Sometimes I wonder how the life I am living and the one that is projected through television, radio and print media can coexist simultaneously. Everyday I am surrounded by loving, caring people who, like me, are moving towards and trying to create a world that is more loving and caring too. Yet much of what we see and hear is so hate-filled, violent, scary, isolating or filled with scarcity. Not from each other, but from the media.

One theme that seems to be coming up a lot, is the idea that we have to get all this negative crap out, so that we can see that is just that… Crap! Only then can we let it go. However for me, sometimes it seems so daunting. Really? I have to wade though this much crap to find peace and happiness?

Then it dawns on me~it is all a state of mind. I don’t actually need to “deal” with anything that is not aligned with a brighter future. I simply have to recognize it for what it is, and then live my beautiful life… I realize I must do this without becoming complacent or weary. It is clear that each step that is taken with intention… moves me towards a more bountiful, inclusive, positive future. Along the way, all of the messages, indicators or signs of doom, dread or isolation are opportunities to shift and align the energies around me to become positive and life affirming.

Last night we had friends over for drinks. The topic of living in Arizona, came up. It is always fascinating to me that I live in a state where the political landscape always seems to be driven by fear, intolerance and isolation. Yet my personal experience of living here is so different than that. How can both be true at the same time. I suppose this is where the idea of becoming complacent and weary comes in. If I don’t remain focused and engaged on creating a positive future, I could end up mired in someone else’s view of the future… And then, it is highly possible I could be wading in crap!

How about you… Is your brighter future already here? Or, are there areas where you need to feel more inspired and focused? Either way… In this moment I know we are all in this together – Looking towards a positive future!

(p.s.. Note to Self – consider focusing on Oneness versus duality (again)!)