Here I go, jumping into a dialog about something and I don’t even know where it is going! Yet, it seems like the perfect time to talk about old energy versus new energy! You see, I have had a couple of experiences recently where I felt like the lecture, conversation, book/article or class was good, but at the same time irrelevant. Almost as if I would have appreciated it five or ten years ago. So, no harm-no foul, but also hard to imagine giving it much credence or the desire to deepen or expand.

I’ve heard myself say: “It was fine, it just felt like old energy.”

Even as I write this, words like boredom or apathy come to mind. At the same time, when we experience the same thing, multiple times within a short period of time, it is probably a good idea to pay attention. As a lesson, cannot be far away.

So… What is this lesson? As soon as we try to define what our lessons are, our minds take over and distort the process. Most of us are only truly aware of our lessons when we can look at them in the rear view mirror… or hindsight, as they say!

It seems to me that there are people, books, programs or concepts that stand the test of time. There are others that have a finite place in our evolution, and are simply stepping stones to the next portion of our journey. Yet even as I write this I think of some of the religions that seemed to haven had time on their side, but whose teachings or interpretations are now losing resonance.

I realize I am writing about something that I truly am in the midst of, and can only “guess” at why! Sometimes it feels like we are at a critical juncture in our journey where studying someone else’s map is no longer of value. Where we have to trust the knowledge and wisdom that we have gathered, as we step into the abyss.

So to sum up… I think we are looking for tools, skills and techniques (new energies) that will assist in the exploration of uncharted territories. Not the information that will get us to the edge of the map (old energies). Because if you haven’t noticed, we are already there! AND, this time, at least for me, I am not expecting anyone else to guide this phase of the expedition!

Does any of this make sense? I feel like I am rambling… And yet somehow know that being in the middle of the unknown is okay for right now.