This has been one of those weeks where it seems that everything on my to-do list is a mundane task! Where is the excitement, where is the fun? Data-entry, paperwork, balancing budgets, clearing inventory and making adjustments… my eyes are tired and my lower back aches from sitting in front of a computer screen for most of the week.

And then I remember that all of these mundane tasks are part of a foundation that supports the many aspects of a business and life that I love! I get to socialize, connect with and support people everyday, because there is a physical location, with all kinds of cool events, products and services available… that people want and they “show up”!

For all of us, especially the small business owner or independent service provider, we do what we do because we love it AND there are mundane or time consuming tasks that go along with having and living our purpose.


Guess what? There are riches in “them thar’ hills”! I found that as I allowed my resistance to fall to doing (what I decided were), those menial tasks, I started to see more of what “could be”. Perhaps it was a deeper understanding of how things looked, or what impact one thing had on another. In one case it was the awareness of how much has really transpired since opening our doors. There were many ah-ha moments generated by allowing myself to be present with these mundane tasks.

Intimacy. I created a new level of intimacy with my own business and with my life (which sometimes are inseparable). Which of course then begs the questions… Were these ever mundane tasks and what is my resistance to them?

We live in a fast paced world with lots of stimulation and activity. These outward expressions in our lives, we oftentimes get to share with others, we have company, there is conversation and interactions. When it is time to haul water or chop wood, even if you are doing it side-by-side with a friend… It is still your task. When I can see these task as time for myself and as a way to connect at a deeper level with the overall dream I am creating… It may not make them more fun… However, they ARE more fulfilling!

What is your version of “haul water, chop wood”? How do these times and tasks serve you? And by the way… I just want to say, there is a part of me that is THRILLED that my tasks are computer and paper oriented! Haul water & chop wood are real requirements for many people on the planet… another reminder of how grateful I am!