Here is a news flash… I have a propensity to over-think! I am comfortable having 20 or 30 different thoughts occupying my mind in any given moment. And because I have had marginal success navigating many situations, while being internally distracted by random thoughts~I have developed, as part of my identity.., that I am a thinker!

Trust me, it goes way beyond thinker! Organizer, dissector, analyzer, sorter, weigh-er, measure-er! The list goes on! These are all “good” things most of the time. This way of navigating life has served me AND I am pretty sure it is not going to change anytime soon, because, it is part of who I am, so I like it. It is comfortable!

However… (isn’t there always a “however”!?!) this doesn’t mean I don’t want to make a few adjustments!

The other night in the monthly “Magic of Crystals” workshop, we were playing with Kambaba Stone. The discussion lead to how easy it is for most of us to connect with our Higher Selfs when we are in nature. There is something about hiking a trail, or being in or near the ocean, river or lake, resting under a tree or wherever your favorite spot happens to be~that brings us into contact with the messages from our heart. And for me, it is these messages from the heart, that our Souls… our Higher Self use to communicates to us (or at least one of the ways they use!).

Our discussion, as it frequently does, lead to conversations about the shifting energies on the planet. About Oneness versus duality. And in the middle of this conversation, I realized I have been making this all too complex. I was turning adapting to these shifting energies and experiencing Oneness into a game of mental gymnastics!

I keep looking outside of myself to understand the tasks, requirements, rules, or steps that are required “for the world” to awaken to what is needed to drop the us against them, right / wrong, or good / bad worldview. In my mind, experiencing these shifts had become a project that needed to be “thought out”!

And guess what? As long as I keep this all in my head… I don’t have to experience or feel a thing. It keeps the magic of these times at a distance. It isn’t personal!

However… For a brief moment, it was clear, the only thing I (read “we”) need to do, is allow the shift to be within me. It is not up to me to change anyone else, much less the world. When I connect with my heart, whether through nature, meditation or a crystal like Kambaba Stone, It is actually pretty simple. As Mahatma Gandhi said “be the change you want to see in the world”. A perfect reminder for me today!

How about you… Are you Heart-Centered today?