Storm Wisdom Blog

I Want it My Way

I Want it My Way

At the moment I am on a flight leaving several situations behind that I have been trying to control.  And I’m headed towards a couple of others that I have been trying to control too.  None of my attempts at control have been working.  In fact, they’ve been dismal failures.

The only real thing I have achieved in the midst of all this, is frustration.

But isn’t that always the case when we think we need to control anything?

The truth is I have been reminding myself (a lot!), that when I set down the need for other people, places, or things to look, feel, respond, or happen in a particular way.., they usually work out the way they should.  Things get resolved in ways that perhaps I could not imagine.

At least in hindsight, that is how it feels.

I wish I could say these are all new personal insights.  But in truth, I have traveled versions of this road before.  I have come to the same realizations before.

In the past I would take this to mean that I hadn’t “learned the lesson” and I was starting from scratch.  

These days, I just look at these repeats, as peeling off a new layer.  Of course since I am quite familiar with trying to control things, I must say to be experiencing so many situations or circumstances back-to-back like the past couple of weeks, with the number of layers I have removed, I should be naked by now! The grand reminder; Control is an illusion.

In fact, in everyone of these situations, letting them unfold naturally is actually quite elegant.

But boy.., do I want it my way!

But once again, the Universe has its own plan!  And as history repeats itself, I’m confident, it will be ideal for me too. 



“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States

What does happiness mean to you? I’ve been reflecting on what it means to me this week after seeing an interview with Arthur C. Brooks who co-authored ‘Build the Life You Want’ with Oprah Winfrey. Their book addresses the art and science of getting happier! Can’t wait to read it! I’m curious how many of you focus on being happy right now. With so much distraction being available do you find time to feel and acknowledge when you’re happy? I find it’s very easy to focus on the ‘next’ thing without feeling and being in the moment when something is working for me. As I talked about what happiness means with my husband we both agreed that for us it represents satisfaction, contentment, and peace of mind. Rarely have I felt elation like a jumping up and down kind of happiness or joy; however, I’m willing to change and be more aware of how I feel and acknowledge when life is good for me.

As the energy of the Autumn Equinox begins late this Friday PDT, September 22nd, I wonder if the seeds of ideas, intentions, or plants will bring happiness to those of you that have consciously planted them. This is a time to harvest them. American motivational speaker and writer Denis Waitley has said that “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” Will you acknowledge the feelings of love and gratitude as your ideas and intentions materialize? Have you already reaped some of the benefits and have yet to acknowledge them? Hmm. This is a great time to do so. What if you expand how you view your harvest? For example you might ask, “How have my ideas and intentions affected others? Have they helped someone else besides me? How have they affected what I believe or my family and friends?” Remember, in our interconnectedness we can affect more than ourselves.

Are your ideas and intentions aligned with your soul? Indian lawyer and political ethicist Mahatma Gandhi has said that “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” If you aren’t in alignment then take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and ask, “What do I need to change and am I willing to change it?” If you’re willing to make changes then take action! I believe that happiness is something we can choose. If we aren’t feeling pleasure, peace of mind, or contentment then we can choose to do something different. How do you feel about it?

Please enjoy your week and celebrations and/or rituals you might practice to celebrate the Equinox. Be aware of how you feel when life is good. Are you happy then? What does it feel like? Will you remember the feeling and be able to recall it? I’m sending you lots of love and holding space for you!

I’m available by phone or Zoom for private coaching and channeled information sessions by appointment. To schedule please go to I’m also available for in-person sessions. Please call Storm Wisdom (602)334-1204 to schedule.

Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance!

Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance!

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” HRH the Dalai Lama

Do you remember where you were and what you were doing 22 years ago on September 11, 2001? I do. I remember feeling horror, shock, and sadness watching the twin towers fall, the planes that crashed, and learning of so many lives that were lost. Terrorists brought destruction within the United States. However, I also felt pride in how the people of our country rallied to help one another and rebuild. Unity rather than division was felt. Red tape was cut to bring resources that were so badly needed. Extraordinary heroism, courage, self-sacrifice, and a rush to help others was demonstrated by civilians, first responders, and service members. Differences were set aside.

Today, a deep divide can be felt by many within our country and yet I remain hopeful that once again we as individuals can remember what it feels like to pull together and help one another in spite of our differences. I’m hopeful that we can learn to seek to understand one another and although we may not agree with one another’s beliefs we can learn to find peaceful solutions. I recently read an overall quote that reminds us that “A person’s most useful asset is not the head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen and a hand willing to help.” A heart full of love rather than actions driven by a fear of losing power and listening with a willingness to help each other is key to building unity once again.

Theologian, physician, and philosopher Albert Schweitzer has said that “The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.” September 11, 2001 reminds us of what is possible in spite of so much suffering and loss. 9/11 has been proclaimed as Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance. Let us remember and honor the lives that were lost 22 years ago as well as those first responders who have suffered and lost their lives due to their exposure to toxic materials. Let us remember how it feels to come together and help one another. Many of you do this already through your volunteer activities. Others participate as public servants and in the military. And there are still others of you who support your friends, family and community in many ways. Let us remember that it takes each one of us doing our part and in order for change to happen it must begin with each of us individually first.

Let us take a few moments to quietly honor those who have gone before us and ask, “What am I willing to change in order to bring more unity and peaceful solutions?” I am holding space and sending lots of love to each one of you.

I’m available by phone or Zoom for private coaching and channeled information sessions by appointment. To schedule please go to I’m also available for in-person sessions. Please call Storm Wisdom (602)334-1204 to schedule.

Self Awareness!

Self Awareness!

“To know others is wisdom, to know yourself is enlightenment.” Lao Tzu, Ancient Chinese Taoist philosopher

Hi there fellow journeyers! How have you been this week with the intense Super Blue Moon energies? As intense as these energies might feel to you there is so much encouragement to let go of the past, imagine the future and deepen your connection with the universe! This Super Blue Moon energy also supports a recognition of our interconnectedness, transformation, and inner growth – knowing ourselves more and more! It can be a healing time as well. Once again, there’s an opportunity to look within and travel to your ‘safe place’ of stillness and inner peace to explore and find answers – an opportunity to get to know more of you! How beautiful. During your quiet moments of introspection and reflection I encourage you to explore your depths without judgment so that you can embrace the beauty and majesty of who you truly are!

There are many people who believe that so much of what we experience in the world around us is a reflection of what’s happening in our inner world. Does this make sense? Have you ever found yourself finding fault with someone in your life? I know I have when I take a few moments to look at my past interactions. How did you feel as you judged or criticized someone? Perhaps you felt good, right, or even some guilt after the words were thought or spoken. Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius has said that “Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?” I have found this to be true for me. I’ve noticed that when I changed how I responded to someone that I judged my relationship shifted and changed for the better.

Why? The change I was seeking first had to be changed within me. My perception, attitude and behavior had to change first. In other words, the more self aware I become and the more I know myself, my true self, the more I lean into acceptance, compassion, and love not only for me but for others. This doesn’t mean I agree with people all of the time for we continue to be individual and unique. Each one of us creates our own realities and makes choices that have rewards and consequences. Some people are more consciously aware and others are not. Being more aware of who I am and what I stand for means that I’m less triggered by others’ behaviors! What a relief! The awareness and change always begin with me first! English writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley has said that “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.” True. We have no control of someone else’s beliefs, attitudes and choices.

I encourage you to take some quiet time this week to reflect on who you are. Remember that you come from the one Source and we’re all a part of the whole – interconnected in so many ways. Search and feel the deep well of love and compassion within you! And if you feel ready to judge or criticize someone, ask yourself, “What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?” Allow the answer to come without judgment! Then you have a choice to change or not.

I love this ever evolving journey of change and transformation. So many opportunities to dive deep into the depths of remembering who we are! We are so much more than we think. While you’re journeying with self awareness and exploring more of you this week continue to feel how loved and lovable you are!

I’m available by phone or Zoom for private coaching and channeled information sessions by appointment. To schedule please go to I’m also available for in-person sessions. Please call Storm Wisdom (602)334-1204 to schedule.