Do you ever have times of apathy? Times when it feels like you are surrounded by opportunity, potential or work to be done; yet it is hard to get motivated or inspired by any of it? Tell me you do! Apathy loves company… Or at least I do when I am feeling apathetic!

I am quite aware of the cycles of life; the ebb and flow. At the same time, it can catch me by surprise. Each high or low can feel like it comes from nowhere, and usually disappears or shifts in much the same way. This is true even when the only thing that is going on, is looking at the projects that are awaiting my attention, with a sense that none of them seem compelling. Even though they are MY projects!

It is easy to start giving yourself a hard time about being in a state of apathy, especially when it is not the way you normally experience the world. However, this just adds water to the fire. (You know.., it makes the fire you are trying to kindle and stoke feel all soggy!)

Then I remember, this is where the concepts of Intentional Living and Spiritual Awareness actually support me during these times. Sometimes doing nothing is “going with the flow”. I forget that I spent most of my life doing, doing, doing. Sometimes I just need to BE.

When I start to look at these times as a natural form of downtime, instead of judging myself for not accomplishing enough or perhaps not having enough clarity or decisiveness; I become more compassionate, patient and comfortable with where I am at. I am no longer doing for the sake of doing.<--more-->

The opportunities and projects that are all around me are not going anywhere. And, even if they do, others will show up to take there place. Instead, I can practice “tuning in” to what feels right. See where the resonance leads. What presents itself and naturally attracts my attention and intentions.

We live in a world that influences our behaviors and our focus based on media and technology. We know what is happening in other parts of the world simply by being connected through an invisible web. Even for someone like me, who made a conscious choice to stop reading the news because of all the negativity and emotional pollution, you can’t help but be influenced by what is going on energetically all around us! (Well, I guess there are people who “live off the grid”… But that is not me.)

This all means that it takes more personal effort to take care of yourself and honor what resonates for you! Slow down, deep breaths, awareness of your emotions, let go of the stories that are running your thoughts, pay attention to the messages from your body. In this rapid-fire world how do we find our center.., how do we stay true to our-SELF? And by the way… Self nurturing is a good thing! (Though many of us are more experienced and adept at caring for others!)

During this end-of-year, holiday season we are bombarded with blaring, glaring, subliminal, in-your-face, subtle, layered, hidden, and overt messages of how, what, where and with whom we are suppose to “fill-in-the-blank”! Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Shop Small Saturday, Cyber Monday, Tilt-a-whirl Tuesday (okay I made that one up!). But you get my point. If you are like me and you are feeling a bit uninspired by all that is going on around you… Perhaps it just doesn’t resonate. And rather than feeling like you are being apathetic… Maybe we can see this a a gift. I know what I am gonna do about this! I hope (if you’re feeling it too) you will give yourself the gift of ME-time!

With Light, Love, and Laughter