Something to Celebrate.

Life is feeling rich and full right now!  I am participating in “The Artistry of Channeling” series being lead by Annie Bossingham and Samuel one of the collective energies she channels.  I have been looking forward to this for months and I am thrilled it is finally here. This is the same program I participated in a year ago.  So in someways I was curious about how it would be the second time around.  Last year when I signed up I wasn’t attached one way or the other to the idea of vocal channeling.  I knew the class would be expansive and fun (based on what I knew about Annie), however, I guess I thought that even if I had the experience of being able to connect with and vocally channel an entity, I wasn’t sure it was something I would continue doing; just because it didn’t appear to be something that would hold my interest. Well… It has been so much fun and such an amazing personal learning experience, that it is one of my favorite ways to navigate my spiritual journey. BUT… I also wondered… “What will it be like participating in a workshop that teaches you about channeling; when you are already doing that?”   Well the answer is, it is a completely different experience.  Mainly because “I” am completely different than I was a year ago!  So, even though I am hearing many of the same concepts and ideas and most of the materials are the same; I hear it in a new way.  It affects me in a different way.  It feels like a brand...

Transformational Speaking

Last weekend I spent 4 days in Santa Fe at a workshop intensive called “Transformational Speaking” with Gail Larsen. This intensive was not about techniques, instead it was about helping you connect with your personal message or as Gail calls it (from her Shaman background) “Original Medicine”. To give you a sense of why this is called an intensive or immersion, she limits these workshops to only 6 participants. It was at times intense, often spacious and always Soulful. I went unsure of why I even signed-up. I have been teaching classes regularly for the past five years. I write weekly… as you know from reading these posts… and it is not like I am imagining being on a large stage in front of people. However, something drew me there. A few months back, a dear friend Keri was visiting here in Phoenix. She was telling me about an experience her and a couple of our mutual friends shared. When she said Gail’s name… I knew I would be going and participating in this program. Come to find out, opening to, following and trusting my intuition is actually a big part of MY Original Medicine! Hearing the guidance, and subtle messages that are always there, is one of the most important skills I can and have developed in the last 20 years! And, without knowing it before this past weekend, also a critical component of helping to transition to a new way of Being on and for the planet. Not only is it important to me… I think it is imperative for the map-makers, way-finders and explorers of today....

Accelerated Transformation

Something is changing, and if you slow down and give yourself some quiet time, you will notice it. We’re changing. Not only that, but the speed at which we are changing is increasing. So a change, shift or transformation that use to take several years is happening in a matter of months. What use to take months is taking days. And many transitions are occurring in an instant. The reason this is on my mind is because if we are not aware that this is what is happening, it is easy to feel out of step with ourselves. We are creatures of habit in many ways, so it is easy to operate on autopilot. We do, say, or think something because it is what we have always done, only to feel off, or disappointed. It no longer feels right, however we are not sure why. We look to external situations or circumstances to see what is different. Yet, that is not where the change is. It is within! All of this internal change can feel like chaos and uncomfortable if we don’t embrace it. Or worse, if you are like me, you can spend a lot of time trying to control it. Trying to keep things the same. We can try to do that, but the reality is we are all rapidly shifting and changing at the same time. So unless you isolate yourself and minimize your exposure to others and the world; you’re fighting a loosing battle. It is time to face it, our lives are changing at an accelerated pace and unless we move into flow with...