This is my new motto!!! The interesting thing is that the last time I decided this would be my new motto, I was in the middle of an awkward or painful situation that I didn’t want to repeat. Then I forgot this was my new motto and proceeded to bang my head against another wall or began the slow, arduous climb up a metaphorical mountain!

Not so this time! Suddenly, I realize that all those other times I claimed this approach and then forgot it, have actually begun to sink in! I am living my life in a different way! There are many times recently where I have been watching a scenario unfold in front of me, and I think to myself – “Man, that would have really p!s5ed me off in the past” or “Wow, in the past I would have really needed to try and control THAT!”

These observations and this new awareness is liberating on so many levels. “Control” is such an illusion! Yet for those of us who have attempted to master it as a way to navigate our lives – It ain’t that clear!! It feels real… especially when it appears like you are in “full control”. (queue loud ominous laughter here!). For someone like me, who has spent so many years trying to be perceived in a certain way or wanting to shift or change someone else, so that they were more aligned with MY vision, beliefs or what I value… Letting go and going with the flow represents a HUGE relief!

I also realize that setting down control and allowing things to occur in a more natural way, is more honoring to others and to me. Oftentimes, my need to control is actually the cause of the pain or struggle. AND sometimes, that pain and suffering can be bypassed, simply by going with the flow or being open to following the path of least resistance! What a concept!

Fito and I were watching a television show the other night, and one of the contestants said “You have to fight for and earn your dreams”. It made my skin crawl. We both looked at each other with the knowing that we use to navigate our lives with that same belief. Not any longer! Follow the ease.., allow the natural path to unfold.., there is nothing to prove, earn or deserve. Life is good and dreams can happen with ease!

How about it??? Want to go with the flow?