Why We Exist

I want to tell you why we are here.  Why we do what we do and why we exist.  And it is quite simple: We are here to connect and create connections. Here is what I mean.  Life is busy, hectic, distracting, and demanding.  Most of us are being pulled in multiple directions, most of time.  We have family, work, health, relationship and social commitments that are all vying for our attention. And if that is not enough, we are saturated with global information, news and content 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Anything that is happening, anywhere in the world is or can be known within minutes if not seconds. As we go about our days juggling our ‘to-do-list’ amidst the buzz and noise of a technology-based world.., it is often hard to get our own needs met.  We are eating on the run.   Checking in with loved ones between meetings. Trying to get home early enough to relax or catch-up on rest, before starting it all over again. We have become experts at multi-tasking.., yet at the same time it can be hard to connect with the most important person in this equation.  Ourselves.  Believe it or not our connection to Self Is the first and most important connection we are here to make. We are naturally evolving Beings.  We are crafting and creating our lives from moment to moment.  But when it feels like time is flying by, how do we slow down enough to connect to any given moment.  It is a challenge for many of us. You may have a sense...

Stay in the Flow

Fito and I have both been having a similar experience, but not necessarily sharing it with one another.  Finally on one of our nightly walks, it came up. We have both been feeling the energies of ‘expansion’.  The energy of flow, abundance; the energy of more.  Yet prior to our conversation we had both been dealing with it in different ways.  Fito was not talking about or sharing his experience of these energies of expansion because he “didn’t want to jinx them”. He thought that somehow, if he talked about what he was sensing or feeling.., those energies would go away. I on the other hand have shared with you, through this blog, that I have been feeling these expansive energies since the beginning of the year.  However instead of being afraid I would cancel them out somehow by sharing them.., I have spent a lot of time looking for proof or evidence of this expansion in the 3-D world.   Do we have more clients, transactions, workshops, etc… Or is their more money in my bank account. What we decided was that both of us are putting barriers in our own path.  If you feel a new flow or rush of energies and then refuse to acknowledge it for fear it will go away; it is your fear that disrupts the flow. On the other hand, if you don’t trust it and begin to search for proof or start collecting evidence; that too can disrupt the flow. Instead, you have to simple bask in the energies that are flowing in and around you and be willing to “RECEIVE” them....

Feed the Dream

We are getting ready to launch a web-store for our in-house developed product line called ‘The Magic of Crystals’.  You are probably already familiar with most of these products (Energetic Mysts, Hand & Body Lotion, Crystal Knowledge Deck, Infused Sage.., etc.), and now whether you’re near or far, will be able to purchase them with ease online (US sales only) as well as at the center. The retail version of the site will be open soon, and within a month or two, we’ll have a wholesale web-store too! Isn’t that exciting! The reason I wanted to write about this is not so much about what will happen going forward, but how we got here in the first place! Now that it is almost here, I marvel at our ability to create.  Anyone who has spent anytime in the past 10 years following the human potential movement, law of attraction or visualization techniques for manifesting and creating via your thoughts, emotions and imagination; has heard all the suggestions, promises and possibilities. So without a doubt, I believe in the power of aligning our thoughts and feelings around a future dream or outcome.  It makes sense to me that the more we can visualize and imagine something, that the Universe starts to realign and create events and circumstances to bring these dreams into fruition.  I think these are all positive things to do, along with our own actions or steps in the direction of what we are trying to create. But… There is also something here about honoring time, space and energetic flow!  You see, we actually tried having a web-store...

Right For You

What is your experience of our ever changing world?  Does it seem dramatically different than it did a few years ago?  Or, is it the same old status quo? Different day, same challenges and opportunities? To me, it feels really different!  I feel different.  And the majority of me loves the shifts and changes I sense or feel.  While a part of me longs for the days of predictability and a time of stability. If you are like me and can feel or sense the energetic changes that our planet is going through; What are some of the ways that you notice these subtle shifts (or even not so subtle!).  It seems like a good practice to stay aware of what feels like it is evolving.  What no longer resonates, and/or what does. One thing that seems noticeable these days, for me (and for a number of people in my life) is our relationship with the authority figures in our lives. Doctors, therapists, lawyers, elected officials, police, clergy, financial or business leaders, and others who have a specialized area of focus or responsibility.  We rely of them for their expertise. But the way that we have relied on them has become out of balance.  We have given them too much authority, control or influence in our lives.  For a long time we simply trusted what they said and followed their instruction to the letter. But many, if not all of these authority figures are losing their sway and influence over us.  Their message or directions no longer feel aligned with us as individuals.  This does not mean they are...

My Greatest Teachers

It’s hard to believe we are only a couple of weeks away from celebrating our sixth anniversary!  It is sneaking up on me!  I am not sure where time has gone!  Like any milestone, this one has me feeling reflective, with a dose of wonder! One of the amazing things about working at a place like Storm Wisdom, is that it stretches you.  It helps you to look deeper within.  It allows you to confront limitations, fears and out-dated beliefs.  At the same time, access to inner guidance, intuitive knowing and updated preferences are enhanced.  You can’t spend time here and not know yourself better. This is true for many of the people who frequent this place on a regular basis too.  They are changed by the experience of having a place to lean in.  Lean in when they are searching for clarity.  Lean in when they have something new to share.  Perhaps a new awareness, skill or technique to live more from the heart.  A place where who they are and what they are creating can be imagined and explored. It is also a place to build community, friendships, support networks and allies.  This are some of the attributes of Storm Wisdom that I am grateful for today. When I think about how and where we started, I think of how clueless I was about what I was getting myself into… AND, how I had idealized this idea of creating a Spiritual Oasis or Center for Intentional Living, even when I had no idea what I was doing!  I think they call that ‘ego’! I would imagine that...

Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

Have you ever felt like you were a fish hooked and fighting for your life? It sounds dramatic, but when you are caught up in the struggle and drama of someone else’s narrative and you are fighting for your own perspective; that is how it feels! This is not my normal way of operating or even the kind of situation I have a lot of experience with… Yet, right now, I have several of them going on all at the same time! So I know it is cosmic or an important opportunity for something new to emerge. Right now, ALL of the situations I am thinking of have to do with money. Investments going south. Situations changing without any input from me or some of the other people involved. Someone else working hard to have things their way, at my expense. It kinda sucks! When we first encounter these disruptions in our world, they feel isolated. Each one is approached, evaluated and addressed as if it is unique. At least that is how it is for me. I become aware that something is happening, I feel threatened, I start to resist and look at how to keep things the way they were before I got hooked. But the more I resist, the deeper the hook goes! Now I am in a fight for my life. Or at least, that is how it feels while I am trying to tug my way to freedom. Then another (similar) situation is added to the mix and it feels overwhelming. My logical mind attempts to figure it out. I spend a lot of...

In the Flow

I have always had mixed feeling about the “Law of Attraction” and the messages that are promoted by movies like “The Secret” and books that are based on this concept. On one hand, I completely relate to the idea that we attract the same sort of people, situations and experiences that are aligned with what we project through our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs. If we think the world is against us and life is an uphill battle… we always find ourselves at the bottom of a perceived mountain. On the other, if we see the world as a friendly place to live, with opportunities all around us; we experience the synchronicity of happy people and new adventures. At the same time, I feel like it is important to move in the direction of whatever it is that you want to create. So if you are going to visualize making more money, than you have to do more than just sit and imagine it. You also have to start taking steps in that direction. This is how the Universe aligns and creates the multiple opportunities that will allow money to flow towards us. It hones in on our own movement or intentions. NOW.., I have another new insight. Mind you, I am not saying this is an original thought that has never been expressed before. It is that all of a sudden ‘I’ get it. Instead of using my personal intentions and magic to create, actualize and manifest more money, business, friends, health, travel or adventure; it’s more productive for me to start creating, actualizing and becoming the ‘me’...

Amor De Baile

Last night, all of us from Storm Wisdom went to “Amor De Baile” a music and dance celebration that was produced by Yumi La Rosa. If you have been to previous anniversary celebrations here at Storm Wisdom, you have probably experienced and enjoyed Yumi’s beautiful Flamenco. It is breathtaking! As I watched last night’s performances, I couldn’t help but marvel at the passion, dedication and mastery of these musicians and dancers. From the very young (4 years old and adorable) to those in the Sage years of their lives, they were beautiful and inspiring. In the second half of the show, the masters of music and dance mesmerized the audience. There was a guitar solo by Misael Barraza Diaz, that transported us to another world, with layers of music and harmony so subtle and succinct, that I had to keep reminding myself that there was only one instrument being played. And the dancers, including Yumi La Rosa, Jose Antonio Fernandez ‘Tachu’, Adriana Hohl and Martin Gaxiola were stunning. Such precision, blended with such passion. Their footwork appeared to be an impossible feat. I was watching and listening and still don’t know how they did it! Beauty, elegance, masculinity, femininity, intensity and joy were showcased perfectly. I continue to replay each piece in my mind, inspired by their commitment to their art. It really made me think about passion. There are so many thing in our lives that we enjoy, embrace, experiment with or simply do that bring us pleasure or satisfaction. But when there is passion, it is taken to a new level! Passion when defined as “a strong or...

Forget How

I find myself day-dreaming, envisioning and imagining something new. It’s as if it has already started to materialize. I can’t stop thinking about it. What may have started out as a simple idea or ‘what if’ – all of a sudden keeps invading my thoughts. It is becoming more real, yet there is nothing actually happening in the physical. Still, I am moving in the direction of this new thing! Does this happen to you? Do you find yourself being energetically pulled into your next new future? Here is the thing that I have to remind myself; this may be part of my future… I just don’t know how, when or where it will happen. I need to let this unfold. AND what I think it is or will be is just a concept. The truth is it could look very different than what I am currently imagining. I know this, because I have had this experience before. Many times! Many people know my story of deciding to create Storm Wisdom. I was looking at a space with and for Fito; as he wanted to start his own Real Estate/Property Management company. (Which he did called “Wise Choice Properties”!!!) As we looked through the window to view this space, I heard “It’s for You”. After a short internal dialog in my head.., I turned to my husband and said “I think I am quitting my job and starting my own business”. What most people don’t know is that for six months, I envisioned, imagined and planned to open this new business in the location where I got this strong...

Forget How

I find myself day-dreaming, envisioning and imagining something new. It’s as if it has already started to materialize. I can’t stop thinking about it. What may have started out as a simple idea or ‘what if’ – all of a sudden keeps invading my thoughts. It is becoming more real, yet there is nothing actually happening in the physical. Still, I am moving in the direction of this new thing! Does this happen to you? Do you find yourself being energetically pulled into your next new future? Here is the thing that I have to remind myself; this may be part of my future… I just don’t know how, when or where it will happen. I need to let this unfold. AND what I think it is or will be is just a concept. The truth is it could look very different than what I am currently imagining. I know this, because I have had this experience before. Many times! Many people know my story of deciding to create Storm Wisdom. I was looking at a space with and for Fito; as he wanted to start his own Real Estate/Property Management company. (Which he did called “Wise Choice Properties”!!!) As we looked through the window to view this space, I heard “It’s for You”. After a short internal dialog in my head.., I turned to my husband and said “I think I am quitting my job and starting my own business”. What most people don’t know is that for six months, I envisioned, imagined and planned to open this new business in the location where I got this strong...

Almost – A Potent Teacher

Last night, Fito and I had dinner with another couple at their home.  And almost immediately, we were talking about our plans for retirement.  At one point I told one of our hosts that lately it seems like all of the conversations I am having, have to do with retirement or health!  An obvious indicator that I am getting older! Sometimes I wonder how this could have happened so fast!  It seems like just yesterday I was immortal!  Or at least I walked around feeling as if this life would never end.  And of course to top it all off, there is this whole twisted concept of life experience.  You know.., “I wish I knew then, what I know now!” It seems as if Life is playing tricks on me! And yet there is beauty to this aging process.  It feels like I am just beginning to get a sense of it. Maybe it is how the drive or demand for things to look and feel a certain way begins to diminish.  The willingness to accept things as they are versus how we think they should be.  It is as if we begin to see how life responds to and for us, based on our thoughts and feelings. When I was younger the world revolved around me, because my ego demanded it.  Every situation, challenge or reward was assessed based on whether or not it was aligned with, supported or screwed with my personal plans!  My reaction or response was based on how attached I was to either getting or losing that ‘thing’.  And of course, it felt like...

Almost – A Potent Teacher

Last night, Fito and I had dinner with another couple at their home.  And almost immediately, we were talking about our plans for retirement.  At one point I told one of our hosts that lately it seems like all of the conversations I am having, have to do with retirement or health!  An obvious indicator that I am getting older! Sometimes I wonder how this could have happened so fast!  It seems like just yesterday I was immortal!  Or at least I walked around feeling as if this life would never end.  And of course to top it all off, there is this whole twisted concept of life experience.  You know.., “I wish I knew then, what I know now!” It seems as if Life is playing tricks on me! And yet there is beauty to this aging process.  It feels like I am just beginning to get a sense of it. Maybe it is how the drive or demand for things to look and feel a certain way begins to diminish.  The willingness to accept things as they are versus how we think they should be.  It is as if we begin to see how life responds to and for us, based on our thoughts and feelings. When I was younger the world revolved around me, because my ego demanded it.  Every situation, challenge or reward was assessed based on whether or not it was aligned with, supported or screwed with my personal plans!  My reaction or response was based on how attached I was to either getting or losing that ‘thing’.  And of course, it felt like...

Is it Soup Yet?

I remember a visit to my grandmothers house when I was about 11 years old. My sister who was a couple of years older had her first boyfriend, and he was visiting with us. My mother introduced him to my grandmother, and then everyone rushed out of the kitchen to go play, except me. I stayed there lingering for a few minutes longer.., probably trying to figure out how to sneak one of her molasses cookies. My grandmother looked at my mother horrified and said “She can’t marry that boy, his family is Italian and Catholic.” I of course could not imagine how she would know this.., or even what it meant. I had not really heard of Catholic. Or if I had, I couldn’t remember what it meant. But even more than that, I remember saying “Are they getting married”? I couldn’t imagine that two 8th graders would be getting married. Where would they live? Would they have to leave school and go to work? Of course, my mothers was a little stunned and maybe amused by the reaction. She calmed my grandmother down by reminding her that they were years away from crossing that bridge. But this is how it use to be. Catholics married Catholics, Jewish married Jewish, Japanese married Japanese, Blacks married Blacks and WASP married WASP. There were not only cultural, racial and ethnic traditions and expectations around this; there had been laws! It was probably only five years before this that the Supreme Court overruled existing laws that prohibited interracial marriages. (Not that I was aware of this at the time… heck, I...

Is it Soup Yet?

I remember a visit to my grandmothers house when I was about 11 years old. My sister who was a couple of years older had her first boyfriend, and he was visiting with us. My mother introduced him to my grandmother, and then everyone rushed out of the kitchen to go play, except me. I stayed there lingering for a few minutes longer.., probably trying to figure out how to sneak one of her molasses cookies. My grandmother looked at my mother horrified and said “She can’t marry that boy, his family is Italian and Catholic.” I of course could not imagine how she would know this.., or even what it meant. I had not really heard of Catholic. Or if I had, I couldn’t remember what it meant. But even more than that, I remember saying “Are they getting married”? I couldn’t imagine that two 8th graders would be getting married. Where would they live? Would they have to leave school and go to work? Of course, my mothers was a little stunned and maybe amused by the reaction. She calmed my grandmother down by reminding her that they were years away from crossing that bridge. But this is how it use to be. Catholics married Catholics, Jewish married Jewish, Japanese married Japanese, Blacks married Blacks and WASP married WASP. There were not only cultural, racial and ethnic traditions and expectations around this; there had been laws! It was probably only five years before this that the Supreme Court overruled existing laws that prohibited interracial marriages. (Not that I was aware of this at the time… heck, I...

No Labels!

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple came out this past week. Being someone in the public eye, this meant he wrote a press release for this announcement. Like many well-known people who “come out”.., he was already out to his family and friends. This means his public coming out was for the rest of us. On the one hand I love this because it sends the message that you can be authentic AND successful, to the people who struggle with esteem around their sexual identity. Especially young people who are scanning the horizon looking for role models and inspiration to inform their own self-acceptance process. At the same time, this announcement creates a label for Mr. Cook. It puts a banner on him that will be used to identify and describe him to the world going forward. It is as if we need these adjectives or labels to sort out which category someone belongs in. And of course depending on each of our own perspectives, we determine if the new label is positive or negative. Millions of people now have a ‘positive’ view of Mr. Cook and what he represents to them. Personally, I fall in this camp… As I loved his statement about his being gay being one of his “greatest gifts”. At the same time, millions of others see this as ‘negative’, because it means he is now associated with something that for them is unnatural, wrong or bad. And let’s not forget the majority of people to whom this will be a completely neutral experience. They won’t give it a second thought. His announcement does not create...

No Labels!

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple came out this past week. Being someone in the public eye, this meant he wrote a press release for this announcement. Like many well-known people who “come out”.., he was already out to his family and friends. This means his public coming out was for the rest of us. On the one hand I love this because it sends the message that you can be authentic AND successful, to the people who struggle with esteem around their sexual identity. Especially young people who are scanning the horizon looking for role models and inspiration to inform their own self-acceptance process. At the same time, this announcement creates a label for Mr. Cook. It puts a banner on him that will be used to identify and describe him to the world going forward. It is as if we need these adjectives or labels to sort out which category someone belongs in. And of course depending on each of our own perspectives, we determine if the new label is positive or negative. Millions of people now have a ‘positive’ view of Mr. Cook and what he represents to them. Personally, I fall in this camp… As I loved his statement about his being gay being one of his “greatest gifts”. At the same time, millions of others see this as ‘negative’, because it means he is now associated with something that for them is unnatural, wrong or bad. And let’s not forget the majority of people to whom this will be a completely neutral experience. They won’t give it a second thought. His announcement does not create...

Personal Authority

I have been contemplating personal authority this week. It seems to me that a major part of becoming more self-aware, includes taking back authority for our own lives. It is not uncommon to discuss the need to feel a sense of responsibility for what we create in our lives. Yet, there is little direct conversation about our authority. Or maybe there is, and I am just not exposed to it. Here are my thoughts on this. When we are young, we are dependent upon our parents. We are not equipped to make choices for ourselves. We lack the experience to navigate the world around us, and so they instruct, guide, discipline and teach us what we need to know to be safe. Siblings, babysitters, other parents also play a role. Teachers, religious and spiritual leaders, schools and churches.., even social groups and sport teams begin to shape and inform us. As we get older and more independent, we seek counsel from doctors, lawyers, accountants, technologists, therapists, and many others in specialized fields. We start to engaged in politics, current and social events. Media plays a huge role in our lives, from advertisements, programs, reality televisions, pop-up promotions, social media and the news. We rely on ALL of these to help us navigate this thing called life. Some of it feels right. Some makes us uncomfortable. Some, is simply part of the noise. AND, on top of that we are all unique. So no two people have the exact same experiences, influences and circumstances. Even twin siblings who appear to be exposed to exactly the same thing. We may be...

Personal Authority

I have been contemplating personal authority this week. It seems to me that a major part of becoming more self-aware, includes taking back authority for our own lives. It is not uncommon to discuss the need to feel a sense of responsibility for what we create in our lives. Yet, there is little direct conversation about our authority. Or maybe there is, and I am just not exposed to it. Here are my thoughts on this. When we are young, we are dependent upon our parents. We are not equipped to make choices for ourselves. We lack the experience to navigate the world around us, and so they instruct, guide, discipline and teach us what we need to know to be safe. Siblings, babysitters, other parents also play a role. Teachers, religious and spiritual leaders, schools and churches.., even social groups and sport teams begin to shape and inform us. As we get older and more independent, we seek counsel from doctors, lawyers, accountants, technologists, therapists, and many others in specialized fields. We start to engaged in politics, current and social events. Media plays a huge role in our lives, from advertisements, programs, reality televisions, pop-up promotions, social media and the news. We rely on ALL of these to help us navigate this thing called life. Some of it feels right. Some makes us uncomfortable. Some, is simply part of the noise. AND, on top of that we are all unique. So no two people have the exact same experiences, influences and circumstances. Even twin siblings who appear to be exposed to exactly the same thing. We may be...

Act As If

I dream of the day when we have integrated all that is possible from the energetic shifts of our time. I believe in the beauty and possibility of mankind to find peace through connection and sharing; versus holding ourselves separate and feeling the need to protect what we have as if those things define us. I know it is possible to shift our relationship with the land, water, air, plants, and animals so that we are once again connected and living in a symbiotic and sustainable way. I trust that we have the skills, talent and natural abilities to allow each other to be unique and authentic in our own way and that through this celebration of our diverse nature, we feel our connection to one another and to All-That-Is. Yet, I just can’t imagine what it will look like.., and as a result, I am unsure how we will get there! It seems to me, that the shift I am talking about would have to be so dramatic that EVERYTHING would have to change. So much so, that a complete collapse of the house-of-cards we are currently creating would be required. “Complete collapse” sounds scary! And so it is easier to keep contributing to the status quo, because the alternatives seem so distant and fantasy like. We would have to treat each other with respect. We would need to honor the planet and all her creatures. It would mean setting down our egos and aggression. Greed and fear could not be the driving force and the desire for power over others and the hoarding and exploitation of resources...

Act As If

I dream of the day when we have integrated all that is possible from the energetic shifts of our time. I believe in the beauty and possibility of mankind to find peace through connection and sharing; versus holding ourselves separate and feeling the need to protect what we have as if those things define us. I know it is possible to shift our relationship with the land, water, air, plants, and animals so that we are once again connected and living in a symbiotic and sustainable way. I trust that we have the skills, talent and natural abilities to allow each other to be unique and authentic in our own way and that through this celebration of our diverse nature, we feel our connection to one another and to All-That-Is. Yet, I just can’t imagine what it will look like.., and as a result, I am unsure how we will get there! It seems to me, that the shift I am talking about would have to be so dramatic that EVERYTHING would have to change. So much so, that a complete collapse of the house-of-cards we are currently creating would be required. “Complete collapse” sounds scary! And so it is easier to keep contributing to the status quo, because the alternatives seem so distant and fantasy like. We would have to treat each other with respect. We would need to honor the planet and all her creatures. It would mean setting down our egos and aggression. Greed and fear could not be the driving force and the desire for power over others and the hoarding and exploitation of resources...

Blame Game

Blame and money. Money and blame. This has been my song this week and most of the time, it seems I have it on loudspeaker! Here is how it keeps revealing itself. I open a piece of mail and find that someone or some company is demanding money. I realize saying ‘a lot of money’ is relative. If you have lots of zeros in your account balance, it feels different than if you have a few. However in the context of this conversations… Most of these demands are for more zeros than I have in my account AND there are several smaller ones that add up to more discomfort. My initial reaction to each one of these is that the debt is not mine. I feel duped, mislead, lied to, and innocent. Which leads to anger, fear and feeling powerless. So I search for leverage and instead find blame. They did this to me! They are bad, they are taking advantage. They, they, they. It activates so many constricting emotions that I feel almost paralyzed. I certainly don’t feel empowered. So I use blame to direct anger and fury at THEM! I am slow to see the pattern of what is unfolding before me. Each situation is about money. Each time my reaction is to blames others, as if I have no culpability. There is an entitlement to my anger and someone (else) needs to pay! By the third or fourth time I find myself cussing someone out and feeling indignant, with my blood about to boil; I realize the Universe is sending me a message. That these situations,...

Blame Game

Blame and money. Money and blame. This has been my song this week and most of the time, it seems I have it on loudspeaker! Here is how it keeps revealing itself. I open a piece of mail and find that someone or some company is demanding money. I realize saying ‘a lot of money’ is relative. If you have lots of zeros in your account balance, it feels different than if you have a few. However in the context of this conversations… Most of these demands are for more zeros than I have in my account AND there are several smaller ones that add up to more discomfort. My initial reaction to each one of these is that the debt is not mine. I feel duped, mislead, lied to, and innocent. Which leads to anger, fear and feeling powerless. So I search for leverage and instead find blame. They did this to me! They are bad, they are taking advantage. They, they, they. It activates so many constricting emotions that I feel almost paralyzed. I certainly don’t feel empowered. So I use blame to direct anger and fury at THEM! I am slow to see the pattern of what is unfolding before me. Each situation is about money. Each time my reaction is to blames others, as if I have no culpability. There is an entitlement to my anger and someone (else) needs to pay! By the third or fourth time I find myself cussing someone out and feeling indignant, with my blood about to boil; I realize the Universe is sending me a message. That these situations,...

Know Your Impact

There is something going of inside of me that wants to be known. I can sense it, feel it, and sometimes, almost see it! Sometimes it feels like a new discovery is about to emerge. Other times it seems as if an old friend wants to be revealed or remembered. Perhaps it is a combination; the synergy of old and new coming together to create a different, blended experience of who I am and what is going on around me. Let me start by saying that Gisela has been in Germany for the past two weeks. This means I have covered the front service counter at Storm Wisdom 4 or 5 days. It was kind of fun and kind of cool. Mainly because I got to remember what it was like to balance a cash drawer, reconcile daily reports, add inventory to the system, schedule appointments or events; and of course, assist friends and clients who visited on those days. It was nice. However, by the third or fourth day, I was also aware that it is not my role. It is something I can do and even something I can do well. However, my time for holding the energies of that role has past. Others have claimed it and that feels right. This awareness has me then think about Storm Wisdom in general. One thing that I was keenly aware of, is how different it is energetically today than it was a year ago, two years ago, and especially five years ago. In the beginning it was me. Trying to figure out how to complete a transaction or...

Know Your Impact

There is something going of inside of me that wants to be known. I can sense it, feel it, and sometimes, almost see it! Sometimes it feels like a new discovery is about to emerge. Other times it seems as if an old friend wants to be revealed or remembered. Perhaps it is a combination; the synergy of old and new coming together to create a different, blended experience of who I am and what is going on around me. Let me start by saying that Gisela has been in Germany for the past two weeks. This means I have covered the front service counter at Storm Wisdom 4 or 5 days. It was kind of fun and kind of cool. Mainly because I got to remember what it was like to balance a cash drawer, reconcile daily reports, add inventory to the system, schedule appointments or events; and of course, assist friends and clients who visited on those days. It was nice. However, by the third or fourth day, I was also aware that it is not my role. It is something I can do and even something I can do well. However, my time for holding the energies of that role has past. Others have claimed it and that feels right. This awareness has me then think about Storm Wisdom in general. One thing that I was keenly aware of, is how different it is energetically today than it was a year ago, two years ago, and especially five years ago. In the beginning it was me. Trying to figure out how to complete a transaction or...