Storm Wisdom Blog

Be Yourself

Be Yourself

“The only thing that matters in life is your own opinion about yourself.” OSHO, Indian philosopher and mystic

How often do we let the opinion of others influence how we feel about ourselves? As I have journeyed with others on their path of spiritual awakening and traveled my own path I have found that the opinion of others can make a difference if we let it. After all, who doesn’t want to be liked and seen in a positive light! This happens far too often and until we recognize its influence it can block our personal growth and self awareness. Through quiet time or meditation the inward journey of remembering and re-discovery can provide a way to get to know who you are, what you value, and imagine the life you want to live! How you feel about yourself is the most important.

American philosopher and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson has said, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Think about it. It takes courage to peel back the layers of who you’ve been and explore who you are and want to become more of. Also, asking “What am I willing to change in me?” This is key. Many people want to be in a loving and intimate relationship and search for ‘the one’! How would you feel if ‘the one’ turns out to be you? Feeling good, confident, and loving about yourself, first, is key to being in a healthy relationship with others.

Remember, you are the artist, author, and creator of your life. It can be whatever you want it to be! Create it with confidence, love, and compassion for yourself! Notice any differences in your relationships and friends that you might attract. The author Roy T. Bennett has said, “Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.” Will you love and believe in yourself enough? Are you ready to be yourself?

I’m holding space for you and I’m sending lots of love to each one of you. Have an amazing, joy filled, and fun week! Enjoy your inward exploration!

I’m available by phone or Zoom for private coaching and channeled information sessions by appointment. To schedule please go to I’m also available for in-person sessions. Please call Storm Wisdom, (602)334-1204 to schedule.



“We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist Monk

How are you doing this week? I hope you’re finding ways to stay cool. I’m limiting my time outdoors that’s for sure! I’m grateful for our air conditioning too! Whew!!

Recently I finished reading Arielle Ford’s new book The Love Thief and really enjoyed it. She says it’s her first attempt at writing fiction and I found her storytelling ability enjoyable and relatable. This story reminded me so much of a fellow traveler’s journey of spiritual awakening. There are so many ways it can happen since each one of us is individual and unique. However, we often ask ourselves, “What’s my purpose, Who am I, or Why am I here?” These questions are similar for each one of us. Along the way of re-discovery and remembering we often meet fellow travelers who help us. Through the years of my own growth and working with others I’ve heard many ideas of why we chose to come to Earth at this time.

In addition to Thich Nhat Hanh’s view of awakening from the illusion of separateness there are others who believe that we are here to: honor and know God, survive, find our passion, be happy, help others, recognize and use our gifts, experience life completely, create heaven on earth, be authentic, seek harmony with nature, be successful, achieve goals, or evolve by learning and growing. The list goes on and on and I’m sure each one of you has your own point of view to add. HRH the Dalai Lama has said, “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” It seems there is no right or wrong answer is there? Some people believe that enlightenment is why we’re here and yet there are those who believe we are already enlightened. There are so many questions to be explored during your quiet moments of introspection!

For me, many years ago while doing a walking meditation during my Theology program I asked, “Why am I here?” I heard, “To remember and help others remember.” At the time I didn’t understand what it meant. Through the years more clarity has come. I realize that we aren’t separated. This is an illusion. We are both human and divine. We are a part of Source, God/Goddess/All That Is. We entered life forgetting. Then we have the opportunity to explore, experience, awaken, and remember. We are LOVE in our core. Loving and being loved is a part of our true nature. Through our lived experiences this part of our nature is often closed. Remembering is an awakening experience. Along my journey I’ve also realized that being more kind and compassionate is important.

Another perspective comes from the Mind Journal, Zen quotes, “The Universe isn’t interested in your achievements . . . Just your heart. When you choose to act out of kindness, compassion, and love, you are already aligned with your true purpose. No need to look any further.” What has been your experience as you have explored why you’re here? What do you believe? Have you begun a conscious journey of awakening? Are you ready if you haven’t? I’m excited for you regardless of where you are on your path. It’s exciting, fun, and often surprising! Mine continues to evolve with deeper levels of understanding.

I’m holding space for you and I’m sending lots of love to each one of you. Have an amazing, joy filled, and fun week!

I’m available by phone or Zoom for private coaching and channeled information sessions by appointment. To schedule please go to I’m also available for in-person sessions. Please call Storm Wisdom, (602)334-1204 to schedule.

Go With the Flow!

Go With the Flow!

“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself, and only herself.” Maya Angelou, American author, poet and civil rights activist

Although Maya Angelou uses a feminine descriptor I feel her quote can apply to everyone. Being in harmony with our spirit can feel like a river flowing. Imagine watching a river. How does it flow? Up or down? Does it stop when it encounters obstacles or goes around? Watching a river flow can bring a sense of peace can’t it? Have you ever tried to swim against the natural current of a river? It’s pretty challenging isn’t it? It takes a lot of strength and endurance. It doesn’t feel good to me. Some people may say, “Be the flow” while others may say, “Determine your own flow.” How do you feel about going with the flow?

Why has this come up for me? As I meditated this week I became aware of some opportunities to release control of the outcomes. So subtle I didn’t see them at first. A deeper layer was revealed as I used Lyssa Royal Holts’ Galactic Heritage Cards. I was reminded that fluidity is a natural state of consciousness and change is a constant and more is coming. July 17th brings a New Moon and more opportunity to release old stuff and open to receive new beginnings. More change! Author and speaker Sylvester McNutt has said that “Sometimes everything hits you all at once. You lose a relationship, change jobs, old friends go and new friends come. It’s up one day and down the next. You have it all together on Monday and by Thursday you don’t have a clue. Life is one big wave and all we can do is flow, adapt and transform with it all.” How we respond to change creates our experience. We can resist or we can adapt and transform. It’s a choice we can make.

I love using water images during my inward journeys. Watching waves come in and out at the ocean is one of my favorites. Following the current rather than swimming against it is more peaceful and harmonious. Sitting on the shore of a lake, notice how the water moves. Nature offers so many examples of fluidity and change. Canadian author and speaker Danielle LaPorte has said that “Going with the flow is responding to cues from the universe. When you go with the flow, you’re surfing Life Force. It’s about wakeful trust and total collaboration with what’s showing up for you.” This week I’m choosing to change, transform, and transmute any illusions of control that show up! I’m choosing to be more fluid and ride the waves of change so that I don’t react, I respond and choose consciously and thoughtfully. I’m choosing to go with the flow more consciously! How about you?

As the heat wave continues this week please hydrate more than usual. Stay as cool as possible. Perhaps check in with your friends and family as well! I’m holding space for you and sending lots of love to each one of you!

I’m available for private coaching and channeled information sessions at Storm Wisdom on Tuesdays from 1p – 6p by appointment. Please call Storm Wisdom, (602)334-1204 to schedule. I’m also available by phone or Zoom. To schedule please go to

Are You Confident?

Are You Confident?

“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” HRH the Dalai Lama

How was your holiday? I hope you enjoyed your celebrations. In addition to the 4th of July we had a beautiful Super Moon on July 3rd. Some of you may know it as a full ‘Buck Moon’. Energies that appeared along with those supporting freedom and independence included: more clarity, desire to accomplish goals and let go of negativity. Some of you may have felt emotional but recognized that being intentional and focused served you better. Patience was cautioned.

Wow! How confident did you feel this week? Did you want to seek input from other people more than usual? Was there any desire to have someone else make decisions for you? If so, you may have been more sensitive than usual to the Lunar and universal energies. Don’t worry! Remember how far you’ve come on your journey of self-awareness and personal growth. Remember how much of the power you’ve given to others you have taken back! Remember how confident you’ve become and how you’ve learned to trust yourself more! Remember how sensitive you are and can feel energy and its influence. Remember to ask, “Is what I feel mine or does it belong to someone else?” If it’s not yours then intentionally release it!

What does your heart desire? Don’t rush and feel like you’ll never receive it. Wait for more clarity leaning into your self-confidence and ability. Imagine, visualize, engage your senses and you create your intention. You may want to create a vision board with pictures, affirmations, and words to make it more real for you. Activist and politician Nelson Mandela has said “Live life as though nobody is watching, and express yourself as though everyone is listening.” Your potential is limitless as you open to receive more of it. Let your confidence blossom. Remember that your thoughts, beliefs and words are powerful and matter. Remember how far you’ve come on your journey. You are not the person you were yesterday or a week ago! You are more.

This is a great time to believe in yourself more. Take a few minutes each day to quiet your thoughts, deep breathing helps, and check in. Ask, “Who am I now? How do I feel about myself? Do I believe and trust that I’m strong and confident enough to create the life that I want? Am I enough? Are there others that I can ask for help?” Professor and author Brené Brown has said “Believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic.” Remember that you are deserving and enough!

Are you confident enough to believe that you are?

I’m holding space for you as you navigate this week. I’m interested to hear if you’ve felt any energy shifts as you focus on yourself! Remember to hydrate more than usual with these high temperatures. Stay cool. I’m sending each one of you lots of love.

I’m available for private coaching and channeled information sessions at Storm Wisdom on Tuesdays from 1p – 6p by appointment. Please call Storm Wisdom, (602)334-1204 to schedule. I’m also available by phone or Zoom. To schedule please go to