Taking My Hands off the Controls – Emotional Dexterity

This past week I hosted our annual staff appreciation dinner! Every year we gather to celebrate the year that has past and to look forward to the one in front of us. Every year the same thing happens for me. I am filled with gratitude. And as much as gratitude is a part of my life, I realize I also have it connected to a control switch. Meaning, if it feels like I am too grateful, it will trigger something that disrupts my gratitude. Or, that if I am grateful all the time.., my gratitude is diminished. So I attempt to keep my gratitude dialed into an acceptable range! Oh my… Now mind you, this is not all the time. But I catch myself doing it frequently enough that it puzzles me. I know better! Of all the generating energies we can embody, gratitude is probably the most potent. When we embrace and lean into our gratitude it expands and so does our ability to imagine, envision and create. So the more we are aligned with our gratitude, the easier it is to manifest and actualize our goals and desires. So why would I want to limit or control my gratitude? It makes me think about another situation that has me question the value of many spiritual teachings. The “I only experience Love” phenomenon. As if being able to feel and express only one emotion should be a goal. It kinda creeps me out. Saying “I only feel love” is like saying “I am always in neutral”. The real growth and expansion we seek is achieved by learning to...

Emotional Dexterity – Lost While on Track

I have a huge appreciation for the spiritual journey I have been on and all of it’s gifts. And I still find myself questioning how to incorporate it more fully into my daily existence. Many people think that meditation, yoga or other mind-body-spirit practices are done for the experiences you have while developing or participating in the practice itself. But the truth is, it is much more about how they affect or alter us as we go about our daily lives. I spend a good deal of time thinking about how to live my life in a more intentional way. In fact it is a big part of how and why I do what I do. How and why I would create a business like Storm Wisdom. YET.., this doesn’t mean everything is easy! There I times I really feel off track, or wonder if I have learned anything at all. The last couple of weeks has been like that for me. My beloved has been sick for two weeks. He is dealing with shifting and moving symptoms. We focus on one area of illness only to have it replaced with another. We get insight, information, direction and diagnosis/treatment on one thing and then something else takes its place. It is really hard to watch. It is really hard to know what to do next. And although he is much better than he was, he is still not feeling back to himself… and in fact today, is having similar symptoms as he had when this all first started on New Years Day. WTH!! I have been thinking a lot...