It seems that one of the themes that has been coming up lately is “trusting what you know”. Personally I have had several of these experiences… and I am really working to get on board with this concept.

For several months, I have been feeling like everything was really lining up, and falling into place. I had this sense that several of the key goals I had been working towards were close to being achieved. All I can really say about this… Is that I had a sense, or feeling or knowing that I was on track.

THEN… I started to look for proof that this knowing or sense was correct! I wanted validation. I wanted confirmation from a source outside of myself. So I started to gather “data” (in my case, reports, paperwork, charts… etc…). However, the proof or confirmation was not lining up! It did not match what I was feeling in my heart.

So… Per usual, I gave the situation over to my mind! And while I have a sharp mind… It has a built in “worry” mode that gets activated quite easily! Some might call it a trigger switch… For me it, oftentimes seems like I use worry or fear as the lubricant for the many gears that are turning in my mind. As if by applying a glob of worry, it will allow the cogs and wheels to turn faster and smoother. Then I will magically get to the confirmation, proof or answers I need.

We’ll in this recent case, it took a long time (a couple of months) to find the physical proof of what I had been sensing all along. By the time I uncovered the missing pieces or fixed the problems with my calculations~it was painfully obvious that I was not only worrying for nothing… I was not trusting my own sense of knowing!

Many of us are aware of how our intuitive senses are accelerating and becoming more predominant in our daily lives. I am one of them! So how staggering to learn that as much as these increased intuitive senses are influencing and guiding my life~I am still not choosing to trust them! I spent two months worrying about something, that I already knew wasn’t a problem! REALLY!?!

Hey new thought or note to self… The next time you want to turn your knowing or intuitive senses over to your mind to play with… I bet “trust” would be a far superior lubricant!

Where are you when it comes to trusting your inner knowing?