Crystals to Focus on for Personal Evolution and Fulfillment (Almandine Garnet, Honey Calcite & Amazonite)

We are responsible for our own evolution. We decide how far and how fast we progress in our journey toward fulfillment; whatever that means to each of us. For some it might mean actualizing and manifesting something we desire. For others it might be about physical health. Still for others it will be creating loving, supportive relationships. Beneath whatever personal fulfillment means to us, there is a deeper desire to know and connect with our true SELF. What is it that lights me up? What is my purpose? How do I live the a meaningful life? The answers are unique to each person that asks these questions. Yet many of us are trying to answer them by observing, mimicking and repeating what others are doing or what they are telling us we ‘should’ do! “They” can be anyone from a family member, to a boss, church, magazine or corporation (or MANY others). We are bombarded with messages daily about how we are suppose to groom, dress, weigh, drive, believe, avoid, feel, etc… And even though this makes navigating and connecting with our personal truth more challenging; in reality it is an amazing opportunity to develop your own intuition and unfamiliar senses. A way for each of us to grow and evolve. Consider using this combination of crystals (Almandine Garnet, Honey Calcite & Amazonite) to support expanding your intuitive and unfamiliar senses for the purpose of evolving and personal expansion. Here’s why I like this combination! Almandine Garnet: First of all we need to be grounded and connected to our physical body whenever we want to shift of change anything....

Right For You

What is your experience of our ever changing world?  Does it seem dramatically different than it did a few years ago?  Or, is it the same old status quo? Different day, same challenges and opportunities? To me, it feels really different!  I feel different.  And the majority of me loves the shifts and changes I sense or feel.  While a part of me longs for the days of predictability and a time of stability. If you are like me and can feel or sense the energetic changes that our planet is going through; What are some of the ways that you notice these subtle shifts (or even not so subtle!).  It seems like a good practice to stay aware of what feels like it is evolving.  What no longer resonates, and/or what does. One thing that seems noticeable these days, for me (and for a number of people in my life) is our relationship with the authority figures in our lives. Doctors, therapists, lawyers, elected officials, police, clergy, financial or business leaders, and others who have a specialized area of focus or responsibility.  We rely of them for their expertise. But the way that we have relied on them has become out of balance.  We have given them too much authority, control or influence in our lives.  For a long time we simply trusted what they said and followed their instruction to the letter. But many, if not all of these authority figures are losing their sway and influence over us.  Their message or directions no longer feel aligned with us as individuals.  This does not mean they are...

Forget How

I find myself day-dreaming, envisioning and imagining something new. It’s as if it has already started to materialize. I can’t stop thinking about it. What may have started out as a simple idea or ‘what if’ – all of a sudden keeps invading my thoughts. It is becoming more real, yet there is nothing actually happening in the physical. Still, I am moving in the direction of this new thing! Does this happen to you? Do you find yourself being energetically pulled into your next new future? Here is the thing that I have to remind myself; this may be part of my future… I just don’t know how, when or where it will happen. I need to let this unfold. AND what I think it is or will be is just a concept. The truth is it could look very different than what I am currently imagining. I know this, because I have had this experience before. Many times! Many people know my story of deciding to create Storm Wisdom. I was looking at a space with and for Fito; as he wanted to start his own Real Estate/Property Management company. (Which he did called “Wise Choice Properties”!!!) As we looked through the window to view this space, I heard “It’s for You”. After a short internal dialog in my head.., I turned to my husband and said “I think I am quitting my job and starting my own business”. What most people don’t know is that for six months, I envisioned, imagined and planned to open this new business in the location where I got this strong...

Forget How

I find myself day-dreaming, envisioning and imagining something new. It’s as if it has already started to materialize. I can’t stop thinking about it. What may have started out as a simple idea or ‘what if’ – all of a sudden keeps invading my thoughts. It is becoming more real, yet there is nothing actually happening in the physical. Still, I am moving in the direction of this new thing! Does this happen to you? Do you find yourself being energetically pulled into your next new future? Here is the thing that I have to remind myself; this may be part of my future… I just don’t know how, when or where it will happen. I need to let this unfold. AND what I think it is or will be is just a concept. The truth is it could look very different than what I am currently imagining. I know this, because I have had this experience before. Many times! Many people know my story of deciding to create Storm Wisdom. I was looking at a space with and for Fito; as he wanted to start his own Real Estate/Property Management company. (Which he did called “Wise Choice Properties”!!!) As we looked through the window to view this space, I heard “It’s for You”. After a short internal dialog in my head.., I turned to my husband and said “I think I am quitting my job and starting my own business”. What most people don’t know is that for six months, I envisioned, imagined and planned to open this new business in the location where I got this strong...

The Conundrum of the Dos and Don'ts

Have you ever noticed how sometimes the do’s and don’ts of life seem to be in conflict with one another? It is one of the traps I find myself in quite frequently. I go back and forth internally about how to balance or accommodate both. Here is my example. We all have situations that come up that upset us. Maybe they make us mad or we feel offended. Perhaps we feel shamed or dissed (dismissed or disrespected). Regardless these situations trigger an emotional response for us. So then we are confronted with the conflicting do’s and don’ts. For many of us we are taught that we are suppose to turn the other cheek. Or, maybe in our pursuit of personal and spiritual growth we are told that we create our own reality and it is all a reflection… So we should look for and find the Love and Light in these situations. What is the lesson? The idea being that we are suppose to be positive and take the high road. Spiritual people are always kind and loving.., these situations shouldn’t bother us, because we are more evolved than that. At the same time, we are also taught that unexpressed emotions and repetitive thoughts that are unresolved cause stress and are stored in the physical body. Over time, the pattern of storing these unexpressed emotions or thought patterns become denser and create blockages with the systems of the body. They are the cause of many of our ailments and/or illnesses.., or at least they make us more susceptible to disease. So, this inquiring mind wants to know: If we...

The Conundrum of the Dos and Don’ts

Have you ever noticed how sometimes the do’s and don’ts of life seem to be in conflict with one another? It is one of the traps I find myself in quite frequently. I go back and forth internally about how to balance or accommodate both. Here is my example. We all have situations that come up that upset us. Maybe they make us mad or we feel offended. Perhaps we feel shamed or dissed (dismissed or disrespected). Regardless these situations trigger an emotional response for us. So then we are confronted with the conflicting do’s and don’ts. For many of us we are taught that we are suppose to turn the other cheek. Or, maybe in our pursuit of personal and spiritual growth we are told that we create our own reality and it is all a reflection… So we should look for and find the Love and Light in these situations. What is the lesson? The idea being that we are suppose to be positive and take the high road. Spiritual people are always kind and loving.., these situations shouldn’t bother us, because we are more evolved than that. At the same time, we are also taught that unexpressed emotions and repetitive thoughts that are unresolved cause stress and are stored in the physical body. Over time, the pattern of storing these unexpressed emotions or thought patterns become denser and create blockages with the systems of the body. They are the cause of many of our ailments and/or illnesses.., or at least they make us more susceptible to disease. So, this inquiring mind wants to know: If we...

No Labels!

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple came out this past week. Being someone in the public eye, this meant he wrote a press release for this announcement. Like many well-known people who “come out”.., he was already out to his family and friends. This means his public coming out was for the rest of us. On the one hand I love this because it sends the message that you can be authentic AND successful, to the people who struggle with esteem around their sexual identity. Especially young people who are scanning the horizon looking for role models and inspiration to inform their own self-acceptance process. At the same time, this announcement creates a label for Mr. Cook. It puts a banner on him that will be used to identify and describe him to the world going forward. It is as if we need these adjectives or labels to sort out which category someone belongs in. And of course depending on each of our own perspectives, we determine if the new label is positive or negative. Millions of people now have a ‘positive’ view of Mr. Cook and what he represents to them. Personally, I fall in this camp… As I loved his statement about his being gay being one of his “greatest gifts”. At the same time, millions of others see this as ‘negative’, because it means he is now associated with something that for them is unnatural, wrong or bad. And let’s not forget the majority of people to whom this will be a completely neutral experience. They won’t give it a second thought. His announcement does not create...

No Labels!

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple came out this past week. Being someone in the public eye, this meant he wrote a press release for this announcement. Like many well-known people who “come out”.., he was already out to his family and friends. This means his public coming out was for the rest of us. On the one hand I love this because it sends the message that you can be authentic AND successful, to the people who struggle with esteem around their sexual identity. Especially young people who are scanning the horizon looking for role models and inspiration to inform their own self-acceptance process. At the same time, this announcement creates a label for Mr. Cook. It puts a banner on him that will be used to identify and describe him to the world going forward. It is as if we need these adjectives or labels to sort out which category someone belongs in. And of course depending on each of our own perspectives, we determine if the new label is positive or negative. Millions of people now have a ‘positive’ view of Mr. Cook and what he represents to them. Personally, I fall in this camp… As I loved his statement about his being gay being one of his “greatest gifts”. At the same time, millions of others see this as ‘negative’, because it means he is now associated with something that for them is unnatural, wrong or bad. And let’s not forget the majority of people to whom this will be a completely neutral experience. They won’t give it a second thought. His announcement does not create...

Personal Authority

I have been contemplating personal authority this week. It seems to me that a major part of becoming more self-aware, includes taking back authority for our own lives. It is not uncommon to discuss the need to feel a sense of responsibility for what we create in our lives. Yet, there is little direct conversation about our authority. Or maybe there is, and I am just not exposed to it. Here are my thoughts on this. When we are young, we are dependent upon our parents. We are not equipped to make choices for ourselves. We lack the experience to navigate the world around us, and so they instruct, guide, discipline and teach us what we need to know to be safe. Siblings, babysitters, other parents also play a role. Teachers, religious and spiritual leaders, schools and churches.., even social groups and sport teams begin to shape and inform us. As we get older and more independent, we seek counsel from doctors, lawyers, accountants, technologists, therapists, and many others in specialized fields. We start to engaged in politics, current and social events. Media plays a huge role in our lives, from advertisements, programs, reality televisions, pop-up promotions, social media and the news. We rely on ALL of these to help us navigate this thing called life. Some of it feels right. Some makes us uncomfortable. Some, is simply part of the noise. AND, on top of that we are all unique. So no two people have the exact same experiences, influences and circumstances. Even twin siblings who appear to be exposed to exactly the same thing. We may be...

Personal Authority

I have been contemplating personal authority this week. It seems to me that a major part of becoming more self-aware, includes taking back authority for our own lives. It is not uncommon to discuss the need to feel a sense of responsibility for what we create in our lives. Yet, there is little direct conversation about our authority. Or maybe there is, and I am just not exposed to it. Here are my thoughts on this. When we are young, we are dependent upon our parents. We are not equipped to make choices for ourselves. We lack the experience to navigate the world around us, and so they instruct, guide, discipline and teach us what we need to know to be safe. Siblings, babysitters, other parents also play a role. Teachers, religious and spiritual leaders, schools and churches.., even social groups and sport teams begin to shape and inform us. As we get older and more independent, we seek counsel from doctors, lawyers, accountants, technologists, therapists, and many others in specialized fields. We start to engaged in politics, current and social events. Media plays a huge role in our lives, from advertisements, programs, reality televisions, pop-up promotions, social media and the news. We rely on ALL of these to help us navigate this thing called life. Some of it feels right. Some makes us uncomfortable. Some, is simply part of the noise. AND, on top of that we are all unique. So no two people have the exact same experiences, influences and circumstances. Even twin siblings who appear to be exposed to exactly the same thing. We may be...

Act As If

I dream of the day when we have integrated all that is possible from the energetic shifts of our time. I believe in the beauty and possibility of mankind to find peace through connection and sharing; versus holding ourselves separate and feeling the need to protect what we have as if those things define us. I know it is possible to shift our relationship with the land, water, air, plants, and animals so that we are once again connected and living in a symbiotic and sustainable way. I trust that we have the skills, talent and natural abilities to allow each other to be unique and authentic in our own way and that through this celebration of our diverse nature, we feel our connection to one another and to All-That-Is. Yet, I just can’t imagine what it will look like.., and as a result, I am unsure how we will get there! It seems to me, that the shift I am talking about would have to be so dramatic that EVERYTHING would have to change. So much so, that a complete collapse of the house-of-cards we are currently creating would be required. “Complete collapse” sounds scary! And so it is easier to keep contributing to the status quo, because the alternatives seem so distant and fantasy like. We would have to treat each other with respect. We would need to honor the planet and all her creatures. It would mean setting down our egos and aggression. Greed and fear could not be the driving force and the desire for power over others and the hoarding and exploitation of resources...

Act As If

I dream of the day when we have integrated all that is possible from the energetic shifts of our time. I believe in the beauty and possibility of mankind to find peace through connection and sharing; versus holding ourselves separate and feeling the need to protect what we have as if those things define us. I know it is possible to shift our relationship with the land, water, air, plants, and animals so that we are once again connected and living in a symbiotic and sustainable way. I trust that we have the skills, talent and natural abilities to allow each other to be unique and authentic in our own way and that through this celebration of our diverse nature, we feel our connection to one another and to All-That-Is. Yet, I just can’t imagine what it will look like.., and as a result, I am unsure how we will get there! It seems to me, that the shift I am talking about would have to be so dramatic that EVERYTHING would have to change. So much so, that a complete collapse of the house-of-cards we are currently creating would be required. “Complete collapse” sounds scary! And so it is easier to keep contributing to the status quo, because the alternatives seem so distant and fantasy like. We would have to treat each other with respect. We would need to honor the planet and all her creatures. It would mean setting down our egos and aggression. Greed and fear could not be the driving force and the desire for power over others and the hoarding and exploitation of resources...

Now Observe This!

They say that one of the ways to become more self-aware is to develop the skill of being the Observer of your own life. To witness yourself in action and instead of being attached to the actual event or experience you are having; allow yourself to be an impartial onlooker. Let’s say someone has just made a dangerous move in traffic, right in front of you. Not only are you surprised, you are likely angry and frightened by this close call. If you are in normal operating mode, you may react with intensity. You swear, send gestures, maybe scream at the driver of the car long gone. In ‘Observer’ mode, you are still surprised. You may even feel the anger. However, instead of going into full anger, you witness it. You contemplate the incident and begin to put things in perspective and context. Instead of screaming at the driver or going into road-rage, you calm yourself. Your anger never takes over. . . . . Learning to be an Observer of your life, is not something you do just for the heightened emotional situations. It is helpful during the mundane and ordinary times as well. As a matter of fact, the more you become a witness to your thoughts and emotions, the more it becomes a natural way of Being. This does not mean you don’t have thoughts and emotions, it simply means you are aware of them, and as a result, you influence them, they don’t control you. Observing your own reactions, behaviors and thoughts or emotions changes them. It changes you. Much like scientists have discovered; witnessing...

Now Observe This!

They say that one of the ways to become more self-aware is to develop the skill of being the Observer of your own life. To witness yourself in action and instead of being attached to the actual event or experience you are having; allow yourself to be an impartial onlooker. Let’s say someone has just made a dangerous move in traffic, right in front of you. Not only are you surprised, you are likely angry and frightened by this close call. If you are in normal operating mode, you may react with intensity. You swear, send gestures, maybe scream at the driver of the car long gone. In ‘Observer’ mode, you are still surprised. You may even feel the anger. However, instead of going into full anger, you witness it. You contemplate the incident and begin to put things in perspective and context. Instead of screaming at the driver or going into road-rage, you calm yourself. Your anger never takes over. . . . . Learning to be an Observer of your life, is not something you do just for the heightened emotional situations. It is helpful during the mundane and ordinary times as well. As a matter of fact, the more you become a witness to your thoughts and emotions, the more it becomes a natural way of Being. This does not mean you don’t have thoughts and emotions, it simply means you are aware of them, and as a result, you influence them, they don’t control you. Observing your own reactions, behaviors and thoughts or emotions changes them. It changes you. Much like scientists have discovered; witnessing...

The Right Track

Are you feeling like you are in a constant state of transformation and change, yet can’t quite figure out how, what, why and where it is all leading? If so.., we might be on the same track. There are times when I feel it so intensely, that it am sure my whole world is being turned upside down (and then shaken!). However, when I look around, it is not the circumstances in my physical world that are changing. Same home, same career/business, same friends, same goals, same husband. It just doesn’t feel like the same ‘me’.., interacting with it all. So what is actually changing? Why does it feel like life is in a constant state of chaos and change? Where does this all lead? I realize that I have been looking for what is new. Perhaps the real way for me to measure this is; what is happening to the old!?! You see, much of what I am really aware of  is that the old ways of operating don’t work for me anymore. The thoughts I have are very different than they were before. My emotional reactions to well known situations are no longer predictable. There is a shift in my attitude and beliefs. I am changing the raw materials that I work with. As a result, it seems there is a state of flux in everything that surrounds me. The circumstances, situations, people, places and things are not changing. How I relate to them is! When I slow this down, I am aware that this is a good thing! Yet, it is unsettling just the same. Not...

The Right Track

Are you feeling like you are in a constant state of transformation and change, yet can’t quite figure out how, what, why and where it is all leading? If so.., we might be on the same track. There are times when I feel it so intensely, that it am sure my whole world is being turned upside down (and then shaken!). However, when I look around, it is not the circumstances in my physical world that are changing. Same home, same career/business, same friends, same goals, same husband. It just doesn’t feel like the same ‘me’.., interacting with it all. So what is actually changing? Why does it feel like life is in a constant state of chaos and change? Where does this all lead? I realize that I have been looking for what is new. Perhaps the real way for me to measure this is; what is happening to the old!?! You see, much of what I am really aware of  is that the old ways of operating don’t work for me anymore. The thoughts I have are very different than they were before. My emotional reactions to well known situations are no longer predictable. There is a shift in my attitude and beliefs. I am changing the raw materials that I work with. As a result, it seems there is a state of flux in everything that surrounds me. The circumstances, situations, people, places and things are not changing. How I relate to them is! When I slow this down, I am aware that this is a good thing! Yet, it is unsettling just the same. Not...

Rules Get in the Way

You know, I think I figured out why I don’t read a lot of spiritually based books! They seem to be filled with RULES! Things you “must” do; things you should “never” do; things that are “only possible if”… Rules! I am reading a good book that is very thought provoking in many ways. In some cases, I love the concepts that are presented. In others, their view or perspective just doesn’t resonate. Almost always it is in an area where they have laid down the rules and have stated emphatically some requirement, or series of dos and don’ts. In this particular book about evolving consciousness and becoming more aware; they are talking about what happens after we die, and also the journey to enlightenment. They discuss past lives, dimensions, levels of consciousness, and many other topics that are interesting. However, they write about them as if they have the one true perspective. I realize that for me this feels arrogant and very limiting. Say for example their perspective is that we live multiple life-times, but they also say you “should never” focus on exploring those lifetimes, because it is a distraction and will prevent you from doing your real spiritual work in this lifetime. Well first of all, what if I didn’t believe in multiple lifetimes? What if I do, and by exploring these lifetimes I come to know and understand more about the choices, patterns, habits and behaviors that are playing out in this lifetime? It’s just an example, but these rules do nothing to support our personal and unique journeys. None of us, even if we...

Rules Get in the Way

You know, I think I figured out why I don’t read a lot of spiritually based books! They seem to be filled with RULES! Things you “must” do; things you should “never” do; things that are “only possible if”… Rules! I am reading a good book that is very thought provoking in many ways. In some cases, I love the concepts that are presented. In others, their view or perspective just doesn’t resonate. Almost always it is in an area where they have laid down the rules and have stated emphatically some requirement, or series of dos and don’ts. In this particular book about evolving consciousness and becoming more aware; they are talking about what happens after we die, and also the journey to enlightenment. They discuss past lives, dimensions, levels of consciousness, and many other topics that are interesting. However, they write about them as if they have the one true perspective. I realize that for me this feels arrogant and very limiting. Say for example their perspective is that we live multiple life-times, but they also say you “should never” focus on exploring those lifetimes, because it is a distraction and will prevent you from doing your real spiritual work in this lifetime. Well first of all, what if I didn’t believe in multiple lifetimes? What if I do, and by exploring these lifetimes I come to know and understand more about the choices, patterns, habits and behaviors that are playing out in this lifetime? It’s just an example, but these rules do nothing to support our personal and unique journeys. None of us, even if we...

Channeling BOB

I really shouldn’t feel like I needed this vacation so much; especially considering how much spaciousness there is in my schedule these days.  But I did!  It was great to get away… And especially to go back to see family and friends in Maine.I left there when I was 19.  So a lot has changed.  More so for me than Maine.  Oftentimes when I visit there it feels a bit like a time warp, or time has stood still.  The only difference is that we all keep getting older.  The older ones mellowing out.  The younger ones finding their way through rebel-hood!I am on a plane home now… trying to recall what might be waiting for me when I return.  Projects, plans, chores and to-dos.  Of course this weekly newsletter is the first on the list.  So, with an hour on the runway, while they change a tire on the nose of the plane; I get to do this a day ahead of schedule, and open up my first morning at home for playing the rest of the catch up game.Last week, I mentioned that I had an announcement and that it had to do with having Fun!  This past week has been fun.  However the kind of fun I am talking about has more to do with my own personal evolution and journey.  You know, the kind of fun that catches you by surprise, when you think you’ve seen it all. And for me, this is a doozie!I recently became a Vocal Channel!For many who read this, you will know exactly what I mean by channeling.  For those...

A Teaser – More Fun to Come!

Well Fito and I are off on vacation! By the time you are reading this we will be with family in Maine, eating at least one lobster roll per-day! It is a rough life, but someone has to do it! I am really happy to have this break, not because I need time off, but because it brings the past few months to a close. Last week I wrote about change being in the air again. It is so present that I can almost taste it… That is how strong the sense is. In many ways, it feels like how I spend my days going forward is about to change and I need to settle into this new way of being. You see, as much as l love being at Storm Wisdom; more and more, I am less involved with the day-to-day running of the business. I am so fortunate to have the talented and skilled Gisela and Millie who have taken on most of that responsibility. They are very good at what they do AND they love what they do! What more could you ask for! Then there is me! I still love working from my office that is located in the center, I am just not on the floor very much. And if I learned anything from the 13 week program for small business owners last year, it is that I need to keep my eyes on the future. So now my focus will shift to networking, marketing, strategies and creating awareness of what an amazing place we have created here! That all sounds well and good,...

Tuning In

One of my favorite things about life these days is the awareness and experience of Magic that is all around us! To give you an idea what I mean, I am talking about coincidences that happen so frequently they can’t be ignored. The synchronicity of people and events that are aligned with whatever you are working on. When something seems to materializing out of thin air just when you need it! Projects and tasks begin to flow and have a sense of ease or effortlessness. This is Magic! One thing that has intrigued me lately is the concept that as we work with and develop our intuition, it increases or expands our awareness of so many other fun things! By paying attention to your intuitive senses, another whole world is revealed that operates just below the surface of our normal awareness. By simply paying attention to our own internal guidance, all of a sudden the world around us conspires with and reacts to our openness. I suppose that could be viewed as a cause and effect… But it feels more mysterious than that. Cause and effect seem to limiting. Instead, and I am just thinking out loud here… It is that we are tuning into a frequency or resonance that is always there, but for the most part we are oblivious to it! We can’t see or notice it (very often), because it doesn’t follow the familiar rules of order that we are use to working/living by. Let’s call the normal world we live in the mundane. There are few surprises, things are predictable, and there is a system...

Real Emotions

News flash!  Being “strong” is not defined by the ability to suppress our emotions and appear as if everything is perfect, when our world is falling apart!   There is no “right way” to handle the complex situations that confront us on a regular basis.  It doesn’t matter what the ad on television promises, there are situations that will be difficult and challenging to handle. We are human and we will experience emotions.  There are emotions that are uplifting and expansive, some that are neutral, and some that are heavy and constricting.  The game of life is not about seeing how many of the latter we can avoid.  It is about developing the emotional fluency to dance with ANY emotion that we encounter along the way!  And BTW… We will encounter them all throughout the course of our lifetime. Somehow we seem to have reached a time in our evolution where the emotions such as sadness, disappointment, fear, anger, loneliness, despair, humiliation and rage are to be avoided at all costs.  That somehow if we are “hanging out” with any of these emotions, there is something wrong and we need to fix them (fix ourselves) as soon as possible.  Put a smile on your face… think positive thoughts! However, this can end up being emotional and spiritual blackmail!  You see, it is one thing to have the fluency and awareness to lift yourself from a constricting emotion.  It is quite another to try and pretend it doesn’t exist or matter!  When we try to cover it up or hide these emotions, it is easy to start judging them (and ourselves)...

Western Barn Dance

Last night we had an Open House to share our recent remodel of the center. It was a blast and so fun to see and celebrate with so many friends. It was also a great reminder of how somethings shift and change, while others stay the same. What a pleasure to see people who have been a part of Storm Wisdom since the beginning. And then, to notice the number of new friends who have just connected with us recently! It was a beautiful mix! It occurred to me that this is how life is too! There is this natural ebb and flow of people in our lives, that is constantly in motion. Some situations, like our family or maybe workplace environments seem constant. Whether they are supportive or not, for many of us, they represent the status-quo. They don’t change that often. Others shift and change, many times without us even being aware of it! As an example, when people ask how Fito and I met; I tell them country/western dancing! We did that a couple of nights a week, when we first met. However, now I have a pair of boots in my closet that have a inch of dust on them and haven’t seen a dance floor in several years! This means that many of the folks we use to see on a regular basis, are faded memories. At the same time, new interests and people come into our lives! God knows opening a business or starting a new job will do that for you! Starting or ending a relationship, a significant loss or even a...


It is hard to believe that it has only been a week since we finished the small remodel of the retail space at Storm Wisdom. We added about 200sq ft by removing two private room. However the shift energetically seems much greater. It feels really good. (Check out the invitation to our “Open House” next Saturday below! Come see the changes for yourself!) I realize this is not the first time I have felt this sensation of my dream becoming more aligned with my intentions. About a year and a half after we opened, we moved our customer service counter to the center of the space. It made a huge shift energetically. It too felt right and what I had always imagined or intended. This has got me thinking about whether this is actually true… Or, is the concept of this business shifting and changing on its own? Maybe I simply experience a change and then correlate it with an earlier dream or intention that has long ago been fulfilled!?! The truth is that there is no way for me to have imagined where we would be right now… Because there was so very little I knew about this business 5 years ago. So many things that I imagined have never come to fruition… And things that now are commonplace or fully integrated into this business, weren’t even on my radar screen! Isn’t this true in all of our lives? We can be so malleable; easily integrating new people, places and things. Going with the flow; expansion and contraction. At the same time, we can be so resistant to...