A Feisty Adolescent

Years ago, when I first started exploring Spirituality and a deeper connection to internal guidance, I was introduced to the concept of the various ‘Aspects of Self’, that we all have within us. If you look at archetypical systems, you can find many different versions of this. In different cultures, religions and societal structures. This is the one I first worked with and therefore is easiest for me to relate to. ‘Aspects of Self’ such as the child, adolescent, nurturing parent, indulgent parent, negative ego, healthy adult, etc. All of these are voices in our head, that depending on the situations or circumstances, come forward and begin to raise their voice. They get our attention and influence our behaviors! Especially in situations where in the past, we were heavily influenced by similar events. Learning to quiet the noise of our monkey-minds, so we can hear and distinguish how these different voices or ‘Aspects of Self’ present themselves takes focus. We begin to start seeing the patterns that trigger them to come forward. Developing relationships with all ‘Aspects of Self’ is important integration work. It is valuable personal growth work. I know for me it has been a central part of my own process. YET! Here I am discovering another layer of one of these ‘Aspects of Self’ that I didn’t know was at play! My adolescent HATES rules. Words such as never, always, should, shouldn’t, must, can’t and have to… send them into rebellious defiance. And man, are they stubborn! Now mind you, I have had a lot of awareness about this resistance as it relates to organizations, systems...

Where’s My Crystal Ball?

Decisions, decisions, decisions! I guess no matter where we find ourselves on this journey through life; we are constantly presented with options. A variety of directions. Multiple choices! This is where a crystal ball that predicts the future would really come in handy! You see, there is change coming my way. I feel it and sense it. I know that something is stirring and wants to be revealed. Probably in many areas of my life, but right now, I am think about my business. I know we are moving into or towards something new. There are choices to be made. Options to choose between. Possible new futures. As I ponder these and try to decide what feels right. I realize I want some guarantee! I want to know that of the things I am considering; I will know which of them is “right”! Yet I also know.., this is not how it works! In some ways – there is no wrong choice. The end results may not look as I expect or assume it will. But even that is an opportunity to learn and grow. So it becomes (for me!) a guessing game! If I do ‘this’.., will X happen? If I choose ‘that’.., will Y be next? And, what if there is another option I am not even considering? You can see how these mind games get started! I get all caught up in weighing the possibilities and start to panic! I want to know the impact or results of any of these decisions before they are even made. I want to know I will be successful. I...