
This past week I had a dream about the metal sculpture that is right inside our front door at Storm Wisdom. It is a work of kinetic/assemblage art created by an artist out of Utah. If you have been to the center, you have probably noticed it. On the one hand it has a very industrial look because of the 8.5′ collage of found metal, steel and iron that forms the structure of the piece. At the same time, it also has a very light and airy modern feel to it because it hosts an acrylic clear tube. The tube is filled with water which bubbles constantly because of the built-in air pump. The tube is lit by an LED bulb that makes the entire tube radiate at night! About a month before I opened Storm Wisdom (over 7 years ago!) I went to an exhibit at Xanadu Gallery in Scottsdale. I wasn’t really in the market for a piece of art, but I have always admired Jason (the owner) and his eye for art. So I was there to support him and the gallery. Of course as soon as I saw this piece, I immediately associated it with the transformation my life was going through at the time. The heavy, intertwined, dense and stable structure of the steel represented the corporate world I had been apart of and was in the process of leaving behind. The radiant bubbling elements of water, air, fire, and earth that was symbolized by the more streamlined and fluid acrylic tube mirrored the new world of spirituality and intentionality I was stepping into....

Stepping Off the Treadmill 

Do you ever feel like you have one foot in one reality, with the other in another?   I ask because this is how my life feels right now. I could look to one or two different situation or circumstances and say that they are “the cause” of this sensation of living in two worlds.  But in truth, when I slow down and really contemplate this, I realize it is in every aspect of my life. One foot is still on the treadmill of our 3-D world where there are expectation, requirements, demands, opportunities and a whole lot of “should(s)”. We are told from a very young age what is expected, important, and valued.  We are conditioned to accept our place within limited and limiting hierarchical structures that are based on social, educational, cultural, religious, and place of origin norms. Without even realizing it, many of us fulfill our perceived destiny based on beliefs and internalized messages whose origin we barely remember.  We are navigating life as if we are asleep.  This is regardless of whether or not the life we have created is deemed good or bad; rich or poor; adventurous or boring. We are asleep because we rely solely on our five physical senses to navigate.  We assess and assign value to something or someone based on what we see, hear, taste, touch or smell.  From infancy we have relied on these physical senses to help us interpret life. For those who choose a spiritual path something else emerges.  We begin to listen for messages from the voice within.  When we first connect with this internal guidance, we...

Yay or Nay

Intuition plays an important part in my day-to-day life. Actually, I believe it plays a big part in EVERYONE’S life.., some of us just have the volume turned down so low, it is harder to hear! But.., that’s another story! What I am noticing this week is that sometimes, when we need it the most, our intuition has a tendency to hide! Okay, the truth is when I get excited and start exploring possibilities, my intuition takes a lunch break! That is what is going on right now. I am considering a new project that has lots of possibilities, some unknown, some risk, some rewards. Basically there are several possible ways I could see this project going. When I talk to some of my closest allies, they all ask the same thing: “What is your intuition telling you?” Aaahhgh… I don’t know! Instead, my mind wants to make-up what my intuition is telling me! My mind barters, makes deals and contrives multiple ‘what if’ scenarios. My mind knows nothing about intuition! If it did, it would know that ‘intuitive hits’ are definitive! They are yes or no. ‘Maybe’ is not an intuitive hit! That is until I remember that there are always multiple ways for us to grow, learn and evolve. And isn’t that where our intuition really supports us? It points out open doors when there are new opportunities; or tells us when it is time to close one. It tells us when the path we are on is leading us in a circle. Our intuition points us towards (or away from) those people and experiences that are...

Multiple Gears

Channeling has opened up a whole new world for me. It shifts my perspective and alters how I view things. Today I realize it helps me understand that we all have our limits. I think before I consciously chose to channel, I imagined that anyone who was connected to a higher source, entity or collective energies must have access to ALL information. From anytime, any place. Any subject; past present or future. Now all of that has changed for me. Instead, I am clear that there is no “all-knowing”. That is not how it works. Even All-That-Is, God, the Universe or any other name used to define the Origin and Source of all consciousness.., doesn’t have access to “ALL” information, because it continues to evolve and learn as each of us expands our personal awareness. And since we have the gift of free will; what we learn through our choices and our experiences can’t be known until we know it! All of this is to say that there is something humbling about the awareness that channeling brings. It helps me to see that I don’t have all the answers. It seems to me that because we see ourselves as intellectual beings, we think we should ‘know’. Because we are physical beings, we should know how to ‘do’. Add to that those of us who choose to look through the lens of spirituality.., and you have the pursuit of ‘Being’. Mind, Body, Spirit! But we are making it up as we go along. We create relationships and experiences that shape our attitudes, beliefs, values and desires. We study what intrigues...

Dropping Excess Weight

These days it seems as if most of my energies are directed towards letting go of something that I created in the past!  Whether it is a painful memory, an emotional wound or a limiting belief; it seems they insist on being released, forgiven and forgotten! Don’t think this means I am being intentional about selecting these experiences or memories.  Instead, out of the blue I realize I am mentally reliving or remembering them.  Sometimes in my remembering or recalling of these life events, I am mentally reliving them in a new way.  I get to say what I wanted to say or I stop the interaction before it goes to far.  In my mind I am altering the past. Yet, it is not the mental gymnastics that is important here.  It is that I realize that some event from my past is up for review.  I can sense the part of me who wants to win, come out on top or avoid the sorrow or pain altogether.  It is during the awareness of the replay that the realization comes to me, that this is a situation that is up for healing. By running the stories over and over in my mind, I use to think I was gathering resources for the future.  Preparing myself for the next time I had a similar encounter.  Or.., even more likely, building a wall around my heart or emotional body in an attempt to protect it from ever having one of these experiences again. These days, I still need my mind to create the distraction and bring the experiences forward.  But not...

Right For You

What is your experience of our ever changing world?  Does it seem dramatically different than it did a few years ago?  Or, is it the same old status quo? Different day, same challenges and opportunities? To me, it feels really different!  I feel different.  And the majority of me loves the shifts and changes I sense or feel.  While a part of me longs for the days of predictability and a time of stability. If you are like me and can feel or sense the energetic changes that our planet is going through; What are some of the ways that you notice these subtle shifts (or even not so subtle!).  It seems like a good practice to stay aware of what feels like it is evolving.  What no longer resonates, and/or what does. One thing that seems noticeable these days, for me (and for a number of people in my life) is our relationship with the authority figures in our lives. Doctors, therapists, lawyers, elected officials, police, clergy, financial or business leaders, and others who have a specialized area of focus or responsibility.  We rely of them for their expertise. But the way that we have relied on them has become out of balance.  We have given them too much authority, control or influence in our lives.  For a long time we simply trusted what they said and followed their instruction to the letter. But many, if not all of these authority figures are losing their sway and influence over us.  Their message or directions no longer feel aligned with us as individuals.  This does not mean they are...

Divinely Different!

One morning this week, as I was enjoying my morning coffee outside, I realized I was contemplating a large tree that holds court in the back corner of our yard.  As I thought about it, I realized that it wasn’t even here when we moved in 13 years ago! Instead, in its place, there was a beautiful, gigantic ocotillo!  It was the biggest ocotillo I have ever seen, about 20ft tall and thick!  It would have taken 10 people with arms spread wide to surround this beautiful desert plant!  And when it was in bloom, with its intense orange tops it looked like the whole thing was on fire! It was gorgeous!  After we had lived here for about a year, I noticed a small branch with a few leaves on it, sticking out of the ocotillo at eye level.  Because of the thickness of the ocotillo, I couldn’t see where it was coming from… So I asked our landscape guy about it.  He said a small tree had taken root in the center of the gigantic plant. I asked him if he could take it out?   He indicated that they would have to destroy such a big piece of the ocotillo to get it out, that the ocotillo would never look the same.  Apparently, if you cut away part of one of these plants, it doesn’t grow back the same as it was before. I decided to let nature take its course.  The desert can be harsh on plants. I assumed that the tree, which is deciduous, would probably never survive.  I imagined that the ocotillo was so...

In the Flow

I have always had mixed feeling about the “Law of Attraction” and the messages that are promoted by movies like “The Secret” and books that are based on this concept. On one hand, I completely relate to the idea that we attract the same sort of people, situations and experiences that are aligned with what we project through our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs. If we think the world is against us and life is an uphill battle… we always find ourselves at the bottom of a perceived mountain. On the other, if we see the world as a friendly place to live, with opportunities all around us; we experience the synchronicity of happy people and new adventures. At the same time, I feel like it is important to move in the direction of whatever it is that you want to create. So if you are going to visualize making more money, than you have to do more than just sit and imagine it. You also have to start taking steps in that direction. This is how the Universe aligns and creates the multiple opportunities that will allow money to flow towards us. It hones in on our own movement or intentions. NOW.., I have another new insight. Mind you, I am not saying this is an original thought that has never been expressed before. It is that all of a sudden ‘I’ get it. Instead of using my personal intentions and magic to create, actualize and manifest more money, business, friends, health, travel or adventure; it’s more productive for me to start creating, actualizing and becoming the ‘me’...

The Ripple Effect

By the time you read this Gisela, Victoria and Stephanie will have completed the second 3-day weekend in the ‘Artistry of Channeling’ workshop series.  They will have shared this amazing experience with me!  And I am thrilled for what this means for all of us! We have all been part of the Storm Wisdom family for almost 6 years.  We have shared experiences along the way.  From personal events in each of our lives, to celebrations or events.  Yet for the most part, we have come together with unique backgrounds, interests and areas of focus.  Each one of them.., and this includes Millie, are trained in multiple modalities or traditions.  Each one of them has taken their unique experience and crafted a unique offering motivated by their passions and interests.  And they share and collaborate with each other (and me!). But this is new!  To me it feels like we are taking our connection to a whole new level.  Simply because we have been immersed in this life altering program with one another.  We have shared the same experiences, heard the same messages and insights, been part of a process that asks us to look deep inside, and then find our personal connection to the energetic field, universal mind, morphogenic field, what ever you want to call it.., and give it voice. I can only imagine how this will shift the conversations we are having with one another.  And as we share our stories and processes with Millie, to bring her along for the ride.., she too will be shifted and changed.  There is a depth that we will...

Not Ashamed to Say It!

It’s funny, I have been resisting writing today, which is not normal for me. I love my Sunday morning ritual of coffee and processing the experiences of the previous week. But this past week I have been focusing on shifting and shedding the energies of SHAME! So how interesting to notice that I don’t even want to share my experience with you. Because somehow, if I was really evolved, there would be no shame in my life! Shame implies something bad, something wrong, something about me. I feel shame for having shame! Guess that means I am looking in the right place!! When I first started looking at shame as an area of focus, my first thought was “I’m not someone who walks around feeling shame.., why would I look here?” But when I slow it down and just sit with it, I realize shame is insidious. It doesn’t just manifest as glaring and obvious. Sometimes it is a whisper that comes from a place deep inside of us that no longer is part of our conscious thoughts. Quiet, yet crippling. For me, it manifests a lot whenever I feel like someone might perceive me in a way that isn’t “nice”. As someone who spent a great deal of my adult life trying to be all things to all people, the weight of performing for the sake of others, eventually became to overwhelming. I had to let that crap go! And yet, as much as I know I have come a long way in being authentic and true to myself, I am still confronted with situations where I get...

BE the Change

Doesn’t it feel as if life is more complex these days? At least compared to how it use to feel. I am not talking about our personal day-to-day activities or circumstances, but the global world we live in. Everywhere you look it seems we are at odds with one another. Many groups of people feel as if they are under attack, and regardless of which side you take, someone feels threatened! If you support marriage equality you feel under attack by right-wing Christians; who feel like their beliefs are being threatened. If your position is gun-rights, you feel under attack by those who want legislation to restrict purchases. And those wanting the controls and limitations feel threatened and unsafe based on the incidents of gun violence around them. There are hundreds of these scenarios. Pick a topic and you will find the for and against. Even something as simple as music. I was watching a video online the other day of a couple of guys singing a mash-up of two songs at the same time. I thought it was well done, so I shared it. Then I went to write a comment on their post saying “thanks”, only do discover a whole thread of comments expressing likes and dislikes. Awful things were said, and complete strangers, whose only connection was a song on the Internet were insulting and demeaning one another. I have to admit I was a bit stunned. How is this something that we would trash or belittle? Why would we insult someone for singing a song?  Regardless of how well or how poorly it is done; it...

Something to Celebrate.

Life is feeling rich and full right now!  I am participating in “The Artistry of Channeling” series being lead by Annie Bossingham and Samuel one of the collective energies she channels.  I have been looking forward to this for months and I am thrilled it is finally here. This is the same program I participated in a year ago.  So in someways I was curious about how it would be the second time around.  Last year when I signed up I wasn’t attached one way or the other to the idea of vocal channeling.  I knew the class would be expansive and fun (based on what I knew about Annie), however, I guess I thought that even if I had the experience of being able to connect with and vocally channel an entity, I wasn’t sure it was something I would continue doing; just because it didn’t appear to be something that would hold my interest. Well… It has been so much fun and such an amazing personal learning experience, that it is one of my favorite ways to navigate my spiritual journey. BUT… I also wondered… “What will it be like participating in a workshop that teaches you about channeling; when you are already doing that?”   Well the answer is, it is a completely different experience.  Mainly because “I” am completely different than I was a year ago!  So, even though I am hearing many of the same concepts and ideas and most of the materials are the same; I hear it in a new way.  It affects me in a different way.  It feels like a brand...

Beliefs – Making Alterations!

This has been another week of interesting conversations. It seems as if they have covered the whole spectrum. Yet what stands out the most for me, is what we each choose to believe. Clients and friends have talked to me about ETs, Angels, Chem-trails, crop circles, government mind control, wars created by religion, and just about anything you could imagine. I myself have been talking a bit about channeling. These are all topics that we can get passionate about IF we have strong beliefs about them. And it is this idea of beliefs that has been the thread that connects these conversations for me. Many times when someone becomes dogmatic about a topic, it is a turn-off for me. I love to hear their perspective and understand what influences them. However, when they try to convince me that I should believe the same things as they do.., then it becomes tiresome. Most of the situations I found myself in this week were NOT that. They were simply sharing their own insights and what they believe. What if you are part alien? What if the government is using television as mind-control? What if there are chemicals being sprayed in the air to shift our climate or alter our DNA? What if someone is trying to place a curse on you? If we believe something, then it affects our lives.  If I believe the deck is stacked against me. It is. If I believe I am susceptible to a disease. I am.  If I believe the government is hiding secrets about Area 51 and aleins.., then it’s true; for me. My point...

Forget How

I find myself day-dreaming, envisioning and imagining something new. It’s as if it has already started to materialize. I can’t stop thinking about it. What may have started out as a simple idea or ‘what if’ – all of a sudden keeps invading my thoughts. It is becoming more real, yet there is nothing actually happening in the physical. Still, I am moving in the direction of this new thing! Does this happen to you? Do you find yourself being energetically pulled into your next new future? Here is the thing that I have to remind myself; this may be part of my future… I just don’t know how, when or where it will happen. I need to let this unfold. AND what I think it is or will be is just a concept. The truth is it could look very different than what I am currently imagining. I know this, because I have had this experience before. Many times! Many people know my story of deciding to create Storm Wisdom. I was looking at a space with and for Fito; as he wanted to start his own Real Estate/Property Management company. (Which he did called “Wise Choice Properties”!!!) As we looked through the window to view this space, I heard “It’s for You”. After a short internal dialog in my head.., I turned to my husband and said “I think I am quitting my job and starting my own business”. What most people don’t know is that for six months, I envisioned, imagined and planned to open this new business in the location where I got this strong...

Forget How

I find myself day-dreaming, envisioning and imagining something new. It’s as if it has already started to materialize. I can’t stop thinking about it. What may have started out as a simple idea or ‘what if’ – all of a sudden keeps invading my thoughts. It is becoming more real, yet there is nothing actually happening in the physical. Still, I am moving in the direction of this new thing! Does this happen to you? Do you find yourself being energetically pulled into your next new future? Here is the thing that I have to remind myself; this may be part of my future… I just don’t know how, when or where it will happen. I need to let this unfold. AND what I think it is or will be is just a concept. The truth is it could look very different than what I am currently imagining. I know this, because I have had this experience before. Many times! Many people know my story of deciding to create Storm Wisdom. I was looking at a space with and for Fito; as he wanted to start his own Real Estate/Property Management company. (Which he did called “Wise Choice Properties”!!!) As we looked through the window to view this space, I heard “It’s for You”. After a short internal dialog in my head.., I turned to my husband and said “I think I am quitting my job and starting my own business”. What most people don’t know is that for six months, I envisioned, imagined and planned to open this new business in the location where I got this strong...

Almost – A Potent Teacher

Last night, Fito and I had dinner with another couple at their home.  And almost immediately, we were talking about our plans for retirement.  At one point I told one of our hosts that lately it seems like all of the conversations I am having, have to do with retirement or health!  An obvious indicator that I am getting older! Sometimes I wonder how this could have happened so fast!  It seems like just yesterday I was immortal!  Or at least I walked around feeling as if this life would never end.  And of course to top it all off, there is this whole twisted concept of life experience.  You know.., “I wish I knew then, what I know now!” It seems as if Life is playing tricks on me! And yet there is beauty to this aging process.  It feels like I am just beginning to get a sense of it. Maybe it is how the drive or demand for things to look and feel a certain way begins to diminish.  The willingness to accept things as they are versus how we think they should be.  It is as if we begin to see how life responds to and for us, based on our thoughts and feelings. When I was younger the world revolved around me, because my ego demanded it.  Every situation, challenge or reward was assessed based on whether or not it was aligned with, supported or screwed with my personal plans!  My reaction or response was based on how attached I was to either getting or losing that ‘thing’.  And of course, it felt like...

Almost – A Potent Teacher

Last night, Fito and I had dinner with another couple at their home.  And almost immediately, we were talking about our plans for retirement.  At one point I told one of our hosts that lately it seems like all of the conversations I am having, have to do with retirement or health!  An obvious indicator that I am getting older! Sometimes I wonder how this could have happened so fast!  It seems like just yesterday I was immortal!  Or at least I walked around feeling as if this life would never end.  And of course to top it all off, there is this whole twisted concept of life experience.  You know.., “I wish I knew then, what I know now!” It seems as if Life is playing tricks on me! And yet there is beauty to this aging process.  It feels like I am just beginning to get a sense of it. Maybe it is how the drive or demand for things to look and feel a certain way begins to diminish.  The willingness to accept things as they are versus how we think they should be.  It is as if we begin to see how life responds to and for us, based on our thoughts and feelings. When I was younger the world revolved around me, because my ego demanded it.  Every situation, challenge or reward was assessed based on whether or not it was aligned with, supported or screwed with my personal plans!  My reaction or response was based on how attached I was to either getting or losing that ‘thing’.  And of course, it felt like...

No Labels!

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple came out this past week. Being someone in the public eye, this meant he wrote a press release for this announcement. Like many well-known people who “come out”.., he was already out to his family and friends. This means his public coming out was for the rest of us. On the one hand I love this because it sends the message that you can be authentic AND successful, to the people who struggle with esteem around their sexual identity. Especially young people who are scanning the horizon looking for role models and inspiration to inform their own self-acceptance process. At the same time, this announcement creates a label for Mr. Cook. It puts a banner on him that will be used to identify and describe him to the world going forward. It is as if we need these adjectives or labels to sort out which category someone belongs in. And of course depending on each of our own perspectives, we determine if the new label is positive or negative. Millions of people now have a ‘positive’ view of Mr. Cook and what he represents to them. Personally, I fall in this camp… As I loved his statement about his being gay being one of his “greatest gifts”. At the same time, millions of others see this as ‘negative’, because it means he is now associated with something that for them is unnatural, wrong or bad. And let’s not forget the majority of people to whom this will be a completely neutral experience. They won’t give it a second thought. His announcement does not create...

No Labels!

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple came out this past week. Being someone in the public eye, this meant he wrote a press release for this announcement. Like many well-known people who “come out”.., he was already out to his family and friends. This means his public coming out was for the rest of us. On the one hand I love this because it sends the message that you can be authentic AND successful, to the people who struggle with esteem around their sexual identity. Especially young people who are scanning the horizon looking for role models and inspiration to inform their own self-acceptance process. At the same time, this announcement creates a label for Mr. Cook. It puts a banner on him that will be used to identify and describe him to the world going forward. It is as if we need these adjectives or labels to sort out which category someone belongs in. And of course depending on each of our own perspectives, we determine if the new label is positive or negative. Millions of people now have a ‘positive’ view of Mr. Cook and what he represents to them. Personally, I fall in this camp… As I loved his statement about his being gay being one of his “greatest gifts”. At the same time, millions of others see this as ‘negative’, because it means he is now associated with something that for them is unnatural, wrong or bad. And let’s not forget the majority of people to whom this will be a completely neutral experience. They won’t give it a second thought. His announcement does not create...

Modern Mystics

This past week I attended Victoria Barna and Gisela Arenas’ workshop called “New Year… New Beginnings”. One of their main areas of focus was to look at each participants “Numerology”. Life Path number, Challenge number, Personal Year number. That sort of thing. Then a couple of days later I had my semi-annual Astrology session with Jolinda Marshall (who has been my astrologer for over 25 years!). It never ceases to amaze me how these systems of study can be so accurate. They provide clarity and confirmation on the cycles of our lives and provide insights on the ups and downs. In both cases and even in Human Design (another system of study), the information that is shared is not so much predictive or specific to any single individual, as they are about energetic alignment or in some cases.., non-alignment. For an example, This is good time to make financial decisions, not a good time to make major relationship choices, etc. I find that when I tap into these ancient arts, I am pulled out of the details of my life and begin to recognize and appreciate the phases and cycles of life. Something that we all experience. I have been connected to Astrology for so long that I even seem to know when something is off in my chart. Perhaps I am seeing or experiencing things from a perspective that is not normal for me. Sometimes when it lasts more than a few days, I will call Jolinda to find out what is up and how long that particular “transit” is going to be around. In the numerology portion...

The Authentic You and Me

Words are so important.  They are one of the most powerful ways that we share our energy and our frequency with others.  When we are excited and filled with creative thoughts we share that excitement with the words we choose to describe our experience.  When we are sad, grieving, hurt or down, we also express this through the words we choose. Of course there are more than words happening.  Our emotions are seeping into our energetic field and finding their own way of being seen and known.  Our body expresses itself physically, aligning with our thoughts and feelings, adding primal and instinctive expression.  Yet the words we choose to define our experiences are our signature. The words we use determine how much of what is going on for us we are willing to share.  Words are how we determine the level of vulnerability and exposure we will offer.  They are also the main way we attempt to protect and shield ourselves from judgment, disappointment, expectations and wild hope or desire.  They are the primary tool we use to “control” the situations and people in our lives. Words are powerful. As much as our words affect and influence others, the biggest impact they have is on us!  The person choosing and writing or saying (aloud or to themselves) these words or sometimes (and just as importantly), the words that want to be expressed that never are, affect the owner.  We are the most affected by the words we share (or hold in!). You see, once something is formed into words, it has been added to the morphogenic field.  It is...

Let the River Do the Work

I graduated from my 13 week program for small business owners this past week. What an amazing program it was… And all sponsored by the City of Phoenix. This program was such a huge gift in so many ways. It was just what I was looking for. And of course, as with many things in life, it has also been a complete surprise. I often say that no one learns or grows more at Storm Wisdom than I do! We all create the situations, relationships and circumstances of our lives to bring us the awareness and experience we are searching for. In this case, as much as what I have learned will help the business of Storm Wisdom; the personal growth it offers me, is even greater. I am smiling to myself, because as I write this, I realize it may seem like I am saying “I have already mastered the lessons offered through this program”. That is NOT what I am saying! In fact, in many ways, it is just the opposite! I have gone from not knowing what I don’t know, to knowing what I don’t know! And what I don’t know is a LOT! From unconscious incompetent to conscious incompetent! 🙂 This is a good thing! Because now that I am aware that there are things for me to become competent in or with, in order to continue to evolve and create my dreams. It feels like there are pieces of a map that have been revealed that will influence the direction(s) I take. This is how life works! In the past I might have punished...

Natural Resistance

One morning this past week as I was having my coffee, this random thought crossed my mind.  “Your first reaction is to resist.”  This was followed by a couple of quick scenarios that have come up recently and my initial thought or reaction to them.  And I have to say this random thought seemed correct. Then I started to wonder is this a good or bad thing?  Something else I had to sit with for a moment as I reviewed these past conversations and situations.  I began to realize that as with many things in life… It can be a blessing and a curse! I think this natural resistance is what made me ideal in the corporate world, especially when it came to evaluating and selecting a direction for a project, operational design or guiding someone’s career path.  You see this resistance includes an awareness of possible challenges and areas of risk.  By understanding the challenges and risks that come with a particular path or choice, you can plan contingencies for the challenges and ways to mitigate the risks. Yet, I could also see how if I always use it as my default response, others could see that as being negative or a pessimist.  I don’t think of myself as either of those two things, and still can see how there is an element of both to having this initial resistance to new concepts or ideas. On the other hand, to not acknowledge the challenges that come with a situation or being able to assess the risk, you increase the potential for being caught off guard or unprepared when...

In Our Own Skin

There is magic in the air in Phoenix! It is Fall, time for the harvest, time to reap the benefits of all we’ve sown. A time to reflect of our journey of growth and evolution. Time to open the doors and windows! There is magic in the air! In Phoenix, I’m not so sure that gardening is the best metaphor for our summer experience! Let’s face it sometimes it is hotter than hell, and the last thing any of us are thinking of is being in dirt, pulling weeds and tending soil! However, there is a natural cycle of life that we all can relate to. Each year we create the experiences that lead us to deeper levels of personal understanding and self-awareness. We prepare, nurture, coax, resist, insist and more. We envision the outcomes, imagine the rewards or perhaps, fear the results. Yet we are creating who we are becoming. And that is the beauty of this time of year! Besides the incredible weather, it feels like there is an invitation in the air! An invitation to reflect on and embrace the growth we’ve had this past year. To reflect on the movement and growth. To celebrate the beauty and bounty of what we are creating. Time to shed the warm cocoon of summer and expand into the colorful days of autumn! When I reflect on this past year, I realize that much of what has shifted for me is how I choose to react or respond to situations. Maybe that is what being 55 is all about for me. I can think of a number of situations...