If everything happens for a reason, and part of our journey is learning to love people exactly where they are~then this week I am feeling inexperienced and challenged! There are a lot of AMAZING things happening AND at the same time, a couple of things have knocked me off center.

For the most part the people or things that feel threatening are not actually happening yet. Instead I am projecting or possibly anticipating problems arising. I know better… I am really trying to shift my perspective. Yet I find that my fear about them runs deep. I feel the part of me that wants to run and hide, pretend that they don’t exist. Even as I type these words, I recognize that I am giving my power away to a possible future that may never arise.

I am sure I will figure out how to put this all into a prospective that supports a more optimal future, but in the mean time I wonder how and why!!

You see, what is up for me right now, is feeling susceptible to being judged or ridiculed for my personal beliefs and values. It is the feeling of being surrounded by people who only see one path for all of us to travel! And, for someone like me, who walks a unique path (and loves it!) it feels very limiting. It also triggers old memories of “needing” to defend or justify myself, my position or my perspective. These are all old energies that feel like they have been long buried, now being uncovered for another look!

In many ways, we all confront these situations everyday. We are invited to examine our perspectives and knowledge to see if they are still aligned with our beliefs. If what we value still holds the same resonance or draw. Many times this “review” is an internal one. We process new information, to see how and where it fits in our consciousness. We assimilate it and quietly (or sometimes with bravado!) and we are changed. Other times, like now… It feels external. People, bumper stickers, headlines, unusual events… They force us to look at the circumstances of our lives and assess what is right and real in the moment!

And as I finish this writing I realize that it is not the trigger (person, place or thing) that matters… It is how I react or respond to it. Maybe this is actually about truly loving who and what I am, without needing to explain or justify it to anyone. Time to reconnect with myself, and come back to center.