it out. Although this was a group exercise each person’s answer was different. I heard shouts of courage, family, relationships and so much more. I shouted out, “Love.” Wow! I had no clue what it meant except what I will call a limited understanding of what it meant at that time. I realized that something deep within me had opened a door and I’ve been on a journey of remembering and rediscovering what love is since then. For many years I felt romantic love with my husband and love for my family. During meditation I felt, at times, an overwhelming sense of receiving love unconditionally. I’ve also accepted that my family loves me unconditionally even though what I believe has changed through the years. Intellectually I knew that there was a deeper love – a love of Source – a love that is me eternally. Last year when experiencing a family health crisis I became more vulnerable through the pain and fear of possibly losing love – love as I knew it. As Pooh said, “You don’t spell it you feel it.” This intense experience and the deep emotions I felt set into motion a feeling that love...

Out of the Darkness and Into the Light!

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr. It seems that daily I see more and more contrast and what is broken in our world and yet I also see more and more hope and inspiration emerging. There are days I say, “Enough! It’s time to begin fixing things!” Then I remember that really the only thing I can “fix” is me, the choices I make and how I respond to others’ choices! I realize that the more centered and peaceful I am the more around me changes. If I’m upset and angry or resentful then that’s what my reality reflects. I also hear many people wanting to return to “normal”. I ask myself, “What does normal mean in a new reality?” I don’t believe we can ever go back to how things were. In fact, I believe we are being offered an opportunity to create a new normal, so to speak. I feel like we’ve been given a gift if we choose to see it that way. For many of you this time is a crisis of identity. For others it can be a spiritual crisis or crisis of faith. Studying the mystics was one of my favorite subjects during Theology school. I remember reading Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross, a Spanish mystic and poet. For some of you this time may feel like a Dark Night of the Soul. A time to face fear and deeper truths about faith, self, expectations, beliefs, and dreams. I’ve...

What Are Your Super Powers?

“When we act from a space of love, we unleash our super powers.” ~ Nimesh Nimo Patel, Empty Hands Music Founder Hmmm. Super powers? Lately I’ve been so impressed with the selfless service of so many people throughout the world. To me they are fearless and yet fearful at the same time. Does this make sense? It makes me wonder about the courage it takes to be a health care worker, first responder, postal worker, sanitation worker, janitorial workers, grocery workers, warehouse workers, and so many other nameless professions and workers. What does it mean to be a hero? Is it something that one day you wake up and say, “Today I’m going to be a hero?” I don’t believe it. To me, a hero is someone who shows courage and in spite of a challenge they rise to the occasion in the moment. They step up to help others. I’m curious how you feel about what it means to be a hero. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if many of you are heroes and don’t think of what you do as anything special, right? I’ve followed Nimesh Nimo Patel for awhile and love his mission which is to spread seeds of goodness in the world through selfless service, music and love. His new song/video called SuperHeroes is worth listening to and watching. It reminds me of heroes in our daily lives who are doing extraordinary things as they show up helping others whether they are an adult or child that who were aided by powerful mythological beings like Angel Numbers that let them know how help people....

Into the Unknown!

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ~ C.S. Lewis, British Novelist and Scholar How often have you heard the saying, “Now is all there is”? Does it resonate with you? Think about it. The past is gone except in memories. The future has many possibilities and is unknown. The present, NOW, is what’s real. The choices we make NOW will create the future! Make sense? So, the future is really unknown, isn’t it? Each one of us is being invited to take a huge leap of faith into the unknown. The choices we make today will create the future, yes? It sounds so easy doesn’t it? Well, I guess it can be once fear, anxiety, uncertainty, comfort, and the need or desire to control outcomes are released! Whew! How does that sound? For some, this can be challenging and for others I can hear the joy of leaping into the unknown with a loud shout of WooHoo!! In this moment, I feel that many people are overwhelmed with confusion, conflicting information, and yet a desire to stay safe and healthy. A desire to protect family, friends and loved ones but unable to in some cases with “stay at home and social distancing” guidelines. We see people experiencing these same things worldwide. In spite of the challenges we’ve also seen the resilience of the human spirit. People clapping while they recognize healthcare workers and first responders; a Romeo and Juliet story emerging after meeting on separate balconies; communities singing and helping one another as creative ways to...

A Time to Reflect!

“Don’t become too pre-occupied with what is happening around you. Pay more attention to what is going on within you.” ~ Mary-Frances Winters, Author I don’t know about you but “staying at home”, for me, has provided an incredible opportunity for inner and self-reflection. I find this type of reflection can be challenging. It’s so much easier when there are other things I can use to distract me! LOL In today’s environment it’s easy to focus on what’s going on around us through the media, friends, and the internet. Depending on the source you might find yourself immersed in fear and anxiety. When this happens it’s better to shut off the external influences! Remember there’s an invitation to take time for yourself – time to feel grateful, enjoy the beauty around you, immerse yourself in nature, and seek answers within. This requires quieting your racing thoughts and moving inward. I like to think of it as moving into my heart space or consciously meeting my soul! I find that when I do this I feel more calm and settled. Yes, there are many things going on in the outer world that I cannot control but when I’m in this space of calm I remember how blessed and loved I am. This I can control! Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher, has said, “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” Beautiful words of wisdom, yes? When I am immersed in fear and anxiety then I can choose to let it go and become more of what I might be – love, compassion, and...

Immerse Yourself In Beauty!

“And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul.” John Muir, Naturalist and known as “Father of the National Parks”. I know it’s unrealistic for most people to “go into the forest” physically but using our imagination opens doors of possibilities. You can choose to enter any forest that you want! Beauty is what speaks to me this week in spite of what’s happening throughout the world. We are seeing the best and the worst manifest, aren’t we? We have a choice to make. I realize I can only control how I respond to everything since so much is out of my control. Whether you are “sheltering in place” or “staying at home” we have an opportunity to feed our souls and immerse ourselves in beauty! What does this mean to me? I find time each day to quiet my active thoughts and explore my inner world. My soul is happy when I focus on beauty. Sometimes it feels more real when I meditate sitting in the backyard or walking in the neighborhood and other times I use my imagination during meditation. I imagine beauty in a variety of forms. For example, I imagine my loved ones, nature, flowers, feeling loved, crystals, a piece of art, and so much more! I also feel my soul blossom. Does this make sense? For me, beauty abounds and is everywhere. It’s more than the physical. It resides within each one of us and when I immerse myself I can feel my soul doing a happy dance! I feel loved unconditionally. Khalil Gibran, writer, poet and philosopher has...

You Are The Artist!

“Replace fear with curiosity.” Steven Spielberg, American filmmaker How are you and your families doing/being this week? Life certainly has changed for most people, hasn’t it? This is definitely a time for experiencing the unknown in ways we never imagined. Being present, feeling, and enjoying every moment is what’s real. How we respond to what’s going on will create our experience, yes? This is an opportunity to dream, vision, and consider what new realities we want to create – what do we want to change, eliminate or add to our lives as we can – what is most important to us now? As I’ve moved through this week I’ve noticed how I feel more. Does this make sense? If you feel frustrated, sad, anxious, happy, or worried it’s ok. I hope you have a healthy way to express them! Maybe find a room or closet at home where you can take a few minutes to scream and let out your frustration! LOL If you are alone please look for ways to stay connected to someone. You are not alone and you are valued! How we respond to this crisis can be viewed as an opportunity to reset as well. I asked myself, “Do I focus on how awful things are or look for the magic and positive that’s happening?” I’m choosing the positive. We can choose to replace fear with curiosity and creativity. Maya Angelou, a great American poet, singer, memoirist, and civil rights activist, said, “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” I believe this is true. There is no limitation to...

A Season of Change

“Real change in the world will only come from a change of heart.” Dalai Lama Life as we’ve lived it has radically changed for most people in the world! How are you adjusting? As I talk to people I’ve found a variety of responses. Those who are working from home and have kids at home from schools closing find it challenging to keep young kids occupied while they work. Others with older children are enjoying online learning and are finding creative ways to have space for the privacy everyone needs. Families are scheduling lunch and dinner time together rather than shuttling kids to activities. Games are being dusted off and time is being set aside for the family to be together having fun. It’s also a great time to have conversations about what’s going on in the world and the individual dreams or concerns that are being held by each family member. Resist or embrace the coming together of family?  I know quite a few individuals who live alone. Some also work from home. It’s important to stay in touch to minimize the isolation that is felt. Knowing that someone cares is so important to overall health and well being. Please reach out via phone, text, e-mail or skype if you know someone who is alone! It can make a big difference. How are you adjusting your daily lives? I would love to hear from you. My husband and I are staying at home and only going out if it is essential. Fortunately the weather is cooperating and we can go for a walk in the neighborhood. I’ve noticed...

A Crystal Cocktail for the COVID-19

(Fluorite, Sunstone, and Amethyst) Covid-19 is a virus that affects specially older adults and people with a medical condition, so why not try here the steps and recommendation we are giving to the readers. First and most important to prevent this virus is crucial to keep your home and surfaces clean, which is why you should contact Eco Clean Solutions services so they can help you and ensure the cleaners can essentially work through a checklist of tasks that must be completed. This crystal cocktail is not offered as a way to eliminate or cure the Coronavirus (COVID-19). It is also not a replacement for taking care of yourself and does not eliminate the need for social distancing. Instead it offers a way to look at this pandemic through a personal lens of unification and Oneness. It is intended to share the perspective that this virus, along with the upheaval and chaos being created, offers us each a way to work with this situation as a means to facilitate personal growth and expand self-awareness. It allows us to choose conscious evolution and learning from this physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually challenging situation. While this is truly a pandemic that has real world consequences and realities, the truth is that when it is over, things will not be the same. Many everyday norms will have been altered, eliminated, or established. New ways of coexisting on the planet, including a much greater awareness of our interconnectedness, will emerge. This has the potential to shift our future in much needed ways. Including the need to support and work with one another. There...

I Choose Kindness!

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Dr. Seuss Right now there’s a lot of panic and fear in the world, right? Are you feeling it? I’ve seen crazy posts of empty shelves for food staples, water, toilet paper, and sanitizing products. Lines have been reported to wrap around Costco and other retailers. It’s amazing what gets stirred up when fear takes hold isn’t it? I’ve heard of people insisting they go to the front of the line when others have been waiting a longer time. I wonder what’s going through everyone’s mind. I know that in many cases these aren’t normal behaviors but in times of uncertainty fear can stimulate unusual behavior. Self preservation prevails. My intention this week isn’t to dwell on the fear, however. I would rather focus on being kind. Why? I’m reminded of something Zig Ziglar, a well known salesman, motivational speaker, and author has said, “ Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you.” So true. In the metaphysical community we talk about being mirrors for one another – what we see in someone is a reflection of ourselves. Similar, yes? I totally agree that making sure we and our families are safe and cared for is critical but I also feel it’s time to take some deep breaths and imagine releasing the fear that is so heavily embedded in the collective consciousness right now. It’s ok to feel afraid of the unknown...

I Choose Love – Not Fear!

Can you still feel all of the Lunar energies? March has a Super Worm Moon and the Vernal Equinox happening. Energetically the signs of Spring, new opportunities and growth present themselves. Can you imagine the ideas, dreams, and visions you’ve been holding as seeds that were planted in the Fall and been dormant during the Winter? Now is the time they will begin sprouting and ready to grow. This is an opportunity for each one of us to choose to nurture these seeds so that they can flourish and grow. I’m asking myself right now, “Which of the seeds that are sprouting are the ones I’ve planted and which are ones that have been planted from the environment.” Sound strange? Think about how plants reseed on their own and with the help of our flying friends! I encourage some discernment during your centering, prayer and meditation practices. Be aware that the choices you make are yours! I’m bringing this up because there are so many external distractions right now. Current politics, elections, Coronavirus, and division among groups are front and center. Now, more than ever, is a time to be aware of the influences that affect the choices we make. As I was thinking about this the other day, once again, Andra Day singing “Rise Up” was on. Immediately I got goose bumps and felt a deep longing. What captured my attention was the verse she sang, “All we need, all we need is hope and for that we have each other. And for that we have each other. We will rise. We will rise. We will rise, oh...

Be Strong and Remain Open to Receive!

I’ve had a couple of very strong reminders recently that it’s ok and better for me to be open and receive help, love, and support from others. Sigmund Freud a Neurologist who is known for Psychoanalysis said, “Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.” As I meditated I asked myself, “What is it about being “vulnerable” that feels so uncomfortable even when it makes me feel better and stronger?” Can being vulnerable really be a super power? I’ve found that suppressing how I feel doesn’t work for me anymore. How about you? Control comes up for me during my reflection – feeling like I’m unable to control my emotions or how people will respond to me comes up. Wow! What is it about self image that gets in the way? Like many of you I consider myself a private person. I’ve also learned habits and behaviors from working in a corporate environment for many years where it was more acceptable to keep emotions buried, so to speak. I’m not sure if this is still true in businesses today but having been one of few women in leadership roles, at that time, expressing emotions wasn’t acceptable. Our role models were men! That’s been my story. As I’ve been sitting with the discomfort of allowing myself to feel vulnerable and I thought about what this means to me. Being vulnerable makes me feel exposed and open to being wounded physically or emotionally. Not a good feeling for me. Old habits and beliefs rear up and I wonder, “What will people think of me?” I’m getting better about letting this habit...

Dance and Celebrate!

Have you danced and celebrated life this week? If not, why not? Many of you are probably wondering why I’m asking, right? Well . . . I’ve heard several things this week that have offered me an opportunity to look at what I believe. For example, I’ve heard that Mercury is in retrograde again. Ok, for many this can mean something negative and that there might be lots of challenges during this time. For me, I’ve been told I was born during a Mercury retrograde so I don’t experience it the same way. And yet, I wonder if our experience during this time is really about what we believe! By the way, this retrograde is February 17th through March 10th. There will also be two more this year. One in June and another in October. So, if you believe that “bad” or “challenging” things happen during Mercury retrograde then you may not have felt like dancing or celebrating! What happens if you change what you believe? Another situation that you might relate to is that you, a friend or a family member have recently experienced or are experiencing health issues. I know of several friends and acquaintances who have been ill with the flu, other health issues or they have loved ones who are suffering with dementia or Alzheimers. All of these situations can be very stressful and exhausting. Days are spent caring for others or self and the energy to dance and celebrate is non-existent, right? Thoughts are more focused on how to “fix” and heal things and often we find it hard to move out of that...

Rise Up!

Can you feel the change in the air? Not only is Storm Wisdom changing we’ve had another full moon, a Super Snow Moon; and so much going on around the world and politically that it’s hard to keep track of and focus! Whew. I always thought I loved change until I realized that I only loved it when I thought I could control it! Oops! My reflections this week have centered around courage and being courageous. What does that mean to me? With so much change happening around us I asked, “Rather than feeling overwhelmed how do I cope and move forward in a positive and constructive way?” Andra Day singing “Rise Up” – the refrain began to play in my mind. “And I’ll rise up. I’ll rise like the day. I’ll rise up. I’ll rise unafraid. I’ll rise up. And I’ll do it a thousand times again . . .” Persevering is one thing but I continued to ask, “How do I thrive when there are so many possibilities to consider? How can I make a difference and continue to help people? What is important to me and makes me laugh and giggle while feeling energized? What do I GET to create and participate in?” Amazing, isn’t it? Remembering that we create our own reality can be forgotten when we feel overwhelmed! Maya Angelou said, “One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest.” What do you think? I believe that we all have potential and...

Our Final Year! CLOSING IN APRIL 2021

Hi Everyone, it’s Charles. It has been almost 2 years since Victoria began writing our weekly Newsletter, so it has been awhile since I’ve written to you. AND writing this is bittersweet. I have decided that this will be Storm Wisdom’s last year. Our current lease is up on May 1, 2021 and I have decided not to renew. Mainly because when I really listen to my internal guidance, another 5 years feels longer than I can imagine or envision for myself. There is a part of me that wants to have a story about this. Something I could say to justify my choice or decision. A story that, when you lay it all out, makes perfect sense. A story that adds up. But I don’t have that. Instead I have to trust the energy and my own internal knowing. I know it is right for me. I feel complete. With that said, I know there is impact. First and foremost to the Storm Wisdom family; Gisela, Millie, Mary Helen, Paul, Victoria, and Stephanie. Most of us have been in this together since the beginning. This represents big changes for all of us. I have no doubt that they will miss their connections with all of you. They have been in service to this beautiful experiment, experience, and community for a long time. They are family to each other (and me!)… but also for many of you. There are amazing teachers, channels, mediums, leaders and inspirers who host their magical workshops, meditations and events here. They share their unique insights, gifts and messages. All in service of advancing the...

Thoughts Matter!

I can’t believe it’s February already! How are you feeling? There’s still a lot happening right now. Intense emotions. Strong words. More and more division and judgment of self and others being expressed. Also, I have heard many people engaging more and wondering how to change things. For me, it’s felt like riding a tidal wave of emotion that has included disappointment, bewilderment, hopelessness, beauty, compassion, love, and hope. What are you thinking and feeling right now? As I’ve meditated this week what’s become clearer is that each one of us creates our own reality. I’ve known this for many years but it is integrating at deeper levels. So, as I see what’s going on around me I often wonder if I’m in an alternate reality! Have you ever felt like that? Abraham, who is channeled by Esther Hicks has said, “We didn’t say you’re creating what you want. We’re saying that you’re the creator of your own reality. We’re saying that you create what you think about.” Hmmm. Thoughts matter. Words matter. Actions matter. Imagine that every thought you have creates a new and different reality. I’ve been told that our mind is so busy we have thousands of them during the day. Wow! Meditating helps me quiet my thoughts for awhile. It also helps me blend into the Oneness of All That Is. It’s where I feel inner peace, unconditional love and compassion for myself and others. It brings me back into my heart space and away from the drama that’s being created in the world. I feel so much better afterward and less “triggered” by what’s...

Looking for Love

So much chaos continues to swirl all around us. Everyone is trying to navigate it in the best way they can. In spite of this one of the common themes I find as I work with people is helping them learn how to love and accept oneself. Often the conversation begins with an expressed desire to find and be in an intimate romantic relationship. There’s nothing wrong with this is there? Not really. However, where do we begin to look for love? Is it outside ourself or within ourself? Rumi has said, “Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Some of the most challenging opportunities we have are those that remove old beliefs and habits. Releasing all that we are not so that we can lean more into accepting who we truly are – beautiful beings of light and love. Our challenge is to remember this and embrace it unapologetically! What do you think? Frequently quoted author, C. JoyBell C. eloquently states, “The most adventurous journey to embark on; is the journey to yourself, the most exciting thing to discover; is who you really are, the most treasured pieces you can find; are all pieces of you, the most special portrait you can recognize, is the portrait of your soul.” The journey to yourself is one of the greatest and magical journeys you can embark upon while you’re here on Earth. I often call it “The Journey Home” to your true self which is eternal and is LOVE. I know you’ve...

Choose Hope!

This week Martin Luther King, Jr. will be celebrated on Monday, January 20th. Many of you may enjoy a day off from work. I’ve been feeling hopeful in spite of everything going on in the world. Yes, I believe we create our reality and feeling hopeful is a choice. I admit that I’ve been called Pollyanna before! Nelson Mandela a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, philanthropist and former President of South Africa said, “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” He was courageous and chose hope even though he was in prison for 27 years! What do you believe? Do you find it easier to make choices from fear or hope? Hmmm. During one of my meditations I envisioned offering hope to those who were open to receive it, igniting the spark of hope within them. Have you ever tried it? It’s powerful and amazing. Here’s an approach that I use. It’s another way for me to be of service without physically traveling everywhere. After all, we’re all connected and One, aren’t we? Release all expectation of any outcome as you take some cleansing breaths. Focus on your heart space and allow your thoughts to quiet. Imagine energetically traveling into a refugee camp; visiting a sick friend or relative; journeying into the core of Mother Earth, a planet; or to a part of the world that has suffered a natural disaster. Imagine connecting with someone or thing energetically that is there. Once you make the connection then feel their suffering (remember their suffering isn’t yours to take on) and offer them, through your loving and compassionate heart, a...

Let’s Howl at the Moon!!

Have you felt like howling at the moon or felt more emotional than usual? This week we’ve been experiencing a lot of Lunar influences. The first full moon of 13 in 2020 occurred on Friday, January 10th and it is known as the Wolf Moon. Hmmm. Think about the symbology represented by wolves. Yes, they howl and express themselves vocally. They also are known for their loyalty, hierarchical structure, intelligence, family, and keen senses. Often they can be misrepresented in stories.  Typically the Wolf Moon represents freedom and encouragement to release things that no longer are working for you. It can often indicate spiritual awakening for some people and during this time you might feel more emotional and yearn for more intimacy in your life. Does anything resonate with how you’re feeling? It’s ok. It’s time to trust your instincts and release old stuff without creating new stories about what you’re experiencing. Can you feel yourself observing what’s happening rather than trying to figure out all of the details? Through the years I’ve found that I’m more sensitive to Lunar energies. I’ve  experienced many opportunities to release old physical and non-physical denser energies. 2020 will continue to present opportunities as well. As I think about wolves and their communities/packs I take a look at mine. I ask, “Are there relationships that have run their course? Do the relationships I choose to continue feed my soul? Do I feel that I can be me and free in these relationships?”  Now is the perfect time to reflect on your relationships and make choices to continue them or not – make your choices...

Give Peace a Chance!

2020 is here! Can you believe it? Energetically the number 4 can symbolize home, creating structure/foundation; or educating self or others. Does this make sense? At the universal level there’s a lot of movement going on. Each one of you has your own personal year energetically as well. I’ve been reflecting on the journey of awakening and how it relates to peace. 2020 is a perfect time to consider our current or new  foundation as we continue the journey of awakening and feeling more peaceful. I like to think of it as the journey of going home – home to our true nature which is a spark of God/Goddess/All That Is/Source or Oneness – LOVE! When we experience ourselves as LOVE then there is nothing else but feeling peaceful. So far, I have more frequent moments but it’s not a 24/7 feeling yet! What does “awakening and give peace a chance” mean to me? I believe that the journey of awakening brings about opportunities for more conscious awareness, living, and making conscious choices. This journey is individual and unique for everyone. For several years I didn’t know what I was experiencing. I only know that my soul yearned for something more and seemed to respond to music and prayer in the beginning. These were signs that meant something was happening within me but I had no words for it. Over time, as I began to follow my intuition, I found that I was attracted to classes, programs, and experiences I never imagined.  I began to meditate, journal, and eventually write channeled books, and co-created guided meditation CDs among other...

It’s the Journey!

As 2019 ends and 2020 emerges a new decade begins! I wonder what’s in store for us. There are so many possibilities, aren’t there? I’ve been reflecting on who I am now and who I’ve been. Also visioning who I want to become. My vision is to become more of my authentic self – LOVE – and let go of what’s not! It’s a journey isn’t it?  Have you heard the phrase “It’s the journey and not the destination”? I believe this. So many people want to know clearly what the end result or destination is. In fact, for many years, I did too. Many people ask, “What’s my purpose? Why am I here?” Now, I realize that there are many possible futures for each one of us that are determined by the choices we make on our journeys. It’s the journey that’s important. Does this make sense? Through the years I’ve thought about my journey being more important than a specific destination. Many of you may be familiar with Paulo Coelho, Brazilian lyricist and novelist who is well known for his novel, The Alchemist. Recently I saw a quote from him that really resonated. He said, “We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpool of infinity! Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” I’ve evolved and changed what I believe on my journey. I’ve learned to accept myself and others in ways that I didn’t before....

You Are The Gift!

How are you? This time of year can be stressful for many people. I was reminded recently that the Holidays can be a very happy and joyful time but it can also be a very lonely and depressing time for some people. This contrast of people feeling the “high highs” and/or the “low lows” during this time of year makes me feel grateful for the many blessings in my life. It also brings a greater awareness, once again, of the very different and unique journeys that each one of us are on. Yet, what we have in common is our core essence or what I feel is our eternal and divine nature sometimes referred to as God, Source, Soul, Life Force, Creator, Oneness, and other names in other cultures. That essence is LOVE. So why am I bringing this up right now? Please be aware of the different experiences we are having. When we interact with people with greater awareness we can offer words of kindness; listen to someone who wants to feel heard; be a sounding board without wanting to “fix” everything; offer a smile; or express gratitude to the server, cashier, customer service representative. Your kindness just might be the spark of hope and gift that was needed right then. You may never know your impact on another person’s life just by being you! The ways you can be a gift to someone is limitless and really up to you! Do you believe you are a gift? Why not? A gift is something that is freely given to another without compensation or strings attached. Why not think...

Shine Your Light!

On December 12th we experienced what is often called a Full Cold Moon! This is the last full moon of 2019. This moon emphasizes communication, trust, clarity, and slowing down before making decisions. This energy added to the upcoming Winter Solstice maybe stirring things up for you. There’s a lot going on energetically. How are you feeling? In addition to releasing the old and making room for new opportunities you’re invited to slow down and not make rash decisions while letting people know what you’re doing and how you feel! Whew! You may feel exhausted and think it’s due to holiday preparation but recognize there’s more going on than you think! LOL Now is a great time to listen to your body. If you’re tired then rest. Don’t fight it. It’s not a sign of weakness. When you feel refreshed the “to do” list will feel easier to tackle. Does this make sense? Take a few moments throughout the day and close your eyes while you enjoy some deep breathing to find your center. Breathe in through your nose as you imagine receiving love. As you breathe out imagine stress and what no longer serves you leaving! Don’t be surprised if you feel a little conflicted at times! What? Yes, it might show up when you feel overwhelmed with holiday preparations and your body wants you to rest or you may feel like you just want a little quiet time for you! What I’ve noticed is that this can be another invitation for some inner reflection. I know, some of you may feel like you don’t have time for...

‘Tis the Season

‘Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la la la la! Remember this verse from the holiday song “Deck the Halls”? It’s that time of year isn’t it? How do feel about it right now? Are you excited with heightened anticipation or are you anxious and dreading it? For some of you and people you know the holidays aren’t easy to navigate. Feelings of sadness, struggle, suffering can be intensified as well as feelings of excitement, anticipation, joy, and love. Many traditions have celebrations during this time of year so I’ve been revisiting what does this season represent to me right now? Looking back through the years it continues to evolve. When our kids were young we celebrated in a different way. Decorating the tree, wrapping gifts, Christmas Eve with family, attending Mass, Christmas morning breakfast, opening gifts, and Christmas dinner with family and friends were key. Now that our kids are grown with families of their own our celebration is different. Throughout the years, though, we’ve always been mindful of reaching out to others who were alone or needed help to provide for their own families. To me, the act of helping someone else makes my heart sing and my soul happy! This time of year presents so many opportunities to help others and there are many organizations that you can contact if being of service appeals to you. Another celebration takes place this month too. It’s the Winter Solstice which occurs in Phoenix on December 21, 2019 at 9:19pm. Yes, I looked it up! In some areas it can also be celebrated on...

Let Go!

Wow! I can’t believe December is here and 2020 is near. Time seems to be progressing faster and faster! Does it seem that way to you too? I hope your holiday celebrations were wonderful and not too stressful. This month offers more opportunities for celebration. Please take the opportunity and take time for yourself periodically during this busy time. Find your center and “happy place” – the place where you feel safe, peaceful, and loved. Deep breathing, walking in nature, immersing yourself in beauty, prayer, or meditation can all work! I woke up this morning with the refrain of Aretha Franklin’s song “Think” looping through my head. It goes “‘Cause freedom (freedom) stands for freedom (freedom). Oh freedom. Yeah freedom, right now. Freedom (freedom) Oh oh freedom (freedom). Give me some freedom. Oh oh freedom right now.” Are you familiar with it? I wondered why the concept of freedom came into my awareness. So, I found my “happy place” where my thoughts quieted and waited to see what came up. At first I was reminded of Veterans Day and those who have given there lives and those who still serve to protect our freedom. Then I was reminded that we are free to make choices which determine our experiences and reality. Freedom has been fought for aeons of time and isn’t something to take for granted. Next, I realized that like a traveler who packs their luggage for a trip there are many of us who never unpack. In other words, I asked myself, “How much of my past – past lives, past slights or hurts, anger, resentment, betrayal,...

What Are You Thankful For!

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate it! This time of year brings to mind images of harvesting what has been sown – reaping the benefits of the seeds that have been planted, so to speak. It also brings opportunities for us to remember the many blessings in our lives. Yes, I realize that when we are in the throws of chaos and face challenges it’s not easy to remember the good times. For a few moments, this week, I invite you to take a few deep breaths and recall the good times and your blessings. Why? I recall what Willie Nelson has said, “When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” Is there a moment in your life that you can recall when this has happened to you? For me, I recognize a moment when I stopped judging a family member and truly accepted them for who they were and not who I wanted them to be. There’s that desire to control again! LOL I have to be honest with you, though, it didn’t happen overnight and I had a few years of personal growth and self awareness happen before the relationship changed. The blessings and ease with this relationship that occurred have been amazing. Once again, once I changed then the relationship changed. Truly, my choice is the only thing I can control as well as how I react to others’ choices. I’m thankful for this awareness and my experience. Recently, some of you are aware that I’ve been supporting a family member through a health crisis. Looking back I can see that...

What Do You Desire?

Have you ever wanted something so much that you could feel it like it was already there? How did you feel in that moment? What emotions were involved? Was there a physical response? Was your imagination involved? How about all of your other senses? Did it eventually materialize? Was it what you imagined or was it something different or better than you imagined? Now, remember a time when you thought about wanting or hoping for something. This time you might have desired it but didn’t really feel it, imagine what it would be like to have it, or maybe it was just something nice to have, right? Did it materialize eventually? In both cases, most likely, the desire was for something material, right? Which way resulted in greater success for you? For me, it happens when my imagination, senses and emotions are involved. The best outcomes are when I let go of trying to control them! Actually, the results are usually better than I imagined. Is it easy to do? For me, not so much. I’m learning. How about you? So, what happens when you still feel a yearning, longing, or hope for something that you can’t name? For me, this has been a conscious journey of seeking for over 30 years. It began as tears unexpectedly appeared while I prayed or listened to music in church. I didn’t know why and couldn’t explain why it happened at first. This began an amazing adventure and expansive journey of self re-discovery! I call it the journey of the soul. Rumi says it this way, “The desire to know your own...

You Are the Author!

Have you ever had the urge to write a book, letter, newsletter, article, or blog? How about a screenplay or script? If you have, how did it feel when that idea came to you? Did you find it exciting, scary, ridiculous, or impossible to even imagine? How many of you embraced the idea and said, “Yes! I’m not sure how but I’m going to take a leap of faith and go for it?” What does it mean to be an author anyway? Is it really about being on a Best Seller List or writing a best seller? No, isn’t being an author about creating something? Think about it. Aren’t you an author of your life? You are the originator, creator, and storyteller. How do we do it? It’s up to each one of us, isn’t it? Our stories begin and end with the choices we make in our lives. Our stories can include many and diverse people and experiences! Do they remain static or are they dynamic? Dynamic, of course! Each day is different. In many cases throughout the day things change. Why? What you experience is determined by the choices you make for yourself as well as how you respond to the choices that others make! Our stories can also include experiencing a wide range of emotions. When we allow ourselves to experience them we can feel sad, grateful, angry, happy, loved, loving, scared, optimistic, hopeful, depressed, and on and on. I’m not sure how many emotions there actually are. Wow, aren’t we lucky? I don’t know about you but there are days when I feel overwhelmed and...

Celebrate Life!

How often do you celebrate your success? When was the last time you did? How did you feel? I’ve come to realize that for many years I didn’t celebrate. I felt that what was perceived to be my success by others was “no big deal” to me. I hope this doesn’t sound too strange. A few years ago a dear friend of mine asked me, “When do you take time to celebrate what you’ve created?” At the time I had written several books, created a few meditation CDs, and co-created classes that I was offering. I was stunned for a moment because I realized I really had never thought about celebrating the creation of these things! To me, it was “no big deal!” Does this sound familiar to any of you? I’m so grateful to my friend for bringing this into my awareness! Today, I’m more aware and take time to celebrate. How? I lean more and more into the energy of gratitude! Celebrating life isn’t limited to creating something. I find it means waking up everyday ready to celebrate being alive another day on the earth and being grateful that I get to do it! It means celebrating my loved ones and getting to spend more time with them that day. Offering my gratitude! I ask, “Show me ways to make a difference in someone’s life today!” All of this including offering a prayer of gratitude and healing for the earth and all life happens before I get out of bed. This is a little ritual I enjoy every morning. How about you? I’m sure you’ve heard people...

Claim Your Power!

Lately I’ve been thinking about how precious life is. I’ve reflected on my choice to be here at this time and I believe everyone else who is here on this earth has volunteered to be here as well. Each one of us came to assist one another in our personal growth and experiences and through our experiences we contribute to the overall growth of God/Goddess/All That Is -Source. At least that’s what I believe right now! What does power mean? Think about it! At one level power can mean being able to produce something. Another way to think about it might be influencing or having control over others. And yet power can reflect physical strength or politically controlling or influencing others. Wow!! We are truly powerful beings aren’t we? At our core this is true; however, some find inner power and others seek it externally from others. I wrote a book a few years ago called Reclaim Your Power a Journey of Change and Transformation. I don’t know about you but this has definitely been part of my own journey. For me, awakening to the realization that my divine nature and human nature aren’t separate made a difference. Letting go of who I’m not has been key. Remembering and accepting that I’m responsible for my choices and the only thing that I can control are the choices I make and how I respond to the ones others make has been freeing! I’m in charge of me!! What does claiming my power have to do with realizing how precious life is? In three words – life is short!! Our physical...

Beyond Limitation

I’ve just finished an Advanced Messengers of Light Healing program with Annie Bossingham and fellow healers. It was amazing and I highly recommend any program that Annie offers. They include: The Artistry of Channeling, The New Paradigm, Healing With the Messengers of Light, and a Contact Workshop to name a few. All of them are amazing, result in unexpected surprises, and stretch my consciousness and beliefs more than I could have imagined! Whew!! I’m grateful for Annie and her willingness to share her gifts with us. I’m also grateful for the opportunity to choose to change my reality and let go of old beliefs, habits, attitudes, and perceptions! How cool is that? I’ve been an Energy Healer for over 15 years and during that time I’ve evolved and expanded my toolbox and how I offer healing for others. Why? Because I’ve changed through the process. I’ve grown and expanded my consciousness and let go of limiting beliefs and practices. I’m still on the journey and so are many of you. Right? So, what was so special about this opportunity and invitation for me? Have you ever wondered how much more you can become and who you were meant to be? Well, I have. Part of the journey, however; has been accepting and owning the truth of who I am and who I’m becoming. Some of you might resonate with this, right? Well, what’s clear is that we all have a choice to move forward, remain stuck in place or live in the past. What are you choosing? One of the new awarenesses, for me, was to not only ask...

Random Acts of Kindness

How has your week been? Once again there seems to be so much going on in the world and in our personal lives. In the midst of chaos we have to choices to make, don’t we? Change precedes and follows chaos as we’ve talked about before. So, what ways can you rise above the fray so to speak? How can you keep positive and moving forward rather than become paralyzed – not knowing which way to turn in spite of the chaos? Staying centered is key. Creating a more conscious prayer or meditation practice helps as well as focusing on deep breathing to calm when you are anxious. Visualization and intention setting techniques also work. I have found that these practices are all helpful and beneficial. Some of you have also shared how much you benefit from them as well. As I’ve enjoyed my own practice this week the theme of “kindness” has come up. So I’ve been sitting with it. Co-incidentally I belong to a meditation/discussion group who joins in a remote meditation monthly. This month, one of the members suggested that during our meditation we would be sending a heart generated request to the heart of the world to feel a strong impulse towards random acts of kindness for 7 days! I love the idea and how synchronicity works. I’m so grateful to be aware when this happens. I realize how interconnected we all are through consciousness. Did you know that February 17th is National kindness day? I didn’t. I have heard how people do random acts of kindness. I’ve even done some myself and I’m sure...