Yay or Nay

Intuition plays an important part in my day-to-day life. Actually, I believe it plays a big part in EVERYONE’S life.., some of us just have the volume turned down so low, it is harder to hear! But.., that’s another story! What I am noticing this week is that sometimes, when we need it the most, our intuition has a tendency to hide! Okay, the truth is when I get excited and start exploring possibilities, my intuition takes a lunch break! That is what is going on right now. I am considering a new project that has lots of possibilities, some unknown, some risk, some rewards. Basically there are several possible ways I could see this project going. When I talk to some of my closest allies, they all ask the same thing: “What is your intuition telling you?” Aaahhgh… I don’t know! Instead, my mind wants to make-up what my intuition is telling me! My mind barters, makes deals and contrives multiple ‘what if’ scenarios. My mind knows nothing about intuition! If it did, it would know that ‘intuitive hits’ are definitive! They are yes or no. ‘Maybe’ is not an intuitive hit! That is until I remember that there are always multiple ways for us to grow, learn and evolve. And isn’t that where our intuition really supports us? It points out open doors when there are new opportunities; or tells us when it is time to close one. It tells us when the path we are on is leading us in a circle. Our intuition points us towards (or away from) those people and experiences that are...

Tuning In

One of my favorite things about life these days is the awareness and experience of Magic that is all around us! To give you an idea what I mean, I am talking about coincidences that happen so frequently they can’t be ignored. The synchronicity of people and events that are aligned with whatever you are working on. When something seems to materializing out of thin air just when you need it! Projects and tasks begin to flow and have a sense of ease or effortlessness. This is Magic! One thing that has intrigued me lately is the concept that as we work with and develop our intuition, it increases or expands our awareness of so many other fun things! By paying attention to your intuitive senses, another whole world is revealed that operates just below the surface of our normal awareness. By simply paying attention to our own internal guidance, all of a sudden the world around us conspires with and reacts to our openness. I suppose that could be viewed as a cause and effect… But it feels more mysterious than that. Cause and effect seem to limiting. Instead, and I am just thinking out loud here… It is that we are tuning into a frequency or resonance that is always there, but for the most part we are oblivious to it! We can’t see or notice it (very often), because it doesn’t follow the familiar rules of order that we are use to working/living by. Let’s call the normal world we live in the mundane. There are few surprises, things are predictable, and there is a system...