Have you ever heard something for the second or third time, yet it felt like it was all new information? That has been my experience for most of the weekend. As you know from previous newsletters, this past weekend Kirby Seid from Ancient Technologies was presenting at Storm Wisdom. He is pioneering how to use Light, Color and Sound~the technologies of today and blending them with the ancient properties of Crystals.

Once again I was blown away by the experiences he and his friends (1 from the Exploratorium in SF and the other a developer at Apple… His so called garage-band of explorers!) have created with the “Light Labyrinth” and the “Holotope”. Both experiences are like portals to new parts of the brain! Kirby also shared his personal theories, experiences, ideas and concepts. The driving forces behind these passions and projects.

Because he has been an important ally since starting this business, I have heard and conversed with him many times on these subjects. However each time, it feels like I am learning something new. This time, my experience came with a new recognition. It is not that I am hearing something new or for the first time. It is that I am receiving the information at a deeper level!

Deeper level of the conscious mind… Deeper in the sub-conscious?? Maybe both… However I had this sensation of it penetrating deep inside my brain! It is as though I have been circling around this sort of energetic information for a long time… And then magically a doorway opens that leads deeper into the mystery of life! It isn’t even clear if or how this shifts or changes the way I operate or navigate my day to day life. Maybe it isn’t something that is even noticeable.

As I contemplate the potency of this weekends experiences, it feels as though I have allowed the information to become part of my beliefs and inner-knowing. That rather than studying the information it has been absorbed! I like this new way of learning!

How about you? Do you have mentors or friends who help you absorb the mystery of life? Today… is a perfect day to celebrate these amazing Teachers!