It’s all in my head!

Lately I have been invited to look at how my mind affects the outcome of my day. This is of course, not the first time I have been on this track. I am familiar with it, and it feels well traveled. So why am I here again? I tell friends and clients all the time: “you can’t believe everything happens for a reason, only when it is convenient.”. Along the same line, I also believe I am responsible for the circumstances of my life. So, how is it that I get caught up in a mind-spiral for several days on end, and not even be aware of it? In the most recent circumstances, I decide I want to create something new~I am ready for a change. I start to visualize it in my mind and begin identifying the steps it will take to create this new dream. I begin to feel the essence of what this shift or change will mean. I heighten my desire for the outcome and I am on my way! Who knows how it happens, but even as I feel the rightness and realness of this new dream, I introduce “what if”. “What if this person says no” or “what if it costs more than I thought” or “what if…”. So all the while I am feeding my dream, I am also polluting it! By the time I realize I have had my mind on a “what-if-hamster-maze”, I have already exhausted my mind and created knots in my stomach. It is as if I won’t allow myself to dream with out analyzing all possible outcomes...

Letting go of “How” (again!)

I am up to things. Change wants and needs to occur. Sometimes I can see or sense what needs to happen with clarity. Other times, the solutions seem murky. Seeing or sensing what wants to happen and knowing how to go about creating the change are two different things. Which is another reminder that one of my biggest lessons over the past ten years or so is ‘letting go of the How.’. So, why am I surprised that I am visiting this lesson again? Here is what I have noticed this week. As soon as the destination or solution is clear for me~I immediately start moving in that direction. AND I instantaneously have decided the course I am on and how long it will take me to get there. Then, as I am navigating my new course, I find there is a giant ravine that makes this course impossible! But wait!!! I have already decided how I am going to get to my desired goal. So, instead of looking for alternatives or letting go of ‘how’~I dig in. I spend a lot of time and energy trying to figure out how to get across the darn ravine. It isn’t until I have lost all patience and am ready to give up that I notice there is a metaphoric ‘hot air balloon’ behind me! I am stubborn. I value independence. I am spoiled enough to want things my way. I am also naive enough to be surprised, when the more simple, or elegant, or practical, or magical way presents itself. Usually AFTER I have given up all hope (yes, with...


Okay, let me start by saying, I asked for this!!! I didn’t know I was asking for it, however, I did none the less. You see a week ago I had a ‘Cranial Sacral’ session with Joyce who is fairly new to the Phoenix area. I don’t have a lot of experience with this modality, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. What I got was a ton of releasing of old chemicals from my body. Primarily anesthesia and gas from old surgeries and dental visits. Let me be clear, this is not something that I would have been able to name myself… It was the practitioner who identified what was happening. On the other hand, it was me who could barely keep my eyes open even when being asked to, as all of this old energy was moving out of my body! Flash forward a couple of days and Stacey, a Massage Therapist (LMT) who is a regular client at Storm Wisdom, gave me a deep tissue massage. I love a good massage… I just have not had one that brought up so much pain before. At first I wondered if I would be able to take it, as it seemed like she would find a spot where there was pent-up soreness and then work on it till I wanted to whimper like a child… Then the pain would be gone. Only for her to fin d another spot a few minutes later. Places that were holding stress in my body, in layers that I didn’t realize existed. It was a workout that triggered releasing a lot of...

Storm Wisdom is an oasis for self-discovery and transformation; offering group and individual experiences and a Crystal Gallery that features unique Crystals/Stones, jewelry, art and gifts. We create experiences that promote “Insightful Learning” which are thought provoking, practical, & whole-life focused. We offer information, tools, skills & events that encourage & open you to more “Intentional...