
Have you ever noticed how clear the view is when you are on top of the world? I have been feeling blessed, joyful, happy, excited, content, ready and expansive for a while now! These actually are always there, it’s just that sometimes in the past I have intersperse them with worry, fear, doubt or some other constricting emotions. So even though all these great expansive emotions are almost always present; whenever they are laced with heavier ones, they don’t have the same resonance or feeling! This brings me to what has been going on for me lately. You see, when I am feeling this good, someone else using language or expressions that are constricting or isolating.., really stands out! So I find myself offering new words, phrases or perspective that bring this to their attention. First of all as a reminder to them that words matter. And also, because it is painful enough that it hurts. What I am talking about is someone’s negative self-talk. When they put themselves down. For some it appears to be a habit. Just something they have always done. So, they are so use to it, it feels comfortable to them. Until you play those words back to them. “I hate the way I look”, “I am terrible at that”, “I wish I were half as smart as they are”, “Nothing ever goes my way”. We start saying these things to ourselves and all of a sudden they become self fulfilling prophesies. We begin to feel them. We begin to believe them. I have one friend who is amazing. She teaches people all over...

The Authentic You and Me

Words are so important.  They are one of the most powerful ways that we share our energy and our frequency with others.  When we are excited and filled with creative thoughts we share that excitement with the words we choose to describe our experience.  When we are sad, grieving, hurt or down, we also express this through the words we choose. Of course there are more than words happening.  Our emotions are seeping into our energetic field and finding their own way of being seen and known.  Our body expresses itself physically, aligning with our thoughts and feelings, adding primal and instinctive expression.  Yet the words we choose to define our experiences are our signature. The words we use determine how much of what is going on for us we are willing to share.  Words are how we determine the level of vulnerability and exposure we will offer.  They are also the main way we attempt to protect and shield ourselves from judgment, disappointment, expectations and wild hope or desire.  They are the primary tool we use to “control” the situations and people in our lives. Words are powerful. As much as our words affect and influence others, the biggest impact they have is on us!  The person choosing and writing or saying (aloud or to themselves) these words or sometimes (and just as importantly), the words that want to be expressed that never are, affect the owner.  We are the most affected by the words we share (or hold in!). You see, once something is formed into words, it has been added to the morphogenic field.  It is...