Okay, let me start by saying, I asked for this!!! I didn’t know I was asking for it, however, I did none the less. You see a week ago I had a ‘Cranial Sacral’ session with Joyce who is fairly new to the Phoenix area. I don’t have a lot of experience with this modality, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. What I got was a ton of releasing of old chemicals from my body. Primarily anesthesia and gas from old surgeries and dental visits. Let me be clear, this is not something that I would have been able to name myself… It was the practitioner who identified what was happening. On the other hand, it was me who could barely keep my eyes open even when being asked to, as all of this old energy was moving out of my body!

Flash forward a couple of days and Stacey, a Massage Therapist (LMT) who is a regular client at Storm Wisdom, gave me a deep tissue massage. I love a good massage… I just have not had one that brought up so much pain before. At first I wondered if I would be able to take it, as it seemed like she would find a spot where there was pent-up soreness and then work on it till I wanted to whimper like a child… Then the pain would be gone. Only for her to fin d another spot a few minutes later. Places that were holding stress in my body, in layers that I didn’t realize existed. It was a workout that triggered releasing a lot of tension in my body.

Then Friday night I stayed for Gisela’s ‘Angel Harp’ meditation. It was a small enough group that she was able to offer personal sessions with the Harp placed on our bodies one at a time. The benefit of an ‘Angel Harp’ group meditation with a personal session in the middle. The fluctuation of my body temperature was enough to let me know there were many levels of releasing occurring.

So what is all this releasing all about??? One thing that has happened for me, is I get more clarity. My mind is not so crazy with turning the same topics over and over in my mind and this is definitely something that I can use right now. It doesn’t take away the fact that there is a lot on my plate. However it does seem to help me see them as individual situations that can be dealt with one at a time.

It makes me realize that with all the energetic shifts that are happening in most of our lives, we need to find ways to release the old baggage, as we need to be light on our feet as we navigate our lives. There are many ways to do this… One of my lessons this week is that perhaps what I need to ‘release’ has very little to do with the events or circumstances that are happening right now! For me, much of what has been released this week is ‘old crap’ that I can certainly do without! How about you??? What are you ready to release?