
The Full Scoop: For many of us, Amethyst is one of the first crystals we are drawn to. Perhaps it is because of the beautiful color of the stone, which can ranges from a very pale lavender to a deep, dark purple. We are drawn to it by its beauty.  We stay attached to it for its comfort. Violet is the color that is associated with the Crown Energy Center, which is located at the top of the head.  It is your connection to God/Goddess/Universe/Spirit /Higher Power, or any other way you describe your connection to the Divine.  Any stone that has a lot of lavender, violet or purple color will  probably relate to the Crown Energy Center. The unique thing about Amethyst and the Crown Energy Center, is that they can help you STAY connected to your Higher    Guidance. Regardless of how you choose to connect, be it prayer, meditation, walking in nature, focused breath-work, yoga, or any number of ways, Amethyst can assist you.  There are many ways to bring your attention and focus into the    moment. When we connect with the present moment we have taken the focus out of the mind and into the heart  center of the body.  It is when we reach this heart-centered connection that we can truly hear our own Highest Guidance.  Our intuition, instincts and knowing come from this space, not our mind! We live in a time where the future and the past have distorted importance in our lives.  We no longer use the past as a     backdrop to hold the record and image of...