Another year under the belt..! How fun to gather and celebrate four years of being a part of and a gathering place for this spiritual community! I am always amazed at how celebrating a milestone, be it birthday, anniversary, birth, death, or any other significant life event, creates a deeper awareness of the journey we’ve been on.

I hadn’t spent much time recently, thinking about our 3rd Anniversary celebration… Until setting up and experiencing the 4th! For the past couple of days, it has been front and center in my thoughts. Maybe some of it is comparisons. How the food, drinks, decorations and entertainment were set-up. Who was participating.., who was not.

Yet, the bigger awareness is what a different place I am in emotionally, mentally and even physically.

I had very clear memories of how stressful it was going into our third year. It was not unusual to be wondering (in fear), if we would even survive as a business. Would it become profitable before my personal resources were drained. Worry, fret, worry, fret.

This year… That has energetically moved on. It is not the sort of thing that I burn brain cells on. How fun to come to this realization. How thrilling to realize that it is simply an old story. It’s perfectly in its place, as a story from the past… One that doesn’t need to be relived or kept alive. A memory.

This reflecting on the past also supports looking to and imagining an even more amazing optimal future! If everything can shift so dramatically in a few short months… What else is possible??

Something that stands out for me right now, are the relationships that have been forged, crafted and created over the past few years… Along with some of the long term friendships that continue to provide foundational support. There we so many people all day long who have become such an important part of my life. What a treat to gather with so many of you! Even those who were energetically sending love and support from a distance!

And then there is the AMAZING Storm Wisdom family! (Gisela, Victoria, Shirley, Stephanie, Millie, Tina & Paul).My goodness what a blessing! What we have created is beyond stellar!! Each one with their own unique character and expression! Each one supporting and encouraging the others. We laugh, we tease (okay, actually they tease… I am innocent!), we learn together, challenge one another to be more of we truly are and some times we cry together. Tears of sorrow, tears of joy, tears because the body want to release something. It doesn’t matter… Because together we create safe and sacred (and sometimes irreverent) space for one another.

My goodness! So much gratitude for EVERYTHING! Thank you for being a part of this journey! We will be posting a TON of photos on Facebook… Including a video of Fito’s encore “Flamenco Dance lesson”. So we will also create a link next week in the newsletter.

In the meantime… Today is a perfect day to Count Your Blessings!!! You are Loved!