
Have you ever noticed how clear the view is when you are on top of the world? I have been feeling blessed, joyful, happy, excited, content, ready and expansive for a while now! These actually are always there, it’s just that sometimes in the past I have intersperse them with worry, fear, doubt or some other constricting emotions. So even though all these great expansive emotions are almost always present; whenever they are laced with heavier ones, they don’t have the same resonance or feeling! This brings me to what has been going on for me lately. You see, when I am feeling this good, someone else using language or expressions that are constricting or isolating.., really stands out! So I find myself offering new words, phrases or perspective that bring this to their attention. First of all as a reminder to them that words matter. And also, because it is painful enough that it hurts. What I am talking about is someone’s negative self-talk. When they put themselves down. For some it appears to be a habit. Just something they have always done. So, they are so use to it, it feels comfortable to them. Until you play those words back to them. “I hate the way I look”, “I am terrible at that”, “I wish I were half as smart as they are”, “Nothing ever goes my way”. We start saying these things to ourselves and all of a sudden they become self fulfilling prophesies. We begin to feel them. We begin to believe them. I have one friend who is amazing. She teaches people all over...