It seems that lately, I am being asked to look back on my past. It is as if the Universe is conspiring to have me encounter people and situations that remind me of this journey I have been on!

The first couple of times it was nostalgic and easy to brush off. Then, as these reminders continued, I was forced to consider why they were seemingly all being presented simultaneously.

Mind you… I have led a blessed life. I have gotten to experience many amazing people, places and things. There is nothing I would change about my past. Yet, my past has changed me. It has shaped and influenced who I am. AND it is clear there are very few things from my past that would have indicate that where, what and who I am now would be part of this journey!

As I think about all these reminders as a collective… I see two things. The first is that it is important to honor the magic and mystery of life. How many times have you turned down a corridor, expecting to find something/someone~however, you find something completely different (better?)? The second is that it is time for ME to own the updated me. I am not better or worse… just different. When I look at these differences, I realize if I don’t own these shifts or changes in my life, there is a disconnect between the past and the present.

When I identify myself with a past that no longer fits, it is like trying to put on a pair of jeans from my disco days (YES… There were disco days!). They just don’t fit. They are great memories of days gone by, however, I am not interested in reliving them. I want to live today’s life completely – until it too, feels like an outdated outfit from the closet of life!

How about you? Are you holding on to old images or beliefs about yourself that no longer fit? Want to join me in the present?