“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” Maya Angelou, American poet and civil rights activist

Have you felt more emotional this week? Along with your spiritual practices during Holy Week, Passover, and Ramadan the Paschal (Pink) Full Moon may have contributed to how you’re feeling. The Paschal Full Moon is the first full moon of Spring and symbolizes closure, emotional release, and a season of rebirth. Imagine the seeds of possibility that you have planted now beginning to emerge, sprout, and bloom. Your inner reflections, letting go, and opening to new possibilities are beginning to manifest. It’s like leaving the darkness and entering more light.

To help ground you and what you’ve been feeling please take time for yourself to reconnect with nature. Feel her healing energy. Let yourself be immersed in her beauty. Feel the breeze touch your skin. Hear the birds singing. Smell the glorious fragrances of new growth. Be more mindful as you eat and enjoy the different flavors bursting within your mouth. Imagine your own personal growth and how far you’ve come. Feel grateful to be alive! It also might help to ‘Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud’ as you navigate your emotional highs and lows – focus more on love and helping others. I find that LOVE is the greatest transformer of all.


Imagine spreading more love through your thoughts, intentions, words, and actions. You can make a difference as you spread more love. American author, speaker and professor, Leo Buscaglia, reminded us that “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” You may have heard the saying ‘It’s often the little things that make the biggest impact’. Spreading more love can make a significant difference, not only in someone else’s life, but your life too. It can ease the rocky waters of emotions that you may be feeling as well. Spread more love!


During this time imagine your own rebirth! Imagine the changes that are occurring within you and the changes that you still want to make. As you continue to navigate this important time of rebirth remember what Catholic nun and founder of Missionaries of Charity, Mother Teresa, has said, “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” Imagine a world where everyone you touch leaves happier! Spread more love. It’s a choice to emerge from the darker energies of fear, judgment, separation, and hate. It’s a choice to move into the light of love! Reach deep into the core of who you are and remember – LOVE!

Enjoy your gatherings, celebrations, and inner reflections and remember who you are and choose to be! Spread more love! I’ll hold space for each of you this week. Feel the love that is being sent now!

I’m available for private coaching and channeled information sessions at Storm Wisdom on Tuesdays from 1p – 6p by appointment. Please call Storm Wisdom, (602)334-1204 to schedule. I’m also available by phone or Zoom. To schedule please go to victoriabarna.com.