Emotional Dexterity – Lost While on Track

I have a huge appreciation for the spiritual journey I have been on and all of it’s gifts. And I still find myself questioning how to incorporate it more fully into my daily existence. Many people think that meditation, yoga or other mind-body-spirit practices are done for the experiences you have while developing or participating in the practice itself. But the truth is, it is much more about how they affect or alter us as we go about our daily lives. I spend a good deal of time thinking about how to live my life in a more intentional way. In fact it is a big part of how and why I do what I do. How and why I would create a business like Storm Wisdom. YET.., this doesn’t mean everything is easy! There I times I really feel off track, or wonder if I have learned anything at all. The last couple of weeks has been like that for me. My beloved has been sick for two weeks. He is dealing with shifting and moving symptoms. We focus on one area of illness only to have it replaced with another. We get insight, information, direction and diagnosis/treatment on one thing and then something else takes its place. It is really hard to watch. It is really hard to know what to do next. And although he is much better than he was, he is still not feeling back to himself… and in fact today, is having similar symptoms as he had when this all first started on New Years Day. WTH!! I have been thinking a lot...

You Are Light

I couple of weeks ago, I posted the image above on our Storm Wisdom Facebook page. I guess the whole subject was on my mind. I’d been in several similar conversations with clients and friends. They were asking my thoughts on how to fight off negative energy. They were feeling drained by situations or people who they felt victimized by. Perhaps someone who was being intimidating, threatening or just plain manipulative. One of them works in an environment that feels toxic and draining. Where morale around them is low, yet people can’t afford to leave and they feel stuck. Sometimes life is hard. People can be jerks. Unfortunately, there are people who are vindictive and mean. There are people who enjoy making other people miserable. Maybe because they are unhappy themselves. Maybe they’re upset that they didn’t get what they want! Yuck. Who needs all that!?! But here’s the thing. Even if you find yourself in one of these crazy negative situations, do you want to spend your time and energy fighting it? Think about it. It is so easy to feel like you are forced to engage. Required to stand your ground. Need to protect yourself from these energetic attacks. But engaging with these energies, fighting them keeps them alive. The darkness feeds off of itself. Darkness wants more darkness. Darkness breeds decay. It is heavy. It feels consuming. Darkness wants to draw you in so that it can smother your Light. When you enter the ring with darkness, you are in it’s arena. You are playing its game. Instead, let go of the fight. Accept it for...

The Gift of Storytelling

There is power in storytelling.  The ability to conjure a special setting or place.  Characters come to life.  An audience’s emotions in the palm of their hand.  A storyteller transports you into another adventure. They can make you feel as if you are part of it, or certainly a witness.  Someone who knows the inside and out of a situation by invitation of the storyteller. But what of the stories we tell ourselves? Today is day 34 of an exercise I am doing on self-healing.  Self-healing that is focused on a balance between mind, body and spirit.  An accounting of my spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health. Based on when, where, and how I spend my time with each.  For 60 days, I have committed to writing and paying attention to who I am becoming.  Being present with and for myself. And.., to be truthful.., to intentionally move into the next chapter of my life.  (If you are curious about this last sentence, here is an article I wrote last week.  The title is “Are We Living Multiple Lifetimes in One Lifetime” ) What stands out the most for me in this exercise is how the stories I am telling myself affect my day-to-day life.  The stories where I tell myself  I’m not ready.  That I must (or must not) do something. Stories about who I am. Oftentimes the reflections, perspectives or recollection of and from my past. I have been telling myself for years that ‘fear’ is part of me.  That even when it is quiet, it is always there. That fear rules my life.  But by reflecting and writing...

Ah… Movement

We have movement! I mean that both figuratively and literally! If you have been following along with my journey lately, you know I have been hanging out in the unknown! Passing through one of those thresholds that is a demarcation between “what was” and “what will be”. We all have them.., my latest one just seems to have lasted a LONG time! Personally, it feels like I handled this time of not knowing really well! There were certainly times of confusion, boredom, frustration and even a little bit of worry. But for the most part, what I want to celebrate was that I just stayed in the discomfort of not knowing. For a ‘control-freak’.., that’s a big-darn-deal! I spent plenty of time over the past few months internally observing my own situation. And, I have to say, I have a new appreciation for taking the time to develop “The Observer”. The ability to witness what you are going through (thinking, feeling and experiencing), with detachment and acceptance; knowing and allowing it to be okay. Experiencing your own journey not only from the path you are on, but also from a perch somewhere above. Where the ups and downs are not as dramatic. With a knowing that even though you can’t see what is around the next corner, you know you are right where you are suppose to be! It feels like this past few months (which at times felt like YEARS) of “observing” my own dance with the unknown, has been about ‘trust’. Trusting that everything will work out exactly as it is meant to be. Trusting that my...

Mental Hopscotch

Mental hopscotch is apparently one of my favorite forms of entertainment!  It seems there are a never-ending range of topics I will process, pull apart, re-imagine or simply allow my mind to jump around and through! I am sure that somewhere in all these mind games, there is actual stimulus for creating things in my life.  Yet, I wonder, what would happen if I just took the time to get specific.  Target what I really want.  And let the other 5000 possibilities go?  Would I create faster.  Would I be less stressed? Would I get where I am going with greater ease? Our minds are our greatest gifts and can be our heaviest burdens.  There is no rule book given when we enter this life that tell us how to master the mind.  We are simply following the lineage of perceptions, ideas, trials and tribulations that have been passed down from the generations before us.  Add to that our own fumbling experiences, and we are left with a map that only makes sense to one person. If it makes sense to us at all!! We of course know how to develop our intellect. Expansion of knowledge is constant. Wisdom is a possibility for all… Hopefully wisdom is something that we all get to enjoy someday as we reach the Sage years of our lives. Yet, our minds (my mind) goes wherever it wants!  I may be planning to go grocery shopping, but my mind has me replaying a scene from a television show, or trying to figure out who the first person was to eat an artichoke.  How many...

Yay or Nay

Intuition plays an important part in my day-to-day life. Actually, I believe it plays a big part in EVERYONE’S life.., some of us just have the volume turned down so low, it is harder to hear! But.., that’s another story! What I am noticing this week is that sometimes, when we need it the most, our intuition has a tendency to hide! Okay, the truth is when I get excited and start exploring possibilities, my intuition takes a lunch break! That is what is going on right now. I am considering a new project that has lots of possibilities, some unknown, some risk, some rewards. Basically there are several possible ways I could see this project going. When I talk to some of my closest allies, they all ask the same thing: “What is your intuition telling you?” Aaahhgh… I don’t know! Instead, my mind wants to make-up what my intuition is telling me! My mind barters, makes deals and contrives multiple ‘what if’ scenarios. My mind knows nothing about intuition! If it did, it would know that ‘intuitive hits’ are definitive! They are yes or no. ‘Maybe’ is not an intuitive hit! That is until I remember that there are always multiple ways for us to grow, learn and evolve. And isn’t that where our intuition really supports us? It points out open doors when there are new opportunities; or tells us when it is time to close one. It tells us when the path we are on is leading us in a circle. Our intuition points us towards (or away from) those people and experiences that are...

Multiple Gears

Channeling has opened up a whole new world for me. It shifts my perspective and alters how I view things. Today I realize it helps me understand that we all have our limits. I think before I consciously chose to channel, I imagined that anyone who was connected to a higher source, entity or collective energies must have access to ALL information. From anytime, any place. Any subject; past present or future. Now all of that has changed for me. Instead, I am clear that there is no “all-knowing”. That is not how it works. Even All-That-Is, God, the Universe or any other name used to define the Origin and Source of all consciousness.., doesn’t have access to “ALL” information, because it continues to evolve and learn as each of us expands our personal awareness. And since we have the gift of free will; what we learn through our choices and our experiences can’t be known until we know it! All of this is to say that there is something humbling about the awareness that channeling brings. It helps me to see that I don’t have all the answers. It seems to me that because we see ourselves as intellectual beings, we think we should ‘know’. Because we are physical beings, we should know how to ‘do’. Add to that those of us who choose to look through the lens of spirituality.., and you have the pursuit of ‘Being’. Mind, Body, Spirit! But we are making it up as we go along. We create relationships and experiences that shape our attitudes, beliefs, values and desires. We study what intrigues...

Not Ashamed to Say It!

It’s funny, I have been resisting writing today, which is not normal for me. I love my Sunday morning ritual of coffee and processing the experiences of the previous week. But this past week I have been focusing on shifting and shedding the energies of SHAME! So how interesting to notice that I don’t even want to share my experience with you. Because somehow, if I was really evolved, there would be no shame in my life! Shame implies something bad, something wrong, something about me. I feel shame for having shame! Guess that means I am looking in the right place!! When I first started looking at shame as an area of focus, my first thought was “I’m not someone who walks around feeling shame.., why would I look here?” But when I slow it down and just sit with it, I realize shame is insidious. It doesn’t just manifest as glaring and obvious. Sometimes it is a whisper that comes from a place deep inside of us that no longer is part of our conscious thoughts. Quiet, yet crippling. For me, it manifests a lot whenever I feel like someone might perceive me in a way that isn’t “nice”. As someone who spent a great deal of my adult life trying to be all things to all people, the weight of performing for the sake of others, eventually became to overwhelming. I had to let that crap go! And yet, as much as I know I have come a long way in being authentic and true to myself, I am still confronted with situations where I get...

Rock Booty

There is an interesting phenomenon that happens every year at this time. For anyone who loves crystals, stones and minerals, this is an amazing time to be in Arizona! The Rock Shows in Quartzite start the beginning of the year and run though most of January. Mesa Community College has a weekend rock show mid-month that is always fun. And finally, the Tucson Gem and Mineral show runs through the first two weeks in February. This final show is the largest in the world and boasts over 18,000 vendors all over the city! There is no way you could see the whole thing, even if you went every day! For Rock Hounds it is the ultimate adventure! I love going to the Gem Show. In fact, if you are reading this on Monday morning, picture me wandering around among the tents, hotel rooms and tables filled with specimens from around the world! If you have the slightest interest in crystals… GO! It is an amazing and fun experience. Don’t worry about having a plan or where to start… Driving down I-10, when you hit Tucson, you will see plenty of signs or banners on both sides of the freeway. Stop anywhere, enjoy what you find and then pick up one of the many guides. You’ll never see it all anyway… so just enjoy what you find! You will be able to get AMAZING deals! Which brings me to the second part of this newsletter. EVERY year since we opened, folks come in to the store to share with me their stories of great deals, ridiculously low prices and one-of-a-kind...

Rock Booty

There is an interesting phenomenon that happens every year at this time. For anyone who loves crystals, stones and minerals, this is an amazing time to be in Arizona! The Rock Shows in Quartzite start the beginning of the year and run though most of January. Mesa Community College has a weekend rock show mid-month that is always fun. And finally, the Tucson Gem and Mineral show runs through the first two weeks in February. This final show is the largest in the world and boasts over 18,000 vendors all over the city! There is no way you could see the whole thing, even if you went every day! For Rock Hounds it is the ultimate adventure! I love going to the Gem Show. In fact, if you are reading this on Monday morning, picture me wandering around among the tents, hotel rooms and tables filled with specimens from around the world! If you have the slightest interest in crystals… GO! It is an amazing and fun experience. Don’t worry about having a plan or where to start… Driving down I-10, when you hit Tucson, you will see plenty of signs or banners on both sides of the freeway. Stop anywhere, enjoy what you find and then pick up one of the many guides. You’ll never see it all anyway… so just enjoy what you find! You will be able to get AMAZING deals! Which brings me to the second part of this newsletter. EVERY year since we opened, folks come in to the store to share with me their stories of great deals, ridiculously low prices and one-of-a-kind...

The Gift of Community

Community is on my mind. This past Friday, Phil Blank was leading our weekly meditation, playing the didgeridoo. It is always an amazing experience, but there was something special about this evening. There were over a dozen of us there for this meditation experience, many who I knew, a few who were new to me. Yet the predominant feeling was we were all connected. The didgeridoo, being an ancient instrument with a very primal sound, sends waves of vibrational energies across and throughout your body. Sometimes you feel it pulsing along your thighs or legs. Another time, arms or shoulders. It moves around. Yet regardless of where you are sensing and experiencing these sensations, you know you are being bathed in healing sounds. Phil usually brings the groups focus to the breath. As he says, “not only is it part of our life force, it is also something we continuously share”. And that was the feeling coming out of this meditation.., we were all sharing in the same experience. More than just this one meditation.., we were sharing our journeys. On this Friday evening, we all aligned, and came together in this space, at the same time. In the aftermath of the meditation, the sense of this sharing or being part of community was palpable! There was commonality, yet for many of us, we only knew a bit of the story of those who were gathered. It was not about where we work, how many kids we have, or any struggles or accomplishments we were experiencing. We simply showed up and allowed ourselves to unite energetically. To be a...

The Gift of Community

Community is on my mind. This past Friday, Phil Blank was leading our weekly meditation, playing the didgeridoo. It is always an amazing experience, but there was something special about this evening. There were over a dozen of us there for this meditation experience, many who I knew, a few who were new to me. Yet the predominant feeling was we were all connected. The didgeridoo, being an ancient instrument with a very primal sound, sends waves of vibrational energies across and throughout your body. Sometimes you feel it pulsing along your thighs or legs. Another time, arms or shoulders. It moves around. Yet regardless of where you are sensing and experiencing these sensations, you know you are being bathed in healing sounds. Phil usually brings the groups focus to the breath. As he says, “not only is it part of our life force, it is also something we continuously share”. And that was the feeling coming out of this meditation.., we were all sharing in the same experience. More than just this one meditation.., we were sharing our journeys. On this Friday evening, we all aligned, and came together in this space, at the same time. In the aftermath of the meditation, the sense of this sharing or being part of community was palpable! There was commonality, yet for many of us, we only knew a bit of the story of those who were gathered. It was not about where we work, how many kids we have, or any struggles or accomplishments we were experiencing. We simply showed up and allowed ourselves to unite energetically. To be a...

Blame Game

Blame and money. Money and blame. This has been my song this week and most of the time, it seems I have it on loudspeaker! Here is how it keeps revealing itself. I open a piece of mail and find that someone or some company is demanding money. I realize saying ‘a lot of money’ is relative. If you have lots of zeros in your account balance, it feels different than if you have a few. However in the context of this conversations… Most of these demands are for more zeros than I have in my account AND there are several smaller ones that add up to more discomfort. My initial reaction to each one of these is that the debt is not mine. I feel duped, mislead, lied to, and innocent. Which leads to anger, fear and feeling powerless. So I search for leverage and instead find blame. They did this to me! They are bad, they are taking advantage. They, they, they. It activates so many constricting emotions that I feel almost paralyzed. I certainly don’t feel empowered. So I use blame to direct anger and fury at THEM! I am slow to see the pattern of what is unfolding before me. Each situation is about money. Each time my reaction is to blames others, as if I have no culpability. There is an entitlement to my anger and someone (else) needs to pay! By the third or fourth time I find myself cussing someone out and feeling indignant, with my blood about to boil; I realize the Universe is sending me a message. That these situations,...

Blame Game

Blame and money. Money and blame. This has been my song this week and most of the time, it seems I have it on loudspeaker! Here is how it keeps revealing itself. I open a piece of mail and find that someone or some company is demanding money. I realize saying ‘a lot of money’ is relative. If you have lots of zeros in your account balance, it feels different than if you have a few. However in the context of this conversations… Most of these demands are for more zeros than I have in my account AND there are several smaller ones that add up to more discomfort. My initial reaction to each one of these is that the debt is not mine. I feel duped, mislead, lied to, and innocent. Which leads to anger, fear and feeling powerless. So I search for leverage and instead find blame. They did this to me! They are bad, they are taking advantage. They, they, they. It activates so many constricting emotions that I feel almost paralyzed. I certainly don’t feel empowered. So I use blame to direct anger and fury at THEM! I am slow to see the pattern of what is unfolding before me. Each situation is about money. Each time my reaction is to blames others, as if I have no culpability. There is an entitlement to my anger and someone (else) needs to pay! By the third or fourth time I find myself cussing someone out and feeling indignant, with my blood about to boil; I realize the Universe is sending me a message. That these situations,...

Silence as a Powerful Response

It’s time to write about something that can’t be explained. Time to acknowledge our reconnection to SELF even when words seem too limited. Time to celebrate the potency of silence. We are living in a time that is fertile for a giant shift in human and individual evolution. In the movies, this is portrayed as gaining super powers or mutations that affect us physically. Mutations that makes us stronger, faster, resistant to pain or death. And although these aspects may in some ways be a part of the shift, the way they are being portrayed is to limiting. Instead this evolution will be imbedded within our essence. It will shift how we think and feel. It is our thoughts and emotions that distinguish us from the rest of the Animal Kingdom. It is our ability to be self-aware and to choose that make our thoughts and feelings so powerful and important. Our free will. When we harness the incredible resources that reside within our human minds and the emotional responses that our thoughts create, we will know our significance and our super powers.., our Highest Self. You see, this is what we gave up. This is what we let go of, when we chose to live in this illusion that we experience as the physical world. We allowed ourselves to become separate from our Highest Self, which is the part of us that knows we are always connected to All-That-Is, to God, to the Universe. Of course the Highest Self never loses the connection to us; even when we refused to experience or acknowledge them. That connection is and...

Silence as a Powerful Response

It’s time to write about something that can’t be explained. Time to acknowledge our reconnection to SELF even when words seem too limited. Time to celebrate the potency of silence. We are living in a time that is fertile for a giant shift in human and individual evolution. In the movies, this is portrayed as gaining super powers or mutations that affect us physically. Mutations that makes us stronger, faster, resistant to pain or death. And although these aspects may in some ways be a part of the shift, the way they are being portrayed is to limiting. Instead this evolution will be imbedded within our essence. It will shift how we think and feel. It is our thoughts and emotions that distinguish us from the rest of the Animal Kingdom. It is our ability to be self-aware and to choose that make our thoughts and feelings so powerful and important. Our free will. When we harness the incredible resources that reside within our human minds and the emotional responses that our thoughts create, we will know our significance and our super powers.., our Highest Self. You see, this is what we gave up. This is what we let go of, when we chose to live in this illusion that we experience as the physical world. We allowed ourselves to become separate from our Highest Self, which is the part of us that knows we are always connected to All-That-Is, to God, to the Universe. Of course the Highest Self never loses the connection to us; even when we refused to experience or acknowledge them. That connection is and...

See You Where The Paths Intersect

Consciousness, evolving, awakening, transcending, ascension, transforming, expansion, becoming more aware.  These are all terms that are associated with our spiritual journey.  Some are catch phrases for particular groups, while others are used more consistently and interchangeably.  But why, for what reasons are any of us spending anytime on these at all? Thomas Gray said “Ignorance is Bliss”.  These days that expression is used to justify apathy towards circumstances, subjects or events that surround us.  However, it can also be used as a way to stunt our own personal evolution.  If we don’t take the time to look under the covers to see what is going on; then we don’t have to do anything about it.   But there is a catch! Consciousness is always learning more about itself.  It is the very nature of All-That-Is.  When and where there is comprehension, there is a natural curiosity that desires to know more.  We humans have a tendency to think that we ARE Consciousness.  This has been part of our folly.  The mineral kingdom, plant kingdom and animal kingdom lead the way, and are still part of the more that we are becoming.  As a matter of fact, remembering that we are in a symbiotic relationship with them is an important part of our current ‘awakening’.   But we must look beyond the planet to understand the vastness of Consciousness. The entire Universe is constantly in a state of learning.  We are part of something so vast that it impossible to fathom, and we (Humans) are not at the center of it.  We know that it shifts and changes constantly.  It...

See You Where The Paths Intersect

Consciousness, evolving, awakening, transcending, ascension, transforming, expansion, becoming more aware.  These are all terms that are associated with our spiritual journey.  Some are catch phrases for particular groups, while others are used more consistently and interchangeably.  But why, for what reasons are any of us spending anytime on these at all? Thomas Gray said “Ignorance is Bliss”.  These days that expression is used to justify apathy towards circumstances, subjects or events that surround us.  However, it can also be used as a way to stunt our own personal evolution.  If we don’t take the time to look under the covers to see what is going on; then we don’t have to do anything about it.   But there is a catch! Consciousness is always learning more about itself.  It is the very nature of All-That-Is.  When and where there is comprehension, there is a natural curiosity that desires to know more.  We humans have a tendency to think that we ARE Consciousness.  This has been part of our folly.  The mineral kingdom, plant kingdom and animal kingdom lead the way, and are still part of the more that we are becoming.  As a matter of fact, remembering that we are in a symbiotic relationship with them is an important part of our current ‘awakening’.   But we must look beyond the planet to understand the vastness of Consciousness. The entire Universe is constantly in a state of learning.  We are part of something so vast that it impossible to fathom, and we (Humans) are not at the center of it.  We know that it shifts and changes constantly.  It...

The Years Ahead

Aging, wellness, health, immobilization, joint pain, hormones, exercise, diet, doctors, hospitals, care, living and dying; how did these sneak up on me and become regular conversation topics? How is it that I spend more time talking about these kinds of issues and less about music, vacation destinations, hot new restaurants, cute guys at the gym or even workplace gossip!?! I remember when my biggest area of focus was who would be joining us for our standing Sunday afternoon “Church”; which consisted of Mexican food and margaritas in Old Town San Diego! (my friends and I  called it church, because we did it faithfully!) Now the most consistent thing I do is take a nap everyday! Don’t get me wrong… I have never been happier. Yet there is this irony to life that the older and usually wiser you get, the less stamina, energy or strength you have to use with that knowledge! I can’t even begin to tell you how many things that I have done in the past, that even now as I reflect on them… I can’t imagine ever doing again. I was talking to a friend yesterday who said she never really learned to dance. My response was that from the age of 21 to 30 I went out dancing 5 nights a week! Up until my late forties… I was still out dancing a couple of nights a week! (Thank goodness… Because that is how Fito and I met!). Well I haven’t seen a dance floor in several years now. Not because I don’t enjoy dancing, but because it is hard on the joints… And...

Holy Fool – The Road Less Traveled

On Tuesday I will be participating in Gail Larsen’s “Holy Fools” online launch (see additional information in the banner below). Which is about breaking free and following your inner guidance to become an agent of change. It warms my heart that Gail would include me in her band of amazing Holy Fools! But, what is a Holy Fool? In a blog from last year, Gail wrote: “Comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell talked about the archetype of the Holy Fool. The Fool is the most dangerous person on earth, Campbell explained, the most threatening to all hierarchical institutions. He has no concern for naysayers, and no one has power over him (or her). She is not limited, not stoppable, nor controllable. She knows what she has to do and is doing it, no matter what.” Wow. So then I wonder how energetically I fit into this archetypical model!?! And I realize… It is “following your inner guidance” that has me aligned with the Holy Fool. Not only that, but on a daily basis, I encounter others who are traveling a similar road. I have conversations with clients, friends and family who describe this heart-felt knowing that something is shifting or changing in their lives. Perhaps they know they are being guided to leave a job and strike out on their own. Maybe they can see pieces and parts of their lives that they have to let go of, shed, or clear away. Some feel invited to BE; to lessen the doing. The funny thing about this strong inner guidance is that it doesn’t come with a operators manual, guidebook or rules...


Part of my belief and the core message I feel like I am here to deliver, is that the world and human consciousness is shifting.  It is evolving.  The easiest way for me to think of this and describe it is that feminine energies are coming into balance with masculine energies. What this means for those of us who have been around for awhile, is that the old ways of navigating our lives no longer work the same way or are as effective as they use to be.  We can’t just rely on doing, driving, thinking, pushing and competing.  We need to incorporate being, sensing, feeling, opening, creating, allowing and receiving. We need to find the balance between these amazing energies.  Which brings me to another point.  These are not two separate energies!  They are one in the same and exist as a part of the same continuum.  A continuum that has been heavily imbalanced toward valuing the masculine end of this spectrum over the feminine; doing over being; movement over rest. (Don’t even get me started on how this distorts the beauty of masculine energies!) So.., as much as I believe our continuing evolution to be true; sometimes I forget that this applies to how I navigate my small world too! Here is what’s up.  Things have been going amazingly well recently.  I am on the move, I can see and imagine the expansion that is in front of me.  I am taking all the steps necessary to make some significant changes.  Things are going GREAT!   And then – CRASH!  When I say crash, I mean that in...

Keep it Simple

I looked up the word simple today. Easy to understand, deal with or use; not complex or compounded; not complicated; not elaborate or adorned. Actually for such a common word, there were quite a few definitions. However they all speak to “simple” being the stripped down essence of something… be it chemistry, botany, math, grammar, plants or people. I should explain that the reason I am looking up the word simple in the first place, is because that is the word that comes up when I think about the future. Simple is the word that comes up when I think about how to navigate, plan and approach the day to day activities of my life. Literally, there may be many things vying for my attention, however if I see them in their simplest form; each different thing, when not compounded with the others, is pretty straight forward. Simple is also a big part of what our spiritual journeys are all about! It hasn’t always felt this way for me. For the longest time, I felt I was searching for something. If I found the right equation or the magic formula, I might shift or change my experience and all of a sudden I would arrive at some nirvana or enlightened state. I would be evolved and know exactly how to create and have the life of my dreams. Well, I have the life of my dreams. So how did I get here if I haven’t yet found that perfect equation or magic formula? Then it dawns on me… Simplicity lead me here. I just have a tendency to make...

Soul Star & Earth Star

I love this time of year, as we prepare to move from one year to the next. There is something about the anticipation of the New Year and all the possibilities it brings, that awakens the dreamer inside. This makes the next few weeks is an ideal time to work with the energy centers that are located just outside your physical body. There is one above your head, which some call the “Soul Star”, because it connects you to your Soul’s purpose. It is where we connect with all “Possibilities” for this lifetime. Any possible futures we want to create are seeded through this energy center. Think of it as the magician’s hat. Anything you can imagine (and beyond), can be pulled from this hat and become part of what you are creating. Imagine this energy center (or chakra), being about 6″ to 8″ above your head. It is always there, and it is what connects you (and your Higher Self) to Soul, which is where we are one with All-That-Is, the Divine, God or the Universe. We never lose this connection, even when sometimes it feels hard to access. The other energy center is located about 6″ to 8″ below your feet. It is what is sometimes referred to as the “Earth Star” energy center. This is the energy center that brings the possibilities you are attracting through your Soul Star into the realm of “Probability”. The Earth Star energy center takes the energetic information of “possibility” you are aligned with, and begins to ground that frequency into your physical world. It helps it to find the greatest...

Lessons from a Car

This week Fito sold his car and is in the process of buying a new one. New to him at least. In many ways this is just the nature of the beast when you deal with cars. They come and go. You drive them, repair them, and eventually you replace them. He is now in the process of deciding what is next and jumping into the haggling process, which of course he doesn’t mind, because he’s a real estate broker. He does it all the time. While all of this is happening, I am going through my own process. New realizations and awareness of all that has transpired in my life since 2002. You see, that is the year I bought the car that Fito just sold and the same year I brought Utility Saving Expert insurance. Back then I had just moved back to Phoenix from a few years in San Francisco. I was celebrating my 20th year with the company I worked for, and was financially comfortable. 2002 was also the year that Lexus first introduced there hardtop convertible sports car! It was a car lovers dream. As soon as I drove it, I knew it was mine and it was a car I was going to “keep for the rest of my life”. Boys and their toys. Who knows when and how these things happen, but eventually, my toy, became Fito’s car for everyday commuting. It wasn’t so much a decision as just a natural evolution. It made sense for what we were doing at the time. No regrets there, it made sense. And Fito will...