Let the River Do the Work

I graduated from my 13 week program for small business owners this past week. What an amazing program it was… And all sponsored by the City of Phoenix. This program was such a huge gift in so many ways. It was just what I was looking for. And of course, as with many things in life, it has also been a complete surprise. I often say that no one learns or grows more at Storm Wisdom than I do! We all create the situations, relationships and circumstances of our lives to bring us the awareness and experience we are searching for. In this case, as much as what I have learned will help the business of Storm Wisdom; the personal growth it offers me, is even greater. I am smiling to myself, because as I write this, I realize it may seem like I am saying “I have already mastered the lessons offered through this program”. That is NOT what I am saying! In fact, in many ways, it is just the opposite! I have gone from not knowing what I don’t know, to knowing what I don’t know! And what I don’t know is a LOT! From unconscious incompetent to conscious incompetent! 🙂 This is a good thing! Because now that I am aware that there are things for me to become competent in or with, in order to continue to evolve and create my dreams. It feels like there are pieces of a map that have been revealed that will influence the direction(s) I take. This is how life works! In the past I might have punished...